#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "broadway.h" /************************************************************************ * Base64 functions * ************************************************************************/ static const char base64_alphabet[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static void base64_uint8 (guint8 v, char *c) { c[0] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 0) & 0x3f]; c[1] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 6) & 0x3]; } static void base64_uint16 (guint32 v, char *c) { c[0] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 0) & 0x3f]; c[1] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 6) & 0x3f]; c[2] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 12) & 0xf]; } #if 0 static void base64_uint24 (guint32 v, char *c) { c[0] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 0) & 0x3f]; c[1] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 6) & 0x3f]; c[2] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 12) & 0x3f]; c[3] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 18) & 0x3f]; } #endif static void base64_uint32 (guint32 v, char *c) { c[0] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 0) & 0x3f]; c[1] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 6) & 0x3f]; c[2] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 12) & 0x3f]; c[3] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 18) & 0x3f]; c[4] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 24) & 0x3f]; c[5] = base64_alphabet[(v >> 30) & 0x2]; } /************************************************************************ * conversion of raw image data to uncompressed png data: uris * ************************************************************************/ /* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */ static unsigned long crc_table[256]; /* Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false. */ static int crc_table_computed = 0; /* Make the table for a fast CRC. */ static void make_crc_table(void) { unsigned long c; int n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = (unsigned long) n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (c & 1) c = 0xedb88320L ^ (c >> 1); else c = c >> 1; } crc_table[n] = c; } crc_table_computed = 1; } static unsigned long update_crc(unsigned long crc, unsigned char *buf, int len) { unsigned long c = crc; int n; if (!crc_table_computed) make_crc_table(); for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { c = crc_table[(c ^ buf[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); } return c; } static unsigned long crc(unsigned char *buf, int len) { return update_crc(0xffffffffL, buf, len) ^ 0xffffffffL; } #define BASE 65521 /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */ static unsigned long update_adler32(unsigned long adler, unsigned char *buf, int len) { unsigned long s1 = adler & 0xffff; unsigned long s2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff; int n; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % BASE; s2 = (s2 + s1) % BASE; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } static char * to_png_rgb (int w, int h, int byte_stride, guint32 *data) { guchar header[] = {137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10}; guchar ihdr[13+12] = {0, 0, 0, 13, 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R', /* w: */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* h: */ 0,0,0,0, /* bpp: */ 8, /* color type: */ 2, 0, 0, 0}; guchar idat_start[8] = { /* len: */0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' }; guchar iend[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D', 0xae, 0x42, 0x60, 0x82}; gsize data_size, row_size; char row_header[6]; guint8 *png, *p, *p_row, *p_idat; guint32 *row; unsigned long adler; guint32 pixel; gsize png_size; int x, y; char *url, *url_base64; int state = 0, outlen; int save = 0; *(guint32 *)&ihdr[8] = GUINT32_TO_BE(w); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[12] = GUINT32_TO_BE(h); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[21] = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(&ihdr[4], 13 + 4)); row_size = 1 + w * 3; row_header[0] = 0; row_header[1] = row_size & 0xff; row_header[2] = (row_size >> 8) & 0xff; row_header[3] = ~row_header[1]; row_header[4] = ~row_header[2]; row_header[5] = 0; data_size = 2 + (6 + w * 3) * h + 4; *(guint32 *)&idat_start[0] = GUINT32_TO_BE(data_size); png_size = sizeof(header) + sizeof(ihdr) + 12 + data_size + sizeof(iend); png = g_malloc (png_size); p = png; memcpy (p, header, sizeof(header)); p += sizeof(header); memcpy (p, ihdr, sizeof(ihdr)); p += sizeof(ihdr); memcpy (p, idat_start, sizeof(idat_start)); p += sizeof(idat_start); /* IDAT data: zlib header: 0x78, 0x01 , h * scanline: row_header[] + width * r,g,b checksum: adler32 */ p_idat = p - 4; /* zlib header */ *p++ = 0x78; *p++ = 0x01; adler = 1; /* scanline data */ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (y == h - 1) row_header[0] = 1; /* final block */ memcpy (p, row_header, sizeof(row_header)); p += sizeof(row_header); p_row = p - 1; row = data; data += byte_stride / 4; for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { pixel = *row++; *p++ = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff; /* red */ *p++ = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; /* green */ *p++ = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff; /* blue */ } adler = update_adler32(adler, p_row, p - p_row); } /* adler32 */ *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(adler); p += 4; *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(p_idat, p - p_idat)); p += 4; memcpy (p, iend, sizeof(iend)); p += sizeof(iend); assert(p - png == png_size); url = g_malloc (strlen("data:image/png;base64,") + ((png_size / 3 + 1) * 4 + 4) + 1); strcpy (url, "data:image/png;base64,"); url_base64 = url + strlen("data:image/png;base64,"); outlen = g_base64_encode_step (png, png_size, FALSE, url_base64, &state, &save); outlen += g_base64_encode_close (FALSE, url_base64 + outlen, &state, &save); url_base64[outlen] = 0; free (png); return url; } static char * to_png_rgba (int w, int h, int byte_stride, guint32 *data) { guchar header[] = {137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10}; guchar ihdr[13+12] = {0, 0, 0, 13, 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R', /* w: */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* h: */ 0,0,0,0, /* bpp: */ 8, /* color type: */ 6, 0, 0, 0}; guchar idat_start[8] = { /* len: */0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' }; guchar iend[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D', 0xae, 0x42, 0x60, 0x82}; gsize data_size, row_size; char row_header[6]; guint8 *png, *p, *p_row, *p_idat; guint32 *row; unsigned long adler; guint32 pixel; gsize png_size; int x, y; char *url, *url_base64; int state = 0, outlen; int save = 0; *(guint32 *)&ihdr[8] = GUINT32_TO_BE(w); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[12] = GUINT32_TO_BE(h); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[21] = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(&ihdr[4], 13 + 4)); row_size = 1 + w * 4; row_header[0] = 0; row_header[1] = row_size & 0xff; row_header[2] = (row_size >> 8) & 0xff; row_header[3] = ~row_header[1]; row_header[4] = ~row_header[2]; row_header[5] = 0; data_size = 2 + (6 + w * 4) * h + 4; *(guint32 *)&idat_start[0] = GUINT32_TO_BE(data_size); png_size = sizeof(header) + sizeof(ihdr) + 12 + data_size + sizeof(iend); png = g_malloc (png_size); p = png; memcpy (p, header, sizeof(header)); p += sizeof(header); memcpy (p, ihdr, sizeof(ihdr)); p += sizeof(ihdr); memcpy (p, idat_start, sizeof(idat_start)); p += sizeof(idat_start); /* IDAT data: zlib header: 0x78, 0x01 , h * scanline: row_header[] + width * r,g,b,a checksum: adler32 */ p_idat = p - 4; /* zlib header */ *p++ = 0x78; *p++ = 0x01; adler = 1; /* scanline data */ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (y == h - 1) row_header[0] = 1; /* final block */ memcpy (p, row_header, sizeof(row_header)); p += sizeof(row_header); p_row = p - 1; row = data; data += byte_stride / 4; for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { pixel = *row++; *p++ = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff; /* red */ *p++ = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; /* green */ *p++ = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff; /* blue */ *p++ = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff; /* alpha */ } adler = update_adler32(adler, p_row, p - p_row); } /* adler32 */ *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(adler); p += 4; *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(p_idat, p - p_idat)); p += 4; memcpy (p, iend, sizeof(iend)); p += sizeof(iend); assert(p - png == png_size); url = g_malloc (strlen("data:image/png;base64,") + ((png_size / 3 + 1) * 4 + 4) + 1); strcpy (url, "data:image/png;base64,"); url_base64 = url + strlen("data:image/png;base64,"); outlen = g_base64_encode_step (png, png_size, FALSE, url_base64, &state, &save); outlen += g_base64_encode_close (FALSE, url_base64 + outlen, &state, &save); url_base64[outlen] = 0; free (png); return url; } #if 0 static char * to_png_a (int w, int h, int byte_stride, guint8 *data) { guchar header[] = {137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10}; guchar ihdr[13+12] = {0, 