Add an icon browser

This is meant to help app authors choose the right icons.
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Clasen 2014-06-24 18:36:29 -04:00
parent 12e389dd3c
commit a5f474bc66
15 changed files with 1319 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1837,6 +1837,7 @@ demos/Makefile

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## for gtk+/demos
include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.decl
SUBDIRS = gtk-demo widget-factory
SUBDIRS = gtk-demo widget-factory icon-browser
-include $(top_srcdir)/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-I$(top_srcdir) \
-I$(top_srcdir)/gdk \
-I$(top_builddir)/gdk \
$(top_builddir)/gtk/ \
$(top_builddir)/gdk/ \
bin_PROGRAMS = gtk3-icon-browser
desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
dist_desktop_DATA = gtk3-icon-browser.desktop
gtk3_icon_browser_SOURCES = \
main.c \
iconbrowserapp.c iconbrowserapp.h \
iconbrowserwin.c iconbrowserwin.h \
resources.c: iconbrowser.gresource.xml $(shell $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-dependencies $(srcdir)/iconbrowser.gresource.xml)
$(AM_V_GEN) $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) $(srcdir)/iconbrowser.gresource.xml \
--target=$@ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) --generate-source
-include $(top_srcdir)/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
<menu id="appmenu">
<attribute name="label" translatable="yes">_Quit</attribute>
<attribute name="action">app.quit</attribute>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Icon Browser
Comment=An application that shows themed icons

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gresource prefix="/org/gtk/iconbrowser">
<file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">window.ui</file>
<file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">app-menu.ui</file>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "iconbrowserapp.h"
#include "iconbrowserwin.h"
struct _IconBrowserApp
GtkApplication parent;
struct _IconBrowserAppClass
GtkApplicationClass parent_class;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(IconBrowserApp, icon_browser_app, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION);
static void
icon_browser_app_init (IconBrowserApp *app)
static void
quit_activated (GSimpleAction *action,
GVariant *parameter,
gpointer app)
g_application_quit (G_APPLICATION (app));
static GActionEntry app_entries[] =
{ "quit", quit_activated, NULL, NULL, NULL }
static void
icon_browser_app_startup (GApplication *app)
GtkBuilder *builder;
GMenuModel *app_menu;
const gchar *quit_accels[2] = { "<Ctrl>Q", NULL };
G_APPLICATION_CLASS (icon_browser_app_parent_class)->startup (app);
g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (app),
app_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (app_entries),
gtk_application_set_accels_for_action (GTK_APPLICATION (app),
builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/org/gtk/iconbrowser/app-menu.ui");
app_menu = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "appmenu"));
gtk_application_set_app_menu (GTK_APPLICATION (app), app_menu);
g_object_unref (builder);
static void
icon_browser_app_activate (GApplication *app)
IconBrowserWindow *win;
win = icon_browser_window_new (ICON_BROWSER_APP (app));
gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (win));
static void
icon_browser_app_class_init (IconBrowserAppClass *class)
G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->startup = icon_browser_app_startup;
G_APPLICATION_CLASS (class)->activate = icon_browser_app_activate;
IconBrowserApp *
icon_browser_app_new (void)
return g_object_new (ICON_BROWSER_APP_TYPE,
"application-id", "org.gtk.IconBrowser",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#define ICON_BROWSER_APP_TYPE (icon_browser_app_get_type ())
typedef struct _IconBrowserApp IconBrowserApp;
typedef struct _IconBrowserAppClass IconBrowserAppClass;
GType icon_browser_app_get_type (void);
IconBrowserApp *icon_browser_app_new (void);
#endif /* __ICON_BROWSER_APP_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
#include "iconbrowserapp.h"
#include "iconbrowserwin.h"
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
struct _IconBrowserWindow
GtkApplicationWindow parent;
GHashTable *contexts;
GtkListStore *store;
GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
GtkCellRenderer *cell;
GtkWidget *search;
GtkWidget *searchbar;
GtkWidget *searchentry;
GtkWidget *list;
GtkWidget *images;
GtkWidget *image1;
GtkWidget *image2;
GtkWidget *image3;
GtkWidget *image4;
GtkWidget *image5;
GtkWidget *symbolic_eventbox;
GtkWidget *symbolic_images;
GtkWidget *symbolic_image1;
GtkWidget *symbolic_image2;
GtkWidget *symbolic_image3;
GtkWidget *symbolic_image4;
GtkWidget *symbolic_image5;
GtkWidget *name;
GtkWidget *description;
GtkWidget *context;
GtkWidget *context_description;
struct _IconBrowserWindowClass
GtkApplicationWindowClass parent_class;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(IconBrowserWindow, icon_browser_window, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION_WINDOW);
static void
search_text_changed (GtkEntry *entry)
const gchar *text;
text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
if (text[0] == '\0')
typedef struct
const gchar *id;
const gchar *name;
const gchar *description;
} Context;
static void
set_image (GtkWidget *image, const gchar *name, gint size)
gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (image), name, 1);
gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (image), size);
static void
selection_changed (GtkTreeSelection *selection, IconBrowserWindow *win)
GtkTreeIter iter;
if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter))
gchar *name;
gchar *description;
gchar *context_id;
gchar *symbolic_name;
Context *context;
gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (win->store), &iter,
0, &name,
1, &description,
2, &context_id,
if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), name))
gtk_widget_show (win->images);
set_image (win->image1, name, 16);
set_image (win->image2, name, 24);
set_image (win->image3, name, 32);
set_image (win->image4, name, 48);
set_image (win->image5, name, 64);
gtk_widget_hide (win->images);
context = (Context*)g_hash_table_lookup (win->contexts, context_id);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->description), description);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->context), context->name);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->context_description), context->description);
symbolic_name = g_strconcat (name, "-symbolic", NULL);
if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), symbolic_name))
gtk_widget_show (win->symbolic_images);
set_image (win->symbolic_image1, symbolic_name, 16);
set_image (win->symbolic_image2, symbolic_name, 24);
set_image (win->symbolic_image3, symbolic_name, 32);
set_image (win->symbolic_image4, symbolic_name, 48);
set_image (win->symbolic_image5, symbolic_name, 64);
if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), name))
gchar *tmp;
tmp = g_strconcat (name, " / ", symbolic_name, NULL);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->name), tmp);
g_free (tmp);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->name), symbolic_name);
gtk_widget_hide (win->symbolic_images);
gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (win->name), name);
g_free (name);
g_free (description);
g_free (context_id);
g_free (symbolic_name);
static void
add_icon (IconBrowserWindow *win,
const gchar *name,
const gchar *description,
const gchar *context)
gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (win->store, NULL, -1, 0, name, 1, description, 2, context, -1);
static void
add_context (IconBrowserWindow *win,
const gchar *id,
const gchar *name,
const gchar *description)
Context *c;
c = g_new (Context, 1);
c->id = id;
c->name = name;
c->description = description;
g_hash_table_insert (win->contexts, (gpointer)id, c);
static void
populate (IconBrowserWindow *win)
add_context (win, "actions", "Actions", "Icons which are generally used in menus and dialogs for interacting with the user.");
