If you want to hack on the GTK+ project, you'll need to have the development tools appropriate for your operating system, including: - Python (2.7 or 3.x) - Meson - Ninja - Gettext (19.7 or newer) - a C99 compatible compiler Up-to-date instructions about developing GNOME applications and libraries can be found here: https://developer.gnome.org Information about using git with GNOME can be found here: https://wiki.gnome.org/Git In order to get Git GTK+ installed on your system, you need to have the required versions of all the GTK+ dependencies; typically, this means a recent version of GLib, Cairo, Pango, and ATK. **Note**: if you plan to push changes to back to the master repository and have a GNOME account, you want to use the following instead: ```sh $ git clone ssh://@git.gnome.org/git/gtk+ ``` To compile the Git version of GTK+ on your system, you will need to configure your build using Meson: ```sh $ meson _builddir . ``` For information about submitting patches and pushing changes to Git, see the `README.md` and `README.commits` files. In particular, don't, under any circumstances, push anything to Git before reading and understanding `README.commmits`.