0, 0, 13, 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R', /* w: */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* h: */ 0,0,0,0, /* bpp: */ 8, /* color type: */ 4, 0, 0, 0}; guchar idat_start[8] = { /* len: */0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' }; guchar iend[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D', 0xae, 0x42, 0x60, 0x82}; gsize data_size, row_size; char row_header[6]; guint8 *png, *p, *p_row, *p_idat; guint8 *row; unsigned long adler; guint32 pixel; gsize png_size; int x, y; char *url, *url_base64; int state = 0, outlen; int save = 0; *(guint32 *)&ihdr[8] = GUINT32_TO_BE(w); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[12] = GUINT32_TO_BE(h); *(guint32 *)&ihdr[21] = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(&ihdr[4], 13 + 4)); row_size = 1 + w * 2; row_header[0] = 0; row_header[1] = row_size & 0xff; row_header[2] = (row_size >> 8) & 0xff; row_header[3] = ~row_header[1]; row_header[4] = ~row_header[2]; row_header[5] = 0; data_size = 2 + (6 + w * 2) * h + 4; *(guint32 *)&idat_start[0] = GUINT32_TO_BE(data_size); png_size = sizeof(header) + sizeof(ihdr) + 12 + data_size + sizeof(iend); png = g_malloc (png_size); p = png; memcpy (p, header, sizeof(header)); p += sizeof(header); memcpy (p, ihdr, sizeof(ihdr)); p += sizeof(ihdr); memcpy (p, idat_start, sizeof(idat_start)); p += sizeof(idat_start); /* IDAT data: zlib header: 0x78, 0x01 , h * scanline: row_header[] + width * r,g,b,a checksum: adler32 */ p_idat = p - 4; /* zlib header */ *p++ = 0x78; *p++ = 0x01; adler = 1; /* scanline data */ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (y == h - 1) row_header[0] = 1; /* final block */ memcpy (p, row_header, sizeof(row_header)); p += sizeof(row_header); p_row = p - 1; row = data; data += byte_stride / 4; for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { pixel = *row++; *p++ = 0x00; /* gray */ *p++ = pixel; /* alpha */ } adler = update_adler32(adler, p_row, p - p_row); } /* adler32 */ *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(adler); p += 4; *(guint32 *)p = GUINT32_TO_BE(crc(p_idat, p - p_idat)); p += 4; memcpy (p, iend, sizeof(iend)); p += sizeof(iend); assert(p - png == png_size); url = g_malloc (strlen("data:image/png;base64,") + ((png_size / 3 + 1) * 4 + 4) + 1); strcpy (url, "data:image/png;base64,"); url_base64 = url + strlen("data:image/png;base64,"); outlen = g_base64_encode_step (png, png_size, FALSE, url_base64, &state, &save); outlen += g_base64_encode_close (FALSE, url_base64 + outlen, &state, &save); url_base64[outlen] = 0; free (png); return url; } #endif /************************************************************************ * Basic I/O primitives * ************************************************************************/ struct BroadwayOutput { int fd; gzFile *zfd; int error; guint32 serial; }; static void broadway_output_write_raw (BroadwayOutput *output, const void *buf, gsize count) { gssize res; int errsave; const char *ptr = (const char *)buf; if (output->error) return; while (count > 0) { res = write(output->fd, ptr, count); if (res == -1) { errsave = errno; if (errsave == EINTR) continue; output->error = TRUE; return; } if (res == 0) { output->error = TRUE; return; } count -= res; ptr += res; } } static void broadway_output_write (BroadwayOutput *output, const void *buf, gsize count) { gssize res; const char *ptr = (const char *)buf; if (output->error) return; while (count > 0) { res = gzwrite(output->zfd, ptr, count); if (res == -1) { output->error = TRUE; return; } if (res == 0) { output->error = TRUE; return; } count -= res; ptr += res; } } static void broadway_output_write_header (BroadwayOutput *output) { char *header; header = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=x\r\n" "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n" "\r\n"; broadway_output_write_raw (output, header, strlen (header)); } static void send_boundary (BroadwayOutput *output) { char *boundary = "--x\r\n" "\r\n"; broadway_output_write (output, boundary, strlen (boundary)); } BroadwayOutput * broadway_output_new(int fd, guint32 serial) { BroadwayOutput *output; int flag = 1; output = g_new0 (BroadwayOutput, 1); output->fd = fd; output->serial = serial; setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &flag, sizeof(int)); broadway_output_write_header (output); output->zfd = gzdopen(fd, "wb"); /* Need an initial multipart boundary */ send_boundary (output); return output; } void broadway_output_free (BroadwayOutput *output) { if (output->zfd) gzclose (output->zfd); else close (output->fd); free (output); } guint32 broadway_output_get_next_serial (BroadwayOutput *output) { return output->serial; } int