add_icon (win, "action-unavailable", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "address-book-new", "The icon used for the action to create a new address book.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "application-exit", "The icon used for exiting an application. Typically this is seen in the application's menus as File->Quit.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "appointment-new", "The icon used for the action to create a new appointment in a calendaring application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "bookmark-add", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "bookmark-new", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "call-start", "The icon used for initiating or accepting a call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call pickup icon, a green handset with ear and mouth pieces facing upward.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "call-stop", "The icon used for stopping a current call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call hangup icon, a red handset with ear and mouth pieces facing downward.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "call-end", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "content-loading", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "contact-new", "The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-new", "The icon used for the action to create a new document.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-open", "The icon used for the action to open a document.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-open-recent", "The icon used for the action to open a document that was recently opened.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-page-setup", "The icon for the page setup action of a document editor.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-print", "The icon for the print action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-print-preview", "The icon for the print preview action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-properties", "The icon for the action to view the properties of a document in an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-revert", "The icon for the action of reverting to a previous version of a document.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-save", "The icon for the save action. Should be an arrow pointing down and toward a hard disk.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-save-as", "The icon for the save as action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "document-send", "The icon for the send action. Should be an arrow pointing up and away from a hard disk.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-clear", "The icon for the clear action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-clear-all", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "edit-copy", "The icon for the copy action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-cut", "The icon for the cut action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-delete", "The icon for the delete action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-find", "The icon for the find action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-find-replace", "The icon for the find and replace action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-paste", "The icon for the paste action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-redo", "The icon for the redo action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-select-all", "The icon for the select all action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "edit-select", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "edit-undo", "The icon for the undo action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "find-location", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-new", "The icon for creating a new folder.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-indent-less", "The icon for the decrease indent formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-indent-more", "The icon for the increase indent formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-justify-center", "The icon for the center justification formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-justify-fill", "The icon for the fill justification formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-justify-left", "The icon for the left justification formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-justify-right", "The icon for the right justification action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-direction-ltr", "The icon for the left-to-right text formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-direction-rtl", "The icon for the right-to-left formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-bold", "The icon for the bold text formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-italic", "The icon for the italic text formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-underline", "The icon for the underlined text formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "format-text-strikethrough", "The icon for the strikethrough text formatting action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-bottom", "The icon for the go to bottom of a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-down", "The icon for the go down in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-first", "The icon for the go to the first item in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-home", "The icon for the go to home location action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-jump", "The icon for the jump to action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-last", "The icon for the go to the last item in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-next", "The icon for the go to the next item in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-previous", "The icon for the go to the previous item in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-top", "The icon for the go to the top of a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "go-up", "The icon for the go up in a list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "help-about", "The icon for the About item in the Help menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "help-contents", "The icon for Contents item in the Help menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "help-faq", "The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "insert-image", "The icon for the insert image action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "insert-link", "The icon for the insert link action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "insert-object", "The icon for the insert object action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "insert-text", "The icon for the insert text action of an application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "list-add", "The icon for the add to list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "list-remove", "The icon for the remove from list action.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "list-remove-all", "", "actions"); // missing from the spec
add_icon (win, "mail-forward", "The icon for the forward action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-mark-important", "The icon for the mark as important action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-mark-junk", "The icon for the mark as junk action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-mark-notjunk", "The icon for the mark as not junk action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-mark-read", "The icon for the mark as read action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-mark-unread", "The icon for the mark as unread action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-message-new", "The icon for the compose new mail action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-reply-all", "The icon for the reply to all action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-reply-sender", "The icon for the reply to sender action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-send", "The icon for the send action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mail-send-receive", "The icon for the send and receive action of an electronic mail application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "mark-location", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-eject", "The icon for the eject action of a media player or file manager.