docs: rewrite the CSS Properties docs

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William Jon McCann 2014-02-07 20:52:37 -05:00
parent 7067b3c326
commit 01b2440370

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@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
* }
* ]|
* # Specifying Colors
* # Specifying Colors # {#specifying-colors}
* There are various ways to express colors in GTK+ CSS.
* ## rgb(r, g, b)
@ -508,55 +508,7 @@
* color-stop (1, @green))
* ]|
* # Text shadow
* A shadow list can be applied to text or symbolic icons, using the CSS3
* text-shadow syntax, as defined in the
* [CSS3 Specification](
* A text shadow is specified using the following syntax:
* > `text-shadow: horizontal_offset vertical_offset [ blur_radius ] color`
* - The offset of the shadow is specified with the
* `horizontal_offset` and `vertical_offset` parameters.
* - The optional blur radius is parsed, but it is currently not
* rendered by the GTK+ theming engine.
* To set a shadow on an icon, use the `icon-shadow` property instead,
* with the same syntax.
* To set multiple shadows on an element, you can specify a comma-separated list
* of shadow elements in the `text-shadow` or `icon-shadow` property. Shadows are
* always rendered front to back (i.e. the first shadow specified is on top of the
* others). Shadows can thus overlay each other, but they can never overlay the
* text or icon itself, which is always rendered on top of the shadow layer.
* # Box shadow
* Themes can apply shadows on framed elements using the CSS3 box-shadow syntax,
* as defined in the
* [CSS3 Specification](
* A box shadow is specified using the following syntax:
* > `box-shadow: [ inset ] horizontal_offset vertical_offset [ blur_radius ] [ spread ] color`
* - A positive offset will draw a shadow that is offset to the right (down) of the box,
* - A negative offset to the left (top).
* - The optional spread parameter defines an additional distance to
* expand the shadow shape in all directions, by the specified radius.
* - The optional blur radius parameter is parsed, but it is currently not rendered by
* the GTK+ theming engine.
* - The inset parameter defines whether the drop shadow should be rendered inside or outside
* the box canvas.
* To set multiple box-shadows on an element, you can specify a comma-separated list
* of shadow elements in the `box-shadow` property. Shadows are always rendered
* front to back (i.e. the first shadow specified is on top of the others) so they may
* overlap other boxes or other shadows.
* # Border images
* # Border images # {#border-images]
* Images and gradients can also be used in slices for the purpose of creating
* scalable borders.
@ -661,40 +613,6 @@
* border-image: url("gradient1.png") 10 10 10 10 stretch;
* ]|
* # Transitions
* Styles can specify transitions that will be used to create a gradual
* change in the appearance when a widget state changes. The following
* syntax is used to specify transitions:
* > `duration [s|ms] [linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out] [loop]?`
* - The `duration` is the amount of time that the animation will take
* for a complete cycle from start to end.
* - If the loop option is given, the animation will be repated until
* the state changes again.
* - The option after the duration determines the transition function
* from a small set of predefined functions.
* ## Linear Transition
* ![](linear.png)
* ## Ease transition
* ![](ease.png)
* ## Ease-in-out transition
* ![](ease-in-out.png)
* ## Ease-in transition
* ![](ease-in.png)
* ## Ease-out transition
* ![](ease-out.png)
* # Supported Properties
@ -704,273 +622,466 @@
* a widget based environment).
