Mason Remaley 5939e32b87 Fixes undefined behavior due to unspecified enum backing
In C++, enums can only represent "in range" values. If the backing
type is not specified, then the result of using bitwise negation on
an enum is not gaurenteed to be in range, resulting in UB.

This was caught by UBSAN, stack trace is as follows:

0.  0x000000000426e391 in spv::operator& (a=spv::MemoryAccessMaskNone,
    b=(spv::MemoryAccessVolatileMask | spv::MemoryAccessAlignedMask | spv::MemoryAccessNontemporalMask | spv::MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleMask | spv::MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerMask | spv::MemoryAccessAliasScopeINTELMaskMask | spv::MemoryAccessNoAliasINTELMaskMask | unknown: 0xfffcffc0)) at SPIRV/spirv.hpp:2804
1.  0x00000000041e81e0 in (anonymous namespace)::TGlslangToSpvTraverser::accessChainLoad (this=0x7fffffffcbb8, type=...) at SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp:5127
2.  0x00000000041bc059 in (anonymous namespace)::TGlslangToSpvTraverser::visitBinary (this=0x7fffffffcbb8, node=0x5f6a6c8) at SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp:2192
3.  0x0000000003db8660 in glslang::TIntermBinary::traverse (this=0x5f6a6c8, it=0x7fffffffcbb8) at glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/IntermTraverse.cpp:92
4.  0x0000000003db952e in glslang::TIntermAggregate::traverse (this=0x5f6a7d8, it=0x7fffffffcbb8) at glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/IntermTraverse.cpp:175
5.  0x00000000042082db in (anonymous namespace)::TGlslangToSpvTraverser::makeGlobalInitializers (this=0x7fffffffcbb8, initializers=...) at SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp:5618
6.  0x00000000041c511f in (anonymous namespace)::TGlslangToSpvTraverser::visitAggregate (this=0x7fffffffcbb8, visit=glslang::EvPreVisit, node=0x5f6a9b8) at SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp:2907
7.  0x0000000003db8fb9 in glslang::TIntermAggregate::traverse (this=0x5f6a9b8, it=0x7fffffffcbb8) at glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/IntermTraverse.cpp:159
8.  0x00000000041acc04 in glslang::GlslangToSpv (intermediate=..., spirv=..., logger=0x7fffffffdc38, options=0x7fffffffdc2f) at SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp:10398
9.  0x0000000003bfd6f1 in CompileAndLinkShaderUnits (compUnits=...) at StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp:1547
10. 0x0000000003bfe2f8 in CompileAndLinkShaderFiles (Worklist=...) at StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp:1640
11. 0x0000000003bfec2c in singleMain () at StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp:1713
12. 0x0000000003bff4dd in main (argc=5, argv=0x7fffffffe3d8) at StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp:1767
2024-07-03 15:59:55 -04:00

2828 lines
138 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2024 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and/or associated documentation files (the "Materials"),
// to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the
// Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.
// This header is automatically generated by the same tool that creates
// the Binary Section of the SPIR-V specification.
// Enumeration tokens for SPIR-V, in various styles:
// C, C++, C++11, JSON, Lua, Python, C#, D, Beef
// - C will have tokens with a "Spv" prefix, e.g.: SpvSourceLanguageGLSL
// - C++ will have tokens in the "spv" name space, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguageGLSL
// - C++11 will use enum classes in the spv namespace, e.g.: spv::SourceLanguage::GLSL
// - Lua will use tables, e.g.: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - Python will use dictionaries, e.g.: spv['SourceLanguage']['GLSL']
// - C# will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace,
// e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - D will have tokens under the "spv" module, e.g: spv.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// - Beef will use enum classes in the Specification class located in the "Spv" namespace,
// e.g.: Spv.Specification.SourceLanguage.GLSL
// Some tokens act like mask values, which can be OR'd together,
// while others are mutually exclusive. The mask-like ones have
// "Mask" in their name, and a parallel enum that has the shift
// amount (1 << x) for each corresponding enumerant.
#ifndef spirv_HPP
#define spirv_HPP
namespace spv {
typedef unsigned int Id;
#define SPV_VERSION 0x10600
#define SPV_REVISION 1
static const unsigned int MagicNumber = 0x07230203;
static const unsigned int Version = 0x00010600;
static const unsigned int Revision = 1;
static const unsigned int OpCodeMask = 0xffff;
static const unsigned int WordCountShift = 16;
enum SourceLanguage {
SourceLanguageUnknown = 0,
SourceLanguageESSL = 1,
SourceLanguageGLSL = 2,
SourceLanguageOpenCL_C = 3,
SourceLanguageOpenCL_CPP = 4,
SourceLanguageHLSL = 5,
SourceLanguageCPP_for_OpenCL = 6,
SourceLanguageSYCL = 7,
SourceLanguageMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ExecutionModel {
ExecutionModelVertex = 0,
ExecutionModelTessellationControl = 1,
ExecutionModelTessellationEvaluation = 2,
ExecutionModelGeometry = 3,
ExecutionModelFragment = 4,
ExecutionModelGLCompute = 5,
ExecutionModelKernel = 6,
ExecutionModelTaskNV = 5267,
ExecutionModelMeshNV = 5268,
ExecutionModelRayGenerationKHR = 5313,
ExecutionModelRayGenerationNV = 5313,
ExecutionModelIntersectionKHR = 5314,
ExecutionModelIntersectionNV = 5314,
ExecutionModelAnyHitKHR = 5315,
ExecutionModelAnyHitNV = 5315,
ExecutionModelClosestHitKHR = 5316,
ExecutionModelClosestHitNV = 5316,
ExecutionModelMissKHR = 5317,
ExecutionModelMissNV = 5317,
ExecutionModelCallableKHR = 5318,
ExecutionModelCallableNV = 5318,
ExecutionModelTaskEXT = 5364,
ExecutionModelMeshEXT = 5365,
ExecutionModelMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum AddressingModel {
AddressingModelLogical = 0,
AddressingModelPhysical32 = 1,
AddressingModelPhysical64 = 2,
AddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64 = 5348,
AddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT = 5348,
AddressingModelMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum MemoryModel {
MemoryModelSimple = 0,
MemoryModelGLSL450 = 1,
MemoryModelOpenCL = 2,
MemoryModelVulkan = 3,
MemoryModelVulkanKHR = 3,
MemoryModelMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ExecutionMode {
ExecutionModeInvocations = 0,
ExecutionModeSpacingEqual = 1,
ExecutionModeSpacingFractionalEven = 2,
ExecutionModeSpacingFractionalOdd = 3,
ExecutionModeVertexOrderCw = 4,
ExecutionModeVertexOrderCcw = 5,
ExecutionModePixelCenterInteger = 6,
ExecutionModeOriginUpperLeft = 7,
ExecutionModeOriginLowerLeft = 8,
ExecutionModeEarlyFragmentTests = 9,
ExecutionModePointMode = 10,
ExecutionModeXfb = 11,
ExecutionModeDepthReplacing = 12,
ExecutionModeDepthGreater = 14,
ExecutionModeDepthLess = 15,
ExecutionModeDepthUnchanged = 16,
ExecutionModeLocalSize = 17,
ExecutionModeLocalSizeHint = 18,
ExecutionModeInputPoints = 19,
ExecutionModeInputLines = 20,
ExecutionModeInputLinesAdjacency = 21,
ExecutionModeTriangles = 22,
ExecutionModeInputTrianglesAdjacency = 23,
ExecutionModeQuads = 24,
ExecutionModeIsolines = 25,
ExecutionModeOutputVertices = 26,
ExecutionModeOutputPoints = 27,
ExecutionModeOutputLineStrip = 28,
ExecutionModeOutputTriangleStrip = 29,
ExecutionModeVecTypeHint = 30,
ExecutionModeContractionOff = 31,
ExecutionModeInitializer = 33,
ExecutionModeFinalizer = 34,
ExecutionModeSubgroupSize = 35,
ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroup = 36,
ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroupId = 37,
ExecutionModeLocalSizeId = 38,
ExecutionModeLocalSizeHintId = 39,
ExecutionModeNonCoherentColorAttachmentReadEXT = 4169,
ExecutionModeNonCoherentDepthAttachmentReadEXT = 4170,
ExecutionModeNonCoherentStencilAttachmentReadEXT = 4171,
ExecutionModeSubgroupUniformControlFlowKHR = 4421,
ExecutionModePostDepthCoverage = 4446,
ExecutionModeDenormPreserve = 4459,
ExecutionModeDenormFlushToZero = 4460,
ExecutionModeSignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4461,
ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTE = 4462,
ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTZ = 4463,
ExecutionModeEarlyAndLateFragmentTestsAMD = 5017,
ExecutionModeStencilRefReplacingEXT = 5027,
ExecutionModeStencilRefUnchangedFrontAMD = 5079,
ExecutionModeStencilRefGreaterFrontAMD = 5080,
ExecutionModeStencilRefLessFrontAMD = 5081,
ExecutionModeStencilRefUnchangedBackAMD = 5082,
ExecutionModeStencilRefGreaterBackAMD = 5083,
ExecutionModeStencilRefLessBackAMD = 5084,
ExecutionModeQuadDerivativesKHR = 5088,
ExecutionModeRequireFullQuadsKHR = 5089,
ExecutionModeOutputLinesEXT = 5269,
ExecutionModeOutputLinesNV = 5269,
ExecutionModeOutputPrimitivesEXT = 5270,
ExecutionModeOutputPrimitivesNV = 5270,
ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5289,
ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5290,
ExecutionModeOutputTrianglesEXT = 5298,
ExecutionModeOutputTrianglesNV = 5298,
ExecutionModePixelInterlockOrderedEXT = 5366,
ExecutionModePixelInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5367,
ExecutionModeSampleInterlockOrderedEXT = 5368,
ExecutionModeSampleInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5369,
ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockOrderedEXT = 5370,
ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockUnorderedEXT = 5371,
ExecutionModeSharedLocalMemorySizeINTEL = 5618,
ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTPINTEL = 5620,
ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTNINTEL = 5621,
ExecutionModeFloatingPointModeALTINTEL = 5622,
ExecutionModeFloatingPointModeIEEEINTEL = 5623,
ExecutionModeMaxWorkgroupSizeINTEL = 5893,
ExecutionModeMaxWorkDimINTEL = 5894,
ExecutionModeNoGlobalOffsetINTEL = 5895,
ExecutionModeNumSIMDWorkitemsINTEL = 5896,
ExecutionModeSchedulerTargetFmaxMhzINTEL = 5903,
ExecutionModeMaximallyReconvergesKHR = 6023,
ExecutionModeStreamingInterfaceINTEL = 6154,
ExecutionModeNamedBarrierCountINTEL = 6417,
ExecutionModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum StorageClass {
StorageClassUniformConstant = 0,
StorageClassInput = 1,
StorageClassUniform = 2,
StorageClassOutput = 3,
StorageClassWorkgroup = 4,
StorageClassCrossWorkgroup = 5,
StorageClassPrivate = 6,
StorageClassFunction = 7,
StorageClassGeneric = 8,
StorageClassPushConstant = 9,
StorageClassAtomicCounter = 10,
StorageClassImage = 11,
StorageClassStorageBuffer = 12,
StorageClassTileImageEXT = 4172,
StorageClassCallableDataKHR = 5328,
StorageClassCallableDataNV = 5328,
StorageClassIncomingCallableDataKHR = 5329,
StorageClassIncomingCallableDataNV = 5329,
StorageClassRayPayloadKHR = 5338,
StorageClassRayPayloadNV = 5338,
StorageClassHitAttributeKHR = 5339,
StorageClassHitAttributeNV = 5339,
StorageClassIncomingRayPayloadKHR = 5342,
StorageClassIncomingRayPayloadNV = 5342,
StorageClassShaderRecordBufferKHR = 5343,
StorageClassShaderRecordBufferNV = 5343,
StorageClassPhysicalStorageBuffer = 5349,
StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT = 5349,
StorageClassHitObjectAttributeNV = 5385,
StorageClassTaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT = 5402,
StorageClassCodeSectionINTEL = 5605,
StorageClassDeviceOnlyINTEL = 5936,
StorageClassHostOnlyINTEL = 5937,
StorageClassMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum Dim {
Dim1D = 0,
Dim2D = 1,
Dim3D = 2,
DimCube = 3,
DimRect = 4,
DimBuffer = 5,
DimSubpassData = 6,
DimTileImageDataEXT = 4173,
DimMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum SamplerAddressingMode {
SamplerAddressingModeNone = 0,
SamplerAddressingModeClampToEdge = 1,
SamplerAddressingModeClamp = 2,
SamplerAddressingModeRepeat = 3,
SamplerAddressingModeRepeatMirrored = 4,
SamplerAddressingModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum SamplerFilterMode {
SamplerFilterModeNearest = 0,
SamplerFilterModeLinear = 1,
SamplerFilterModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ImageFormat {
ImageFormatUnknown = 0,
ImageFormatRgba32f = 1,
ImageFormatRgba16f = 2,
ImageFormatR32f = 3,
ImageFormatRgba8 = 4,
ImageFormatRgba8Snorm = 5,
ImageFormatRg32f = 6,
ImageFormatRg16f = 7,
ImageFormatR11fG11fB10f = 8,
ImageFormatR16f = 9,
ImageFormatRgba16 = 10,
ImageFormatRgb10A2 = 11,
ImageFormatRg16 = 12,
ImageFormatRg8 = 13,
ImageFormatR16 = 14,
ImageFormatR8 = 15,
ImageFormatRgba16Snorm = 16,
ImageFormatRg16Snorm = 17,
ImageFormatRg8Snorm = 18,
ImageFormatR16Snorm = 19,
ImageFormatR8Snorm = 20,
ImageFormatRgba32i = 21,
ImageFormatRgba16i = 22,
ImageFormatRgba8i = 23,
ImageFormatR32i = 24,
ImageFormatRg32i = 25,
ImageFormatRg16i = 26,
ImageFormatRg8i = 27,
ImageFormatR16i = 28,
ImageFormatR8i = 29,
ImageFormatRgba32ui = 30,
ImageFormatRgba16ui = 31,
ImageFormatRgba8ui = 32,
ImageFormatR32ui = 33,
ImageFormatRgb10a2ui = 34,
ImageFormatRg32ui = 35,
ImageFormatRg16ui = 36,
ImageFormatRg8ui = 37,
ImageFormatR16ui = 38,
ImageFormatR8ui = 39,
ImageFormatR64ui = 40,
ImageFormatR64i = 41,
ImageFormatMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ImageChannelOrder {
ImageChannelOrderR = 0,
ImageChannelOrderA = 1,
ImageChannelOrderRG = 2,
ImageChannelOrderRA = 3,
ImageChannelOrderRGB = 4,
ImageChannelOrderRGBA = 5,
ImageChannelOrderBGRA = 6,
ImageChannelOrderARGB = 7,
ImageChannelOrderIntensity = 8,
ImageChannelOrderLuminance = 9,
ImageChannelOrderRx = 10,
ImageChannelOrderRGx = 11,
ImageChannelOrderRGBx = 12,
ImageChannelOrderDepth = 13,
ImageChannelOrderDepthStencil = 14,
ImageChannelOrdersRGB = 15,
ImageChannelOrdersRGBx = 16,
ImageChannelOrdersRGBA = 17,
ImageChannelOrdersBGRA = 18,
ImageChannelOrderABGR = 19,
ImageChannelOrderMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ImageChannelDataType {
ImageChannelDataTypeSnormInt8 = 0,
ImageChannelDataTypeSnormInt16 = 1,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt8 = 2,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt16 = 3,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormShort565 = 4,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormShort555 = 5,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt101010 = 6,
ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt8 = 7,
ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt16 = 8,
ImageChannelDataTypeSignedInt32 = 9,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt8 = 10,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt16 = 11,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt32 = 12,
