#include "config.h" #include "broadway-buffer.h" #include /* This code is based on some code from weston with this license: * * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. The copyright holders make * no representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS * SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ struct entry { int count; int matches; guint32 hash; int x, y; int index; }; struct _BroadwayBuffer { guint8 *data; struct entry *table; int width, height, stride; int encoded; int block_stride, length, block_count, shift; int stats[5]; int clashes; }; static const guint32 prime = 0x1f821e2d; static const guint32 end_prime = 0xf907ec81; /* prime^block_size */ #if 0 static const guint32 vprime = 0x0137b89d; static const guint32 end_vprime = 0xaea9a281; /* vprime^block_size */ #else static const guint32 vprime = 0xf907ec81; static const guint32 end_vprime = 0xcdb99001; /* vprime^block_size */ #endif static const guint32 step = 0x0ac93019; static const int block_size = 32, block_mask = 31; static gboolean verify_block_match (BroadwayBuffer *buffer, int x, int y, BroadwayBuffer *prev, struct entry *entry) { int i; void *old, *match; int w1, w2, h1, h2; w1 = block_size; if (x + block_size > buffer->width) w1 = buffer->width - x; h1 = block_size; if (y + block_size > buffer->height) h1 = buffer->height - y; w2 = block_size; if (entry->x + block_size > prev->width) w2 = prev->width - entry->x; h2 = block_size; if (entry->y + block_size > prev->height) h2 = prev->height - entry->y; if (w1 != w2 || h1 != h2) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < h1; i++) { match = buffer->data + (y + i) * buffer->stride + x * 4; old = prev->data + (entry->y + i) * prev->stride + entry->x * 4; if (memcmp (match, old, w1 * 4) != 0) { buffer->clashes++; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static void insert_block (BroadwayBuffer *buffer, guint32 h, int x, int y) { struct entry *entry; int i; guint32 collision = 0; entry = &buffer->table[h >> buffer->shift]; for (i = step; entry->count > 0 && entry->hash != h; i += step) { entry = &buffer->table[(h + i) >> buffer->shift]; collision++; } entry->hash = h; entry->count++; entry->x = x; entry->y = y; entry->index = (buffer->block_stride * y + x) / block_size; if (collision > G_N_ELEMENTS (buffer->stats) - 1) collision = G_N_ELEMENTS (buffer->stats) - 1; buffer->stats[collision]++; } static struct entry * lookup_block (BroadwayBuffer *prev, guint32 h) { guint32 i; struct entry *entry; int shift = prev->shift; for (i = h; entry = &prev->table[i >> shift], entry->count > 0; i += step) { if (entry->hash == h) return entry; } return NULL; } struct encoder { guint32 color; guint32 color_run; guint32 delta; guint32 delta_run; GString *dest; int bytes; }; /* Encoding: * * - all 1 pixel colors are encoded literally * * - We don’t need to support colors with alpha 0 and non-zero * color components, as they mean the same on the canvas anyway. * So we use these as special codes: * * - 0x00 00 00 00 : one alpha 0 pixel * - 0xaa rr gg bb : one color pixel, alpha > 0 * - 0x00 1x xx xx : delta 0 run, x is length, (20 bits) * - 0x00 2x xx xx 0x xxxx yyyy: block ref, block number x (20 bits) at x, y * - 0x00 3x xx xx 0xaarrggbb : solid color run, length x * - 0x00 4x xx xx 0xaarrggbb : delta run, length x * */ static void emit (struct encoder *encoder, guint32 symbol) { g_string_append_len (encoder->dest, (char *)&symbol, sizeof (guint32)); encoder->bytes += sizeof (guint32); } static void encode_run (struct encoder *encoder) { if (encoder->color_run == 0 && encoder->delta_run == 0) return; if (encoder->color_run >= encoder->delta_run) { if (encoder->color_run == 1) emit (encoder, encoder->color); else { emit (encoder, 0x00300000 | encoder->color_run); emit (encoder, encoder->color); } } else { if (encoder->delta == 0) emit(encoder, 0x00100000 | encoder->delta_run); else { emit(encoder, 0x00400000 | encoder->delta_run); emit(encoder, encoder->delta); } } } static void encode_pixel (struct encoder *encoder, guint32 color, guint32 prev_color) { guint32 delta = 0; guint32 a, r, g, b; if (color == prev_color) delta = 0; else if (prev_color == 0) delta = color; else { a = ((color & 0xff000000) - (prev_color & 0xff000000)) & 0xff000000; r = ((color & 0x00ff0000) - (prev_color & 0x00ff0000)) & 0x00ff0000; g = ((color & 0x0000ff00) - (prev_color & 0x0000ff00)) & 0x0000ff00; b = ((color & 0x000000ff) - (prev_color & 0x000000ff)) & 0x000000ff; delta = a | r | g | b; } if ((encoder->color != color && encoder->color_run > encoder->delta_run) || (encoder->delta != delta && encoder->delta_run > encoder->color_run) || (encoder->delta != delta && encoder->color != color)) { encode_run (encoder); encoder->color_run = 1; encoder->color = color; encoder->delta_run = 1; encoder->delta = delta; return; } if (encoder->color == color) encoder->color_run++; else { encoder->color_run = 1; encoder->color = color; } if (encoder->delta == delta) encoder->delta_run++; else { encoder->delta_run = 1; encoder->delta = delta; } } void encoder_flush (struct encoder *encoder) { encode_run (encoder); } static void encode_block (struct encoder *encoder, struct entry *entry, int x, int y) { /* 0x00 2x xx xx 0x xxxx yyyy: * block ref, block number x (20 bits) at x, y */ /* FIXME: Maybe don't encode pixels under blocks and just emit * blocks at their position within the stream. */ emit (encoder, 0x00200000 | entry->index); emit (encoder, (x << 16) | y); } void broadway_buffer_destroy (BroadwayBuffer *buffer) { g_free (buffer->data); g_free (buffer->table); g_free (buffer); } int broadway_buffer_get_width (BroadwayBuffer *buffer) { return buffer->width; } int broadway_buffer_get_height (BroadwayBuffer *buffer) { return buffer->height; } static void unpremultiply_line (void *destp, void *srcp, int width) { guint32 *src = srcp; guint32 *dest = destp; guint32 *end = src + width; while (src < end) { guint32 pixel; guint8 alpha, r, g, b; pixel = *src++; alpha = (pixel & 0xff000000) >> 24; if (alpha == 0xff) *dest++ = pixel; else if (alpha == 0) *dest++ = 0; else { r = (((pixel & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; g = (((pixel & 0x00ff00) >> 8) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; b = (((pixel & 0x0000ff) >> 0) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; *dest++ = (guint32)alpha << 24 | (guint32)r << 16 | (guint32)g << 8 | (guint32)b; } } } BroadwayBuffer * broadway_buffer_create (int width, int height, guint8 *data, int stride) { BroadwayBuffer *buffer; int y, bits_required; buffer = g_new0 (BroadwayBuffer, 1); buffer->width = width; buffer->stride = width * 4; buffer->height = height; buffer->block_stride = (width + block_size - 1) / block_size; buffer->block_count = buffer->block_stride * ((height + block_size - 1) / block_size); bits_required = g_bit_storage (buffer->block_count * 4); buffer->shift = 32 - bits_required; buffer->length = 1 << bits_required; buffer->table = g_malloc0 (buffer->length * sizeof buffer->table[0]); memset (buffer->stats, 0, sizeof buffer->stats); buffer->clashes = 0; buffer->data = g_malloc (buffer->stride * height); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) unpremultiply_line (buffer->data + y * buffer->stride, data + y * stride, width); return buffer; } void broadway_buffer_encode (BroadwayBuffer *buffer, BroadwayBuffer *prev, GString *dest) { struct entry *entry; int i, j, k; int x0, x1, y0, y1; guint32 *block_hashes; guint32 hash, bottom_hash, h, *line, *bottom, *prev_line; int width, height; struct encoder encoder = { 0 }; int *skyline, skyline_pixels; int matches; width = buffer->width; height = buffer->height; x0 = 0; x1 = width; y0 = 0; y1 = height; skyline = g_malloc0 ((width + block_size) * sizeof skyline[0]); block_hashes = g_malloc0 (width * sizeof block_hashes[0]); matches = 0; encoder.dest = dest; // Calculate the block hashes for the first row for (i = y0; i < MIN(y1, y0 + block_size); i++) { line = (guint32 *)(buffer->data + i * buffer->stride); hash = 0; for (j = x0; j < MIN(x1, x0 + block_size); j++) hash = hash * prime + line[j]; for (j = j; j < x0 + block_size; j++) hash = hash * prime; for (j = x0; j < x1; j++) { block_hashes[j] = block_hashes[j] * vprime + hash; hash = hash * prime - line[j] * end_prime; if (j + block_size < width) hash += line[j + block_size]; } } // Do the last rows if height < block_size for (i = i; i < y0 + block_size; i++) { for (j = x0; j < x1; j++) block_hashes[j] = block_hashes[j] * vprime; } for (i = y0; i < y1; i++) { line = (guint32 *) (buffer->data + i * buffer->stride); bottom = (guint32 *) (buffer->data + (i + block_size) * buffer->stride); bottom_hash = 0; hash = 0; skyline_pixels = 0; if (prev && i < prev->height) prev_line = (guint32 *) (prev->data + i * prev->stride); else prev_line = NULL; for (j = x0; j < x0 + block_size; j++) { hash = hash * prime; if (j < width) hash += line[j]; if (i + block_size < height) { bottom_hash = bottom_hash * prime; if (j < width) bottom_hash += bottom[j]; } if (i < skyline[j]) skyline_pixels = 0; else skyline_pixels++; } for (j = x0; j < x1; j++) { if (i < skyline[j]) encode_pixel (&encoder, line[j], line[j]); else if (prev) { /* FIXME: Add back overlap exception * for consecutive blocks */ h = block_hashes[j]; entry = lookup_block (prev, h); if (entry && entry->count < 2 && skyline_pixels >= block_size && verify_block_match (buffer, j, i, prev, entry) && (entry->x != j || entry->y != i)) { matches++; encode_block (&encoder, entry, j, i); for (k = 0; k < block_size; k++) skyline[j + k] = i + block_size; encode_pixel (&encoder, line[j], line[j]); } else { if (prev_line && j < prev->width) encode_pixel (&encoder, line[j], prev_line[j]); else encode_pixel (&encoder, line[j], 0); } } else encode_pixel (&encoder, line[j], 0); if (i < skyline[j + block_size]) skyline_pixels = 0; else skyline_pixels++; /* Insert block in hash table if we're on a * grid point. */ if (((i | j) & block_mask) == 0 && !buffer->encoded) insert_block (buffer, block_hashes[j], j, i); /* Update sliding block hash */ block_hashes[j] = block_hashes[j] * vprime + bottom_hash - hash * end_vprime; if (i + block_size < height) { bottom_hash = bottom_hash * prime - bottom[j] * end_prime; if (j + block_size < width) bottom_hash += bottom[j + block_size]; } hash = hash * prime - line[j] * end_prime; if (j + block_size < width) hash += line[j + block_size] ; } } encoder_flush (&encoder); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "collision stats:"); for (i = 0; i < (int) G_N_ELEMENTS(buffer->stats); i++) fprintf(stderr, "%c%d", i == 0 ? ' ' : '/', buffer->stats[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%d / %d blocks (%d%%) matched, %d clashes\n", matches, buffer->block_count, 100 * matches / buffer->block_count, buffer->clashes); fprintf(stderr, "output stream %d bytes, raw buffer %d bytes (%d%%)\n", encoder.bytes, height * buffer->stride, 100 * encoder.bytes / (height * buffer->stride)); #endif g_free (skyline); g_free (block_hashes); buffer->encoded = TRUE; }