* The currently supported properties are:
* <informaltable>
* <tgroup cols="4">
* <thead>
* <row>
* <entry>Property name</entry>
* <entry>Syntax</entry>
* <entry>Maps to</entry>
* <entry>Examples</entry>
* </row>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <row>
* <entry>engine</entry>
* <entry>engine-name</entry>
* <entry>#GtkThemingEngine</entry>
* <entry>engine: clearlooks;
* engine: none; /&ast; use the default (i.e. builtin) engine) &ast;/ </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>background-color</entry>
* <entry morerows="1">color (see above)</entry>
* <entry morerows="6">#GdkRGBA</entry>
* <entry morerows="6"><literallayout>background-color: &num;fff;
* color: &amp;color1;
* background-color: shade (&amp;color1, 0.5);
* color: mix (&amp;color1, &num;f0f, 0.8);</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>color</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-top-color</entry>
* <entry morerows="3">transparent|color (see above)</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-right-color</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-bottom-color</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-left-color</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-color</entry>
* <entry>[transparent|color]{1,4}</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font-family</entry>
* <entry>@family [, @family]*</entry>
* <entry>#gchararray</entry>
* <entry>font-family: Sans, Arial;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font-style</entry>
* <entry>[normal|oblique|italic]</entry>
* <entry>#PANGO_TYPE_STYLE</entry>
* <entry>font-style: italic;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font-variant</entry>
* <entry>[normal|small-caps]</entry>
* <entry>#PANGO_TYPE_VARIANT</entry>
* <entry>font-variant: normal;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font-weight</entry>
* <entry>[normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900]</entry>
* <entry>#PANGO_TYPE_WEIGHT</entry>
* <entry>font-weight: bold;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font-size</entry>
* <entry>Font size in point</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>font-size: 13;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>font</entry>
* <entry>@family [@style] [@size]</entry>
* <entry>#PangoFontDescription</entry>
* <entry>font: Sans 15;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>margin-top</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>margin-top: 0;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>margin-left</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>margin-left: 1;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>margin-bottom</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>margin-bottom: 2;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>margin-right</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>margin-right: 4;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>margin</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>@width
* @vertical_width @horizontal_width
* @top_width @horizontal_width @bottom_width
* @top_width @right_width @bottom_width @left_width</literallayout>
* </entry>
* <entry>#GtkBorder</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>margin: 5;
* margin: 5 10;
* margin: 5 10 3;
* margin: 5 10 3 5;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>padding-top</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>padding-top: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>padding-left</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>padding-left: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>padding-bottom</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>padding-bottom: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>padding-right</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>padding-right: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>padding</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>@width
* @vertical_width @horizontal_width
* @top_width @horizontal_width @bottom_width
* @top_width @right_width @bottom_width @left_width</literallayout>
* </entry>
* <entry>#GtkBorder</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>padding: 5;
* padding: 5 10;
* padding: 5 10 3;
* padding: 5 10 3 5;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>background-image</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>gradient (see above) or
* url(@path)</literallayout></entry>
* <entry>#cairo_pattern_t</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>-gtk-gradient (linear,
* left top, right top,
* from (&num;fff), to (&num;000));
* -gtk-gradient (linear, 0.0 0.5, 0.5 1.0,
* from (&num;fff),
* color-stop (0.5, &num;f00),
* to (&num;000));
* -gtk-gradient (radial,
* center center, 0.2,
* center center, 0.8,
* color-stop (0.0, &num;fff),
* color-stop (1.0, &num;000));
* url ("background.png");</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>background-repeat</entry>
* <entry>[repeat|no-repeat]</entry>
* <entry>internal</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>background-repeat: no-repeat;</literallayout>
* If not specified, the style doesnt respect the CSS3
* specification, since the background will be
* stretched to fill the area.
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-top-width</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>border-top-width: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-left-width</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>border-left-width: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-bottom-width</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>border-bottom-width: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-right-width</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>border-right-width: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-width</entry>
* <entry>#GtkBorder</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>border-width: 1;
* border-width: 1 2;
* border-width: 1 2 3;
* border-width: 1 2 3 5;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-radius</entry>
* <entry>integer</entry>
* <entry>#gint</entry>
* <entry>border-radius: 5;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-style</entry>
* <entry>[none|solid|inset|outset]</entry>
* <entry>#GtkBorderStyle</entry>
* <entry>border-style: solid;</entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>border-image</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>border image (see above)</literallayout></entry>
* <entry>internal use only</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>border-image: url("/path/to/image.png") 3 4 3 4 stretch;
* border-image: url("/path/to/image.png") 3 4 4 3 repeat stretch;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>text-shadow</entry>
* <entry>shadow list (see above)</entry>
* <entry>internal use only</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>text-shadow: 1 1 0 blue, -4 -4 red;</literallayout></entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>transition</entry>
* <entry>transition (see above)</entry>
* <entry>internal use only</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>transition: 150ms ease-in-out;
* transition: 1s linear loop;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* <row>
* <entry>gtk-key-bindings</entry>
* <entry>binding set name list</entry>
* <entry>internal use only</entry>
* <entry><literallayout>gtk-bindings: binding1, binding2, ...;</literallayout>
* </entry>
* </row>
* </tbody>
* </tgroup>
* </informaltable>
* ## engine: [name|none];
* - `none` means to use the default (ie. builtin engine)
* |[
* engine: clearlooks;
* ]|
* ## background-color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* background-color: shade (@color1, 0.5);
* ]|
* ## color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* color: #fff;
* ]|
* ## border-color: [color|transparent]{1,4};
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left
* - Three values used to specify: top vertical bottom
* - Two values used to specify: horizontal vertical
* - One value used to specify: color
* |[
* border-color: red green blue;
* ]|
* ## border-top-color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* border-top-color: @borders;
* ]|
* ## border-right-color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* border-right-color: @borders;
* ]|
* ## border-bottom-color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* border-bottom-color: @borders;
* ]|
* ## border-left-color: [color|transparent];
* - `color`: See [Specifying Colors][specifying-colors]
* |[
* border-left-color: @borders;
* ]|
* ## font-family: name;
* The name of the font family or font name to use.
