theme: Stop using alpha() and shade()

These are being phased out in favor of color-mix().
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Clasen 2024-06-03 20:37:09 -04:00
parent 130485a583
commit 0e94e5ecda
2 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -93,22 +93,22 @@ $_wm_highlight: if($variant=='light', $top_hilight, // Sass gets mad if this is
these colors are exported for the window manager and shouldn't be used in applications,
read if you used those and something break with a version upgrade you're on your own... */
@define-color wm_title shade(#{$fg_color}, 1.8);
@define-color wm_title color-mix(in hsl, #{$fg_color}, white 80%);
@define-color wm_unfocused_title #{$backdrop_fg_color};
@define-color wm_highlight #{"" + $_wm_highlight};
@define-color wm_borders_edge #{"" + $borders_edge};
@define-color wm_bg_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 1.2);
@define-color wm_bg_a color-mix(in hsl, #{$bg_color}, white 20%);
@define-color wm_bg_b #{$bg_color};
@define-color wm_shadow alpha(black, 0.35);
@define-color wm_border alpha(black, 0.18);
@define-color wm_shadow color-mix(in srgb, black, transparent 35%);
@define-color wm_border color-mix(in srgb, black, transparent 18%);
@define-color wm_button_hover_color_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 1.3);
@define-color wm_button_hover_color_a color-mix(in hsl, #{$bg_color}, white 30%);
@define-color wm_button_hover_color_b #{$bg_color};
@define-color wm_button_active_color_a shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.85);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_b shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.89);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_c shade(#{$bg_color}, 0.9);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_a color-mix(in hsl, #{$bg_color}, black 15%);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_b color-mix(in hsl, #{$bg_color}, black 11%);
@define-color wm_button_active_color_c color-mix(in hsl, #{$bg_color}, black 10%);
//FIXME this is really an API

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@function gtkalpha($c,$a) {
@return unquote("alpha(#{$c},#{$a})");
@return unquote("color-mix(in srgb, #{$c}, transparent calc(#{$a} * 100%))");
$ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94);