steve-lunarg a64ed3eba0 HLSL: allow "sample" in expressions.
Unlike other qualifiers, HLSL allows "sample" to be either a qualifier keyword or an
identifier (e.g, a variable or function name).

A fix to allow this was made a while ago, but that fix was insufficient when 'sample'
was used in an expression.  The problem was around the initial ambiguity between:

   sample float a; // "sample" is part of a fully specified type
and;     // sample is a keyword in a dot expression

Both start the same.  The "sample" was being accepted as a qualifier before enough
further parsing was done to determine we were not a declaration after all.  This
consumed the token, causing it to fail for its real purpose.

Now, when accepting a fully specified type, the token is pushed back onto the stack if
the thing is not a fully specified type.  This leaves it available for subsequent

Changed the "hlsl.identifier.sample.frag" test to exercise this situation, distilled
down from a production shaders.
2016-12-18 18:01:34 -07:00

19 lines
478 B

struct MyStruct {
sample float a;
noperspective float b;
linear float c;
centroid float d;
int sample(int x) { return x; } // HLSL allows this as an identifier as well.
float4 main() : SV_Target0
// HLSL allows this as an identifier as well.
// However, this is not true of other qualifier keywords such as "linear".
float4 sample = float4(3,4,5,6);
return sample.rgba; // 'sample' can participate in an expression.