* - Note: unlike the CSS2 Specification this does not support using a
* prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family
* names.
* |[
* font-family: Sans, Cantarell;
* ]|
* ## font-style: [normal|oblique|italic];
* Selects between normal, italic and oblique faces within a font family.
* |[
* font-style: italic;
* ]|
* ## font-variant: [normal|small-caps];
* In a small-caps font the lower case letters look similar to the
* uppercase ones, but in a smaller size and with slightly different
* proportions.
* |[
* font-variant: normal;
* ]|
* ## font-weight: [normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900];
* Selects the weight of the font. The values '100' to '900' form an
* ordered sequence, where each number indicates a weight that is at
* least as dark as its predecessor. The keyword 'normal' is
* synonymous with '400', and 'bold' is synonymous with
* '700'. Keywords other than 'normal' and 'bold' have been shown to
* be often confused with font names and a numerical scale was
* therefore chosen for the 9-value list.
* |[
* font-weight: bold;
* ]|
* ## font-size: [absolute-size|relative-size|percentage];
* - `absolute-size`: The size in normal size units like `px`, `pt`,
* and `em`. Or symbolic sizes like `xx-small`, `x-small`, `small`,
* `medium`, `large`, `x-large`, `xx-large`.
* - `relative-size`: `larger` or `smaller` relative to the parent.
* - `percentage`: A percentage difference from the nominal size.
* |[
* font-size: 12px;
* ]|
* ## font: [family] [style] [variant] [size];
* A shorthand for setting a few font properties at once.
* - Supports any format accepted by pango_font_description_from_string()
* - Note: this is somewhat different from the CSS2 Specification for this property.
* |[
* font: Bold 11;
* ]|
* ## margin: [length|percentage]{1,4};
* A shorthand for setting the margin space required on all sides of
* an element.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left
* - Three values used to specify: top horizontal bottom
* - Two values used to specify: vertical horizontal
* - One value used to specify: margin
* |[
* margin: 1em 2em 4em;
* ]|
* ## margin-top: [length|percentage];
* Sets the margin space required on the top of an element.
* |[
* margin-top: 10px;
* ]|
* ## margin-right: [length|percentage];
* Sets the margin space required on the right of an element.
* |[
* margin-right: 0px;
* ]|
* ## margin-bottom: [length|percentage];
* Sets the margin space required on the bottom of an element.
* |[
* margin-bottom: 10px;
* ]|
* ## margin-left: [length|percentage];
* Sets the margin space required on the left of an element.
* |[
* margin-left: 1em;
* ]|
* ## padding: [length|percentage]{1,4};
* A shorthand for setting the padding space required on all sides of
* an element. The padding area is the space between the content of
* the element and its border.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left
* - Three values used to specify: top horizontal bottom
* - Two values used to specify: vertical horizontal
* - One value used to specify: padding
* |[
* padding: 1em 2em 4em;
* ]|
* ## padding-top: [length|percentage];
* Sets the padding space required on the top of an element.
