/* Benchmark/Widgetbowl * * This demo models the fishbowl demos seen on the web in a GTK way. * It's also a neat little tool to see how fast your computer (or * your GTK version) is. */ #include #include "gtkfishbowl.h" GtkWidget *allow_changes; #define N_STATS 5 #define STATS_UPDATE_TIME G_USEC_PER_SEC typedef struct _Stats Stats; struct _Stats { gint64 last_stats; gint64 last_frame; gint last_suggestion; guint frame_counter_max; guint stats_index; guint frame_counter[N_STATS]; guint item_counter[N_STATS]; }; static Stats * get_stats (GtkWidget *widget) { static GQuark stats_quark = 0; Stats *stats; if (G_UNLIKELY (stats_quark == 0)) stats_quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("stats"); stats = g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (widget), stats_quark); if (stats == NULL) { stats = g_new0 (Stats, 1); g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (widget), stats_quark, stats, g_free); stats->last_frame = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (widget)); stats->last_stats = stats->last_frame; } return stats; } static void do_stats (GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *info_label, gint *suggested_change) { Stats *stats; gint64 frame_time; stats = get_stats (widget); frame_time = gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time (gtk_widget_get_frame_clock (widget)); if (stats->last_stats + STATS_UPDATE_TIME < frame_time) { char *new_label; guint i, n_frames; n_frames = 0; for (i = 0; i < N_STATS; i++) { n_frames += stats->frame_counter[i]; } new_label = g_strdup_printf ("widgets - %.1f fps", (double) G_USEC_PER_SEC * n_frames / (N_STATS * STATS_UPDATE_TIME)); gtk_label_set_label (GTK_LABEL (info_label), new_label); g_free (new_label); if (stats->frame_counter[stats->stats_index] >= 19 * stats->frame_counter_max / 20) { if (stats->last_suggestion > 0) stats->last_suggestion *= 2; else stats->last_suggestion = 1; } else { if (stats->last_suggestion < 0) stats->last_suggestion--; else stats->last_suggestion = -1; stats->last_suggestion = MAX (stats->last_suggestion, 1 - (int) stats->item_counter[stats->stats_index]); } stats->stats_index = (stats->stats_index + 1) % N_STATS; stats->frame_counter[stats->stats_index] = 0; stats->item_counter[stats->stats_index] = stats->item_counter[(stats->stats_index + N_STATS - 1) % N_STATS]; stats->last_stats = frame_time; if (suggested_change) *suggested_change = stats->last_suggestion; else stats->last_suggestion = 0; } else { if (suggested_change) *suggested_change = 0; } stats->last_frame = frame_time; stats->frame_counter[stats->stats_index]++; stats->frame_counter_max = MAX (stats->frame_counter_max, stats->frame_counter[stats->stats_index]); } static void stats_update (GtkWidget *widget) { Stats *stats; stats = get_stats (widget); stats->item_counter[stats->stats_index] = gtk_fishbowl_get_count (GTK_FISHBOWL (widget)); } static gboolean move_fish (GtkWidget *bowl, GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, gpointer info_label) { gint suggested_change = 0; do_stats (bowl, info_label, !gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (allow_changes)) ? &suggested_change : NULL); gtk_fishbowl_set_count (GTK_FISHBOWL (bowl), gtk_fishbowl_get_count (GTK_FISHBOWL (bowl)) + suggested_change); stats_update (bowl); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } GtkWidget * do_widgetbowl (GtkWidget *do_widget) { static GtkWidget *window = NULL; if (!window) { GtkBuilder *builder; GtkWidget *bowl, *info_label; g_type_ensure (GTK_TYPE_FISHBOWL); builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource ("/fishbowl/fishbowl.ui"); gtk_builder_connect_signals (builder, NULL); window = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "window")); bowl = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "bowl")); gtk_fishbowl_set_use_icons (GTK_FISHBOWL (bowl), FALSE); info_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "info_label")); allow_changes = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "changes_allow")); gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); g_signal_connect (window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed), &window); gtk_widget_realize (window); gtk_widget_add_tick_callback (bowl, move_fish, info_label, NULL); } if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) gtk_widget_show (window); else gtk_widget_destroy (window); return window; }