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-playback-pause", "The icon for the pause action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-playback-start", "The icon for the start playback action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-playback-stop", "The icon for the stop action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-record", "The icon for the record action of a media application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-seek-backward", "The icon for the seek backward action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-seek-forward", "The icon for the seek forward action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-skip-backward", "The icon for the skip backward action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-skip-forward", "The icon for the skip forward action of a media player.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "media-view-subtitles", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "object-flip-horizontal", "The icon for the action to flip an object horizontally.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "object-flip-vertical", "The icon for the action to flip an object vertically.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "object-rotate-left", "The icon for the rotate left action performed on an object.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "object-rotate-right", "The icon for the rotate rigt action performed on an object.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "object-select", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "pan-down", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "pan-end", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "pan-start", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "pan-up", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "process-stop", "The icon used for the “Stop” action in applications with actions that may take a while to process, such as web page loading in a browser.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "send-to", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "system-lock-screen", "The icon used for the “Lock Screen” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "system-log-out", "The icon used for the “Log Out” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "system-run", "The icon used for the “Run Application...” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "system-search", "The icon used for the “Search” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "system-reboot", "The icon used for the “Reboot” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "system-shutdown", "The icon used for the “Shutdown” item in the desktop's panel application.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "tab-new", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "tools-check-spelling", "The icon used for the “Check Spelling” item in the application's “Tools” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "view-continuous", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-dual", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-fullscreen", "The icon used for the “Fullscreen” item in the application's “View” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "view-grid", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-list", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-more", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-paged", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "view-refresh", "The icon used for the “Refresh” item in the application's “View” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "view-restore", "The icon used by an application for leaving the fullscreen view, and returning to a normal windowed view.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "view-sort-ascending", "The icon used for the “Sort Ascending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "view-sort-descending", "The icon used for the “Sort Descending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "window-close", "The icon used for the “Close Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "window-maximize", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "window-minimize", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "window-restore", "", "actions"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "window-new", "The icon used for the “New Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "zoom-fit-best", "The icon used for the “Best Fit” item in the application's “View” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "zoom-in", "The icon used for the “Zoom in” item in the application's “View” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "zoom-original", "The icon used for the “Original Size” item in the application's “View” menu.", "actions");
add_icon (win, "zoom-out", "The icon used for the “Zoom Out” item in the application's “View” menu. ", "actions");
add_context (win, "animations", "Animations", "Animated images used to represent loading web sites, or other background processing which may be less suited to more verbose progress reporting in the user interface.");
add_icon (win, "process-working", "This is the standard spinner animation for web browsers and file managers to show that the location is loading.", "animations");
add_context (win, "apps", "Applications", "Icons that describe what an application is, for use in the Programs menu, window decorations, and the task list.");
add_icon (win, "accessories-calculator", "The icon used for the desktop's calculator accessory program.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "accessories-character-map", "The icon used for the desktop's international and extended text character accessory program.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "accessories-dictionary", "The icon used for the desktop's dictionary accessory program.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "accessories-text-editor", "The icon used for the desktop's text editing accessory program.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "help-browser", "The icon used for the desktop's help browsing application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "multimedia-volume-control", "The icon used for the desktop's hardware volume control application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-accessibility", "The icon used for the desktop's accessibility preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-display", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-font", "The icon used for the desktop's font preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-keyboard", "The icon used for the desktop's keyboard preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-locale", "The icon used for the desktop's locale preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-remote-desktop", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-multimedia", "The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-screensaver", "The icon used for the desktop's screen saving preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-theme", "The icon used for the desktop's theme preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-wallpaper", "The icon used for the desktop's wallpaper preferences.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "preferences-system-privacy", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "preferences-system-windows", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "system-file-manager", "The icon used for the desktop's file management application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "system-software-install", "The icon used for the desktop's software installer application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "system-software-update", "The icon used for the desktop's software updating application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "system-users", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "user-info", "", "apps"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "utilities-system-monitor", "The icon used for the desktop's system resource monitor application.", "apps");
add_icon (win, "utilities-terminal", "The icon used for the desktop's terminal emulation application. ", "apps");
add_context (win, "categories", "Categories", "Icons that are used for categories in the Programs menu, or the Control Center, for separating applications, preferences, and settings for display to the user.");