* |[
* padding-top: 10px;
* ]|
* ## padding-right: [length|percentage];
* Sets the padding space required on the right of an element.
* |[
* padding-right: 0px;
* ]|
* ## padding-bottom: [length|percentage];
* Sets the padding space required on the bottom of an element.
* |[
* padding-bottom: 10px;
* ]|
* ## padding-left: [length|percentage];
* Sets the padding space required on the left of an element.
* |[
* padding-left: 1em;
* ]|
* ## border-width: [width]{1,4};
* A shorthand for setting the border width on all sides of
* an element.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left
* - Three values used to specify: top vertical bottom
* - Two values used to specify: horizontal vertical
* - One value used to specify: width
* |[
* border-width: 1px 2px 4px;
* ]|
* ## border-top-width: [width];
* Sets the border width required on the top of an element.
* |[
* border-top: 10px;
* ]|
* ## border-right-width: [width];
* Sets the border width required on the right of an element.
* |[
* border-right: 0px;
* ]|
* ## border-bottom-width: [width];
* Sets the border width required on the bottom of an element.
* |[
* border-bottom: 10px;
* ]|
* ## border-left-width: [width];
* Sets the border width required on the left of an element.
* |[
* border-left: 1em;
* ]|
* ## border-radius: [length|percentage]{1,4};
* Allows setting how rounded all border corners are.
* - Four values used to specify: top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left
* - Three values used to specify: top-left top-right-and-bottom-left bottom-right
* - Two values used to specify: top-left-and-bottom-right top-right-and-bottom-left
* - One value used to specify: radius on all sides
* |[
* border-radius: 8px
* ]|
* ## border-style: [none|solid|inset|outset]{1,4};
* A shorthand property for setting the line style for all four sides
* of the elements border.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left;
* - Three values used to specify: top horizontal bottom
* - Two values used to specify: vertical horizontal
* - One value used to specify: style
* |[
* border-style: solid;
* ]|
* ## border-image: [source] [slice] [ / width ] [repeat]; A shorthand
* for setting an image on the borders of elements. See [Border
* Images][border-images].
* |[
* border-image: url("/path/to/image.png") 3 4 4 3 repeat stretch;
* ]|
* ## border-image-source: [none|url|linear-gradient]{1,4};
* Defines the image to use instead of the style of the border. If
* this property is set to none, the style defined by border-style is
* used instead.
* |[
* border-image-source: url("/path/to/image.png");
* ]|
* ## border-image-slice: [number|percentage]{1,4};
* Divides the image specified by border-image-source in nine regions:
* the four corners, the four edges and the middle. It does this by
* specifying 4 inwards offsets.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left;
* - Three values used to specify: top vertical bottom
* - Two values used to specify: horizontal vertical
* - One value used to specify: slice
* |[
* border-image-slice: 3 3 4 3;
* ]|
* ## border-image-width: [length|percentage]{1,4};
* Defines the offset to use for dividing the border image in nine
* parts, the top-left corner, central top edge, top-right-corner,
* central right edge, bottom-right corner, central bottom edge,
* bottom-left corner, and central right edge. They represent inward
* distance from the top, right, bottom, and left edges.
* - Four values used to specify: top right bottom left;
* - Three values used to specify: top horizontal bottom
* - Two values used to specify: vertical horizontal
* - One value used to specify: width
* |[
* border-image-width: 4px 0 4px 0;
* ]|
* ## border-image-repeat: [none|url|linear-gradient]{1,4};
* Defines how the middle part of a border image is handled to match
* the size of the border. It has a one-value syntax which describes
* the behavior for all sides, and a two-value syntax that sets a
* different value for the horizontal and vertical behavior.
* - Two values used to specify: horizontal vertical
* - One value used to specify: repeat
* |[
* border-image-repeat: stretch;
* ]|
* ## background-image: [none|url|linear-gradient], ...
* Sets one or several background images for an element. The images
* are drawn on successive stacking context layers, with the first
* specified being drawn as if it is the closest to the user. The
* borders of the element are then drawn on top of them, and the
* background-color is drawn beneath them.
* - There can be several sources listed, separated by commas.