ImageChannelDataTypeHalfFloat = 13,
ImageChannelDataTypeFloat = 14,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt24 = 15,
ImageChannelDataTypeUnormInt101010_2 = 16,
ImageChannelDataTypeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ImageOperandsShift {
ImageOperandsBiasShift = 0,
ImageOperandsLodShift = 1,
ImageOperandsGradShift = 2,
ImageOperandsConstOffsetShift = 3,
ImageOperandsOffsetShift = 4,
ImageOperandsConstOffsetsShift = 5,
ImageOperandsSampleShift = 6,
ImageOperandsMinLodShift = 7,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableShift = 8,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableKHRShift = 8,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleShift = 9,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleKHRShift = 9,
ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelShift = 10,
ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelKHRShift = 10,
ImageOperandsVolatileTexelShift = 11,
ImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRShift = 11,
ImageOperandsSignExtendShift = 12,
ImageOperandsZeroExtendShift = 13,
ImageOperandsNontemporalShift = 14,
ImageOperandsOffsetsShift = 16,
ImageOperandsMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum ImageOperandsMask : unsigned {
ImageOperandsMaskNone = 0,
ImageOperandsBiasMask = 0x00000001,
ImageOperandsLodMask = 0x00000002,
ImageOperandsGradMask = 0x00000004,
ImageOperandsConstOffsetMask = 0x00000008,
ImageOperandsOffsetMask = 0x00000010,
ImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask = 0x00000020,
ImageOperandsSampleMask = 0x00000040,
ImageOperandsMinLodMask = 0x00000080,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableMask = 0x00000100,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableKHRMask = 0x00000100,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleMask = 0x00000200,
ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleKHRMask = 0x00000200,
ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelMask = 0x00000400,
ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelKHRMask = 0x00000400,
ImageOperandsVolatileTexelMask = 0x00000800,
ImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRMask = 0x00000800,
ImageOperandsSignExtendMask = 0x00001000,
ImageOperandsZeroExtendMask = 0x00002000,
ImageOperandsNontemporalMask = 0x00004000,
ImageOperandsOffsetsMask = 0x00010000,
enum FPFastMathModeShift {
FPFastMathModeNotNaNShift = 0,
FPFastMathModeNotInfShift = 1,
FPFastMathModeNSZShift = 2,
FPFastMathModeAllowRecipShift = 3,
FPFastMathModeFastShift = 4,
FPFastMathModeAllowContractFastINTELShift = 16,
FPFastMathModeAllowReassocINTELShift = 17,
FPFastMathModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FPFastMathModeMask : unsigned {
FPFastMathModeMaskNone = 0,
FPFastMathModeNotNaNMask = 0x00000001,
FPFastMathModeNotInfMask = 0x00000002,
FPFastMathModeNSZMask = 0x00000004,
FPFastMathModeAllowRecipMask = 0x00000008,
FPFastMathModeFastMask = 0x00000010,
FPFastMathModeAllowContractFastINTELMask = 0x00010000,
FPFastMathModeAllowReassocINTELMask = 0x00020000,
enum FPRoundingMode {
FPRoundingModeRTE = 0,
FPRoundingModeRTZ = 1,
FPRoundingModeRTP = 2,
FPRoundingModeRTN = 3,
FPRoundingModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum LinkageType {
LinkageTypeExport = 0,
LinkageTypeImport = 1,
LinkageTypeLinkOnceODR = 2,
LinkageTypeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum AccessQualifier {
AccessQualifierReadOnly = 0,
AccessQualifierWriteOnly = 1,
AccessQualifierReadWrite = 2,
AccessQualifierMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FunctionParameterAttribute {
FunctionParameterAttributeZext = 0,
FunctionParameterAttributeSext = 1,
FunctionParameterAttributeByVal = 2,
FunctionParameterAttributeSret = 3,
FunctionParameterAttributeNoAlias = 4,
FunctionParameterAttributeNoCapture = 5,
FunctionParameterAttributeNoWrite = 6,
FunctionParameterAttributeNoReadWrite = 7,
FunctionParameterAttributeRuntimeAlignedINTEL = 5940,
FunctionParameterAttributeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum Decoration {
DecorationRelaxedPrecision = 0,
DecorationSpecId = 1,
DecorationBlock = 2,
DecorationBufferBlock = 3,
DecorationRowMajor = 4,
DecorationColMajor = 5,
DecorationArrayStride = 6,
DecorationMatrixStride = 7,
DecorationGLSLShared = 8,
DecorationGLSLPacked = 9,
DecorationCPacked = 10,
DecorationBuiltIn = 11,
DecorationNoPerspective = 13,
DecorationFlat = 14,
DecorationPatch = 15,
DecorationCentroid = 16,
DecorationSample = 17,
DecorationInvariant = 18,
DecorationRestrict = 19,
DecorationAliased = 20,
DecorationVolatile = 21,
DecorationConstant = 22,
DecorationCoherent = 23,
DecorationNonWritable = 24,
DecorationNonReadable = 25,
DecorationUniform = 26,
DecorationUniformId = 27,
DecorationSaturatedConversion = 28,
DecorationStream = 29,
DecorationLocation = 30,
DecorationComponent = 31,
DecorationIndex = 32,
DecorationBinding = 33,
DecorationDescriptorSet = 34,
DecorationOffset = 35,
DecorationXfbBuffer = 36,
DecorationXfbStride = 37,
DecorationFuncParamAttr = 38,
DecorationFPRoundingMode = 39,
DecorationFPFastMathMode = 40,
DecorationLinkageAttributes = 41,
DecorationNoContraction = 42,
DecorationInputAttachmentIndex = 43,
DecorationAlignment = 44,
DecorationMaxByteOffset = 45,
DecorationAlignmentId = 46,
DecorationMaxByteOffsetId = 47,
DecorationNoSignedWrap = 4469,
DecorationNoUnsignedWrap = 4470,
DecorationWeightTextureQCOM = 4487,
DecorationBlockMatchTextureQCOM = 4488,
DecorationBlockMatchSamplerQCOM = 4499,
DecorationExplicitInterpAMD = 4999,
DecorationOverrideCoverageNV = 5248,
DecorationPassthroughNV = 5250,
DecorationViewportRelativeNV = 5252,
DecorationSecondaryViewportRelativeNV = 5256,
DecorationPerPrimitiveEXT = 5271,
DecorationPerPrimitiveNV = 5271,
DecorationPerViewNV = 5272,
DecorationPerTaskNV = 5273,
DecorationPerVertexKHR = 5285,
DecorationPerVertexNV = 5285,
DecorationNonUniform = 5300,
DecorationNonUniformEXT = 5300,
DecorationRestrictPointer = 5355,
DecorationRestrictPointerEXT = 5355,
DecorationAliasedPointer = 5356,
DecorationAliasedPointerEXT = 5356,
DecorationHitObjectShaderRecordBufferNV = 5386,
DecorationBindlessSamplerNV = 5398,
DecorationBindlessImageNV = 5399,
DecorationBoundSamplerNV = 5400,
DecorationBoundImageNV = 5401,
DecorationSIMTCallINTEL = 5599,
DecorationReferencedIndirectlyINTEL = 5602,
DecorationClobberINTEL = 5607,
DecorationSideEffectsINTEL = 5608,
DecorationVectorComputeVariableINTEL = 5624,
DecorationFuncParamIOKindINTEL = 5625,
DecorationVectorComputeFunctionINTEL = 5626,
DecorationStackCallINTEL = 5627,
DecorationGlobalVariableOffsetINTEL = 5628,
DecorationCounterBuffer = 5634,
DecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE = 5634,
DecorationHlslSemanticGOOGLE = 5635,
DecorationUserSemantic = 5635,
DecorationUserTypeGOOGLE = 5636,
DecorationFunctionRoundingModeINTEL = 5822,
DecorationFunctionDenormModeINTEL = 5823,
DecorationRegisterINTEL = 5825,
DecorationMemoryINTEL = 5826,
DecorationNumbanksINTEL = 5827,
DecorationBankwidthINTEL = 5828,
DecorationMaxPrivateCopiesINTEL = 5829,
DecorationSinglepumpINTEL = 5830,
DecorationDoublepumpINTEL = 5831,
DecorationMaxReplicatesINTEL = 5832,
DecorationSimpleDualPortINTEL = 5833,
DecorationMergeINTEL = 5834,
DecorationBankBitsINTEL = 5835,
DecorationForcePow2DepthINTEL = 5836,
DecorationBurstCoalesceINTEL = 5899,
DecorationCacheSizeINTEL = 5900,
DecorationDontStaticallyCoalesceINTEL = 5901,
DecorationPrefetchINTEL = 5902,
DecorationStallEnableINTEL = 5905,
DecorationFuseLoopsInFunctionINTEL = 5907,
DecorationMathOpDSPModeINTEL = 5909,
DecorationAliasScopeINTEL = 5914,
DecorationNoAliasINTEL = 5915,
DecorationInitiationIntervalINTEL = 5917,
DecorationMaxConcurrencyINTEL = 5918,
DecorationPipelineEnableINTEL = 5919,
DecorationBufferLocationINTEL = 5921,
DecorationIOPipeStorageINTEL = 5944,
DecorationFunctionFloatingPointModeINTEL = 6080,
DecorationSingleElementVectorINTEL = 6085,
DecorationVectorComputeCallableFunctionINTEL = 6087,
DecorationMediaBlockIOINTEL = 6140,
DecorationConduitKernelArgumentINTEL = 6175,
DecorationRegisterMapKernelArgumentINTEL = 6176,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceAddressWidthINTEL = 6177,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceDataWidthINTEL = 6178,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceLatencyINTEL = 6179,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceReadWriteModeINTEL = 6180,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceMaxBurstINTEL = 6181,
DecorationMMHostInterfaceWaitRequestINTEL = 6182,
DecorationStableKernelArgumentINTEL = 6183,
DecorationMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum BuiltIn {
BuiltInPosition = 0,
BuiltInPointSize = 1,
BuiltInClipDistance = 3,
BuiltInCullDistance = 4,
BuiltInVertexId = 5,
BuiltInInstanceId = 6,
BuiltInPrimitiveId = 7,
BuiltInInvocationId = 8,
BuiltInLayer = 9,
BuiltInViewportIndex = 10,
BuiltInTessLevelOuter = 11,
BuiltInTessLevelInner = 12,
BuiltInTessCoord = 13,
BuiltInPatchVertices = 14,
BuiltInFragCoord = 15,
BuiltInPointCoord = 16,
BuiltInFrontFacing = 17,
BuiltInSampleId = 18,
BuiltInSamplePosition = 19,
BuiltInSampleMask = 20,
BuiltInFragDepth = 22,
BuiltInHelperInvocation = 23,
BuiltInNumWorkgroups = 24,
BuiltInWorkgroupSize = 25,
BuiltInWorkgroupId = 26,
BuiltInLocalInvocationId = 27,
BuiltInGlobalInvocationId = 28,
BuiltInLocalInvocationIndex = 29,
BuiltInWorkDim = 30,
BuiltInGlobalSize = 31,
BuiltInEnqueuedWorkgroupSize = 32,
BuiltInGlobalOffset = 33,
BuiltInGlobalLinearId = 34,
BuiltInSubgroupSize = 36,
BuiltInSubgroupMaxSize = 37,
BuiltInNumSubgroups = 38,
BuiltInNumEnqueuedSubgroups = 39,
BuiltInSubgroupId = 40,
BuiltInSubgroupLocalInvocationId = 41,
BuiltInVertexIndex = 42,
BuiltInInstanceIndex = 43,
BuiltInCoreIDARM = 4160,
BuiltInCoreCountARM = 4161,
BuiltInCoreMaxIDARM = 4162,
BuiltInWarpIDARM = 4163,
BuiltInWarpMaxIDARM = 4164,
BuiltInSubgroupEqMask = 4416,
BuiltInSubgroupEqMaskKHR = 4416,
BuiltInSubgroupGeMask = 4417,
BuiltInSubgroupGeMaskKHR = 4417,
BuiltInSubgroupGtMask = 4418,
BuiltInSubgroupGtMaskKHR = 4418,
BuiltInSubgroupLeMask = 4419,
BuiltInSubgroupLeMaskKHR = 4419,
BuiltInSubgroupLtMask = 4420,
BuiltInSubgroupLtMaskKHR = 4420,
BuiltInBaseVertex = 4424,
BuiltInBaseInstance = 4425,
BuiltInDrawIndex = 4426,
BuiltInPrimitiveShadingRateKHR = 4432,
BuiltInDeviceIndex = 4438,
BuiltInViewIndex = 4440,
BuiltInShadingRateKHR = 4444,
BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspAMD = 4992,
BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspCentroidAMD = 4993,
BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspSampleAMD = 4994,
BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothAMD = 4995,
BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothCentroidAMD = 4996,
BuiltInBaryCoordSmoothSampleAMD = 4997,
BuiltInBaryCoordPullModelAMD = 4998,
BuiltInFragStencilRefEXT = 5014,
BuiltInViewportMaskNV = 5253,
BuiltInSecondaryPositionNV = 5257,
BuiltInSecondaryViewportMaskNV = 5258,
BuiltInPositionPerViewNV = 5261,
BuiltInViewportMaskPerViewNV = 5262,
BuiltInFullyCoveredEXT = 5264,
BuiltInTaskCountNV = 5274,
BuiltInPrimitiveCountNV = 5275,
BuiltInPrimitiveIndicesNV = 5276,
BuiltInClipDistancePerViewNV = 5277,
BuiltInCullDistancePerViewNV = 5278,
BuiltInLayerPerViewNV = 5279,
BuiltInMeshViewCountNV = 5280,
BuiltInMeshViewIndicesNV = 5281,
BuiltInBaryCoordKHR = 5286,
BuiltInBaryCoordNV = 5286,
BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspKHR = 5287,
BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspNV = 5287,
BuiltInFragSizeEXT = 5292,
BuiltInFragmentSizeNV = 5292,
BuiltInFragInvocationCountEXT = 5293,
BuiltInInvocationsPerPixelNV = 5293,
BuiltInPrimitivePointIndicesEXT = 5294,
BuiltInPrimitiveLineIndicesEXT = 5295,
BuiltInPrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT = 5296,
BuiltInCullPrimitiveEXT = 5299,
BuiltInLaunchIdKHR = 5319,
BuiltInLaunchIdNV = 5319,
BuiltInLaunchSizeKHR = 5320,
BuiltInLaunchSizeNV = 5320,
BuiltInWorldRayOriginKHR = 5321,
BuiltInWorldRayOriginNV = 5321,
BuiltInWorldRayDirectionKHR = 5322,
BuiltInWorldRayDirectionNV = 5322,
BuiltInObjectRayOriginKHR = 5323,
BuiltInObjectRayOriginNV = 5323,
BuiltInObjectRayDirectionKHR = 5324,
BuiltInObjectRayDirectionNV = 5324,
BuiltInRayTminKHR = 5325,
BuiltInRayTminNV = 5325,
BuiltInRayTmaxKHR = 5326,
BuiltInRayTmaxNV = 5326,
BuiltInInstanceCustomIndexKHR = 5327,
BuiltInInstanceCustomIndexNV = 5327,
BuiltInObjectToWorldKHR = 5330,
BuiltInObjectToWorldNV = 5330,
BuiltInWorldToObjectKHR = 5331,
BuiltInWorldToObjectNV = 5331,
BuiltInHitTNV = 5332,
BuiltInHitKindKHR = 5333,
BuiltInHitKindNV = 5333,
BuiltInCurrentRayTimeNV = 5334,
BuiltInHitTriangleVertexPositionsKHR = 5335,
BuiltInHitMicroTriangleVertexPositionsNV = 5337,
BuiltInHitMicroTriangleVertexBarycentricsNV = 5344,
BuiltInIncomingRayFlagsKHR = 5351,
BuiltInIncomingRayFlagsNV = 5351,
BuiltInRayGeometryIndexKHR = 5352,
BuiltInWarpsPerSMNV = 5374,
BuiltInSMCountNV = 5375,
BuiltInWarpIDNV = 5376,
BuiltInSMIDNV = 5377,
BuiltInHitKindFrontFacingMicroTriangleNV = 5405,
BuiltInHitKindBackFacingMicroTriangleNV = 5406,
BuiltInCullMaskKHR = 6021,
BuiltInMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum SelectionControlShift {
SelectionControlFlattenShift = 0,
SelectionControlDontFlattenShift = 1,
SelectionControlMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum SelectionControlMask : unsigned {
SelectionControlMaskNone = 0,
SelectionControlFlattenMask = 0x00000001,
SelectionControlDontFlattenMask = 0x00000002,
enum LoopControlShift {
LoopControlUnrollShift = 0,
LoopControlDontUnrollShift = 1,
LoopControlDependencyInfiniteShift = 2,
LoopControlDependencyLengthShift = 3,
LoopControlMinIterationsShift = 4,
LoopControlMaxIterationsShift = 5,
LoopControlIterationMultipleShift = 6,
LoopControlPeelCountShift = 7,
LoopControlPartialCountShift = 8,
LoopControlInitiationIntervalINTELShift = 16,
LoopControlMaxConcurrencyINTELShift = 17,
LoopControlDependencyArrayINTELShift = 18,
LoopControlPipelineEnableINTELShift = 19,
LoopControlLoopCoalesceINTELShift = 20,
LoopControlMaxInterleavingINTELShift = 21,
LoopControlSpeculatedIterationsINTELShift = 22,
LoopControlNoFusionINTELShift = 23,
LoopControlLoopCountINTELShift = 24,
LoopControlMaxReinvocationDelayINTELShift = 25,
LoopControlMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum LoopControlMask : unsigned {
LoopControlMaskNone = 0,