add_icon (win, "applications-accessories", "The icon for the “Accessories” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-development", "The icon for the “Programming” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-engineering", "The icon for the “Engineering” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-games", "The icon for the “Games” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-graphics", "The icon for the “Graphics” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-internet", "The icon for the “Internet” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-multimedia", "The icon for the “Multimedia” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-office", "The icon for the “Office” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-other", "The icon for the “Other” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-science", "The icon for the “Science” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-system", "The icon for the “System Tools” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "applications-utilities", "The icon for the “Utilities” sub-menu of the Programs menu.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop", "The icon for the “Desktop Preferences” category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-peripherals", "The icon for the “Peripherals” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-desktop-personal", "The icon for the “Personal” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-other", "The icon for the “Other” preferences category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-system", "The icon for the “System Preferences” category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "preferences-system-network", "The icon for the “Network” sub-category of the “System Preferences” category.", "categories");
add_icon (win, "system-help", "The icon for the “Help” system category.", "categories");
add_context (win, "devices", "Devices", "Icons for hardware that is contained within or connected to the computing device.");
add_icon (win, "audio-card", "The icon used for the audio rendering device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "audio-headphones", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "audio-headset", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "audio-input-microphone", "The icon used for the microphone audio input device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "audio-speakers", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery", "The icon used for the system battery device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "camera-photo", "The icon used for a digital still camera devices.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "camera-video", "The fallback icon for video cameras.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "camera-web", "The fallback icon for web cameras.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "computer", "The icon used for the computing device as a whole.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "computer-apple-ipad", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "colorimeter-colorhug", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "display-projector", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-harddisk", "The icon used for hard disk drives.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "drive-harddisk-ieee1394", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-harddisk-system", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-multidisk", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-multidisk-alt", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-multidisk-alt2", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "drive-optical", "The icon used for optical media drives such as CD and DVD.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "drive-removable-media", "The icon used for removable media drives.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "headphones", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "input-dialpad", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "input-gaming", "The icon used for the gaming input device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "input-keyboard", "The icon used for the keyboard input device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "input-mouse", "The icon used for the mousing input device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "input-tablet", "The icon used for graphics tablet input devices.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "input-touchpad", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-flash", "The fallback icon used for flash media, such as memory stick and SD.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "media-floppy", "The icon used for physical floppy disk media.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "media-optical", "The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "media-optical-bd", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-optical-cd-audio", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-optical-dvd", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-removable", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-tape", "The icon used for generic physical tape media.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "media-zip", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "modem", "The icon used for modem devices.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "multimedia-player", "The icon used for generic multimedia playing devices.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "multimedia-player-apple-ipod-touch", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-vpn", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wired", "The icon used for wired network connections.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "network-wireless", "The icon used for wireless network connections.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "pda", "This is the fallback icon for Personal Digial Assistant devices. Primary use of this icon is for PDA devices connected to the PC. Connection medium is not an important aspect of the icon. The metaphor for this fallback icon should be a generic PDA device icon.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "phone", "This is the default fallback for phone devices. Primary use of this icon group is for phone devices which support connectivity to the PC. These may be VoIP, cellular, or possibly landline phones. The metaphor for this fallback should be a generic mobile phone device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "phone-apple-iphone", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "printer-network", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "printer", "The icon used for a printer device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "scanner", "The icon used for a scanner device.", "devices");
add_icon (win, "uninterruptible-power-supply", "", "devices"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "video-display", "The icon used for the monitor that video gets displayed to.", "devices");
add_context (win, "emblems", "Emblems", "Icons for tags and properties of files, that are displayed in the file manager.");
