/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * gtkprintbackendcups.h: Default implementation of GtkPrintBackend * for the Common Unix Print System (CUPS) * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtkprintbackendcups.h" #include "gtkprintercups.h" #include "gtkcupsutils.h" #include "gtkdebug.h" typedef struct _GtkPrintBackendCupsClass GtkPrintBackendCupsClass; #define GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS, GtkPrintBackendCupsClass)) #define GTK_IS_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS)) #define GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_TYPE_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS, GtkPrintBackendCupsClass)) #define _CUPS_MAX_ATTEMPTS 10 #define _CUPS_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE 8192 #define _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_INT(attr, v, a) {if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (attr->name, (a))) v = attr->values[0].integer;} #define _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_STR(attr, v, a) {if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp (attr->name, (a))) v = attr->values[0].string.text;} static GType print_backend_cups_type = 0; typedef void (* GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) (GtkPrintBackend *print_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data); typedef enum { DISPATCH_SETUP, DISPATCH_REQUEST, DISPATCH_SEND, DISPATCH_CHECK, DISPATCH_READ, DISPATCH_ERROR } GtkPrintCupsDispatchState; typedef struct { GSource source; http_t *http; GtkCupsRequest *request; GPollFD *data_poll; GtkPrintBackendCups *backend; } GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch; struct _GtkPrintBackendCupsClass { GtkPrintBackendClass parent_class; }; struct _GtkPrintBackendCups { GtkPrintBackend parent_instance; char *default_printer; guint list_printers_poll; guint list_printers_pending : 1; guint got_default_printer : 1; }; static GObjectClass *backend_parent_class; static void gtk_print_backend_cups_class_init (GtkPrintBackendCupsClass *class); static void gtk_print_backend_cups_init (GtkPrintBackendCups *impl); static void gtk_print_backend_cups_finalize (GObject *object); static void gtk_print_backend_cups_dispose (GObject *object); static void cups_get_printer_list (GtkPrintBackend *print_backend); static void cups_request_execute (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsRequest *request, GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify); static void cups_printer_get_settings_from_options (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrinterOptionSet *options, GtkPrintSettings *settings); static gboolean cups_printer_mark_conflicts (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrinterOptionSet *options); static GtkPrinterOptionSet *cups_printer_get_options (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintSettings *settings, GtkPageSetup *page_setup, GtkPrintCapabilities capabilities); static void cups_printer_prepare_for_print (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintJob *print_job, GtkPrintSettings *settings, GtkPageSetup *page_setup); static GList * cups_printer_list_papers (GtkPrinter *printer); static void cups_printer_request_details (GtkPrinter *printer); static void cups_request_default_printer (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend); static void cups_request_ppd (GtkPrinter *printer); static void cups_printer_get_hard_margins (GtkPrinter *printer, double *top, double *bottom, double *left, double *right); static GtkPrintCapabilities cups_printer_get_capabilities (GtkPrinter *printer); static void set_option_from_settings (GtkPrinterOption *option, GtkPrintSettings *setting); static void cups_begin_polling_info (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkPrintJob *job, int job_id); static gboolean cups_job_info_poll_timeout (gpointer user_data); static void gtk_print_backend_cups_print_stream (GtkPrintBackend *backend, GtkPrintJob *job, GIOChannel *data_io, GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify dnotify); static cairo_surface_t * cups_printer_create_cairo_surface (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintSettings *settings, gdouble width, gdouble height, GIOChannel *cache_io); static void gtk_print_backend_cups_register_type (GTypeModule *module) { static const GTypeInfo print_backend_cups_info = { sizeof (GtkPrintBackendCupsClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) gtk_print_backend_cups_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GtkPrintBackendCups), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) gtk_print_backend_cups_init }; print_backend_cups_type = g_type_module_register_type (module, GTK_TYPE_PRINT_BACKEND, "GtkPrintBackendCups", &print_backend_cups_info, 0); } G_MODULE_EXPORT void pb_module_init (GTypeModule *module) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Initializing the CUPS print backend module\n")); gtk_print_backend_cups_register_type (module); gtk_printer_cups_register_type (module); } G_MODULE_EXPORT void pb_module_exit (void) { } G_MODULE_EXPORT GtkPrintBackend * pb_module_create (void) { return gtk_print_backend_cups_new (); } /* * GtkPrintBackendCups */ GType gtk_print_backend_cups_get_type (void) { return print_backend_cups_type; } /** * gtk_print_backend_cups_new: * * Creates a new #GtkPrintBackendCups object. #GtkPrintBackendCups * implements the #GtkPrintBackend interface with direct access to * the filesystem using Unix/Linux API calls * * Return value: the new #GtkPrintBackendCups object */ GtkPrintBackend * gtk_print_backend_cups_new (void) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Creating a new CUPS print backend object\n")); return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS, NULL); } static void gtk_print_backend_cups_class_init (GtkPrintBackendCupsClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); GtkPrintBackendClass *backend_class = GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CLASS (class); backend_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class); gobject_class->finalize = gtk_print_backend_cups_finalize; gobject_class->dispose = gtk_print_backend_cups_dispose; backend_class->request_printer_list = cups_get_printer_list; backend_class->print_stream = gtk_print_backend_cups_print_stream; backend_class->printer_request_details = cups_printer_request_details; backend_class->printer_create_cairo_surface = cups_printer_create_cairo_surface; backend_class->printer_get_options = cups_printer_get_options; backend_class->printer_mark_conflicts = cups_printer_mark_conflicts; backend_class->printer_get_settings_from_options = cups_printer_get_settings_from_options; backend_class->printer_prepare_for_print = cups_printer_prepare_for_print; backend_class->printer_list_papers = cups_printer_list_papers; backend_class->printer_get_hard_margins = cups_printer_get_hard_margins; backend_class->printer_get_capabilities = cups_printer_get_capabilities; } static cairo_status_t _cairo_write_to_cups (void *closure, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int length) { GIOChannel *io = (GIOChannel *)closure; gsize written; GError *error; error = NULL; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Writting %i byte chunk to temp file\n", length)); while (length > 0) { g_io_channel_write_chars (io, (gchar *)data, length, &written, &error); if (error != NULL) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Error writting to temp file, %s\n", error->message)); g_error_free (error); return CAIRO_STATUS_WRITE_ERROR; } GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Wrote %i bytes to temp file\n", written)); data += written; length -= written; } return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static cairo_surface_t * cups_printer_create_cairo_surface (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintSettings *settings, gdouble width, gdouble height, GIOChannel *cache_io) { cairo_surface_t *surface; /* TODO: check if it is a ps or pdf printer */ surface = cairo_ps_surface_create_for_stream (_cairo_write_to_cups, cache_io, width, height); /* TODO: DPI from settings object? */ cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution (surface, 300, 300); return surface; } typedef struct { GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc callback; GtkPrintJob *job; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify dnotify; } CupsPrintStreamData; static void cups_free_print_stream_data (CupsPrintStreamData *data) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); if (data->dnotify) data->dnotify (data->user_data); g_object_unref (data->job); g_free (data); } static void cups_print_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GError *error = NULL; CupsPrintStreamData *ps = user_data; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); if (gtk_cups_result_is_error (result)) error = g_error_new_literal (gtk_print_error_quark (), GTK_PRINT_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, gtk_cups_result_get_error_string (result)); if (ps->callback) ps->callback (ps->job, ps->user_data, error); if (error == NULL) { int job_id = 0; ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* IPP job-id attribute */ ipp_t *response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); if ((attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "job-id", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) job_id = attr->values[0].integer; if (!gtk_print_job_get_track_print_status (ps->job) || job_id == 0) gtk_print_job_set_status (ps->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED); else { gtk_print_job_set_status (ps->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PENDING); cups_begin_polling_info (print_backend, ps->job, job_id); } } else gtk_print_job_set_status (ps->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED_ABORTED); if (error) g_error_free (error); } static void add_cups_options (const gchar *key, const gchar *value, gpointer user_data) { GtkCupsRequest *request = user_data; if (!g_str_has_prefix (key, "cups-")) return; if (strcmp (value, "gtk-ignore-value") == 0) return; key = key + strlen ("cups-"); gtk_cups_request_encode_option (request, key, value); } static void gtk_print_backend_cups_print_stream (GtkPrintBackend *print_backend, GtkPrintJob *job, GIOChannel *data_io, GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify dnotify) { GtkPrinterCups *cups_printer; CupsPrintStreamData *ps; GtkCupsRequest *request; GtkPrintSettings *settings; const gchar *title; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); cups_printer = GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (gtk_print_job_get_printer (job)); settings = gtk_print_job_get_settings (job); request = gtk_cups_request_new (NULL, GTK_CUPS_POST, IPP_PRINT_JOB, data_io, NULL, cups_printer->device_uri); gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_string (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, cups_printer->printer_uri); title = gtk_print_job_get_title (job); if (title) gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_string (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-name", NULL, title); gtk_print_settings_foreach (settings, add_cups_options, request); ps = g_new0 (CupsPrintStreamData, 1); ps->callback = callback; ps->user_data = user_data; ps->dnotify = dnotify; ps->job = g_object_ref (job); cups_request_execute (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (print_backend), request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_print_cb, ps, (GDestroyNotify)cups_free_print_stream_data); } static void gtk_print_backend_cups_init (GtkPrintBackendCups *backend_cups) { backend_cups->list_printers_poll = FALSE; backend_cups->got_default_printer = FALSE; backend_cups->list_printers_pending = FALSE; cups_request_default_printer (backend_cups); } static void gtk_print_backend_cups_finalize (GObject *object) { GtkPrintBackendCups *backend_cups; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: finalizing CUPS backend module\n")); backend_cups = GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (object); g_free (backend_cups->default_printer); backend_cups->default_printer = NULL; backend_parent_class->finalize (object); } static void gtk_print_backend_cups_dispose (GObject *object) { GtkPrintBackendCups *backend_cups; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); backend_cups = GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (object); if (backend_cups->list_printers_poll > 0) g_source_remove (backend_cups->list_printers_poll); backend_cups->list_printers_poll = 0; backend_parent_class->dispose (object); } static gboolean cups_dispatch_watch_check (GSource *source) { GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *dispatch; GtkCupsPollState poll_state; gboolean result; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s \n", G_STRFUNC, source)); dispatch = (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *) source; poll_state = gtk_cups_request_get_poll_state (dispatch->request); if (dispatch->request->http != NULL) { if (dispatch->data_poll == NULL) { dispatch->data_poll = g_new0 (GPollFD, 1); g_source_add_poll (source, dispatch->data_poll); } else { if (poll_state == GTK_CUPS_HTTP_READ) dispatch->data_poll->events = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_PRI; else if (poll_state == GTK_CUPS_HTTP_WRITE) dispatch->data_poll->events = G_IO_OUT | G_IO_ERR; else dispatch->data_poll->events = 0; } dispatch->data_poll->fd = httpGetFd (dispatch->request->http); } if (poll_state != GTK_CUPS_HTTP_IDLE) if (!(dispatch->data_poll->revents & dispatch->data_poll->events)) return FALSE; result = gtk_cups_request_read_write (dispatch->request); if (result && dispatch->data_poll != NULL) { g_source_remove_poll (source, dispatch->data_poll); g_free (dispatch->data_poll); dispatch->data_poll = NULL; } return result; } static gboolean cups_dispatch_watch_prepare (GSource *source, gint *timeout_) { GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *dispatch; dispatch = (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *) source; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s \n", G_STRFUNC, source)); *timeout_ = -1; return gtk_cups_request_read_write (dispatch->request); } static gboolean cups_dispatch_watch_dispatch (GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data) { GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *dispatch; GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc ep_callback; GtkCupsResult *result; g_assert (callback != NULL); ep_callback = (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) callback; dispatch = (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *) source; result = gtk_cups_request_get_result (dispatch->request); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s \n", G_STRFUNC, source)); if (gtk_cups_result_is_error (result)) g_warning ("Error result: %s", gtk_cups_result_get_error_string (result)); ep_callback (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND (dispatch->backend), result, user_data); return FALSE; } static void cups_dispatch_watch_finalize (GSource *source) { GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *dispatch; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s \n", G_STRFUNC, source)); dispatch = (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *) source; gtk_cups_request_free (dispatch->request); if (dispatch->backend) { /* We need to unref this at idle time, because it might be the * last reference to this module causing the code to be * unloaded (including this particular function!) * Update: Doing this at idle caused a deadlock taking the * mainloop context lock while being in a GSource callout for * multithreaded apps. So, for now we just disable unloading * of print backends. See _gtk_print_backend_create for the * disabling. */ g_object_unref (dispatch->backend); dispatch->backend = NULL; } if (dispatch->data_poll != NULL) g_free (dispatch->data_poll); } static GSourceFuncs _cups_dispatch_watch_funcs = { cups_dispatch_watch_prepare, cups_dispatch_watch_check, cups_dispatch_watch_dispatch, cups_dispatch_watch_finalize }; static void cups_request_execute (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsRequest *request, GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *dispatch; dispatch = (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch *) g_source_new (&_cups_dispatch_watch_funcs, sizeof (GtkPrintCupsDispatchWatch)); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s - Executing cups request on server '%s' and resource '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, dispatch, request->server, request->resource)); dispatch->request = request; dispatch->backend = g_object_ref (print_backend); dispatch->data_poll = NULL; g_source_set_callback ((GSource *) dispatch, (GSourceFunc) callback, user_data, notify); g_source_attach ((GSource *) dispatch, NULL); g_source_unref ((GSource *) dispatch); } static void cups_request_printer_info_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data) { ipp_attribute_t *attr; ipp_t *response; gchar *printer_name; GtkPrinterCups *cups_printer; GtkPrinter *printer; gchar *loc; gchar *desc; gchar *state_msg; int job_count; gboolean status_changed; g_assert (GTK_IS_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (backend)); printer_name = (gchar *)user_data; printer = gtk_print_backend_find_printer (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND (backend), printer_name); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s - Got printer info for printer '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, printer_name)); if (!printer) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Could not find printer called '%s'\n", printer_name)); return; } cups_printer = GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer); if (gtk_cups_result_is_error (result)) { if (gtk_printer_is_new (printer)) { gtk_print_backend_remove_printer (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND (backend), printer); return; } else return; /* TODO: mark as inactive printer */ } response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); /* TODO: determine printer type and use correct icon */ gtk_printer_set_icon_name (printer, "gtk-print"); state_msg = ""; loc = ""; desc = ""; job_count = 0; for (attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { if (!attr->name) continue; _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_STR (attr, loc, "printer-location"); _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_STR (attr, desc, "printer-info"); _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_STR (attr, state_msg, "printer-state-message"); _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_INT (attr, cups_printer->state, "printer-state"); _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_INT (attr, job_count, "queued-job-count"); } status_changed = gtk_printer_set_job_count (printer, job_count); status_changed |= gtk_printer_set_location (printer, loc); status_changed |= gtk_printer_set_description (printer, desc); status_changed |= gtk_printer_set_state_message (printer, state_msg); if (status_changed) g_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND (backend), "printer-status-changed", printer); } static void cups_request_printer_info (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, const gchar *printer_name) { GtkCupsRequest *request; gchar *printer_uri; static const char * const pattrs[] = /* Attributes we're interested in */ { "printer-location", "printer-info", "printer-state-message", "printer-state", "queued-job-count" }; request = gtk_cups_request_new (NULL, GTK_CUPS_POST, IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, NULL, NULL); printer_uri = g_strdup_printf ("ipp://localhost/printers/%s", printer_name); gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_string (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, printer_uri); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s - Requesting printer info for URI '%s'\n", G_STRFUNC, printer_uri)); g_free (printer_uri); gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_strings (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", G_N_ELEMENTS (pattrs), NULL, pattrs); cups_request_execute (print_backend, request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_request_printer_info_cb, g_strdup (printer_name), (GDestroyNotify) g_free); } typedef struct { GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend; GtkPrintJob *job; int job_id; int counter; } CupsJobPollData; static void job_object_died (gpointer user_data, GObject *where_the_object_was) { CupsJobPollData *data = user_data; data->job = NULL; } static void cups_job_poll_data_free (CupsJobPollData *data) { if (data->job) g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (data->job), job_object_died, data); g_free (data); } static void cups_request_job_info_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data) { CupsJobPollData *data = user_data; ipp_attribute_t *attr; ipp_t *response; int state; gboolean done; if (data->job == NULL) { cups_job_poll_data_free (data); return; } data->counter++; response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); state = 0; for (attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { if (!attr->name) continue; _CUPS_MAP_ATTR_INT (attr, state, "job-state"); } done = FALSE; switch (state) { case IPP_JOB_PENDING: case IPP_JOB_HELD: case IPP_JOB_STOPPED: gtk_print_job_set_status (data->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PENDING); break; case IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: gtk_print_job_set_status (data->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PRINTING); break; default: case IPP_JOB_CANCELLED: case IPP_JOB_ABORTED: gtk_print_job_set_status (data->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED_ABORTED); done = TRUE; break; case 0: case IPP_JOB_COMPLETED: gtk_print_job_set_status (data->job, GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED); done = TRUE; break; } if (!done && data->job != NULL) { guint32 timeout; if (data->counter < 5) timeout = 100; else if (data->counter < 10) timeout = 500; else timeout = 1000; g_timeout_add (timeout, cups_job_info_poll_timeout, data); } else cups_job_poll_data_free (data); } static void cups_request_job_info (CupsJobPollData *data) { GtkCupsRequest *request; gchar *job_uri; request = gtk_cups_request_new (NULL, GTK_CUPS_POST, IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES, NULL, NULL, NULL); job_uri = g_strdup_printf ("ipp://localhost/jobs/%d", data->job_id); gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_string (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "job-uri", NULL, job_uri); g_free (job_uri); cups_request_execute (data->print_backend, request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_request_job_info_cb, data, NULL); } static gboolean cups_job_info_poll_timeout (gpointer user_data) { CupsJobPollData *data = user_data; if (data->job == NULL) cups_job_poll_data_free (data); else cups_request_job_info (data); return FALSE; } static void cups_begin_polling_info (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkPrintJob *job, gint job_id) { CupsJobPollData *data; data = g_new0 (CupsJobPollData, 1); data->print_backend = print_backend; data->job = job; data->job_id = job_id; data->counter = 0; g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (job), job_object_died, data); cups_request_job_info (data); } static void mark_printer_inactive (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintBackend *backend) { gtk_printer_set_is_active (printer, FALSE); g_signal_emit_by_name (backend, "printer-removed", printer); } static gint find_printer (GtkPrinter *printer, const gchar *find_name) { const gchar *printer_name; printer_name = gtk_printer_get_name (printer); return g_ascii_strcasecmp (printer_name, find_name); } static void cups_request_printer_list_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *cups_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data) { GtkPrintBackend *backend = GTK_PRINT_BACKEND (cups_backend); ipp_attribute_t *attr; ipp_t *response; gboolean list_has_changed; GList *removed_printer_checklist; list_has_changed = FALSE; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); cups_backend->list_printers_pending = FALSE; if (gtk_cups_result_is_error (result)) { g_warning ("Error getting printer list: %s", gtk_cups_result_get_error_string (result)); goto done; } /* Gather the names of the printers in the current queue * so we may check to see if they were removed */ removed_printer_checklist = gtk_print_backend_get_printer_list (backend); response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); for (attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { GtkPrinter *printer; const gchar *printer_name; const gchar *printer_uri; const gchar *member_uris; GList *node; /* Skip leading attributes until we hit a printer... */ while (attr != NULL && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_PRINTER) attr = attr->next; if (attr == NULL) break; printer_name = NULL; printer_uri = NULL; member_uris = NULL; while (attr != NULL && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER) { if (strcmp (attr->name, "printer-name") == 0 && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME) printer_name = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (strcmp (attr->name, "printer-uri-supported") == 0 && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI) printer_uri = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (strcmp (attr->name, "member-uris") == 0 && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI) member_uris = attr->values[0].string.text; else { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Attribute %s ignored", attr->name)); } attr = attr->next; } if (printer_name == NULL || (printer_uri == NULL && member_uris == NULL)) { if (attr == NULL) break; else continue; } /* remove name from checklist if it was found */ node = g_list_find_custom (removed_printer_checklist, printer_name, (GCompareFunc) find_printer); removed_printer_checklist = g_list_delete_link (removed_printer_checklist, node); printer = gtk_print_backend_find_printer (backend, printer_name); if (!printer) { GtkPrinterCups *cups_printer; char uri[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Printer URI */ char method[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Method/scheme name */ char username[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Username:password */ char hostname[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Hostname */ char resource[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Resource name */ int port; /* Port number */ list_has_changed = TRUE; cups_printer = gtk_printer_cups_new (printer_name, backend); cups_printer->device_uri = g_strdup_printf ("/printers/%s", printer_name); /* Check to see if we are looking at a class */ if (member_uris) { cups_printer->printer_uri = g_strdup (member_uris); /* TODO if member_uris is a class we need to recursivly find a printer */ GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Found class with printer %s\n", member_uris)); } else { cups_printer->printer_uri = g_strdup (printer_uri); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Found printer %s\n", printer_uri)); } #if (CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && CUPS_VERSION_MINOR >= 2) || CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR > 1 httpSeparateURI (HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, cups_printer->printer_uri, method, sizeof (method), username, sizeof (username), hostname, sizeof (hostname), &port, resource, sizeof (resource)); #else httpSeparate (cups_printer->printer_uri, method, username, hostname, &port, resource); #endif if (strncmp (resource, "/printers/", 10) == 0) { cups_printer->ppd_name = g_strdup (resource + 10); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Setting ppd name '%s' for printer/class '%s'\n", cups_printer->ppd_name, printer_name)); } gethostname (uri, sizeof (uri)); if (strcasecmp (uri, hostname) == 0) strcpy (hostname, "localhost"); cups_printer->hostname = g_strdup (hostname); cups_printer->port = port; printer = GTK_PRINTER (cups_printer); if (cups_backend->default_printer != NULL && strcmp (cups_backend->default_printer, gtk_printer_get_name (printer)) == 0) gtk_printer_set_is_default (printer, TRUE); gtk_print_backend_add_printer (backend, printer); } else g_object_ref (printer); if (!gtk_printer_is_active (printer)) { gtk_printer_set_is_active (printer, TRUE); gtk_printer_set_is_new (printer, TRUE); list_has_changed = TRUE; } if (gtk_printer_is_new (printer)) { g_signal_emit_by_name (backend, "printer-added", printer); gtk_printer_set_is_new (printer, FALSE); } cups_request_printer_info (cups_backend, gtk_printer_get_name (printer)); /* The ref is held by GtkPrintBackend, in add_printer() */ g_object_unref (printer); if (attr == NULL) break; } /* look at the removed printers checklist and mark any printer as inactive if it is in the list, emitting a printer_removed signal */ if (removed_printer_checklist != NULL) { g_list_foreach (removed_printer_checklist, (GFunc) mark_printer_inactive, backend); g_list_free (removed_printer_checklist); list_has_changed = TRUE; } done: if (list_has_changed) g_signal_emit_by_name (backend, "printer-list-changed"); gtk_print_backend_set_list_done (backend); } static gboolean cups_request_printer_list (GtkPrintBackendCups *cups_backend) { GtkCupsRequest *request; static const char * const pattrs[] = /* Attributes we're interested in */ { "printer-name", "printer-uri-supported", "member-uris" }; if (cups_backend->list_printers_pending || !cups_backend->got_default_printer) return TRUE; g_object_ref (cups_backend); GDK_THREADS_LEAVE (); cups_backend->list_printers_pending = TRUE; request = gtk_cups_request_new (NULL, GTK_CUPS_POST, CUPS_GET_PRINTERS, NULL, NULL, NULL); gtk_cups_request_ipp_add_strings (request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", G_N_ELEMENTS (pattrs), NULL, pattrs); cups_request_execute (cups_backend, request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_request_printer_list_cb, request, NULL); GDK_THREADS_ENTER (); g_object_unref (cups_backend); return TRUE; } static void cups_get_printer_list (GtkPrintBackend *backend) { GtkPrintBackendCups *cups_backend; cups_backend = GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (backend); if (cups_backend->list_printers_poll == 0) { cups_request_printer_list (cups_backend); cups_backend->list_printers_poll = gdk_threads_add_timeout (3000, (GSourceFunc) cups_request_printer_list, backend); } } typedef struct { GtkPrinterCups *printer; GIOChannel *ppd_io; http_t *http; } GetPPDData; static void get_ppd_data_free (GetPPDData *data) { GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); httpClose (data->http); g_io_channel_unref (data->ppd_io); g_object_unref (data->printer); g_free (data); } static void cups_request_ppd_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, GetPPDData *data) { ipp_t *response; GtkPrinter *printer; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); printer = GTK_PRINTER (data->printer); GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)->reading_ppd = FALSE; if (gtk_cups_result_is_error (result)) { g_signal_emit_by_name (printer, "details-acquired", FALSE); return; } response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); /* let ppdOpenFd take over the ownership of the open file */ g_io_channel_seek_position (data->ppd_io, 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL); data->printer->ppd_file = ppdOpenFd (dup (g_io_channel_unix_get_fd (data->ppd_io))); gtk_printer_set_has_details (printer, TRUE); g_signal_emit_by_name (printer, "details-acquired", TRUE); } static void cups_request_ppd (GtkPrinter *printer) { GError *error; GtkPrintBackend *print_backend; GtkPrinterCups *cups_printer; GtkCupsRequest *request; char *ppd_filename; gchar *resource; http_t *http; GetPPDData *data; int fd; cups_printer = GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer); error = NULL; GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: %s\n", G_STRFUNC)); http = httpConnectEncrypt (cups_printer->hostname, cups_printer->port, cupsEncryption ()); data = g_new0 (GetPPDData, 1); fd = g_file_open_tmp ("gtkprint_ppd_XXXXXX", &ppd_filename, &error); #ifdef G_ENABLE_DEBUG /* If we are debugging printing don't delete the tmp files */ if (!(gtk_debug_flags & GTK_DEBUG_PRINTING)) unlink (ppd_filename); #else unlink (ppd_filename); #endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */ if (error != NULL) { g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); httpClose (http); g_free (ppd_filename); g_free (data); g_signal_emit_by_name (printer, "details-acquired", FALSE); return; } data->http = http; fchmod (fd, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); data->ppd_io = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd); g_io_channel_set_encoding (data->ppd_io, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref (data->ppd_io, TRUE); data->printer = g_object_ref (printer); resource = g_strdup_printf ("/printers/%s.ppd", gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd_name (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer))); request = gtk_cups_request_new (data->http, GTK_CUPS_GET, 0, data->ppd_io, cups_printer->hostname, resource); GTK_NOTE (PRINTING, g_print ("CUPS Backend: Requesting resource %s to be written to temp file %s\n", resource, ppd_filename)); g_free (resource); g_free (ppd_filename); cups_printer->reading_ppd = TRUE; print_backend = gtk_printer_get_backend (printer); cups_request_execute (GTK_PRINT_BACKEND_CUPS (print_backend), request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_request_ppd_cb, data, (GDestroyNotify)get_ppd_data_free); } static void cups_request_default_printer_cb (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend, GtkCupsResult *result, gpointer user_data) { ipp_t *response; ipp_attribute_t *attr; response = gtk_cups_result_get_response (result); if ((attr = ippFindAttribute (response, "printer-name", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) print_backend->default_printer = g_strdup (attr->values[0].string.text); print_backend->got_default_printer = TRUE; /* Make sure to kick off get_printers if we are polling it, * as we could have blocked this reading the default printer */ if (print_backend->list_printers_poll != 0) cups_request_printer_list (print_backend); } static void cups_request_default_printer (GtkPrintBackendCups *print_backend) { GtkCupsRequest *request; const char *str; if ((str = g_getenv ("LPDEST")) != NULL) { print_backend->default_printer = g_strdup (str); print_backend->got_default_printer = TRUE; return; } else if ((str = g_getenv ("PRINTER")) != NULL && strcmp (str, "lp") != 0) { print_backend->default_printer = g_strdup (str); print_backend->got_default_printer = TRUE; return; } request = gtk_cups_request_new (NULL, GTK_CUPS_POST, CUPS_GET_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, NULL); cups_request_execute (print_backend, request, (GtkPrintCupsResponseCallbackFunc) cups_request_default_printer_cb, g_object_ref (print_backend), g_object_unref); } static void cups_printer_request_details (GtkPrinter *printer) { GtkPrinterCups *cups_printer; cups_printer = GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer); if (!cups_printer->reading_ppd && gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (cups_printer) == NULL) cups_request_ppd (printer); } static char * ppd_text_to_utf8 (ppd_file_t *ppd_file, const char *text) { const char *encoding = NULL; char *res; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "UTF-8") == 0) { return g_strdup (text); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "ISOLatin1") == 0) { encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "ISOLatin2") == 0) { encoding = "ISO-8859-2"; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "ISOLatin5") == 0) { encoding = "ISO-8859-5"; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "JIS83-RKSJ") == 0) { encoding = "SHIFT-JIS"; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "MacStandard") == 0) { encoding = "MACINTOSH"; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (ppd_file->lang_encoding, "WindowsANSI") == 0) { encoding = "WINDOWS-1252"; } else { /* Fallback, try iso-8859-1... */ encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; } res = g_convert (text, -1, "UTF-8", encoding, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (res == NULL) { g_warning ("unable to convert PPD text"); res = g_strdup ("???"); } return res; } /* TODO: Add more translations for common settings here */ static const struct { const char *keyword; const char *translation; } cups_option_translations[] = { { "Duplex", N_("Two Sided") }, { "MediaType", N_("Paper Type") }, { "InputSlot", N_("Paper Source") }, { "OutputBin", N_("Output Tray") }, }; static const struct { const char *keyword; const char *choice; const char *translation; } cups_choice_translations[] = { { "Duplex", "None", N_("One Sided") }, { "InputSlot", "Auto", N_("Auto Select") }, { "InputSlot", "AutoSelect", N_("Auto Select") }, { "InputSlot", "Default", N_("Printer Default") }, { "InputSlot", "None", N_("Printer Default") }, { "InputSlot", "PrinterDefault", N_("Printer Default") }, { "InputSlot", "Unspecified", N_("Auto Select") }, }; static const struct { const char *ppd_keyword; const char *name; } option_names[] = { {"Duplex", "gtk-duplex" }, {"MediaType", "gtk-paper-type"}, {"InputSlot", "gtk-paper-source"}, {"OutputBin", "gtk-output-tray"}, }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *color_option_whitelist[] = { "BRColorEnhancement", "BRColorMatching", "BRColorMatching", "BRColorMode", "BRGammaValue", "BRImprovedGray", "BlackSubstitution", "ColorModel", "HPCMYKInks", "HPCSGraphics", "HPCSImages", "HPCSText", "HPColorSmart", "RPSBlackMode", "RPSBlackOverPrint", "Rcmyksimulation", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *color_group_whitelist[] = { "ColorPage", "FPColorWise1", "FPColorWise2", "FPColorWise3", "FPColorWise4", "FPColorWise5", "HPColorOptionsPanel", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *image_quality_option_whitelist[] = { "BRDocument", "BRHalfTonePattern", "BRNormalPrt", "BRPrintQuality", "BitsPerPixel", "Darkness", "Dithering", "EconoMode", "Economode", "HPEconoMode", "HPEdgeControl", "HPGraphicsHalftone", "HPHalftone", "HPLJDensity", "HPPhotoHalftone", "OutputMode", "REt", "RPSBitsPerPixel", "RPSDitherType", "Resolution", "ScreenLock", "Smoothing", "TonerSaveMode", "UCRGCRForImage", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *image_quality_group_whitelist[] = { "FPImageQuality1", "FPImageQuality2", "FPImageQuality3", "ImageQualityPage", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char * finishing_option_whitelist[] = { "BindColor", "BindEdge", "BindType", "BindWhen", "Booklet", "FoldType", "FoldWhen", "HPStaplerOptions", "Jog", "Slipsheet", "Sorter", "StapleLocation", "StapleOrientation", "StapleWhen", "StapleX", "StapleY", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *finishing_group_whitelist[] = { "FPFinishing1", "FPFinishing2", "FPFinishing3", "FPFinishing4", "FinishingPage", "HPFinishingPanel", }; /* keep sorted when changing */ static const char *cups_option_blacklist[] = { "Collate", "Copies", "OutputOrder", "PageRegion", "PageSize", }; static char * get_option_text (ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *option) { int i; char *utf8; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (cups_option_translations); i++) { if (strcmp (cups_option_translations[i].keyword, option->keyword) == 0) return g_strdup (_(cups_option_translations[i].translation)); } utf8 = ppd_text_to_utf8 (ppd_file, option->text); /* Some ppd files have spaces in the text before the colon */ g_strchomp (utf8); return utf8; } static char * get_choice_text (ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_choice_t *choice) { int i; ppd_option_t *option = choice->option; const char *keyword = option->keyword; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (cups_choice_translations); i++) { if (strcmp (cups_choice_translations[i].keyword, keyword) == 0 && strcmp (cups_choice_translations[i].choice, choice->choice) == 0) return g_strdup (_(cups_choice_translations[i].translation)); } return ppd_text_to_utf8 (ppd_file, choice->text); } static gboolean group_has_option (ppd_group_t *group, ppd_option_t *option) { int i; if (group == NULL) return FALSE; if (group->num_options > 0 && option >= group->options && option < group->options + group->num_options) return TRUE; for (i = 0; i < group->num_subgroups; i++) { if (group_has_option (&group->subgroups[i],option)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void set_option_off (GtkPrinterOption *option) { /* Any of these will do, _set only applies the value * if its allowed of the option */ gtk_printer_option_set (option, "False"); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "Off"); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "None"); } static gboolean value_is_off (const char *value) { return (strcasecmp (value, "None") == 0 || strcasecmp (value, "Off") == 0 || strcasecmp (value, "False") == 0); } static char * ppd_group_name (ppd_group_t *group) { #if CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR > 1 || (CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && CUPS_VERSION_MINOR > 1) || (CUPS_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && CUPS_VERSION_MINOR == 1 && CUPS_VERSION_PATCH >= 18) return group->name; #else return group->text; #endif } static int available_choices (ppd_file_t *ppd, ppd_option_t *option, ppd_choice_t ***available, gboolean keep_if_only_one_option) { ppd_option_t *other_option; int i, j; gchar *conflicts; ppd_const_t *constraint; const char *choice, *other_choice; ppd_option_t *option1, *option2; ppd_group_t *installed_options; int num_conflicts; gboolean all_default; int add_auto; if (available) *available = NULL; conflicts = g_new0 (char, option->num_choices); installed_options = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ppd->num_groups; i++) { char *name; name = ppd_group_name (&ppd->groups[i]); if (strcmp (name, "InstallableOptions") == 0) { installed_options = &ppd->groups[i]; break; } } for (i = ppd->num_consts, constraint = ppd->consts; i > 0; i--, constraint++) { option1 = ppdFindOption (ppd, constraint->option1); if (option1 == NULL) continue; option2 = ppdFindOption (ppd, constraint->option2); if (option2 == NULL) continue; if (option == option1) { choice = constraint->choice1; other_option = option2; other_choice = constraint->choice2; } else if (option == option2) { choice = constraint->choice2; other_option = option1; other_choice = constraint->choice1; } else continue; /* We only care of conflicts with installed_options and PageSize */ if (!group_has_option (installed_options, other_option) && (strcmp (other_option->keyword, "PageSize") != 0)) continue; if (*other_choice == 0) { /* Conflict only if the installed option is not off */ if (value_is_off (other_option->defchoice)) continue; } /* Conflict if the installed option has the specified default */ else if (strcasecmp (other_choice, other_option->defchoice) != 0) continue; if (*choice == 0) { /* Conflict with all non-off choices */ for (j = 0; j < option->num_choices; j++) { if (!value_is_off (option->choices[j].choice)) conflicts[j] = 1; } } else { for (j = 0; j < option->num_choices; j++) { if (strcasecmp (option->choices[j].choice, choice) == 0) conflicts[j] = 1; } } } num_conflicts = 0; all_default = TRUE; for (j = 0; j < option->num_choices; j++) { if (conflicts[j]) num_conflicts++; else if (strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, option->defchoice) != 0) all_default = FALSE; } if (all_default && !keep_if_only_one_option) return 0; if (num_conflicts == option->num_choices) return 0; /* Some ppds don't have a "use printer default" option for * InputSlot. This means you always have to select a particular slot, * and you can't auto-pick source based on the paper size. To support * this we always add an auto option if there isn't one already. If * the user chooses the generated option we don't send any InputSlot * value when printing. The way we detect existing auto-cases is based * on feedback from Michael Sweet of cups fame. */ add_auto = 0; if (strcmp (option->keyword, "InputSlot") == 0) { gboolean found_auto = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < option->num_choices; j++) { if (!conflicts[j]) { if (strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "Auto") == 0 || strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "AutoSelect") == 0 || strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "Default") == 0 || strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "None") == 0 || strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "PrinterDefault") == 0 || strcmp (option->choices[j].choice, "Unspecified") == 0 || option->choices[j].code == NULL || option->choices[j].code[0] == 0) { found_auto = TRUE; break; } } } if (!found_auto) add_auto = 1; } if (available) { *available = g_new (ppd_choice_t *, option->num_choices - num_conflicts + add_auto); i = 0; for (j = 0; j < option->num_choices; j++) { if (!conflicts[j]) (*available)[i++] = &option->choices[j]; } if (add_auto) (*available)[i++] = NULL; } return option->num_choices - num_conflicts + add_auto; } static GtkPrinterOption * create_pickone_option (ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *ppd_option, const gchar *gtk_name) { GtkPrinterOption *option; ppd_choice_t **available; char *label; int n_choices; int i; #ifdef HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 ppd_coption_t *coption; #endif g_assert (ppd_option->ui == PPD_UI_PICKONE); option = NULL; n_choices = available_choices (ppd_file, ppd_option, &available, g_str_has_prefix (gtk_name, "gtk-")); if (n_choices > 0) { /* right now only support one parameter per custom option * if more than one print warning and only offer the default choices */ label = get_option_text (ppd_file, ppd_option); #ifdef HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 coption = ppdFindCustomOption (ppd_file, ppd_option->keyword); if (coption) { ppd_cparam_t *cparam; cparam = ppdFirstCustomParam (coption); if (ppdNextCustomParam (coption) == NULL) { switch (cparam->type) { case PPD_CUSTOM_INT: option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE_INT); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSCODE: option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE_PASSCODE); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_PASSWORD: option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE_PASSWORD); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_REAL: option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE_REAL); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_STRING: option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE_STRING); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_POINTS: g_warning ("Not Supported: PPD Custom Points Option"); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_CURVE: g_warning ("Not Supported: PPD Custom Curve Option"); break; case PPD_CUSTOM_INVCURVE: g_warning ("Not Supported: PPD Custom Inverse Curve Option"); break; } } else g_warning ("Not Supported: PPD Custom Option has more than one parameter"); } #endif /* HAVE_CUPS_API_1_2 */ if (!option) option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); g_free (label); gtk_printer_option_allocate_choices (option, n_choices); for (i = 0; i < n_choices; i++) { if (available[i] == NULL) { /* This was auto-added */ option->choices[i] = g_strdup ("gtk-ignore-value"); option->choices_display[i] = g_strdup (_("Printer Default")); } else { option->choices[i] = g_strdup (available[i]->choice); option->choices_display[i] = get_choice_text (ppd_file, available[i]); } } gtk_printer_option_set (option, ppd_option->defchoice); } #ifdef PRINT_IGNORED_OPTIONS else g_warning ("Ignoring pickone %s\n", ppd_option->text); #endif g_free (available); return option; } static GtkPrinterOption * create_boolean_option (ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *ppd_option, const gchar *gtk_name) { GtkPrinterOption *option; ppd_choice_t **available; char *label; int n_choices; g_assert (ppd_option->ui == PPD_UI_BOOLEAN); option = NULL; n_choices = available_choices (ppd_file, ppd_option, &available, g_str_has_prefix (gtk_name, "gtk-")); if (n_choices == 2) { label = get_option_text (ppd_file, ppd_option); option = gtk_printer_option_new (gtk_name, label, GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN); g_free (label); gtk_printer_option_allocate_choices (option, 2); option->choices[0] = g_strdup ("True"); option->choices_display[0] = g_strdup ("True"); option->choices[1] = g_strdup ("False"); option->choices_display[1] = g_strdup ("False"); gtk_printer_option_set (option, ppd_option->defchoice); } #ifdef PRINT_IGNORED_OPTIONS else g_warning ("Ignoring boolean %s\n", ppd_option->text); #endif g_free (available); return option; } static gchar * get_option_name (const gchar *keyword) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (option_names); i++) if (strcmp (option_names[i].ppd_keyword, keyword) == 0) return g_strdup (option_names[i].name); return g_strdup_printf ("cups-%s", keyword); } static int strptr_cmp (const void *a, const void *b) { char **aa = (char **)a; char **bb = (char **)b; return strcmp (*aa, *bb); } static gboolean string_in_table (gchar *str, const gchar *table[], gint table_len) { return bsearch (&str, table, table_len, sizeof (char *), (void *)strptr_cmp) != NULL; } #define STRING_IN_TABLE(_str, _table) (string_in_table (_str, _table, G_N_ELEMENTS (_table))) static void handle_option (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *ppd_option, ppd_group_t *toplevel_group, GtkPrintSettings *settings) { GtkPrinterOption *option; char *name; if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_option->keyword, cups_option_blacklist)) return; name = get_option_name (ppd_option->keyword); option = NULL; if (ppd_option->ui == PPD_UI_PICKONE) { option = create_pickone_option (ppd_file, ppd_option, name); } else if (ppd_option->ui == PPD_UI_BOOLEAN) { option = create_boolean_option (ppd_file, ppd_option, name); } else g_warning ("Ignored pickmany setting %s\n", ppd_option->text); if (option) { char *name; name = ppd_group_name (toplevel_group); if (STRING_IN_TABLE (name, color_group_whitelist) || STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_option->keyword, color_option_whitelist)) { option->group = g_strdup ("ColorPage"); } else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (name, image_quality_group_whitelist) || STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_option->keyword, image_quality_option_whitelist)) { option->group = g_strdup ("ImageQualityPage"); } else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (name, finishing_group_whitelist) || STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_option->keyword, finishing_option_whitelist)) { option->group = g_strdup ("FinishingPage"); } else { option->group = g_strdup (toplevel_group->text); } set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); } g_free (name); } static void handle_group (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_group_t *group, ppd_group_t *toplevel_group, GtkPrintSettings *settings) { gint i; gchar *name; /* Ignore installable options */ name = ppd_group_name (toplevel_group); if (strcmp (name, "InstallableOptions") == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < group->num_options; i++) handle_option (set, ppd_file, &group->options[i], toplevel_group, settings); for (i = 0; i < group->num_subgroups; i++) handle_group (set, ppd_file, &group->subgroups[i], toplevel_group, settings); } static GtkPrinterOptionSet * cups_printer_get_options (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintSettings *settings, GtkPageSetup *page_setup, GtkPrintCapabilities capabilities) { GtkPrinterOptionSet *set; GtkPrinterOption *option; ppd_file_t *ppd_file; int i; char *print_at[] = { "now", "at", "on-hold" }; char *n_up[] = {"1", "2", "4", "6", "9", "16" }; char *prio[] = {"100", "80", "50", "30" }; char *prio_display[] = {N_("Urgent"), N_("High"), N_("Medium"), N_("Low") }; char *cover[] = {"none", "classified", "confidential", "secret", "standard", "topsecret", "unclassified" }; char *cover_display[] = {N_("None"), N_("Classified"), N_("Confidential"), N_("Secret"), N_("Standard"), N_("Top Secret"), N_("Unclassified"),}; set = gtk_printer_option_set_new (); /* Cups specific, non-ppd related settings */ option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-n-up", "Pages Per Sheet", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); gtk_printer_option_choices_from_array (option, G_N_ELEMENTS (n_up), n_up, n_up); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "1"); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(prio_display); i++) prio_display[i] = _(prio_display[i]); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-job-prio", "Job Priority", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); gtk_printer_option_choices_from_array (option, G_N_ELEMENTS (prio), prio, prio_display); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "50"); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-billing-info", "Billing Info", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_STRING); gtk_printer_option_set (option, ""); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(cover_display); i++) cover_display[i] = _(cover_display[i]); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-cover-before", "Before", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); gtk_printer_option_choices_from_array (option, G_N_ELEMENTS (cover), cover, cover_display); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "none"); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-cover-after", "After", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); gtk_printer_option_choices_from_array (option, G_N_ELEMENTS (cover), cover, cover_display); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "none"); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-print-time", "Print at", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_PICKONE); gtk_printer_option_choices_from_array (option, G_N_ELEMENTS (print_at), print_at, print_at); gtk_printer_option_set (option, "now"); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); option = gtk_printer_option_new ("gtk-print-time-text", "Print at time", GTK_PRINTER_OPTION_TYPE_STRING); gtk_printer_option_set (option, ""); set_option_from_settings (option, settings); gtk_printer_option_set_add (set, option); g_object_unref (option); /* Printer (ppd) specific settings */ ppd_file = gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)); if (ppd_file) { GtkPaperSize *paper_size; ppd_option_t *option; const gchar *ppd_name; ppdMarkDefaults (ppd_file); paper_size = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_size (page_setup); option = ppdFindOption (ppd_file, "PageSize"); ppd_name = gtk_paper_size_get_ppd_name (paper_size); if (ppd_name) strncpy (option->defchoice, ppd_name, PPD_MAX_NAME); else { gchar *custom_name; custom_name = g_strdup_printf (_("Custom.