LoopControlUnrollMask = 0x00000001,
LoopControlDontUnrollMask = 0x00000002,
LoopControlDependencyInfiniteMask = 0x00000004,
LoopControlDependencyLengthMask = 0x00000008,
LoopControlMinIterationsMask = 0x00000010,
LoopControlMaxIterationsMask = 0x00000020,
LoopControlIterationMultipleMask = 0x00000040,
LoopControlPeelCountMask = 0x00000080,
LoopControlPartialCountMask = 0x00000100,
LoopControlInitiationIntervalINTELMask = 0x00010000,
LoopControlMaxConcurrencyINTELMask = 0x00020000,
LoopControlDependencyArrayINTELMask = 0x00040000,
LoopControlPipelineEnableINTELMask = 0x00080000,
LoopControlLoopCoalesceINTELMask = 0x00100000,
LoopControlMaxInterleavingINTELMask = 0x00200000,
LoopControlSpeculatedIterationsINTELMask = 0x00400000,
LoopControlNoFusionINTELMask = 0x00800000,
LoopControlLoopCountINTELMask = 0x01000000,
LoopControlMaxReinvocationDelayINTELMask = 0x02000000,
enum FunctionControlShift {
FunctionControlInlineShift = 0,
FunctionControlDontInlineShift = 1,
FunctionControlPureShift = 2,
FunctionControlConstShift = 3,
FunctionControlOptNoneINTELShift = 16,
FunctionControlMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FunctionControlMask : unsigned {
FunctionControlMaskNone = 0,
FunctionControlInlineMask = 0x00000001,
FunctionControlDontInlineMask = 0x00000002,
FunctionControlPureMask = 0x00000004,
FunctionControlConstMask = 0x00000008,
FunctionControlOptNoneINTELMask = 0x00010000,
enum MemorySemanticsShift {
MemorySemanticsAcquireShift = 1,
MemorySemanticsReleaseShift = 2,
MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseShift = 3,
MemorySemanticsSequentiallyConsistentShift = 4,
MemorySemanticsUniformMemoryShift = 6,
MemorySemanticsSubgroupMemoryShift = 7,
MemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryShift = 8,
MemorySemanticsCrossWorkgroupMemoryShift = 9,
MemorySemanticsAtomicCounterMemoryShift = 10,
MemorySemanticsImageMemoryShift = 11,
MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryShift = 12,
MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryKHRShift = 12,
MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableShift = 13,
MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableKHRShift = 13,
MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleShift = 14,
MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleKHRShift = 14,
MemorySemanticsVolatileShift = 15,
MemorySemanticsMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum MemorySemanticsMask : unsigned {
MemorySemanticsMaskNone = 0,
MemorySemanticsAcquireMask = 0x00000002,
MemorySemanticsReleaseMask = 0x00000004,
MemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask = 0x00000008,
MemorySemanticsSequentiallyConsistentMask = 0x00000010,
MemorySemanticsUniformMemoryMask = 0x00000040,
MemorySemanticsSubgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000080,
MemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000100,
MemorySemanticsCrossWorkgroupMemoryMask = 0x00000200,
MemorySemanticsAtomicCounterMemoryMask = 0x00000400,
MemorySemanticsImageMemoryMask = 0x00000800,
MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryMask = 0x00001000,
MemorySemanticsOutputMemoryKHRMask = 0x00001000,
MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableMask = 0x00002000,
MemorySemanticsMakeAvailableKHRMask = 0x00002000,
MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleMask = 0x00004000,
MemorySemanticsMakeVisibleKHRMask = 0x00004000,
MemorySemanticsVolatileMask = 0x00008000,
enum MemoryAccessShift {
MemoryAccessVolatileShift = 0,
MemoryAccessAlignedShift = 1,
MemoryAccessNontemporalShift = 2,
MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableShift = 3,
MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableKHRShift = 3,
MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleShift = 4,
MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleKHRShift = 4,
MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerShift = 5,
MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerKHRShift = 5,
MemoryAccessAliasScopeINTELMaskShift = 16,
MemoryAccessNoAliasINTELMaskShift = 17,
MemoryAccessMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum MemoryAccessMask : unsigned {
MemoryAccessMaskNone = 0,
MemoryAccessVolatileMask = 0x00000001,
MemoryAccessAlignedMask = 0x00000002,
MemoryAccessNontemporalMask = 0x00000004,
MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableMask = 0x00000008,
MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableKHRMask = 0x00000008,
MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleMask = 0x00000010,
MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleKHRMask = 0x00000010,
MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerMask = 0x00000020,
MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerKHRMask = 0x00000020,
MemoryAccessAliasScopeINTELMaskMask = 0x00010000,
MemoryAccessNoAliasINTELMaskMask = 0x00020000,
enum Scope {
ScopeCrossDevice = 0,
ScopeDevice = 1,
ScopeWorkgroup = 2,
ScopeSubgroup = 3,
ScopeInvocation = 4,
ScopeQueueFamily = 5,
ScopeQueueFamilyKHR = 5,
ScopeShaderCallKHR = 6,
ScopeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum GroupOperation {
GroupOperationReduce = 0,
GroupOperationInclusiveScan = 1,
GroupOperationExclusiveScan = 2,
GroupOperationClusteredReduce = 3,
GroupOperationPartitionedReduceNV = 6,
GroupOperationPartitionedInclusiveScanNV = 7,
GroupOperationPartitionedExclusiveScanNV = 8,
GroupOperationMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum KernelEnqueueFlags {
KernelEnqueueFlagsNoWait = 0,
KernelEnqueueFlagsWaitKernel = 1,
KernelEnqueueFlagsWaitWorkGroup = 2,
KernelEnqueueFlagsMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum KernelProfilingInfoShift {
KernelProfilingInfoCmdExecTimeShift = 0,
KernelProfilingInfoMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum KernelProfilingInfoMask : unsigned {
KernelProfilingInfoMaskNone = 0,
KernelProfilingInfoCmdExecTimeMask = 0x00000001,
enum Capability {
CapabilityMatrix = 0,
CapabilityShader = 1,
CapabilityGeometry = 2,
CapabilityTessellation = 3,
CapabilityAddresses = 4,
CapabilityLinkage = 5,
CapabilityKernel = 6,
CapabilityVector16 = 7,
CapabilityFloat16Buffer = 8,
CapabilityFloat16 = 9,
CapabilityFloat64 = 10,
CapabilityInt64 = 11,
CapabilityInt64Atomics = 12,
CapabilityImageBasic = 13,
CapabilityImageReadWrite = 14,
CapabilityImageMipmap = 15,
CapabilityPipes = 17,
CapabilityGroups = 18,
CapabilityDeviceEnqueue = 19,
CapabilityLiteralSampler = 20,
CapabilityAtomicStorage = 21,
CapabilityInt16 = 22,
CapabilityTessellationPointSize = 23,
CapabilityGeometryPointSize = 24,
CapabilityImageGatherExtended = 25,
CapabilityStorageImageMultisample = 27,
CapabilityUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 28,
CapabilitySampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 29,
CapabilityStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 30,
CapabilityStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 31,
CapabilityClipDistance = 32,
CapabilityCullDistance = 33,
CapabilityImageCubeArray = 34,
CapabilitySampleRateShading = 35,
CapabilityImageRect = 36,
CapabilitySampledRect = 37,
CapabilityGenericPointer = 38,
CapabilityInt8 = 39,
CapabilityInputAttachment = 40,
CapabilitySparseResidency = 41,
CapabilityMinLod = 42,
CapabilitySampled1D = 43,
CapabilityImage1D = 44,
CapabilitySampledCubeArray = 45,
CapabilitySampledBuffer = 46,
CapabilityImageBuffer = 47,
CapabilityImageMSArray = 48,
CapabilityStorageImageExtendedFormats = 49,
CapabilityImageQuery = 50,
CapabilityDerivativeControl = 51,
CapabilityInterpolationFunction = 52,
CapabilityTransformFeedback = 53,
CapabilityGeometryStreams = 54,
CapabilityStorageImageReadWithoutFormat = 55,
CapabilityStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat = 56,
CapabilityMultiViewport = 57,
CapabilitySubgroupDispatch = 58,
CapabilityNamedBarrier = 59,
CapabilityPipeStorage = 60,
CapabilityGroupNonUniform = 61,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformVote = 62,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformArithmetic = 63,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformBallot = 64,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformShuffle = 65,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformShuffleRelative = 66,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformClustered = 67,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformQuad = 68,
CapabilityShaderLayer = 69,
CapabilityShaderViewportIndex = 70,
CapabilityUniformDecoration = 71,
CapabilityCoreBuiltinsARM = 4165,
CapabilityTileImageColorReadAccessEXT = 4166,
CapabilityTileImageDepthReadAccessEXT = 4167,
CapabilityTileImageStencilReadAccessEXT = 4168,
CapabilityCooperativeMatrixLayoutsARM = 4201,
CapabilityFragmentShadingRateKHR = 4422,
CapabilitySubgroupBallotKHR = 4423,
CapabilityDrawParameters = 4427,
CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR = 4428,
CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccessKHR = 4429,
CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccessKHR = 4430,
CapabilitySubgroupVoteKHR = 4431,
CapabilityStorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4433,
CapabilityStorageUniformBufferBlock16 = 4433,
CapabilityStorageUniform16 = 4434,
CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess = 4434,
CapabilityStoragePushConstant16 = 4435,
CapabilityStorageInputOutput16 = 4436,
CapabilityDeviceGroup = 4437,
CapabilityMultiView = 4439,
CapabilityVariablePointersStorageBuffer = 4441,
CapabilityVariablePointers = 4442,
CapabilityAtomicStorageOps = 4445,
CapabilitySampleMaskPostDepthCoverage = 4447,
CapabilityStorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4448,
CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess = 4449,
CapabilityStoragePushConstant8 = 4450,
CapabilityDenormPreserve = 4464,
CapabilityDenormFlushToZero = 4465,
CapabilitySignedZeroInfNanPreserve = 4466,
CapabilityRoundingModeRTE = 4467,
CapabilityRoundingModeRTZ = 4468,
CapabilityRayQueryProvisionalKHR = 4471,
CapabilityRayQueryKHR = 4472,
CapabilityRayTraversalPrimitiveCullingKHR = 4478,
CapabilityRayTracingKHR = 4479,
CapabilityTextureSampleWeightedQCOM = 4484,
CapabilityTextureBoxFilterQCOM = 4485,
CapabilityTextureBlockMatchQCOM = 4486,
CapabilityTextureBlockMatch2QCOM = 4498,
CapabilityFloat16ImageAMD = 5008,
CapabilityImageGatherBiasLodAMD = 5009,
CapabilityFragmentMaskAMD = 5010,
CapabilityStencilExportEXT = 5013,
CapabilityImageReadWriteLodAMD = 5015,
CapabilityInt64ImageEXT = 5016,
CapabilityShaderClockKHR = 5055,
CapabilityQuadControlKHR = 5087,
CapabilitySampleMaskOverrideCoverageNV = 5249,
CapabilityGeometryShaderPassthroughNV = 5251,
CapabilityShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT = 5254,
CapabilityShaderViewportIndexLayerNV = 5254,
CapabilityShaderViewportMaskNV = 5255,
CapabilityShaderStereoViewNV = 5259,
CapabilityPerViewAttributesNV = 5260,
CapabilityFragmentFullyCoveredEXT = 5265,
CapabilityMeshShadingNV = 5266,
CapabilityImageFootprintNV = 5282,
CapabilityMeshShadingEXT = 5283,
CapabilityFragmentBarycentricKHR = 5284,
CapabilityFragmentBarycentricNV = 5284,
CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV = 5288,
CapabilityFragmentDensityEXT = 5291,
CapabilityShadingRateNV = 5291,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformPartitionedNV = 5297,
CapabilityShaderNonUniform = 5301,
CapabilityShaderNonUniformEXT = 5301,
CapabilityRuntimeDescriptorArray = 5302,
CapabilityRuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT = 5302,
CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing = 5303,
CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5303,
CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5304,
CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5304,
CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 5305,
CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT = 5305,
CapabilityUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5306,
CapabilityUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5306,
CapabilitySampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5307,
CapabilitySampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5307,
CapabilityStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5308,
CapabilityStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5308,
CapabilityStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5309,
CapabilityStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5309,
CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5310,
CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5310,
CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5311,
CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5311,
CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing = 5312,
CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT = 5312,
CapabilityRayTracingPositionFetchKHR = 5336,
CapabilityRayTracingNV = 5340,
CapabilityRayTracingMotionBlurNV = 5341,
CapabilityVulkanMemoryModel = 5345,
CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelKHR = 5345,
CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope = 5346,
CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelDeviceScopeKHR = 5346,
CapabilityPhysicalStorageBufferAddresses = 5347,
CapabilityPhysicalStorageBufferAddressesEXT = 5347,
CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupLinearNV = 5350,
CapabilityRayTracingProvisionalKHR = 5353,
CapabilityCooperativeMatrixNV = 5357,
CapabilityFragmentShaderSampleInterlockEXT = 5363,
CapabilityFragmentShaderShadingRateInterlockEXT = 5372,
CapabilityShaderSMBuiltinsNV = 5373,
CapabilityFragmentShaderPixelInterlockEXT = 5378,
CapabilityDemoteToHelperInvocation = 5379,
CapabilityDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5379,
CapabilityDisplacementMicromapNV = 5380,
CapabilityRayTracingOpacityMicromapEXT = 5381,
CapabilityShaderInvocationReorderNV = 5383,
CapabilityBindlessTextureNV = 5390,
CapabilityRayQueryPositionFetchKHR = 5391,
CapabilityAtomicFloat16VectorNV = 5404,
CapabilityRayTracingDisplacementMicromapNV = 5409,
CapabilitySubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5568,
CapabilitySubgroupBufferBlockIOINTEL = 5569,
CapabilitySubgroupImageBlockIOINTEL = 5570,
CapabilitySubgroupImageMediaBlockIOINTEL = 5579,
CapabilityRoundToInfinityINTEL = 5582,
CapabilityFloatingPointModeINTEL = 5583,
CapabilityIntegerFunctions2INTEL = 5584,
CapabilityFunctionPointersINTEL = 5603,
CapabilityIndirectReferencesINTEL = 5604,
