#include "config.h" #include "gskgpushaderopprivate.h" #include "gskgpuframeprivate.h" #include "gskgpuprintprivate.h" #include "gskgldescriptorsprivate.h" #include "gskgldeviceprivate.h" #include "gskglframeprivate.h" #include "gskglimageprivate.h" #ifdef GDK_RENDERING_VULKAN #include "gskvulkandescriptorsprivate.h" #include "gskvulkandeviceprivate.h" #endif /* maximum number of ops to merge into one call * If this number is too high, the command may take too long * causing the driver to kill us. */ #define MAX_MERGE_OPS (10 * 1000) void gsk_gpu_shader_op_finish (GskGpuOp *op) { GskGpuShaderOp *self = (GskGpuShaderOp *) op; g_clear_object (&self->desc); } void gsk_gpu_shader_op_print (GskGpuOp *op, GskGpuFrame *frame, GString *string, guint indent) { GskGpuShaderOp *self = (GskGpuShaderOp *) op; const GskGpuShaderOpClass *shader_class = (const GskGpuShaderOpClass *) op->op_class; const char *shader_name; guchar *instance; gsize i; if (g_str_has_prefix (shader_class->shader_name, "gskgpu")) shader_name = shader_class->shader_name + 6; else shader_name = shader_class->shader_name; instance = gsk_gpu_frame_get_vertex_data (frame, self->vertex_offset); for (i = 0; i < self->n_ops; i++) { gsk_gpu_print_op (string, indent, shader_name); gsk_gpu_print_shader_info (string, self->clip); shader_class->print_instance (self, instance + i * shader_class->vertex_size, string); gsk_gpu_print_newline (string); } } #ifdef GDK_RENDERING_VULKAN GskGpuOp * gsk_gpu_shader_op_vk_command_n (GskGpuOp *op, GskGpuFrame *frame, GskVulkanCommandState *state, gsize instance_scale) { GskGpuShaderOp *self = (GskGpuShaderOp *) op; GskGpuShaderOpClass *shader_op_class = (GskGpuShaderOpClass *) op->op_class; GskVulkanDescriptors *desc; GskGpuOp *next; gsize i, n; if (gsk_gpu_frame_should_optimize (frame, GSK_GPU_OPTIMIZE_MERGE) && gsk_vulkan_device_has_feature (GSK_VULKAN_DEVICE (gsk_gpu_frame_get_device (frame)), GDK_VULKAN_FEATURE_NONUNIFORM_INDEXING)) n = MAX_MERGE_OPS; else n = 1; i = self->n_ops; desc = GSK_VULKAN_DESCRIPTORS (self->desc); if (desc && state->desc != desc) { gsk_vulkan_descriptors_bind (desc, state->desc, state->vk_command_buffer); state->desc = desc; } for (next = op->next; next && i < n; next = next->next) { GskGpuShaderOp *next_shader = (GskGpuShaderOp *) next; if (next->op_class != op->op_class || next_shader->desc != self->desc || next_shader->variation != self->variation || next_shader->clip != self->clip || next_shader->vertex_offset != self->vertex_offset + i * shader_op_class->vertex_size) break; i += next_shader->n_ops; } vkCmdBindPipeline (state->vk_command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, gsk_vulkan_device_get_vk_pipeline (GSK_VULKAN_DEVICE (gsk_gpu_frame_get_device (frame)), gsk_vulkan_descriptors_get_pipeline_layout (state->desc), shader_op_class, self->variation, self->clip, state->blend, state->vk_format, state->vk_render_pass)); vkCmdDraw (state->vk_command_buffer, 6 * instance_scale, i, 0, self->vertex_offset / shader_op_class->vertex_size); return next; } GskGpuOp * gsk_gpu_shader_op_vk_command (GskGpuOp *op, GskGpuFrame *frame, GskVulkanCommandState *state) { return gsk_gpu_shader_op_vk_command_n (op, frame, state, 1); } #endif GskGpuOp * gsk_gpu_shader_op_gl_command_n (GskGpuOp *op, GskGpuFrame *frame, GskGLCommandState *state, gsize instance_scale) { GskGpuShaderOp *self = (GskGpuShaderOp *) op; GskGpuShaderOpClass *shader_op_class = (GskGpuShaderOpClass *) op->op_class; GskGLDescriptors *desc; GskGpuOp *next; gsize i, n, n_external; desc = GSK_GL_DESCRIPTORS (self->desc); if (desc) n_external = gsk_gl_descriptors_get_n_external (desc); else n_external = 0; if (state->current_program.op_class != op->op_class || state->current_program.variation != self->variation || state->current_program.clip != self->clip || state->current_program.n_external != n_external) { state->current_program.op_class = op->op_class; state->current_program.variation = self->variation; state->current_program.clip = self->clip; state->current_program.n_external = n_external; gsk_gl_frame_use_program (GSK_GL_FRAME (frame), shader_op_class, self->variation, self->clip, n_external); } if (desc != state->desc && desc) { gsk_gl_descriptors_use (desc); state->desc = desc; } if (gsk_gpu_frame_should_optimize (frame, GSK_GPU_OPTIMIZE_MERGE)) n = MAX_MERGE_OPS; else n = 1; i = self->n_ops; for (next = op->next; next && i < n; next = next->next) { GskGpuShaderOp *next_shader = (GskGpuShaderOp *) next; if (next->op_class != op->op_class || next_shader->desc != self->desc || next_shader->variation != self->variation || next_shader->clip != self->clip || next_shader->vertex_offset != self->vertex_offset + i * shader_op_class->vertex_size) break; i += next_shader->n_ops; } if (gsk_gpu_frame_should_optimize (frame, GSK_GPU_OPTIMIZE_GL_BASE_INSTANCE)) { glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * instance_scale, i, self->vertex_offset / shader_op_class->vertex_size); } else { shader_op_class->setup_vao (self->vertex_offset); glDrawArraysInstanced (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * instance_scale, i); } return next; } GskGpuOp * gsk_gpu_shader_op_gl_command (GskGpuOp *op, GskGpuFrame *frame, GskGLCommandState *state) { return gsk_gpu_shader_op_gl_command_n (op, frame, state, 1); } void gsk_gpu_shader_op_alloc (GskGpuFrame *frame, const GskGpuShaderOpClass *op_class, guint32 variation, GskGpuShaderClip clip, GskGpuDescriptors *desc, gpointer out_vertex_data) { GskGpuShaderOp *self; self = (GskGpuShaderOp *) gsk_gpu_op_alloc (frame, &op_class->parent_class); self->variation = variation; self->clip = clip; if (desc) self->desc = g_object_ref (desc); else self->desc = NULL; self->vertex_offset = gsk_gpu_frame_reserve_vertex_data (frame, op_class->vertex_size); self->n_ops = 1; *((gpointer *) out_vertex_data) = gsk_gpu_frame_get_vertex_data (frame, self->vertex_offset); }