#include #include #include #include "gdkx.h" #include "gdk.h" /* Nothing much here now, but we have to make a start some time ;-) */ void gdk_dnd_set_drag_cursors(GdkCursor *default_cursor, GdkCursor *goahead_cursor) { gdk_dnd.c->gdk_cursor_dragdefault = ((GdkCursorPrivate *)default_cursor)->xcursor; gdk_dnd.c->gdk_cursor_dragok = ((GdkCursorPrivate *)goahead_cursor)->xcursor; if(gdk_dnd.dnd_grabbed) { if(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default) /* We were displaying pixmaps for the drag */ { gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default); gdk_window_unref(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default); if(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok) { gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok); gdk_window_unref(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok); } gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default = gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok = NULL; g_list_free(gdk_dnd.c->xids); gdk_dnd.c->xids = NULL; } gdk_dnd_display_drag_cursor(-1, -1, gdk_dnd.dnd_drag_target?TRUE:FALSE, TRUE); } } void gdk_dnd_set_drag_shape(GdkWindow *default_pixmapwin, GdkPoint *default_hotspot, GdkWindow *goahead_pixmapwin, GdkPoint *goahead_hotspot) { g_return_if_fail(default_pixmapwin != NULL); g_list_free(gdk_dnd.c->xids); gdk_dnd.c->xids = NULL; if(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default) { gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default); gdk_window_unref(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default); } if(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok) { gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok); gdk_window_unref(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok); } gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok = NULL; gdk_window_ref(default_pixmapwin); gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default = default_pixmapwin; gdk_dnd.c->default_hotspot = *default_hotspot; gdk_dnd.c->xids = g_list_append(gdk_dnd.c->xids, GUINT_TO_POINTER (((GdkWindowPrivate *)default_pixmapwin)->xwindow)); if(goahead_pixmapwin) { gdk_window_ref(goahead_pixmapwin); gdk_dnd.c->xids = g_list_append(gdk_dnd.c->xids, GUINT_TO_POINTER (((GdkWindowPrivate *)goahead_pixmapwin)->xwindow)); gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok = goahead_pixmapwin; gdk_dnd.c->ok_hotspot = *goahead_hotspot; } if(gdk_dnd.dnd_grabbed) { gdk_dnd_display_drag_cursor(-1, -1, gdk_dnd.dnd_drag_target?TRUE:FALSE, TRUE); XChangeActivePointerGrab (gdk_display, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask, None, CurrentTime); } } void gdk_dnd_display_drag_cursor(gint x, gint y, gboolean drag_ok, gboolean change_made) { if(!gdk_dnd.dnd_grabbed) return; if(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default) { /* We're doing pixmaps here... */ GdkWindow *mypix, *opix; GdkPoint *myhotspot; gint itmp; guint masktmp; Window wtmp; if(x == -2 && y == -2) /* Hide the cursors */ { gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok); gdk_window_hide(gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default); GDK_NOTE(DND, g_print("Hiding both drag cursors\n")); return; } if(x == -1 && y == -1) /* We're supposed to find it out for ourselves */ XQueryPointer(gdk_display, gdk_root_window, &wtmp, &wtmp, &x, &y, &itmp, &itmp, &masktmp); if(drag_ok) { GDK_NOTE(DND, g_print("Switching to drag_ok cursor\n")); mypix = gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok; opix = gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default; myhotspot = &gdk_dnd.c->ok_hotspot; } else { GDK_NOTE(DND, g_print("Switching to drag_default cursor\n")); mypix = gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_default; opix = gdk_dnd.c->drag_pm_ok; myhotspot = &gdk_dnd.c->default_hotspot; } gdk_window_move(mypix, x - myhotspot->x, y - myhotspot->y); if(change_made) { GDK_NOTE(DND, g_print("Cursors switched, hide & show\n")); gdk_window_hide(opix); } gdk_window_move(mypix, x - myhotspot->x, y - myhotspot->y); if (change_made) { gdk_window_show(mypix); /* There ought to be a way to know if a window is already mapped etc. */ } } else if(change_made) { Cursor c; /* Move cursors around */ if(drag_ok) c = gdk_dnd.c->gdk_cursor_dragok; else c = gdk_dnd.c->gdk_cursor_dragdefault; XChangeActivePointerGrab (gdk_display, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask, c, CurrentTime); } }