add_icon (win, "emblem-default", "The icon used as an emblem to specify the default selection of a printer for example.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-documents", "The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's documents are stored.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-downloads", "The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's downloads from the internet are stored.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-favorite", "The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that the user marks as favorites.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-generic", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-important", "The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are marked as important by the user.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-mail", "The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user's electronic mail is stored.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-new", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-ok", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-package", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-photos", "The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user stores photographs.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-readonly", "The icon used as an emblem for files and directories which can not be written to by the user.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-shared", "The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are shared to other users.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-symbolic-link", "The icon used as an emblem for files and direcotires that are links to other files or directories on the filesystem.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-synchronizing", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-synchronized", "The icon used as an emblem for files or directories that are configured to be synchronized to another device.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-system", "The icon used as an emblem for directories that contain system libraries, settings, and data.", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-unreadable", "The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are inaccessible. ", "emblems");
add_icon (win, "emblem-urgent", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-videos", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "emblem-web", "", "emblems"); // missing from spec
add_context (win, "emotes", "Emotes", "Icons for emotions that are expressed through text chat applications such as :-) or :-P in IRC or instant messengers.");
add_icon (win, "face-angel", "The icon used for the 0:-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-angry", "The icon used for the X-( emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-cool", "The icon used for the B-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-crying", "The icon used for the :'( emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-devilish", "The icon used for the >:-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-embarrassed", "The icon used for the :-[ emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-kiss", "The icon used for the :-* emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-laugh", "The icon used for the :-)) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-monkey", "The icon used for the :-(|) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-plain", "The icon used for the :-| emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-raspberry", "The icon used for the :-P emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-sad", "The icon used for the :-( emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-shutmouth", "", "emotes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "face-sick", "The icon used for the :-& emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-smile", "The icon used for the :-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-smile-big", "The icon used for the :-D emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-smirk", "The icon used for the :-! emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-surprise", "The icon used for the :-0 emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-surprised", "", "emotes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "face-tired", "The icon used for the |-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-uncertain", "The icon used for the :-/ emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-wink", "The icon used for the ;-) emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-worried", "The icon used for the :-S emote.", "emotes");
add_icon (win, "face-yawn", "", "emotes"); // missing from spec
add_context (win, "intl", "International", "Icons for international denominations such as flags.");
add_context (win, "mimetypes", "Mime Types", "Icons for different types of data, such as audio or image files.");
add_icon (win, "application-certificate", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "application-rss+xml", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "application-x-addon", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "application-x-applicance", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "application-x-executable", "The icon used for executable file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "audio-x-generic", "The icon used for generic audio file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "font-x-generic", "The icon used for generic font file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "image-x-generic", "The icon used for generic image file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "package-x-generic", "The icon used for generic package file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "text-html", "The icon used for HTML text file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "text-x-generic", "The icon used for generic text file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "text-x-generic-template", "The icon used for generic text templates.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "text-x-preview", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "text-x-script", "The icon used for script file types, such as shell scripts.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "video-x-generic", "The icon used for generic video file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-address-book", "The icon used for generic address book file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-calendar", "The icon used for generic calendar file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-document", "The icon used for generic document and letter file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-document-template", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "x-office-presentation", "The icon used for generic presentation file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-presentation-template", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "x-office-spreadsheet", "The icon used for generic spreadsheet file types.", "mimetypes");
add_icon (win, "x-office-spreadsheet-template", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "x-package-repository", "", "mimetypes"); // missing from spec
add_context (win, "places", "Places", "Icons used to represent locations, either on the local filesystem, or through remote connections.");
add_icon (win, "folder", "The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups.", "places");
add_icon (win, "folder-documents", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-download", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-music", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-pictures", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-documents", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-publicshare", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-remote", "The icon used for normal directories on a remote filesystem.", "places");
add_icon (win, "folder-saved-search", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-templates", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-videos", "", "places"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-server", "The icon used for individual host machines under the “Network Servers” place in the file manager.", "places");
add_icon (win, "network-workgroup", "The icon for the “Network Servers” place in the desktop's file manager, and workgroups within the network.", "places");
add_icon (win, "start-here", "The icon used by the desktop's main menu for accessing places, applications, and other features.", "places");
add_icon (win, "user-bookmarks", "The icon for the user's special “Bookmarks” place.", "places");
add_icon (win, "user-desktop", "The icon for the special “Desktop” directory of the user.", "places");
add_icon (win, "user-home", "The icon for the special “Home” directory of the user.", "places");
add_icon (win, "user-trash", "The icon for the user's “Trash” place in the desktop's file manager.", "places");
add_context (win, "status", "Status", "Icons for presenting status to the user. This context contains icons for warning and error dialogs, as well as for the current weather, appointment alarms, and battery status.");
add_icon (win, "airplane-mode", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "alarm", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "appointment-missed", "The icon used when an appointment was missed.", "status");