broadway_output_flush (BroadwayOutput *output) { send_boundary (output); gzflush (output->zfd, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); return !output->error; } /************************************************************************ * Core rendering operations * ************************************************************************/ #define HEADER_LEN (1+6) static void append_uint16 (guint32 v, char *buf, int *p) { base64_uint16 (v, &buf[*p]); *p += 3; } static void append_uint32 (guint32 v, char *buf, int *p) { base64_uint32 (v, &buf[*p]); *p += 6; } static int write_header(BroadwayOutput *output, char *buf, char op) { int p; p = 0; buf[p++] = op; append_uint32 (output->serial++, buf, &p); return p; } void broadway_output_copy_rectangles (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, BroadwayRect *rects, int n_rects, int dx, int dy) { char *buf; int len, i, p; len = HEADER_LEN + 3 + 3 + 3*4*n_rects + 3 + 3; buf = g_malloc (len); p = write_header (output, buf, 'b'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (n_rects, buf, &p); for (i = 0; i < n_rects; i++) { append_uint16 (rects[i].x, buf, &p); append_uint16 (rects[i].y, buf, &p); append_uint16 (rects[i].width, buf, &p); append_uint16 (rects[i].height, buf, &p); } append_uint16 (dx, buf, &p); append_uint16 (dy, buf, &p); assert (p == len); broadway_output_write (output, buf, len); free (buf); } void broadway_output_grab_pointer (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, gboolean owner_event) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 3 + 1]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'g'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); buf[p++] = owner_event ? '1': '0'; assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } guint32 broadway_output_ungrab_pointer (BroadwayOutput *output) { char buf[HEADER_LEN]; guint32 serial; int p; serial = output->serial; p = write_header (output, buf, 'u'); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); return serial; } void broadway_output_new_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, gboolean is_temp) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 16]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 's'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (x, buf, &p); append_uint16 (y, buf, &p); append_uint16 (w, buf, &p); append_uint16 (h, buf, &p); buf[p++] = is_temp ? '1' : '0'; assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_show_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 3]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'S'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_hide_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 3]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'H'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_destroy_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 3]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'd'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_move_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int x, int y) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 9]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'm'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (x, buf, &p); append_uint16 (y, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_resize_surface(BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int w, int h) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 9]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'r'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (w, buf, &p); append_uint16 (h, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_set_transient_for (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int parent_id) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 6]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'p'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (parent_id, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } void broadway_output_put_rgb (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, int byte_stride, void *data) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 15]; gsize len; char *url; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'i'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (x, buf, &p); append_uint16 (y, buf, &p); url = to_png_rgb (w, h, byte_stride, (guint32*)data); len = strlen (url); append_uint32 (len, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, url, len); free (url); } typedef struct { int x1, y1; int x2, y2; } BroadwayBox; static int is_any_x_set (unsigned char *data, int box_x1, int box_x2, int x1, int x2, int y, int *x_set, int byte_stride) { int w ; guint32 *ptr; if (x1 < box_x1) x1 = box_x1; if (x2 > box_x2) x2 = box_x2; w = x2 - x1; if (w > 0) { ptr = (guint32 *)(data + y * byte_stride + x1 * 4); while (w-- > 0) { if (*ptr != 0) { if (x_set) *x_set = x1; return 1; } ptr++; x1++; } } return 0; } #define EXTEND_X_FUZZ 10 #define EXTEND_Y_FUZZ 10 static int extend_x_range (unsigned char *data, int box_x1, int box_y1, int box_x2, int box_y2, int *x1, int *x2, int y, int byte_stride) { int extended = 0; int new_x; while (is_any_x_set (data, box_x1, box_x2, *x1 - EXTEND_X_FUZZ, *x1, y, &new_x, byte_stride)) { *x1 = new_x; extended = 1; } while (is_any_x_set (data, box_x1, box_x2, *x2, *x2 + EXTEND_X_FUZZ, y, &new_x, byte_stride)) { *x2 = new_x + 1; extended = 1; } return extended; } static int extend_y_range (unsigned char *data, int box_x1, int box_y1, int box_x2, int box_y2, int x1, int x2, int *y, int byte_stride) { int extended = 0; int found_set; int yy, y2; while (*y < box_y2) { found_set = 0; y2 = *y + EXTEND_Y_FUZZ; if (y2 > box_y2) y2 = box_y2; for (yy = y2; yy > *y + 1; yy--) { if (is_any_x_set (data, box_x1, box_x2, x1, x2, yy - 1, NULL, byte_stride)) { found_set = 1; break; } } if (!found_set) break; *y = yy; extended = 1; } return extended; } static void rgba_find_rects_extents (unsigned char *data, int box_x1, int box_y1, int box_x2, int box_y2, int x, int y, BroadwayBox *rect, int byte_stride) { int x1, x2, y1, y2, yy; int extended; x1 = x; x2 = x + 1; y1 = y; y2 = y + 1; do { /* Expand maximally for all known rows */ do { extended = 0; for (yy = y1; yy < y2; yy++) extended |= extend_x_range (data, box_x1, box_y1, box_x2, box_y2, &x1, &x2, yy, byte_stride); } while (extended); } while (extend_y_range(data, box_x1, box_y1, box_x2, box_y2, x1, x2, &y2, byte_stride)); rect->x1 = x1; rect->x2 = x2; rect->y1 = y1; rect->y2 = y2; } static void rgba_find_rects_sub (unsigned char *data, int box_x1, int box_y1, int box_x2, int box_y2, int byte_stride, BroadwayBox **rects, int *n_rects, int *alloc_rects) { guint32 *line; BroadwayBox rect; int x, y; if (box_x1 == box_x2 || box_y1 == box_y2) return; for (y = box_y1; y < box_y2; y++) { line = (guint32 *)(data + y * byte_stride + box_x1 * 4); for (x = box_x1; x < box_x2; x++) { if (*line != 0) { rgba_find_rects_extents (data, box_x1, box_y1, box_x2, box_y2, x, y, &rect, byte_stride); if (*n_rects == *alloc_rects) { (*alloc_rects) *= 2; *rects = g_renew (BroadwayBox, *rects, *alloc_rects); } (*rects)[*n_rects] = rect; (*n_rects)++; rgba_find_rects_sub (data, box_x1, rect.y1, rect.x1, rect.y2, byte_stride, rects, n_rects, alloc_rects); rgba_find_rects_sub (data, rect.x2, rect.y1, box_x2, rect.y2, byte_stride, rects, n_rects, alloc_rects); rgba_find_rects_sub (data, box_x1, rect.y2, box_x2, box_y2, byte_stride, rects, n_rects, alloc_rects); return; } line++; } } } static BroadwayBox * rgba_find_rects (unsigned char *data, int w, int h, int byte_stride, int *n_rects) { BroadwayBox *rects; int alloc_rects; alloc_rects = 20; rects = g_new (BroadwayBox, alloc_rects); *n_rects = 0; rgba_find_rects_sub (data, 0, 0, w, h, byte_stride, &rects, n_rects, &alloc_rects); return rects; } void broadway_output_put_rgba (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, int byte_stride, void *data) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 15]; gsize len; char *url; BroadwayBox *rects; int p, i, n_rects; guint8 *subdata; rects = rgba_find_rects (data, w, h, byte_stride, &n_rects); for (i = 0; i < n_rects; i++) { subdata = (guint8 *)data + rects[i].x1 * 4 + rects[i].y1 * byte_stride; p = write_header (output, buf, 'i'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (x + rects[i].x1, buf, &p); append_uint16 (y + rects[i].y1, buf, &p); url = to_png_rgba (rects[i].x2 - rects[i].x1, rects[i].y2 - rects[i].y1, byte_stride, (guint32*)subdata); len = strlen (url); append_uint32 (len, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, url, len); free (url); } free (rects); } void broadway_output_surface_flush (BroadwayOutput *output, int id) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 3]; int p; p = write_header (output, buf, 'f'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); } #if 0 static void send_image_a (BroadwayOutput *output, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, int byte_stride, guint8 *data) { char buf[HEADER_LEN + 15]; gsize len; char *url; p = write_header (output, buf, 'i'); append_uint16 (id, buf, &p); append_uint16 (x, buf, &p); append_uint16 (y, buf, &p); url = to_png_a (w, h, byte_stride, data); len = strlen (url); append_uint32 (len, buf, &p); assert (p == sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, buf, sizeof (buf)); broadway_output_write (output, url, len); free (url); } #endif