#include #include "gsk/gskcurveprivate.h" static void init_random_point (graphene_point_t *p) { p->x = g_test_rand_double_range (0, 1000); p->y = g_test_rand_double_range (0, 1000); } static void init_random_curve_with_op (GskCurve *curve, GskPathOperation min_op, GskPathOperation max_op) { switch (g_test_rand_int_range (min_op, max_op + 1)) { case GSK_PATH_LINE: { graphene_point_t p[2]; init_random_point (&p[0]); init_random_point (&p[1]); gsk_curve_init (curve, gsk_pathop_encode (GSK_PATH_LINE, p)); } break; case GSK_PATH_QUAD: { graphene_point_t p[3]; init_random_point (&p[0]); init_random_point (&p[1]); init_random_point (&p[2]); gsk_curve_init (curve, gsk_pathop_encode (GSK_PATH_QUAD, p)); } break; case GSK_PATH_CUBIC: { graphene_point_t p[4]; init_random_point (&p[0]); init_random_point (&p[1]); init_random_point (&p[2]); init_random_point (&p[3]); gsk_curve_init (curve, gsk_pathop_encode (GSK_PATH_CUBIC, p)); } break; case GSK_PATH_CONIC: { graphene_point_t p[4]; init_random_point (&p[0]); init_random_point (&p[1]); p[2].x = g_test_rand_double_range (0.2, 20); p[2].y = 0.f; init_random_point (&p[3]); gsk_curve_init (curve, gsk_pathop_encode (GSK_PATH_CONIC, p)); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void init_random_curve (GskCurve *curve) { init_random_curve_with_op (curve, GSK_PATH_LINE, GSK_PATH_CONIC); } static void test_curve_tangents (void) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { GskCurve c; graphene_vec2_t vec, exact; init_random_curve (&c); gsk_curve_get_tangent (&c, 0, &vec); g_assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (graphene_vec2_length (&vec), 1.0f, 0.00001); gsk_curve_get_start_tangent (&c, &exact); g_assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (graphene_vec2_length (&exact), 1.0f, 0.00001); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&vec, &exact, 0.05)); gsk_curve_get_tangent (&c, 1, &vec); g_assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (graphene_vec2_length (&vec), 1.0f, 0.00001); gsk_curve_get_end_tangent (&c, &exact); g_assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (graphene_vec2_length (&exact), 1.0f, 0.00001); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&vec, &exact, 0.05)); } } static void test_curve_points (void) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { GskCurve c; graphene_point_t p; init_random_curve (&c); /* We could assert equality here because evaluating the polynomials with 0 * has no effect on accuracy, but for arcs, we use trigonometric functions, * so allow a small error. */ gsk_curve_get_point (&c, 0, &p); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c), &p, 0.001)); /* But here we evaluate the polynomials with 1 which gives the highest possible * accuracy error. So we'll just be generous here. */ gsk_curve_get_point (&c, 1, &p); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c), &p, 0.05)); } } /* at this point the subdivision stops and the decomposer * violates tolerance rules */ #define MIN_PROGRESS (1/1024.f) typedef struct { graphene_point_t p; float t; } PointOnLine; static gboolean add_line_to_array (const graphene_point_t *from, const graphene_point_t *to, float from_progress, float to_progress, GskCurveLineReason reason, gpointer user_data) { GArray *array = user_data; PointOnLine *last = &g_array_index (array, PointOnLine, array->len - 1); g_assert_true (array->len > 0); g_assert_cmpfloat (from_progress, >=, 0.0f); g_assert_cmpfloat (from_progress, <, to_progress); g_assert_cmpfloat (to_progress, <=, 1.0f); g_assert_true (graphene_point_equal (&last->p, from)); g_assert_cmpfloat (last->t, ==, from_progress); g_array_append_vals (array, (PointOnLine[1]) { { *to, to_progress } }, 1); return TRUE; } static void test_curve_decompose (void) { static const float tolerance = 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { GArray *array; GskCurve c; init_random_curve (&c); array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (PointOnLine)); g_array_append_vals (array, (PointOnLine[1]) { { *gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c), 0.f } }, 1); g_assert_true (gsk_curve_decompose (&c, tolerance, add_line_to_array, array)); g_assert_cmpint (array->len, >=, 2); /* We at least got a line to the end */ g_assert_cmpfloat (g_array_index (array, PointOnLine, array->len - 1).t, ==, 1.0); for (int j = 0; j < array->len; j++) { PointOnLine *pol = &g_array_index (array, PointOnLine, j); graphene_point_t p; /* Check that the points we got are actually on the line */ gsk_curve_get_point (&c, pol->t, &p); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (&pol->p, &p, 0.05)); /* Check that the mid point is not further than the tolerance */ if (j > 0) { PointOnLine *last = &g_array_index (array, PointOnLine, j - 1); graphene_point_t mid; if (pol->t - last->t > MIN_PROGRESS) { graphene_point_interpolate (&last->p, &pol->p, 0.5, &mid); gsk_curve_get_point (&c, (pol->t + last->t) / 2, &p); /* The decomposer does this cheaper Manhattan distance test, * so graphene_point_near() does not work */ g_assert_cmpfloat (fabs (mid.x - p.x), <=, tolerance); g_assert_cmpfloat (fabs (mid.y - p.y), <=, tolerance); } } } g_array_unref (array); } } static gboolean add_curve_to_array (GskPathOperation op, const graphene_point_t *pts, gsize n_pts, float weight, gpointer user_data) { GArray *array = user_data; GskCurve c; gsk_curve_init_foreach (&c, op, pts, n_pts, weight); g_array_append_val (array, c); return TRUE; } static void test_curve_decompose_into (GskPathForeachFlags flags) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { GskCurve c; GskPathBuilder *builder; const graphene_point_t *s; GskPath *path; GArray *array; init_random_curve (&c); builder = gsk_path_builder_new (); s = gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c); gsk_path_builder_move_to (builder, s->x, s->y); gsk_curve_builder_to (&c, builder); path = gsk_path_builder_free_to_path (builder); array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GskCurve)); g_assert_true (gsk_curve_decompose_curve (&c, flags, 0.1, add_curve_to_array, array)); g_assert_cmpint (array->len, >=, 1); for (int j = 0; j < array->len; j++) { GskCurve *c2 = &g_array_index (array, GskCurve, j); switch (c2->op) { case GSK_PATH_MOVE: case GSK_PATH_CLOSE: case GSK_PATH_LINE: break; case GSK_PATH_QUAD: g_assert_true (flags & GSK_PATH_FOREACH_ALLOW_QUAD); break; case GSK_PATH_CUBIC: g_assert_true (flags & GSK_PATH_FOREACH_ALLOW_CUBIC); break; case GSK_PATH_CONIC: g_assert_true (flags & GSK_PATH_FOREACH_ALLOW_CONIC); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } g_array_unref (array); gsk_path_unref (path); } } static void test_curve_decompose_into_line (void) { test_curve_decompose_into (0); } static void test_curve_decompose_into_quad (void) { test_curve_decompose_into (GSK_PATH_FOREACH_ALLOW_QUAD); } static void test_curve_decompose_into_cubic (void) { test_curve_decompose_into (GSK_PATH_FOREACH_ALLOW_CUBIC); } /* Some sanity checks for splitting curves. */ static void test_curve_split (void) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { GskCurve c; init_random_curve (&c); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { GskCurve c1, c2; graphene_point_t p; graphene_vec2_t t, t1, t2; float split; split = g_test_rand_double_range (0, 1); gsk_curve_split (&c, split, &c1, &c2); g_assert_true (c1.op == c.op); g_assert_true (c2.op == c.op); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c), gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c1), 0.005)); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c1), gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c2), 0.005)); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c), gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c2), 0.005)); gsk_curve_get_point (&c, split, &p); gsk_curve_get_tangent (&c, split, &t); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c1), &p, 0.005)); g_assert_true (graphene_point_near (gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c2), &p, 0.005)); gsk_curve_get_start_tangent (&c, &t1); gsk_curve_get_start_tangent (&c1, &t2); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t1, &t2, 0.005)); gsk_curve_get_end_tangent (&c1, &t1); gsk_curve_get_start_tangent (&c2, &t2); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t1, &t2, 0.005)); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t, &t1, 0.005)); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t, &t2, 0.005)); gsk_curve_get_end_tangent (&c, &t1); gsk_curve_get_end_tangent (&c2, &t2); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t1, &t2, 0.005)); g_assert_cmpfloat_with_epsilon (gsk_curve_get_length (&c), gsk_curve_get_length (&c1) + gsk_curve_get_length (&c2), 1); } } } static void test_curve_derivative (void) { GskCurve c; float t; graphene_vec2_t t1, t2; graphene_point_t p; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { init_random_curve (&c); for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { t = g_test_rand_double_range (0, 1); gsk_curve_get_derivative_at (&c, t, &p); gsk_curve_get_tangent (&c, t, &t1); graphene_vec2_init (&t2, p.x, p.y); graphene_vec2_normalize (&t2, &t2); g_assert_true (graphene_vec2_near (&t1, &t2, 0.1)); } } } static void test_curve_length (void) { GskCurve c; float l, l0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { init_random_curve (&c); l = gsk_curve_get_length (&c); l0 = graphene_point_distance (gsk_curve_get_start_point (&c), gsk_curve_get_end_point (&c), NULL, NULL); g_assert_true (l >= l0); if (c.op == GSK_PATH_LINE) g_assert_true (l == l0); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { (g_test_init) (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add_func ("/curve/points", test_curve_points); g_test_add_func ("/curve/tangents", test_curve_tangents); g_test_add_func ("/curve/decompose", test_curve_decompose); g_test_add_func ("/curve/decompose-line", test_curve_decompose_into_line); g_test_add_func ("/curve/decompose-quad", test_curve_decompose_into_quad); g_test_add_func ("/curve/decompose-cubic", test_curve_decompose_into_cubic); g_test_add_func ("/curve/split", test_curve_split); g_test_add_func ("/curve/derivative", test_curve_derivative); g_test_add_func ("/curve/length", test_curve_length); return g_test_run (); }