add_icon (win, "appointment-soon", "The icon used when an appointment will occur soon.", "status");
add_icon (win, "audio-volume-high", "The icon used to indicate high audio volume.", "status");
add_icon (win, "audio-volume-low", "The icon used to indicate low audio volume.", "status");
add_icon (win, "audio-volume-medium", "The icon used to indicate medium audio volume.", "status");
add_icon (win, "audio-volume-muted", "The icon used to indicate the muted state for audio playback.", "status");
add_icon (win, "avatar-default", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-caution-charging", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-caution", "The icon used when the battery is below 40%.", "status");
add_icon (win, "battery-empty-charging", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-empty", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-full-charged", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-full-charging", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-full", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-good-charging", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-good", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-low-charging", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "battery-low", "The icon used when the battery is below 20%.", "status");
add_icon (win, "battery-missing", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "bluetooth-active", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "bluetooth-disabled", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "call-missed", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "changes-allow", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "changes-prevent", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "channel-insecure", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "channel-secure", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "computer-fail", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "dialog-error", "The icon used when a dialog is opened to explain an error condition to the user.", "status");
add_icon (win, "dialog-information", "The icon used when a dialog is opened to give information to the user that may be pertinent to the requested action.", "status");
add_icon (win, "dialog-password", "The icon used when a dialog requesting the authentication credentials for a user is opened.", "status");
add_icon (win, "dialog-question", "The icon used when a dialog is opened to ask a simple question of the user.", "status");
add_icon (win, "dialog-warning", "The icon used when a dialog is opened to warn the user of impending issues with the requested action.", "status");
add_icon (win, "display-brightness", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "keyboard-brightness", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "folder-drag-accept", "The icon used for a folder while an object is being dragged onto it, that is of a type that the directory can contain.", "status");
add_icon (win, "folder-open", "The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed within the same window. This icon would normally be shown in a tree or list view, next to the main view of a folder's contents.", "status");
add_icon (win, "folder-visiting", "The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed in another window. This icon would typically be used when using multiple windows to navigate the hierarchy, such as in Nautilus's spatial mode.", "status");
add_icon (win, "image-loading", "The icon used when another image is being loaded, such as thumnails for larger images in the file manager.", "status");
add_icon (win, "image-missing", "The icon used when another image could not be loaded.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-attachment", "The icon used for an electronic mail that contains attachments.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-unread", "The icon used for an electronic mail that is unread.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-read", "The icon used for an electronic mail that is read.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-replied", "The icon used for an electronic mail that has been replied to.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-signed", "The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature.", "status");
add_icon (win, "mail-signed-verified", "The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature which has also been verified by the security system.", "status");
add_icon (win, "media-playlist-consecutive", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "media-playlist-repeat", "The icon for the repeat mode of a media player.", "status");
add_icon (win, "media-playlist-shuffle", "The icon for the shuffle mode of a media player.", "status");
add_icon (win, "microphone-sensitivity-high", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "microphone-sensitivity-low", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "microphone-sensitivity-medium", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "microphone-sensitivity-muted", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-3g", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-4g", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-edge", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-gprs", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-umts", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-acquiring", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-connected", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-no-route", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-offline", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-signal-excellent", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-signal-good", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-signal-ok", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-signal-weak", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-cellular-signal-none", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-error", "The icon used when an error occurs trying to intialize the network connection of the computing device. This icon should be two computers, one in the background, with the screens of both computers, colored black, and with the theme's style element for errors, overlayed on top of the icon.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-idle", "The icon used when no data is being transmitted or received, while the computing device is connected to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in the background, with the screens of both computers, colored black.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-offline", "The icon used when the computing device is disconnected from the network. This icon should be a computer in the background, with a screen colored black, and the theme's icon element to show that a device is not accessible, in the foreground.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-receive", "The icon used when data is being received, while the computing device is connected to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in the background, with its screen colored green, and the screen of the computer in the foreground, colored black.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-transmit", "The icon used when data is being transmitted, while the computing device is connected to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in the background, with its screen colored black, and the screen of the computer in the foreground, colored green.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-transmit-receive", "The icon used data is being both transmitted and received simultaneously, while the computing device is connected to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in the background, with the screens of both computers, colored green.", "status");