%2fx%.2f"), gtk_paper_size_get_width (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_POINTS), gtk_paper_size_get_height (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_POINTS)); strncpy (option->defchoice, custom_name, PPD_MAX_NAME); g_free (custom_name); } for (i = 0; i < ppd_file->num_groups; i++) handle_group (set, ppd_file, &ppd_file->groups[i], &ppd_file->groups[i], settings); } return set; } static void mark_option_from_set (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *ppd_option) { GtkPrinterOption *option; char *name = get_option_name (ppd_option->keyword); option = gtk_printer_option_set_lookup (set, name); if (option) ppdMarkOption (ppd_file, ppd_option->keyword, option->value); g_free (name); } static void mark_group_from_set (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_group_t *group) { int i; for (i = 0; i < group->num_options; i++) mark_option_from_set (set, ppd_file, &group->options[i]); for (i = 0; i < group->num_subgroups; i++) mark_group_from_set (set, ppd_file, &group->subgroups[i]); } static void set_conflicts_from_option (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_option_t *ppd_option) { GtkPrinterOption *option; char *name; if (ppd_option->conflicted) { name = get_option_name (ppd_option->keyword); option = gtk_printer_option_set_lookup (set, name); if (option) gtk_printer_option_set_has_conflict (option, TRUE); else g_warning ("conflict for option %s ignored", ppd_option->keyword); g_free (name); } } static void set_conflicts_from_group (GtkPrinterOptionSet *set, ppd_file_t *ppd_file, ppd_group_t *group) { int i; for (i = 0; i < group->num_options; i++) set_conflicts_from_option (set, ppd_file, &group->options[i]); for (i = 0; i < group->num_subgroups; i++) set_conflicts_from_group (set, ppd_file, &group->subgroups[i]); } static gboolean cups_printer_mark_conflicts (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrinterOptionSet *options) { ppd_file_t *ppd_file; int num_conflicts; int i; ppd_file = gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)); if (ppd_file == NULL) return FALSE; ppdMarkDefaults (ppd_file); for (i = 0; i < ppd_file->num_groups; i++) mark_group_from_set (options, ppd_file, &ppd_file->groups[i]); num_conflicts = ppdConflicts (ppd_file); if (num_conflicts > 0) { for (i = 0; i < ppd_file->num_groups; i++) set_conflicts_from_group (options, ppd_file, &ppd_file->groups[i]); } return num_conflicts > 0; } struct OptionData { GtkPrinter *printer; GtkPrinterOptionSet *options; GtkPrintSettings *settings; ppd_file_t *ppd_file; }; typedef struct { const char *cups; const char *standard; } NameMapping; static void map_settings_to_option (GtkPrinterOption *option, const NameMapping table[], gint n_elements, GtkPrintSettings *settings, const gchar *standard_name, const gchar *cups_name) { int i; char *name; const char *cups_value; const char *standard_value; /* If the cups-specific setting is set, always use that */ name = g_strdup_printf ("cups-%s", cups_name); cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, name); g_free (name); if (cups_value != NULL) { gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); return; } /* Otherwise we try to convert from the general setting */ standard_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, standard_name); if (standard_value == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < n_elements; i++) { if (table[i].cups == NULL && table[i].standard == NULL) { gtk_printer_option_set (option, standard_value); break; } else if (table[i].cups == NULL && strcmp (table[i].standard, standard_value) == 0) { set_option_off (option); break; } else if (strcmp (table[i].standard, standard_value) == 0) { gtk_printer_option_set (option, table[i].cups); break; } } } static void map_option_to_settings (const gchar *value, const NameMapping table[], gint n_elements, GtkPrintSettings *settings, const gchar *standard_name, const gchar *cups_name) { int i; char *name; for (i = 0; i < n_elements; i++) { if (table[i].cups == NULL && table[i].standard == NULL) { gtk_print_settings_set (settings, standard_name, value); break; } else if (table[i].cups == NULL && table[i].standard != NULL) { if (value_is_off (value)) { gtk_print_settings_set (settings, standard_name, table[i].standard); break; } } else if (strcmp (table[i].cups, value) == 0) { gtk_print_settings_set (settings, standard_name, table[i].standard); break; } } /* Always set the corresponding cups-specific setting */ name = g_strdup_printf ("cups-%s", cups_name); gtk_print_settings_set (settings, name, value); g_free (name); } static const NameMapping paper_source_map[] = { { "Lower", "lower"}, { "Middle", "middle"}, { "Upper", "upper"}, { "Rear", "rear"}, { "Envelope", "envelope"}, { "Cassette", "cassette"}, { "LargeCapacity", "large-capacity"}, { "AnySmallFormat", "small-format"}, { "AnyLargeFormat", "large-format"}, { NULL, NULL} }; static const NameMapping output_tray_map[] = { { "Upper", "upper"}, { "Lower", "lower"}, { "Rear", "rear"}, { NULL, NULL} }; static const NameMapping duplex_map[] = { { "DuplexTumble", "vertical" }, { "DuplexNoTumble", "horizontal" }, { NULL, "simplex" } }; static const NameMapping output_mode_map[] = { { "Standard", "normal" }, { "Normal", "normal" }, { "Draft", "draft" }, { "Fast", "draft" }, }; static const NameMapping media_type_map[] = { { "Transparency", "transparency"}, { "Standard", "stationery"}, { NULL, NULL} }; static const NameMapping all_map[] = { { NULL, NULL} }; static void set_option_from_settings (GtkPrinterOption *option, GtkPrintSettings *settings) { const char *cups_value; char *value; if (settings == NULL) return; if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-paper-source") == 0) map_settings_to_option (option, paper_source_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (paper_source_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SOURCE, "InputSlot"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-output-tray") == 0) map_settings_to_option (option, output_tray_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (output_tray_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BIN, "OutputBin"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-duplex") == 0) map_settings_to_option (option, duplex_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (duplex_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_DUPLEX, "Duplex"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "cups-OutputMode") == 0) map_settings_to_option (option, output_mode_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (output_mode_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_QUALITY, "OutputMode"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "cups-Resolution") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, option->name); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); else { int res = gtk_print_settings_get_resolution (settings); if (res != 0) { value = g_strdup_printf ("%ddpi", res); gtk_printer_option_set (option, value); g_free (value); } } } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-paper-type") == 0) map_settings_to_option (option, media_type_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (media_type_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_MEDIA_TYPE, "MediaType"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-n-up") == 0) { map_settings_to_option (option, all_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (all_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP, "number-up"); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-billing-info") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "cups-job-billing"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-job-prio") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "cups-job-priority"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-cover-before") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "cover-before"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-cover-after") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "cover-after"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-print-time") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "print-at"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-print-time-text") == 0) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "print-at-time"); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } else if (g_str_has_prefix (option->name, "cups-")) { cups_value = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, option->name); if (cups_value) gtk_printer_option_set (option, cups_value); } } static void foreach_option_get_settings (GtkPrinterOption *option, gpointer user_data) { struct OptionData *data = user_data; GtkPrintSettings *settings = data->settings; const char *value; value = option->value; if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-paper-source") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, paper_source_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (paper_source_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SOURCE, "InputSlot"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-output-tray") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, output_tray_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (output_tray_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BIN, "OutputBin"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-duplex") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, duplex_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (duplex_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_DUPLEX, "Duplex"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "cups-OutputMode") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, output_mode_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (output_mode_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_QUALITY, "OutputMode"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "cups-Resolution") == 0) { int res = atoi (value); /* TODO: What if resolution is on XXXxYYYdpi form? */ if (res != 0) gtk_print_settings_set_resolution (settings, res); gtk_print_settings_set (settings, option->name, value); } else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-paper-type") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, media_type_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (media_type_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_MEDIA_TYPE, "MediaType"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-n-up") == 0) map_option_to_settings (value, all_map, G_N_ELEMENTS (all_map), settings, GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP, "number-up"); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-billing-info") == 0 && strlen (value) > 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-job-billing", value); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-job-prio") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-job-priority", value); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-cover-before") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cover-before", value); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-cover-after") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cover-after", value); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-print-time") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "print-at", value); else if (strcmp (option->name, "gtk-print-time-text") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "print-at-time", value); else if (g_str_has_prefix (option->name, "cups-")) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, option->name, value); } static void cups_printer_get_settings_from_options (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrinterOptionSet *options, GtkPrintSettings *settings) { struct OptionData data; const char *print_at, *print_at_time; data.printer = printer; data.options = options; data.settings = settings; data.ppd_file = gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)); if (data.ppd_file != NULL) { GtkPrinterOption *cover_before, *cover_after; gtk_printer_option_set_foreach (options, foreach_option_get_settings, &data); cover_before = gtk_printer_option_set_lookup (options, "gtk-cover-before"); cover_after = gtk_printer_option_set_lookup (options, "gtk-cover-after"); if (cover_before && cover_after) { char *value = g_strdup_printf ("%s,%s", cover_before->value, cover_after->value); gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-job-sheets", value); g_free (value); } print_at = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "print-at"); print_at_time = gtk_print_settings_get (settings, "print-at-time"); if (strcmp (print_at, "at") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-job-hold-until", print_at_time); else if (strcmp (print_at, "on-hold") == 0) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-job-hold-until", "indefinite"); } } static void cups_printer_prepare_for_print (GtkPrinter *printer, GtkPrintJob *print_job, GtkPrintSettings *settings, GtkPageSetup *page_setup) { GtkPageSet page_set; GtkPaperSize *paper_size; const char *ppd_paper_name; double scale; print_job->print_pages = gtk_print_settings_get_print_pages (settings); print_job->page_ranges = NULL; print_job->num_page_ranges = 0; if (print_job->print_pages == GTK_PRINT_PAGES_RANGES) print_job->page_ranges = gtk_print_settings_get_page_ranges (settings, &print_job->num_page_ranges); if (gtk_print_settings_get_collate (settings)) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-Collate", "True"); print_job->collate = FALSE; if (gtk_print_settings_get_reverse (settings)) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-OutputOrder", "Reverse"); print_job->reverse = FALSE; if (gtk_print_settings_get_n_copies (settings) > 1) gtk_print_settings_set_int (settings, "cups-copies", gtk_print_settings_get_n_copies (settings)); print_job->num_copies = 1; scale = gtk_print_settings_get_scale (settings); print_job->scale = 1.0; if (scale != 100.0) print_job->scale = scale/100.0; page_set = gtk_print_settings_get_page_set (settings); if (page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_EVEN) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-page-set", "even"); else if (page_set == GTK_PAGE_SET_ODD) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-page-set", "odd"); print_job->page_set = GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL; paper_size = gtk_page_setup_get_paper_size (page_setup); ppd_paper_name = gtk_paper_size_get_ppd_name (paper_size); if (ppd_paper_name != NULL) gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-PageSize", ppd_paper_name); else { char *custom_name = g_strdup_printf ("Custom.%2fx%.2f", gtk_paper_size_get_width (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_POINTS), gtk_paper_size_get_height (paper_size, GTK_UNIT_POINTS)); gtk_print_settings_set (settings, "cups-PageSize", custom_name); g_free (custom_name); } print_job->rotate_to_orientation = TRUE; } static GList * cups_printer_list_papers (GtkPrinter *printer) { ppd_file_t *ppd_file; ppd_size_t *size; char *display_name; GtkPageSetup *page_setup; GtkPaperSize *paper_size; ppd_option_t *option; ppd_choice_t *choice; GList *l; int i; ppd_file = gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)); if (ppd_file == NULL) return NULL; l = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ppd_file->num_sizes; i++) { size = &ppd_file->sizes[i]; display_name = NULL; option = ppdFindOption (ppd_file, "PageSize"); if (option) { choice = ppdFindChoice (option, size->name); if (choice) display_name = ppd_text_to_utf8 (ppd_file, choice->text); } if (display_name == NULL) display_name = g_strdup (size->name); page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new (); paper_size = gtk_paper_size_new_from_ppd (size->name, display_name, size->width, size->length); gtk_page_setup_set_paper_size (page_setup, paper_size); gtk_paper_size_free (paper_size); gtk_page_setup_set_top_margin (page_setup, size->length - size->top, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); gtk_page_setup_set_bottom_margin (page_setup, size->bottom, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); gtk_page_setup_set_left_margin (page_setup, size->left, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); gtk_page_setup_set_right_margin (page_setup, size->width - size->right, GTK_UNIT_POINTS); g_free (display_name); l = g_list_prepend (l, page_setup); } return g_list_reverse (l); } static void cups_printer_get_hard_margins (GtkPrinter *printer, gdouble *top, gdouble *bottom, gdouble *left, gdouble *right) { ppd_file_t *ppd_file; ppd_file = gtk_printer_cups_get_ppd (GTK_PRINTER_CUPS (printer)); if (ppd_file == NULL) return; *left = ppd_file->custom_margins[0]; *bottom = ppd_file->custom_margins[1]; *right = ppd_file->custom_margins[2]; *top = ppd_file->custom_margins[3]; } static GtkPrintCapabilities cups_printer_get_capabilities (GtkPrinter *printer) { return GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COPIES | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COLLATE | GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_REVERSE; }