* |[
* background-image: gtk-gradient (linear,
* left top, right top,
* from (#fff), to (#000));
* ]|
* ## background-repeat: [repeat|no-repeat|space|round|repeat-x|repeat-y];
* Defines how background images are repeated. A background image can
* be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both, or
* not repeated at all.
* - `repeat`: The image is repeated in the given direction as much as
* needed to cover the whole background image painting area. The
* last image may be clipped if the whole thing won't fit in the
* remaining area.
* - `space`: The image is repeated in the given direction as much as
* needed to cover most of the background image painting area,
* without clipping an image. The remaining non-covered space is
* spaced out evenly between the images. The first and last images
* touches the edge of the element. The value of the
* background-position CSS property is ignored for the concerned
* direction, except if one single image is greater than the
* background image painting area, which is the only case where an
* image can be clipped when the space value is used.
* - `round`: The image is repeated in the given direction as much as
* needed to cover most of the background image painting area,
* without clipping an image. If it doesn't cover exactly the area,
* the tiles are resized in that direction in order to match it.
* - `no-repeat`: The image is not repeated (and hence the background
* image painting area will not necessarily been entirely
* covered). The position of the non-repeated background image is
* defined by the background-position CSS property.
* - Note if not specified, the style doesnt respect the CSS3
* specification, since the background will be stretched to fill
* the area.
* |[
* background-repeat: no-repeat;
* ]|
* ## text-shadow: horizontal_offset vertical_offset [ blur_radius ] color;
* A shadow list can be applied to text or symbolic icons, using the CSS3
* text-shadow syntax, as defined in the
* [CSS3 Specification](
* - The offset of the shadow is specified with the
* `horizontal_offset` and `vertical_offset` parameters.
* - The optional blur radius is parsed, but it is currently not
* rendered by the GTK+ theming engine.
* To set a shadow on an icon, use the `icon-shadow` property instead,
* with the same syntax.
* To set multiple shadows on an element, you can specify a comma-separated list
* of shadow elements in the `text-shadow` or `icon-shadow` property. Shadows are
* always rendered front to back (i.e. the first shadow specified is on top of the
* others). Shadows can thus overlay each other, but they can never overlay the
* text or icon itself, which is always rendered on top of the shadow layer.
* |[
* text-shadow: text-shadow: 1 1 0 blue, -4 -4 red;
* ]|
* ## box-shadow: [ inset ] horizontal_offset vertical_offset [ blur_radius ] [ spread ] color;
* Themes can apply shadows on framed elements using the CSS3 box-shadow syntax,
* as defined in the
* [CSS3 Specification](
* - A positive offset will draw a shadow that is offset to the right (down) of the box,
* - A negative offset to the left (top).
* - The optional spread parameter defines an additional distance to
* expand the shadow shape in all directions, by the specified radius.
* - The optional blur radius parameter is parsed, but it is currently not rendered by
* the GTK+ theming engine.
* - The inset parameter defines whether the drop shadow should be rendered inside or outside
* the box canvas.
* To set multiple box-shadows on an element, you can specify a comma-separated list
* of shadow elements in the `box-shadow` property. Shadows are always rendered
* front to back (i.e. the first shadow specified is on top of the others) so they may
* overlap other boxes or other shadows.
* |[
* box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px alpha(black, 0.1);
* ]|
* ## transition: duration [s|ms] [linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out] [loop];
* Styles can specify transitions that will be used to create a
* gradual change in the appearance when a widget state changes.
* - The `duration` is the amount of time that the animation will take
* for a complete cycle from start to end.
* - If the loop option is given, the animation will be repated until
* the state changes again.
* - The option after the duration determines the transition function
* from a small set of predefined functions.
* - Linear
* ![](linear.png)
* - Ease transition
* ![](ease.png)
* - Ease-in-out transition
* ![](ease-in-out.png)
* - Ease-in transition
* ![](ease-in.png)
* - Ease-out transition
* ![](ease-out.png)
* |[
* transition: 150ms ease-in-out;
* ]|
* ## gtk-key-bindings: binding1, binding2, ...;
* Key binding set name list.
* ## Other Properties
* GtkThemingEngines can register their own, engine-specific style properties
* with the function gtk_theming_engine_register_property(). These properties