1 1 shortcuts 12 1 Overview overview 1 F1 Help 1 <Ctrl>n Create a new box 1 <Ctrl>f Search 1 <Ctrl>k Keyboard shortcuts 1 <Ctrl>q Close Window/Quit Boxes 1 Box Creation and Properties wizard 1 ltr <Alt>Right Switch to the next page 1 ltr <Alt>Left Switch to the previous page 1 rtl <Alt>Left Switch to the next page 1 rtl <Alt>Right Switch to the previous page 1 Box Display display 1 Control_L+Alt_L Grab/Ungrab keyboard 1 ltr <Alt>Left Back to overview 1 rtl <Alt>Right Back to overview 1 <Ctrl>q Close window/Quit Boxes 1 F11 Fullscreen/Restore from fullscreen