add_icon (win, "network-vpn-acquiring", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-vpn", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wired-acquiring", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wired-disconnected", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wired-no-route", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wired-offline", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-acquiring", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-connected", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-encrypted", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-hotspot", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-no-route", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-offline", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-signal-excellent", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-signal-good", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-signal-ok", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-signal-weak", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "network-wireless-signal-none", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "non-starred", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "semi-starred", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "starred", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "printer-error", "The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to print. This icon should be the theme's printer device icon, with the theme's style element for errors, overlayed on top of the icon.", "status");
add_icon (win, "printer-printing", "The icon used while a print job is successfully being spooled to a printing device. This icon should be the theme's printer device icon, with a document emerging from the printing device.", "status");
add_icon (win, "printer-warning", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "rotation-allowed", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "rotation-locked", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "security-high", "The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is known to be secure, using strong encryption and a valid certificate.", "status");
add_icon (win, "security-medium", "The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is presumed to be secure, using strong encryption, and a certificate that could not be automatically verified, but which the user has chosen to trust.", "status");
add_icon (win, "security-low", "The icon used to indicate that the security level of a connection is presumed to be insecure, either by using weak encryption, or by using a certificate that the could not be automatically verified, and which the user has not chosent to trust.", "status");
add_icon (win, "small-progress", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "software-update-available", "The icon used when an update is available for software installed on the computing device, through the system software update program.", "status");
add_icon (win, "software-update-urgent", "The icon used when an urgent update is available through the system software update program.", "status");
add_icon (win, "sync-error", "The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to synchronize data from the computing device, to another device.", "status");
add_icon (win, "sync-synchronizing", "The icon used while data is successfully synchronizing to another device.", "status");
add_icon (win, "task-due", "The icon used when a task is due soon.", "status");
add_icon (win, "task-past-due", "The icon used when a task that was due, has been left incomplete.", "status");
add_icon (win, "touchpad-disabled", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "trophy-bronze", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "trophy-silver", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "trophy-gold", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "user-available", "The icon used when a user on a chat network is available to initiate a conversation with.", "status");
add_icon (win, "user-away", "The icon used when a user on a chat network is away from their keyboard and the chat program.", "status");
add_icon (win, "user-busy", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "user-idle", "The icon used when a user on a chat network has not been an active participant in any chats on the network, for an extended period of time.", "status");
add_icon (win, "user-invisible", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "user-offline", "The icon used when a user on a chat network is not available.", "status");
add_icon (win, "user-status-pending", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "user-trash-full", "The icon for the user's “Trash” in the desktop's file manager, when there are items in the “Trash” waiting for disposal or recovery.", "status");
add_icon (win, "view-wrapped", "", "status"); // missing from spec
add_icon (win, "weather-clear", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “clear skies”.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-clear-night", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “clear skies” during the night.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-few-clouds", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “partly cloudy”.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-few-clouds-night", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “partly cloudy” during the night.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-fog", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “foggy”.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-overcast", "The icon used while the weather for a region is “overcast”.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-severe-alert", "The icon used while a sever weather alert is in effect for a region.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-showers", "The icon used while rain showers are occurring in a region.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-showers-scattered", "The icon used while scattered rain showers are occurring in a region.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-snow", "The icon used while snow showers are occurring in a region.", "status");
add_icon (win, "weather-storm", "The icon used while storms are occurring in a region. ", "status");
static gboolean
key_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEvent *event,
GtkSearchBar *bar)
return gtk_search_bar_handle_event (bar, event);
static void
symbolic_enter_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEvent *event,
IconBrowserWindow *win)
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_images), "warning");
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image1), "warning");
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image2), "warning");
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image3), "warning");
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image4), "warning");
gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image5), "warning");
static void
symbolic_leave_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEvent *event,
IconBrowserWindow *win)
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_images), "warning");
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image1), "warning");
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image2), "warning");
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image3), "warning");
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image4), "warning");
gtk_style_context_remove_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (win->symbolic_image5), "warning");
static void
set_icon (GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
GtkCellRenderer *cell,
GtkTreeModel *model,
GtkTreeIter *iter,
gpointer data)
GtkIconTheme *theme;
gchar *name;
theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default ();
gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, 0, &name, -1);
if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (theme, name))
g_object_set (cell, "icon-name", name, NULL);
gchar *tmp;
tmp = g_strconcat (name, "-symbolic", NULL);
g_object_set (cell, "icon-name", tmp, NULL);
g_free (tmp);
g_free (name);
static void
icon_browser_window_init (IconBrowserWindow *win)
gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (win));
win->contexts = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free);
g_object_bind_property (win->search, "active",
win->searchbar, "search-mode-enabled",
gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (win->column, win->cell, set_icon, win, NULL);
gtk_tree_view_set_search_entry (GTK_TREE_VIEW (win->list), GTK_ENTRY (win->searchentry));
g_signal_connect (win, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (key_press_event_cb), win->searchbar);
g_signal_connect (win->symbolic_eventbox, "enter-notify-event", G_CALLBACK (symbolic_enter_cb), win);