CapabilityAsmINTEL = 5606,
CapabilityAtomicFloat32MinMaxEXT = 5612,
CapabilityAtomicFloat64MinMaxEXT = 5613,
CapabilityAtomicFloat16MinMaxEXT = 5616,
CapabilityVectorComputeINTEL = 5617,
CapabilityVectorAnyINTEL = 5619,
CapabilityExpectAssumeKHR = 5629,
CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationINTEL = 5696,
CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationIntraINTEL = 5697,
CapabilitySubgroupAvcMotionEstimationChromaINTEL = 5698,
CapabilityVariableLengthArrayINTEL = 5817,
CapabilityFunctionFloatControlINTEL = 5821,
CapabilityFPGAMemoryAttributesINTEL = 5824,
CapabilityFPFastMathModeINTEL = 5837,
CapabilityArbitraryPrecisionIntegersINTEL = 5844,
CapabilityArbitraryPrecisionFloatingPointINTEL = 5845,
CapabilityUnstructuredLoopControlsINTEL = 5886,
CapabilityFPGALoopControlsINTEL = 5888,
CapabilityKernelAttributesINTEL = 5892,
CapabilityFPGAKernelAttributesINTEL = 5897,
CapabilityFPGAMemoryAccessesINTEL = 5898,
CapabilityFPGAClusterAttributesINTEL = 5904,
CapabilityLoopFuseINTEL = 5906,
CapabilityFPGADSPControlINTEL = 5908,
CapabilityMemoryAccessAliasingINTEL = 5910,
CapabilityFPGAInvocationPipeliningAttributesINTEL = 5916,
CapabilityFPGABufferLocationINTEL = 5920,
CapabilityArbitraryPrecisionFixedPointINTEL = 5922,
CapabilityUSMStorageClassesINTEL = 5935,
CapabilityRuntimeAlignedAttributeINTEL = 5939,
CapabilityIOPipesINTEL = 5943,
CapabilityBlockingPipesINTEL = 5945,
CapabilityFPGARegINTEL = 5948,
CapabilityDotProductInputAll = 6016,
CapabilityDotProductInputAllKHR = 6016,
CapabilityDotProductInput4x8Bit = 6017,
CapabilityDotProductInput4x8BitKHR = 6017,
CapabilityDotProductInput4x8BitPacked = 6018,
CapabilityDotProductInput4x8BitPackedKHR = 6018,
CapabilityDotProduct = 6019,
CapabilityDotProductKHR = 6019,
CapabilityRayCullMaskKHR = 6020,
CapabilityCooperativeMatrixKHR = 6022,
CapabilityReplicatedCompositesEXT = 6024,
CapabilityBitInstructions = 6025,
CapabilityGroupNonUniformRotateKHR = 6026,
CapabilityAtomicFloat32AddEXT = 6033,
CapabilityAtomicFloat64AddEXT = 6034,
CapabilityLongConstantCompositeINTEL = 6089,
CapabilityOptNoneINTEL = 6094,
CapabilityAtomicFloat16AddEXT = 6095,
CapabilityDebugInfoModuleINTEL = 6114,
CapabilitySplitBarrierINTEL = 6141,
CapabilityFPGAArgumentInterfacesINTEL = 6174,
CapabilityGroupUniformArithmeticKHR = 6400,
CapabilityMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum RayFlagsShift {
RayFlagsOpaqueKHRShift = 0,
RayFlagsNoOpaqueKHRShift = 1,
RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitKHRShift = 2,
RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderKHRShift = 3,
RayFlagsCullBackFacingTrianglesKHRShift = 4,
RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesKHRShift = 5,
RayFlagsCullOpaqueKHRShift = 6,
RayFlagsCullNoOpaqueKHRShift = 7,
RayFlagsSkipTrianglesKHRShift = 8,
RayFlagsSkipAABBsKHRShift = 9,
RayFlagsForceOpacityMicromap2StateEXTShift = 10,
RayFlagsMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum RayFlagsMask : unsigned {
RayFlagsMaskNone = 0,
RayFlagsOpaqueKHRMask = 0x00000001,
RayFlagsNoOpaqueKHRMask = 0x00000002,
RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitKHRMask = 0x00000004,
RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderKHRMask = 0x00000008,
RayFlagsCullBackFacingTrianglesKHRMask = 0x00000010,
RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesKHRMask = 0x00000020,
RayFlagsCullOpaqueKHRMask = 0x00000040,
RayFlagsCullNoOpaqueKHRMask = 0x00000080,
RayFlagsSkipTrianglesKHRMask = 0x00000100,
RayFlagsSkipAABBsKHRMask = 0x00000200,
RayFlagsForceOpacityMicromap2StateEXTMask = 0x00000400,
enum RayQueryIntersection {
RayQueryIntersectionRayQueryCandidateIntersectionKHR = 0,
RayQueryIntersectionRayQueryCommittedIntersectionKHR = 1,
RayQueryIntersectionMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum RayQueryCommittedIntersectionType {
RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeRayQueryCommittedIntersectionNoneKHR = 0,
RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeRayQueryCommittedIntersectionTriangleKHR = 1,
RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeRayQueryCommittedIntersectionGeneratedKHR = 2,
RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTypeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum RayQueryCandidateIntersectionType {
RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTypeRayQueryCandidateIntersectionTriangleKHR = 0,
RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTypeRayQueryCandidateIntersectionAABBKHR = 1,
RayQueryCandidateIntersectionTypeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FragmentShadingRateShift {
FragmentShadingRateVertical2PixelsShift = 0,
FragmentShadingRateVertical4PixelsShift = 1,
FragmentShadingRateHorizontal2PixelsShift = 2,
FragmentShadingRateHorizontal4PixelsShift = 3,
FragmentShadingRateMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FragmentShadingRateMask : unsigned {
FragmentShadingRateMaskNone = 0,
FragmentShadingRateVertical2PixelsMask = 0x00000001,
FragmentShadingRateVertical4PixelsMask = 0x00000002,
FragmentShadingRateHorizontal2PixelsMask = 0x00000004,
FragmentShadingRateHorizontal4PixelsMask = 0x00000008,
enum FPDenormMode {
FPDenormModePreserve = 0,
FPDenormModeFlushToZero = 1,
FPDenormModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum FPOperationMode {
FPOperationModeIEEE = 0,
FPOperationModeALT = 1,
FPOperationModeMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum QuantizationModes {
QuantizationModesTRN = 0,
QuantizationModesTRN_ZERO = 1,
QuantizationModesRND = 2,
QuantizationModesRND_ZERO = 3,
QuantizationModesRND_INF = 4,
QuantizationModesRND_MIN_INF = 5,
QuantizationModesRND_CONV = 6,
QuantizationModesRND_CONV_ODD = 7,
QuantizationModesMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum OverflowModes {
OverflowModesWRAP = 0,
OverflowModesSAT = 1,
OverflowModesSAT_ZERO = 2,
OverflowModesSAT_SYM = 3,
OverflowModesMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum PackedVectorFormat {
PackedVectorFormatPackedVectorFormat4x8Bit = 0,
PackedVectorFormatPackedVectorFormat4x8BitKHR = 0,
PackedVectorFormatMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum CooperativeMatrixOperandsShift {
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixASignedComponentsKHRShift = 0,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixBSignedComponentsKHRShift = 1,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixCSignedComponentsKHRShift = 2,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixResultSignedComponentsKHRShift = 3,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsSaturatingAccumulationKHRShift = 4,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask : unsigned {
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMaskNone = 0,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixASignedComponentsKHRMask = 0x00000001,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixBSignedComponentsKHRMask = 0x00000002,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixCSignedComponentsKHRMask = 0x00000004,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsMatrixResultSignedComponentsKHRMask = 0x00000008,
CooperativeMatrixOperandsSaturatingAccumulationKHRMask = 0x00000010,
enum CooperativeMatrixLayout {
CooperativeMatrixLayoutRowMajorKHR = 0,
CooperativeMatrixLayoutColumnMajorKHR = 1,
CooperativeMatrixLayoutRowBlockedInterleavedARM = 4202,
CooperativeMatrixLayoutColumnBlockedInterleavedARM = 4203,
CooperativeMatrixLayoutMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum CooperativeMatrixUse {
CooperativeMatrixUseMatrixAKHR = 0,
CooperativeMatrixUseMatrixBKHR = 1,
CooperativeMatrixUseMatrixAccumulatorKHR = 2,
CooperativeMatrixUseMax = 0x7fffffff,
enum Op {
OpNop = 0,
OpUndef = 1,
OpSourceContinued = 2,
OpSource = 3,
OpSourceExtension = 4,
OpName = 5,
OpMemberName = 6,
OpString = 7,
OpLine = 8,
OpExtension = 10,
OpExtInstImport = 11,
OpExtInst = 12,
OpMemoryModel = 14,
OpEntryPoint = 15,
OpExecutionMode = 16,
OpCapability = 17,
OpTypeVoid = 19,
OpTypeBool = 20,
OpTypeInt = 21,
OpTypeFloat = 22,
OpTypeVector = 23,
OpTypeMatrix = 24,
OpTypeImage = 25,
OpTypeSampler = 26,
OpTypeSampledImage = 27,
OpTypeArray = 28,
OpTypeRuntimeArray = 29,
OpTypeStruct = 30,
OpTypeOpaque = 31,
OpTypePointer = 32,
OpTypeFunction = 33,
OpTypeEvent = 34,
OpTypeDeviceEvent = 35,
OpTypeReserveId = 36,
OpTypeQueue = 37,
OpTypePipe = 38,
OpTypeForwardPointer = 39,
OpConstantTrue = 41,
OpConstantFalse = 42,
OpConstant = 43,
OpConstantComposite = 44,
OpConstantSampler = 45,
OpConstantNull = 46,
OpSpecConstantTrue = 48,
OpSpecConstantFalse = 49,
OpSpecConstant = 50,
OpSpecConstantComposite = 51,
OpSpecConstantOp = 52,
OpFunction = 54,
OpFunctionParameter = 55,
OpFunctionEnd = 56,
OpFunctionCall = 57,
OpVariable = 59,
OpImageTexelPointer = 60,
OpLoad = 61,
OpStore = 62,
OpCopyMemory = 63,
OpCopyMemorySized = 64,
OpAccessChain = 65,
OpInBoundsAccessChain = 66,
OpPtrAccessChain = 67,
OpArrayLength = 68,
OpGenericPtrMemSemantics = 69,
OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain = 70,
OpDecorate = 71,
OpMemberDecorate = 72,
OpDecorationGroup = 73,
OpGroupDecorate = 74,
OpGroupMemberDecorate = 75,
OpVectorExtractDynamic = 77,
OpVectorInsertDynamic = 78,
OpVectorShuffle = 79,
OpCompositeConstruct = 80,
OpCompositeExtract = 81,
OpCompositeInsert = 82,
OpCopyObject = 83,
OpTranspose = 84,
OpSampledImage = 86,
OpImageSampleImplicitLod = 87,
OpImageSampleExplicitLod = 88,
OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod = 89,
OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod = 90,
OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod = 91,
OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod = 92,
OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 93,
OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 94,
OpImageFetch = 95,
OpImageGather = 96,
OpImageDrefGather = 97,
OpImageRead = 98,
OpImageWrite = 99,
OpImage = 100,
OpImageQueryFormat = 101,
OpImageQueryOrder = 102,
OpImageQuerySizeLod = 103,
OpImageQuerySize = 104,
OpImageQueryLod = 105,
OpImageQueryLevels = 106,
OpImageQuerySamples = 107,
OpConvertFToU = 109,
OpConvertFToS = 110,
OpConvertSToF = 111,
OpConvertUToF = 112,
OpUConvert = 113,
OpSConvert = 114,
OpFConvert = 115,
OpQuantizeToF16 = 116,
OpConvertPtrToU = 117,
OpSatConvertSToU = 118,
OpSatConvertUToS = 119,
OpConvertUToPtr = 120,
OpPtrCastToGeneric = 121,
OpGenericCastToPtr = 122,
OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit = 123,
OpBitcast = 124,
OpSNegate = 126,
OpFNegate = 127,
OpIAdd = 128,
OpFAdd = 129,
OpISub = 130,
OpFSub = 131,
OpIMul = 132,
OpFMul = 133,
OpUDiv = 134,
OpSDiv = 135,
OpFDiv = 136,
OpUMod = 137,
OpSRem = 138,
OpSMod = 139,
OpFRem = 140,
OpFMod = 141,
OpVectorTimesScalar = 142,
OpMatrixTimesScalar = 143,
OpVectorTimesMatrix = 144,
OpMatrixTimesVector = 145,
OpMatrixTimesMatrix = 146,
OpOuterProduct = 147,
OpDot = 148,
OpIAddCarry = 149,
OpISubBorrow = 150,
OpUMulExtended = 151,
OpSMulExtended = 152,
OpAny = 154,
OpAll = 155,
OpIsNan = 156,
OpIsInf = 157,
OpIsFinite = 158,
OpIsNormal = 159,
OpSignBitSet = 160,
OpLessOrGreater = 161,
OpOrdered = 162,
OpUnordered = 163,
OpLogicalEqual = 164,
OpLogicalNotEqual = 165,
OpLogicalOr = 166,
OpLogicalAnd = 167,
OpLogicalNot = 168,
OpSelect = 169,
OpIEqual = 170,
OpINotEqual = 171,
OpUGreaterThan = 172,
OpSGreaterThan = 173,
OpUGreaterThanEqual = 174,
OpSGreaterThanEqual = 175,
OpULessThan = 176,
OpSLessThan = 177,
OpULessThanEqual = 178,
OpSLessThanEqual = 179,
OpFOrdEqual = 180,
OpFUnordEqual = 181,
OpFOrdNotEqual = 182,
OpFUnordNotEqual = 183,
OpFOrdLessThan = 184,
OpFUnordLessThan = 185,
OpFOrdGreaterThan = 186,
OpFUnordGreaterThan = 187,
OpFOrdLessThanEqual = 188,
OpFUnordLessThanEqual = 189,
OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual = 190,
OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual = 191,
OpShiftRightLogical = 194,
OpShiftRightArithmetic = 195,
OpShiftLeftLogical = 196,
OpBitwiseOr = 197,
OpBitwiseXor = 198,
OpBitwiseAnd = 199,
OpNot = 200,
OpBitFieldInsert = 201,
OpBitFieldSExtract = 202,
OpBitFieldUExtract = 203,
OpBitReverse = 204,
OpBitCount = 205,
OpDPdx = 207,
OpDPdy = 208,
OpFwidth = 209,
OpDPdxFine = 210,
OpDPdyFine = 211,
OpFwidthFine = 212,
OpDPdxCoarse = 213,
OpDPdyCoarse = 214,
OpFwidthCoarse = 215,
OpEmitVertex = 218,
OpEndPrimitive = 219,
OpEmitStreamVertex = 220,
OpEndStreamPrimitive = 221,
OpControlBarrier = 224,
OpMemoryBarrier = 225,
OpAtomicLoad = 227,
OpAtomicStore = 228,
OpAtomicExchange = 229,
OpAtomicCompareExchange = 230,
OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak = 231,
OpAtomicIIncrement = 232,
OpAtomicIDecrement = 233,
OpAtomicIAdd = 234,
OpAtomicISub = 235,
OpAtomicSMin = 236,
OpAtomicUMin = 237,
OpAtomicSMax = 238,
OpAtomicUMax = 239,
OpAtomicAnd = 240,
OpAtomicOr = 241,
OpAtomicXor = 242,
OpPhi = 245,
OpLoopMerge = 246,
OpSelectionMerge = 247,
OpLabel = 248,
OpBranch = 249,
OpBranchConditional = 250,
OpSwitch = 251,
OpKill = 252,
OpReturn = 253,
OpReturnValue = 254,
OpUnreachable = 255,
OpLifetimeStart = 256,
OpLifetimeStop = 257,
OpGroupAsyncCopy = 259,
OpGroupWaitEvents = 260,
OpGroupAll = 261,
OpGroupAny = 262,
OpGroupBroadcast = 263,
OpGroupIAdd = 264,
OpGroupFAdd = 265,
OpGroupFMin = 266,
OpGroupUMin = 267,
OpGroupSMin = 268,
OpGroupFMax = 269,
OpGroupUMax = 270,
OpGroupSMax = 271,
OpReadPipe = 274,
OpWritePipe = 275,
OpReservedReadPipe = 276,
OpReservedWritePipe = 277,
OpReserveReadPipePackets = 278,
OpReserveWritePipePackets = 279,
OpCommitReadPipe = 280,
OpCommitWritePipe = 281,
OpIsValidReserveId = 282,
OpGetNumPipePackets = 283,
OpGetMaxPipePackets = 284,
OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets = 285,
OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets = 286,
OpGroupCommitReadPipe = 287,
OpGroupCommitWritePipe = 288,
OpEnqueueMarker = 291,
OpEnqueueKernel = 292,
OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount = 293,
OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize = 294,
OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize = 295,
OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 296,
OpRetainEvent = 297,
OpReleaseEvent = 298,
OpCreateUserEvent = 299,
OpIsValidEvent = 300,
OpSetUserEventStatus = 301,
OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo = 302,
OpGetDefaultQueue = 303,
OpBuildNDRange = 304,
OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod = 305,
OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod = 306,
OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod = 307,
OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod = 308,
OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod = 309,
OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod = 310,
OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 311,
OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 312,
OpImageSparseFetch = 313,
OpImageSparseGather = 314,
OpImageSparseDrefGather = 315,
OpImageSparseTexelsResident = 316,
OpNoLine = 317,
OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet = 318,
OpAtomicFlagClear = 319,
OpImageSparseRead = 320,
OpSizeOf = 321,
OpTypePipeStorage = 322,
OpConstantPipeStorage = 323,
OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage = 324,
OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount = 325,
OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups = 326,
OpTypeNamedBarrier = 327,
OpNamedBarrierInitialize = 328,
OpMemoryNamedBarrier = 329,
OpModuleProcessed = 330,
OpExecutionModeId = 331,
OpDecorateId = 332,
OpGroupNonUniformElect = 333,
OpGroupNonUniformAll = 334,
OpGroupNonUniformAny = 335,
OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual = 336,
OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast = 337,
OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst = 338,
OpGroupNonUniformBallot = 339,
OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot = 340,
OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract = 341,
OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount = 342,
OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB = 343,
OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB = 344,
OpGroupNonUniformShuffle = 345,
OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor = 346,
OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp = 347,
OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown = 348,
OpGroupNonUniformIAdd = 349,
OpGroupNonUniformFAdd = 350,
OpGroupNonUniformIMul = 351,
OpGroupNonUniformFMul = 352,
OpGroupNonUniformSMin = 353,
OpGroupNonUniformUMin = 354,
OpGroupNonUniformFMin = 355,
OpGroupNonUniformSMax = 356,
OpGroupNonUniformUMax = 357,
OpGroupNonUniformFMax = 358,
OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd = 359,
OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr = 360,
OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor = 361,
OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd = 362,
OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr = 363,
OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor = 364,
OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast = 365,
OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap = 366,
OpCopyLogical = 400,
OpPtrEqual = 401,
OpPtrNotEqual = 402,
OpPtrDiff = 403,
OpColorAttachmentReadEXT = 4160,
OpDepthAttachmentReadEXT = 4161,
OpStencilAttachmentReadEXT = 4162,
OpTerminateInvocation = 4416,
OpSubgroupBallotKHR = 4421,
OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR = 4422,
OpSubgroupAllKHR = 4428,
OpSubgroupAnyKHR = 4429,
OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR = 4430,
OpGroupNonUniformRotateKHR = 4431,
OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR = 4432,
OpExtInstWithForwardRefsKHR = 4433,
OpTraceRayKHR = 4445,
OpExecuteCallableKHR = 4446,
OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR = 4447,
OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR = 4448,
OpTerminateRayKHR = 4449,
OpSDot = 4450,
OpSDotKHR = 4450,
OpUDot = 4451,
OpUDotKHR = 4451,
OpSUDot = 4452,
OpSUDotKHR = 4452,
OpSDotAccSat = 4453,
OpSDotAccSatKHR = 4453,
OpUDotAccSat = 4454,
OpUDotAccSatKHR = 4454,
OpSUDotAccSat = 4455,
OpSUDotAccSatKHR = 4455,
OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR = 4456,
OpCooperativeMatrixLoadKHR = 4457,
OpCooperativeMatrixStoreKHR = 4458,
OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR = 4459,
OpCooperativeMatrixLengthKHR = 4460,
OpConstantCompositeReplicateEXT = 4461,
OpSpecConstantCompositeReplicateEXT = 4462,
OpCompositeConstructReplicateEXT = 4463,
OpTypeRayQueryKHR = 4472,
OpRayQueryInitializeKHR = 4473,
OpRayQueryTerminateKHR = 4474,
OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR = 4475,
OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR = 4476,
OpRayQueryProceedKHR = 4477,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR = 4479,
OpImageSampleWeightedQCOM = 4480,
OpImageBoxFilterQCOM = 4481,
OpImageBlockMatchSSDQCOM = 4482,
OpImageBlockMatchSADQCOM = 4483,
OpImageBlockMatchWindowSSDQCOM = 4500,
OpImageBlockMatchWindowSADQCOM = 4501,
OpImageBlockMatchGatherSSDQCOM = 4502,
OpImageBlockMatchGatherSADQCOM = 4503,
OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD = 5000,
OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD = 5001,
OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD = 5002,
OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD = 5003,
OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD = 5004,
OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD = 5005,
OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD = 5006,
OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD = 5007,
OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD = 5011,
OpFragmentFetchAMD = 5012,
OpReadClockKHR = 5056,
OpGroupNonUniformQuadAllKHR = 5110,
OpGroupNonUniformQuadAnyKHR = 5111,
OpHitObjectRecordHitMotionNV = 5249,
OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexMotionNV = 5250,
OpHitObjectRecordMissMotionNV = 5251,
OpHitObjectGetWorldToObjectNV = 5252,
OpHitObjectGetObjectToWorldNV = 5253,
OpHitObjectGetObjectRayDirectionNV = 5254,
OpHitObjectGetObjectRayOriginNV = 5255,
OpHitObjectTraceRayMotionNV = 5256,
OpHitObjectGetShaderRecordBufferHandleNV = 5257,
OpHitObjectGetShaderBindingTableRecordIndexNV = 5258,
OpHitObjectRecordEmptyNV = 5259,
OpHitObjectTraceRayNV = 5260,
OpHitObjectRecordHitNV = 5261,
OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexNV = 5262,
OpHitObjectRecordMissNV = 5263,
OpHitObjectExecuteShaderNV = 5264,
OpHitObjectGetCurrentTimeNV = 5265,
OpHitObjectGetAttributesNV = 5266,
OpHitObjectGetHitKindNV = 5267,
OpHitObjectGetPrimitiveIndexNV = 5268,
OpHitObjectGetGeometryIndexNV = 5269,
OpHitObjectGetInstanceIdNV = 5270,
OpHitObjectGetInstanceCustomIndexNV = 5271,
OpHitObjectGetWorldRayDirectionNV = 5272,
OpHitObjectGetWorldRayOriginNV = 5273,
OpHitObjectGetRayTMaxNV = 5274,
OpHitObjectGetRayTMinNV = 5275,
OpHitObjectIsEmptyNV = 5276,
OpHitObjectIsHitNV = 5277,
OpHitObjectIsMissNV = 5278,
OpReorderThreadWithHitObjectNV = 5279,
OpReorderThreadWithHintNV = 5280,
OpTypeHitObjectNV = 5281,
OpImageSampleFootprintNV = 5283,
OpEmitMeshTasksEXT = 5294,
OpSetMeshOutputsEXT = 5295,
OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV = 5296,
OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV = 5299,
OpFetchMicroTriangleVertexPositionNV = 5300,
OpFetchMicroTriangleVertexBarycentricNV = 5301,
OpReportIntersectionKHR = 5334,
OpReportIntersectionNV = 5334,
OpIgnoreIntersectionNV = 5335,
OpTerminateRayNV = 5336,
OpTraceNV = 5337,
OpTraceMotionNV = 5338,
OpTraceRayMotionNV = 5339,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTriangleVertexPositionsKHR = 5340,
OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR = 5341,
OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV = 5341,
OpExecuteCallableNV = 5344,
OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV = 5358,
OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV = 5359,
OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV = 5360,
OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV = 5361,
OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV = 5362,
OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT = 5364,
OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT = 5365,
OpDemoteToHelperInvocation = 5380,
OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT = 5380,
OpIsHelperInvocationEXT = 5381,
OpConvertUToImageNV = 5391,
OpConvertUToSamplerNV = 5392,
OpConvertImageToUNV = 5393,
OpConvertSamplerToUNV = 5394,
OpConvertUToSampledImageNV = 5395,
OpConvertSampledImageToUNV = 5396,
OpSamplerImageAddressingModeNV = 5397,
OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL = 5571,
OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL = 5572,
OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL = 5573,
OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL = 5574,
OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL = 5575,
OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL = 5576,
OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL = 5577,
OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL = 5578,
OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL = 5580,
OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL = 5581,
OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL = 5585,
OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL = 5586,
OpAbsISubINTEL = 5587,
OpAbsUSubINTEL = 5588,
OpIAddSatINTEL = 5589,
OpUAddSatINTEL = 5590,
OpIAverageINTEL = 5591,
OpUAverageINTEL = 5592,
OpIAverageRoundedINTEL = 5593,
OpUAverageRoundedINTEL = 5594,
OpISubSatINTEL = 5595,
OpUSubSatINTEL = 5596,
OpIMul32x16INTEL = 5597,
OpUMul32x16INTEL = 5598,
OpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL = 5600,
OpFunctionPointerCallINTEL = 5601,
OpAsmTargetINTEL = 5609,
OpAsmINTEL = 5610,
OpAsmCallINTEL = 5611,
OpAtomicFMinEXT = 5614,
OpAtomicFMaxEXT = 5615,
OpAssumeTrueKHR = 5630,
OpExpectKHR = 5631,
OpDecorateString = 5632,
OpDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5632,
OpMemberDecorateString = 5633,
OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE = 5633,
OpVmeImageINTEL = 5699,
OpTypeVmeImageINTEL = 5700,
OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL = 5701,
OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL = 5702,
OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL = 5703,
OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL = 5704,
OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL = 5705,
OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL = 5706,
OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5707,
OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5708,
OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5709,
OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5710,
OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL = 5711,
OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL = 5712,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5713,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL = 5714,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5715,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL = 5716,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5717,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL = 5718,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5719,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL = 5720,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5721,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5722,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL = 5723,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL = 5724,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL = 5725,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL = 5726,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL = 5727,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL = 5728,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5729,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL = 5730,
OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5731,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL = 5732,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL = 5733,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL = 5734,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL = 5735,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL = 5736,
OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL = 5737,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL = 5738,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL = 5739,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL = 5740,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL = 5741,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL = 5742,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL = 5743,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5744,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL = 5745,
OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL = 5746,
OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL = 5747,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL = 5748,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL = 5749,
OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL = 5750,
OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL = 5751,
OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5752,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL = 5753,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5754,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL = 5755,
OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL = 5756,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5757,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5758,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5759,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5760,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5761,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5762,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5763,
OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL = 5764,
OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5765,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5766,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL = 5767,
OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5768,
OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL = 5769,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5770,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5771,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5772,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL = 5773,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL = 5774,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL = 5775,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL = 5776,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL = 5777,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL = 5778,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL = 5779,
OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL = 5780,
OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL = 5781,
OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL = 5782,
OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5783,
OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL = 5784,
OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5785,
OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5786,
OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5787,
OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5788,
OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5789,
OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5790,
OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL = 5791,
OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL = 5792,
OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL = 5793,
OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL = 5794,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL = 5795,
OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL = 5796,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL = 5797,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5798,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL = 5799,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL = 5800,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL = 5801,
OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL = 5802,
OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL = 5803,
OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL = 5804,
OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL = 5805,
OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL = 5806,
OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL = 5807,
OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL = 5808,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL = 5809,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL = 5810,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL = 5811,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL = 5812,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL = 5813,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL = 5814,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL = 5815,
OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL = 5816,
OpVariableLengthArrayINTEL = 5818,
OpSaveMemoryINTEL = 5819,
OpRestoreMemoryINTEL = 5820,
OpArbitraryFloatSinCosPiINTEL = 5840,
OpArbitraryFloatCastINTEL = 5841,
OpArbitraryFloatCastFromIntINTEL = 5842,
OpArbitraryFloatCastToIntINTEL = 5843,
OpArbitraryFloatAddINTEL = 5846,
OpArbitraryFloatSubINTEL = 5847,
OpArbitraryFloatMulINTEL = 5848,
OpArbitraryFloatDivINTEL = 5849,
OpArbitraryFloatGTINTEL = 5850,
OpArbitraryFloatGEINTEL = 5851,
OpArbitraryFloatLTINTEL = 5852,
OpArbitraryFloatLEINTEL = 5853,
OpArbitraryFloatEQINTEL = 5854,
OpArbitraryFloatRecipINTEL = 5855,
OpArbitraryFloatRSqrtINTEL = 5856,
OpArbitraryFloatCbrtINTEL = 5857,
OpArbitraryFloatHypotINTEL = 5858,
OpArbitraryFloatSqrtINTEL = 5859,
OpArbitraryFloatLogINTEL = 5860,
OpArbitraryFloatLog2INTEL = 5861,
OpArbitraryFloatLog10INTEL = 5862,
OpArbitraryFloatLog1pINTEL = 5863,
OpArbitraryFloatExpINTEL = 5864,
OpArbitraryFloatExp2INTEL = 5865,
OpArbitraryFloatExp10INTEL = 5866,
OpArbitraryFloatExpm1INTEL = 5867,
OpArbitraryFloatSinINTEL = 5868,
OpArbitraryFloatCosINTEL = 5869,
OpArbitraryFloatSinCosINTEL = 5870,
OpArbitraryFloatSinPiINTEL = 5871,
OpArbitraryFloatCosPiINTEL = 5872,
OpArbitraryFloatASinINTEL = 5873,
OpArbitraryFloatASinPiINTEL = 5874,
OpArbitraryFloatACosINTEL = 5875,
OpArbitraryFloatACosPiINTEL = 5876,
OpArbitraryFloatATanINTEL = 5877,
OpArbitraryFloatATanPiINTEL = 5878,
OpArbitraryFloatATan2INTEL = 5879,
OpArbitraryFloatPowINTEL = 5880,
OpArbitraryFloatPowRINTEL = 5881,
OpArbitraryFloatPowNINTEL = 5882,
OpLoopControlINTEL = 5887,
OpAliasDomainDeclINTEL = 5911,
OpAliasScopeDeclINTEL = 5912,
OpAliasScopeListDeclINTEL = 5913,
OpFixedSqrtINTEL = 5923,
OpFixedRecipINTEL = 5924,
OpFixedRsqrtINTEL = 5925,
OpFixedSinINTEL = 5926,
OpFixedCosINTEL = 5927,
OpFixedSinCosINTEL = 5928,
OpFixedSinPiINTEL = 5929,
OpFixedCosPiINTEL = 5930,
OpFixedSinCosPiINTEL = 5931,
OpFixedLogINTEL = 5932,
OpFixedExpINTEL = 5933,
OpPtrCastToCrossWorkgroupINTEL = 5934,
OpCrossWorkgroupCastToPtrINTEL = 5938,
OpReadPipeBlockingINTEL = 5946,
OpWritePipeBlockingINTEL = 5947,
OpFPGARegINTEL = 5949,
OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR = 6016,
OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR = 6017,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR = 6018,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR = 6019,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR = 6020,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR = 6021,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR = 6022,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR = 6023,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR = 6024,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR = 6025,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR = 6026,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR = 6027,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR = 6028,
OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR = 6029,
OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR = 6030,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR = 6031,
OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR = 6032,
OpAtomicFAddEXT = 6035,
OpTypeBufferSurfaceINTEL = 6086,
OpTypeStructContinuedINTEL = 6090,
OpConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL = 6091,
OpSpecConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL = 6092,
OpControlBarrierArriveINTEL = 6142,
OpControlBarrierWaitINTEL = 6143,
OpGroupIMulKHR = 6401,
OpGroupFMulKHR = 6402,
OpGroupBitwiseAndKHR = 6403,
OpGroupBitwiseOrKHR = 6404,
OpGroupBitwiseXorKHR = 6405,
OpGroupLogicalAndKHR = 6406,
OpGroupLogicalOrKHR = 6407,
OpGroupLogicalXorKHR = 6408,
OpMax = 0x7fffffff,
#ifndef __cplusplus
#include <stdbool.h>
inline void HasResultAndType(Op opcode, bool *hasResult, bool *hasResultType) {
*hasResult = *hasResultType = false;
switch (opcode) {
default: /* unknown opcode */ break;
case OpNop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpUndef: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSourceContinued: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSource: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSourceExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpMemberName: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpString: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExtension: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExtInstImport: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExtInst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpMemoryModel: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEntryPoint: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExecutionMode: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCapability: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeVoid: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeBool: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeInt: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeFloat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeRuntimeArray: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeStruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeOpaque: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypePointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeDeviceEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeForwardPointer: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantSampler: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantNull: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstantTrue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstantFalse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstant: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstantComposite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstantOp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFunction: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFunctionParameter: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFunctionEnd: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpFunctionCall: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVariable: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageTexelPointer: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCopyMemory: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCopyMemorySized: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpInBoundsAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArrayLength: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGenericPtrMemSemantics: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpDecorationGroup: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupMemberDecorate: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpVectorExtractDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVectorInsertDynamic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVectorShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCompositeConstruct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCompositeExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCompositeInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCopyObject: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTranspose: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSampledImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageWrite: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpImage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQueryFormat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQueryOrder: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQuerySizeLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQuerySize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQueryLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQueryLevels: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageQuerySamples: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertFToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertFToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertSToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertUToF: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFConvert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpQuantizeToF16: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertPtrToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSatConvertSToU: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSatConvertUToS: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertUToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrCastToGeneric: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGenericCastToPtr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFNegate: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFSub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFDiv: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFRem: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFMod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVectorTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpMatrixTimesScalar: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVectorTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpMatrixTimesVector: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpMatrixTimesMatrix: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpOuterProduct: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIAddCarry: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpISubBorrow: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSMulExtended: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIsNan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIsInf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIsFinite: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIsNormal: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSignBitSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLessOrGreater: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpOrdered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUnordered: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLogicalEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLogicalNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLogicalNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSelect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpINotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpULessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpULessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordLessThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordGreaterThan: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordLessThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpShiftRightLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpShiftRightArithmetic: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpShiftLeftLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpNot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitFieldInsert: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitFieldSExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitFieldUExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitReverse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdx: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFwidth: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdxFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdyFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFwidthFine: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdxCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDPdyCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFwidthCoarse: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpEmitVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEndPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEmitStreamVertex: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEndStreamPrimitive: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpControlBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpMemoryBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAtomicLoad: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicStore: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAtomicExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicCompareExchange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicIIncrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicIDecrement: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicISub: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPhi: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLoopMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSelectionMerge: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpLabel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpBranch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpBranchConditional: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSwitch: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpKill: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpReturn: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpReturnValue: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpUnreachable: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpLifetimeStart: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpLifetimeStop: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupAsyncCopy: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupWaitEvents: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReservedReadPipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReservedWritePipe: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpIsValidReserveId: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetNumPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetMaxPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupCommitReadPipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupCommitWritePipe: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEnqueueMarker: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpEnqueueKernel: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRetainEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpReleaseEvent: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCreateUserEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIsValidEvent: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSetUserEventStatus: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGetDefaultQueue: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBuildNDRange: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseFetch: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseDrefGather: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSparseTexelsResident: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpNoLine: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicFlagClear: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpImageSparseRead: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSizeOf: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypePipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpConstantPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCreatePipeFromPipeStorage: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGetKernelMaxNumSubgroups: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeNamedBarrier: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpNamedBarrierInitialize: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpMemoryNamedBarrier: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpModuleProcessed: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExecutionModeId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpDecorateId: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformElect: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformAll: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformAny: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformShuffle: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformIAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformFAdd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformIMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformFMul: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformSMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformUMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformFMin: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformSMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformUMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformFMax: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCopyLogical: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrNotEqual: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrDiff: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpExtInstWithForwardRefsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpColorAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDepthAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpStencilAttachmentReadEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTerminateInvocation: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSubgroupBallotKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAllKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAnyKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformRotateKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTraceRayKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExecuteCallableKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTerminateRayKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSUDot: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSUDotAccSat: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantCompositeReplicateEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSpecConstantCompositeReplicateEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCompositeConstructReplicateEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeRayQueryKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryInitializeKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryTerminateKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryProceedKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageSampleWeightedQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBoxFilterQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchWindowSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchWindowSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchGatherSSDQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpImageBlockMatchGatherSADQCOM: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFragmentFetchAMD: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReadClockKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformQuadAllKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformQuadAnyKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordHitMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordMissMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectGetWorldToObjectNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetObjectToWorldNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetObjectRayDirectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetObjectRayOriginNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectTraceRayMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectGetShaderRecordBufferHandleNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetShaderBindingTableRecordIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordEmptyNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectTraceRayNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordHitNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordHitWithIndexNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectRecordMissNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectExecuteShaderNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectGetCurrentTimeNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetAttributesNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpHitObjectGetHitKindNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetPrimitiveIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetGeometryIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetInstanceIdNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetInstanceCustomIndexNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetWorldRayDirectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetWorldRayOriginNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetRayTMaxNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectGetRayTMinNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectIsEmptyNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectIsHitNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpHitObjectIsMissNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReorderThreadWithHitObjectNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpReorderThreadWithHintNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeHitObjectNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpImageSampleFootprintNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpEmitMeshTasksEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSetMeshOutputsEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpReportIntersectionNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIgnoreIntersectionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTerminateRayNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTraceNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTraceMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTraceRayMotionNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTriangleVertexPositionsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExecuteCallableNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpDemoteToHelperInvocation: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpIsHelperInvocationEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertUToImageNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertUToSamplerNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertImageToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertSamplerToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertUToSampledImageNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConvertSampledImageToUNV: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSamplerImageAddressingModeNV: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSubgroupShuffleINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupShuffleDownINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupShuffleUpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupShuffleXorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSubgroupImageBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupImageBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockReadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupImageMediaBlockWriteINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpUCountLeadingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUCountTrailingZerosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAbsISubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAbsUSubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUAddSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUAverageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUAverageRoundedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpISubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUSubSatINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpIMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpUMul32x16INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFunctionPointerCallINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAsmTargetINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAsmINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAsmCallINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicFMinEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicFMaxEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAssumeTrueKHR: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpExpectKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpMemberDecorateString: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeVmeImageINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImeResultSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImeResultDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImeSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcImeDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeAvcSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterBaseMultiReferencePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetInterDirectionPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultInterMotionVectorCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultHighPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultMediumPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultLowPenaltyCostTableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetMotionVectorCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraLumaModePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultNonDcLumaIntraPenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetDefaultIntraChromaModeBasePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetAcOnlyHaarINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSourceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetSingleReferenceInterlacedFieldPolarityINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceSetDualReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToImeResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToRefResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicPayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceConvertToSicResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetBestInterDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMajorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMinorShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterDirectionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcMceGetInterReferenceInterlacedFieldPolaritiesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeRefWindowSizeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeAdjustRefOffsetINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetMaxMotionVectorCountINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetUnidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetEarlySearchTerminationThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeSetWeightedSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithSingleReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeEvaluateWithDualReferenceStreaminoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetSingleReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetDualReferenceStreaminINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripSingleReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeStripDualReferenceStreamoutINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutSingleReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeMotionVectorsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeDistortionsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetStreamoutDualReferenceMajorShapeReferenceIdsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetBorderReachedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetTruncatedSearchIndicationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetUnidirectionalEarlySearchTerminationINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumMotionVectorINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcImeGetWeightingPatternMinimumDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcFmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcBmeInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBidirectionalMixDisableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcRefConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicInitializeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureSkcINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicConfigureIpeLumaChromaINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetMotionVectorMaskINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMcePayloadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaShapePenaltyINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraLumaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetIntraChromaModeCostFunctionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBilinearFilterEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetSkcForwardTransformEnableINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicSetBlockBasedRawSkipSadINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateIpeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithSingleReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithDualReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicEvaluateWithMultiReferenceInterlacedINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicConvertToMceResultINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeLumaShapeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeLumaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetBestIpeChromaDistortionINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedIpeLumaModesINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetIpeChromaModeINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaCountThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetPackedSkcLumaSumThresholdINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSubgroupAvcSicGetInterRawSadsINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpVariableLengthArrayINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpSaveMemoryINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRestoreMemoryINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSinCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCastINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCastFromIntINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCastToIntINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatAddINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSubINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatMulINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatDivINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatGTINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatGEINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLTINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLEINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatEQINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatRecipINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatRSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCbrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatHypotINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLogINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLog2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLog10INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatLog1pINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatExpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatExp2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatExp10INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatExpm1INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSinCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatSinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatASinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatASinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatACosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatACosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatATanINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatATanPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatATan2INTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatPowINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatPowRINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpArbitraryFloatPowNINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpLoopControlINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAliasDomainDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAliasScopeDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpAliasScopeListDeclINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpFixedSqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedRecipINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedRsqrtINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedSinINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedSinCosINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedSinPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedSinCosPiINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedLogINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFixedExpINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpPtrCastToCrossWorkgroupINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpCrossWorkgroupCastToPtrINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpReadPipeBlockingINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpWritePipeBlockingINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpFPGARegINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpAtomicFAddEXT: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpTypeBufferSurfaceINTEL: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpTypeStructContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpSpecConstantCompositeContinuedINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpControlBarrierArriveINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpControlBarrierWaitINTEL: *hasResult = false; *hasResultType = false; break;
case OpGroupIMulKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupFMulKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupBitwiseAndKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupBitwiseOrKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupBitwiseXorKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupLogicalAndKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupLogicalOrKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
case OpGroupLogicalXorKHR: *hasResult = true; *hasResultType = true; break;
// Overload bitwise operators for mask bit combining
inline ImageOperandsMask operator|(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) { return ImageOperandsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline ImageOperandsMask operator&(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) { return ImageOperandsMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline ImageOperandsMask operator^(ImageOperandsMask a, ImageOperandsMask b) { return ImageOperandsMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline ImageOperandsMask operator~(ImageOperandsMask a) { return ImageOperandsMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator|(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) { return FPFastMathModeMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator&(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) { return FPFastMathModeMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator^(FPFastMathModeMask a, FPFastMathModeMask b) { return FPFastMathModeMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline FPFastMathModeMask operator~(FPFastMathModeMask a) { return FPFastMathModeMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline SelectionControlMask operator|(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) { return SelectionControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline SelectionControlMask operator&(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) { return SelectionControlMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline SelectionControlMask operator^(SelectionControlMask a, SelectionControlMask b) { return SelectionControlMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline SelectionControlMask operator~(SelectionControlMask a) { return SelectionControlMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline LoopControlMask operator|(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) { return LoopControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline LoopControlMask operator&(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) { return LoopControlMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline LoopControlMask operator^(LoopControlMask a, LoopControlMask b) { return LoopControlMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline LoopControlMask operator~(LoopControlMask a) { return LoopControlMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline FunctionControlMask operator|(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) { return FunctionControlMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline FunctionControlMask operator&(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) { return FunctionControlMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline FunctionControlMask operator^(FunctionControlMask a, FunctionControlMask b) { return FunctionControlMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline FunctionControlMask operator~(FunctionControlMask a) { return FunctionControlMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator|(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) { return MemorySemanticsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator&(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) { return MemorySemanticsMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator^(MemorySemanticsMask a, MemorySemanticsMask b) { return MemorySemanticsMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline MemorySemanticsMask operator~(MemorySemanticsMask a) { return MemorySemanticsMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline MemoryAccessMask operator|(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) { return MemoryAccessMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline MemoryAccessMask operator&(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) { return MemoryAccessMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline MemoryAccessMask operator^(MemoryAccessMask a, MemoryAccessMask b) { return MemoryAccessMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline MemoryAccessMask operator~(MemoryAccessMask a) { return MemoryAccessMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator|(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) { return KernelProfilingInfoMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator&(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) { return KernelProfilingInfoMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator^(KernelProfilingInfoMask a, KernelProfilingInfoMask b) { return KernelProfilingInfoMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline KernelProfilingInfoMask operator~(KernelProfilingInfoMask a) { return KernelProfilingInfoMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline RayFlagsMask operator|(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) { return RayFlagsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline RayFlagsMask operator&(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) { return RayFlagsMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline RayFlagsMask operator^(RayFlagsMask a, RayFlagsMask b) { return RayFlagsMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline RayFlagsMask operator~(RayFlagsMask a) { return RayFlagsMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator|(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) { return FragmentShadingRateMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator&(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) { return FragmentShadingRateMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator^(FragmentShadingRateMask a, FragmentShadingRateMask b) { return FragmentShadingRateMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline FragmentShadingRateMask operator~(FragmentShadingRateMask a) { return FragmentShadingRateMask(~unsigned(a)); }
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator|(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) { return CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask(unsigned(a) | unsigned(b)); }
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator&(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) { return CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask(unsigned(a) & unsigned(b)); }
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator^(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a, CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask b) { return CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask(unsigned(a) ^ unsigned(b)); }
inline CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask operator~(CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask a) { return CooperativeMatrixOperandsMask(~unsigned(a)); }
} // end namespace spv
#endif // #ifndef spirv_HPP