g_signal_connect (win->symbolic_eventbox, "leave-notify-event", G_CALLBACK (symbolic_leave_cb), win);
populate (win);
static void
icon_browser_window_class_init (IconBrowserWindowClass *class)
gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class),
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, store);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, column);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, cell);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, search);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, searchbar);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, searchentry);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, list);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, images);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image1);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image2);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image3);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image4);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, image5);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, description);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, context);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, name);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, context_description);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_eventbox);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_images);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_image1);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_image2);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_image3);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_image4);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), IconBrowserWindow, symbolic_image5);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), search_text_changed);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class), selection_changed);
IconBrowserWindow *
icon_browser_window_new (IconBrowserApp *app)
return g_object_new (ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE, "application", app, NULL);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "iconbrowserapp.h"
#define ICON_BROWSER_WINDOW_TYPE (icon_browser_window_get_type ())
typedef struct _IconBrowserWindow IconBrowserWindow;
typedef struct _IconBrowserWindowClass IconBrowserWindowClass;
GType icon_browser_window_get_type (void);
IconBrowserWindow *icon_browser_window_new (IconBrowserApp *app);
#endif /* __ICON_BROWSER_WIN_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <iconbrowserapp.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[])
return g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (icon_browser_app_new ()), argc, argv);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.8 -->
<object class="GtkListStore" id="store">
<column type="gchararray"/>
<column type="gchararray"/>
<column type="gchararray"/>
<template class="IconBrowserWindow" parent="GtkApplicationWindow">
<property name="title" translatable="yes">Icon Browser</property>
<property name="default-width">600</property>
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<child type="titlebar">
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<property name="visible">True</property>
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<property name="icon-name">edit-find-symbolic</property>
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<property name="visible">True</property>
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<signal name="search-changed" handler="search_text_changed"/>
<property name="visible">True</property>
<object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="sw">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="expand">True</property>
<property name="hscrollbar-policy">never</property>
<property name="vscrollbar-policy">automatic</property>
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<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="model">store</property>
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<object class="GtkTreeSelection">
<property name="mode">single</property>
<signal name="changed" handler="selection_changed"/>
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<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="title" translatable="yes">Icon</property>
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<property name="width">4</property>
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<property name="label" translatable="yes">Description</property>
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<property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
<property name="hexpand">True</property>
<property name="homogeneous">True</property>
<property name="spacing">10</property>
<property name="margin">10</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="image1">
<property name="visible">True</property>
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<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">16</property>
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<property name="halign">center</property>
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<object class="GtkImage" id="image3">
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<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">32</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="image4">
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<property name="halign">center</property>
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<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
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<object class="GtkEventBox" id="symbolic_eventbox">
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<object class="GtkBox" id="symbolic_images">
<property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
<property name="hexpand">True</property>
<property name="homogeneous">True</property>
<property name="spacing">10</property>
<property name="margin">10</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="symbolic_image1">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="xpad">4</property>
<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">16</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="symbolic_image2">
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<property name="xpad">4</property>
<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">24</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="symbolic_image3">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="xpad">4</property>
<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">32</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="symbolic_image4">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="xpad">4</property>
<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">48</property>
<object class="GtkImage" id="symbolic_image5">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="xpad">4</property>
<property name="ypad">4</property>
<property name="halign">center</property>
<property name="tooltip-text">64</property>

View File

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ content_files = \
x11.sgml \
gtk3-demo.xml \
gtk3-widget-factory.xml \
gtk3-icon-browser.xml \
gtk-query-immodules-3.0.xml \
gtk-update-icon-cache.xml \
gtk-launch.xml \
@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ man_MANS = \
gtk-launch.1 \
gtk3-demo.1 \
gtk3-widget-factory.1 \
gtk3-icon-browser.1 \

View File

@ -395,6 +395,7 @@
<title>GTK+ Tools</title>
<xi:include href="gtk3-demo.xml" />
<xi:include href="gtk3-widget-factory.xml" />
<xi:include href="gtk3-icon-browser.xml" />
<xi:include href="gtk-query-immodules-3.0.xml" />
<xi:include href="gtk-update-icon-cache.xml" />
<xi:include href="gtk-launch.xml" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
"" [
<refentry id="gtk3-icon-browser">
<refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>List themed icons</refpurpose>
<arg choice="opt">--help</arg>
<command>gtk3-icon-browswer</command> is a utility to explore the icons
in the current icon theme. It shows icons in various sizes, their symbolic
variants where available, as well as a description of the icon and its context.
<para>The following options are understood:</para>
<term><option>-h</option>, <option>--help</option></term>
<listitem><para>Show help options</para></listitem>