/* GDK - The GIMP Drawing Kit * Copyright (C) 2021 the GTK team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include "gdkwin32.h" #include "gdkprivate-win32.h" #include "gdkdevicemanager-win32.h" #include "gdkdevice-virtual.h" #include "gdkdevice-winpointer.h" #include "gdkdeviceprivate.h" #include "gdkdevicetoolprivate.h" #include "gdkdisplayprivate.h" #include "gdkeventsprivate.h" #include "gdkseatdefaultprivate.h" #include "gdkinput-winpointer.h" #include #include #include #include #define HID_STRING_BYTES_LIMIT 200 #define VID_PID_CHARS 4 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *registerPointerDeviceNotifications_t)(HWND window, BOOL notifyRange); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerDevices_t)(UINT32 *deviceCount, POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *pointerDevices); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerDeviceCursors_t)(HANDLE device, UINT32 *cursorCount, POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_INFO *deviceCursors); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerDeviceRects_t)(HANDLE device, RECT *pointerDeviceRect, RECT *displayRect); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerType_t)(UINT32 pointerId, POINTER_INPUT_TYPE *pointerType); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerCursorId_t)(UINT32 pointerId, UINT32 *cursorId); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerPenInfo_t)(UINT32 pointerId, POINTER_PEN_INFO *penInfo); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerTouchInfo_t)(UINT32 pointerId, POINTER_TOUCH_INFO *touchInfo); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerPenInfoHistory_t)(UINT32 pointerId, UINT32 *entriesCount, POINTER_PEN_INFO *penInfo); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *getPointerTouchInfoHistory_t)(UINT32 pointerId, UINT32 *entriesCount, POINTER_TOUCH_INFO *touchInfo); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *setGestureConfig_t)(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwReserved, UINT cIDs, PGESTURECONFIG pGestureConfig, UINT cbSize); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *setWindowFeedbackSetting_t)(HWND hwnd, FEEDBACK_TYPE feedback, DWORD dwFlags, UINT32 size, const VOID *configuration); static registerPointerDeviceNotifications_t registerPointerDeviceNotifications; static getPointerDevices_t getPointerDevices; static getPointerDeviceCursors_t getPointerDeviceCursors; static getPointerDeviceRects_t getPointerDeviceRects; static getPointerType_t getPointerType; static getPointerCursorId_t getPointerCursorId; static getPointerPenInfo_t getPointerPenInfo; static getPointerTouchInfo_t getPointerTouchInfo; static getPointerPenInfoHistory_t getPointerPenInfoHistory; static getPointerTouchInfoHistory_t getPointerTouchInfoHistory; static setGestureConfig_t setGestureConfig; static setWindowFeedbackSetting_t setWindowFeedbackSetting; static ATOM notifications_window_class; static HWND notifications_window_handle; static GPtrArray *ignored_interactions; static inline void winpointer_ignore_interaction (UINT32 pointer_id) { g_ptr_array_add (ignored_interactions, GUINT_TO_POINTER (pointer_id)); } static inline void winpointer_remove_ignored_interaction (UINT32 pointer_id) { g_ptr_array_remove_fast (ignored_interactions, GUINT_TO_POINTER (pointer_id)); } static inline gboolean winpointer_should_ignore_interaction (UINT32 pointer_id) { return g_ptr_array_find (ignored_interactions, GUINT_TO_POINTER (pointer_id), NULL); } static inline guint32 winpointer_get_time (MSG *msg, POINTER_INFO *info) { return info->dwTime != 0 ? info->dwTime : msg->time; } static inline gboolean winpointer_is_eraser (POINTER_PEN_INFO *pen_info) { return (pen_info->penFlags & (PEN_FLAG_INVERTED | PEN_FLAG_ERASER)) != 0; } static inline gboolean winpointer_should_filter_message (MSG *msg, POINTER_INPUT_TYPE type) { switch (type) { case PT_TOUCH: return msg->message == WM_POINTERENTER || msg->message == WM_POINTERLEAVE; break; } return FALSE; } static inline double* copy_axes (double *axes) { return g_memdup2 (axes, sizeof (double) * GDK_AXIS_LAST); } static GdkDeviceWinpointer* winpointer_find_device_with_source (HANDLE device_handle, UINT32 cursor_id, GdkInputSource input_source) { for (GList *l = _gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = (GdkDeviceWinpointer*) l->data; if (device->device_handle == device_handle && device->start_cursor_id <= cursor_id && device->end_cursor_id >= cursor_id && gdk_device_get_source ((GdkDevice*) device) == input_source) { return device; } } return NULL; } static gboolean winpointer_get_event_type (MSG *msg, POINTER_INFO *info, GdkEventType *evt_type) { switch (info->pointerType) { case PT_PEN: switch (msg->message) { case WM_POINTERENTER: g_return_val_if_fail (IS_POINTER_NEW_WPARAM (msg->wParam), FALSE); *evt_type = GDK_PROXIMITY_IN; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERLEAVE: g_return_val_if_fail (!IS_POINTER_INRANGE_WPARAM (msg->wParam), FALSE); *evt_type = GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERDOWN: *evt_type = GDK_BUTTON_PRESS; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERUP: *evt_type = GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERUPDATE: *evt_type = GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY; return TRUE; } break; case PT_TOUCH: if (IS_POINTER_CANCELED_WPARAM (msg->wParam) || !HAS_POINTER_CONFIDENCE_WPARAM (msg->wParam)) { winpointer_ignore_interaction (GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam)); if (((info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT) && (info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE)) || (info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_UP)) { *evt_type = GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } g_return_val_if_fail (msg->message != WM_POINTERENTER && msg->message != WM_POINTERLEAVE, FALSE); switch (msg->message) { case WM_POINTERDOWN: *evt_type = GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERUP: *evt_type = GDK_TOUCH_END; return TRUE; case WM_POINTERUPDATE: if (!IS_POINTER_INCONTACT_WPARAM (msg->wParam)) return FALSE; *evt_type = GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE; return TRUE; } break; } g_warn_if_reached (); return FALSE; } static void winpointer_make_event (GdkDeviceWinpointer *device, GdkDeviceTool *tool, GdkSurface *surface, MSG *msg, POINTER_INFO *info) { guint32 time = 0; double screen_x = 0.0; double screen_y = 0.0; double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; unsigned int state = 0; unsigned int button = 0; double axes[GDK_AXIS_LAST]; GdkEventSequence *sequence = NULL; gboolean emulating_pointer = FALSE; POINT client_area_coordinates; GdkWin32Surface *impl = NULL; GdkEventType evt_type; GdkEvent *evt = NULL; GdkDevice *core_device = NULL; core_device = _gdk_device_manager->core_pointer; if (!winpointer_get_event_type (msg, info, &evt_type)) return; time = winpointer_get_time (msg, info); screen_x = device->origin_x + info->ptHimetricLocation.x * device->scale_x; screen_y = device->origin_y + info->ptHimetricLocation.y * device->scale_y; client_area_coordinates.x = 0; client_area_coordinates.y = 0; ClientToScreen (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface), &client_area_coordinates); x = screen_x - client_area_coordinates.x; y = screen_y - client_area_coordinates.y; impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface); x /= impl->surface_scale; y /= impl->surface_scale; state = 0; if (info->dwKeyStates & POINTER_MOD_CTRL) state |= GDK_CONTROL_MASK; if (info->dwKeyStates & POINTER_MOD_SHIFT) state |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK; if (GetKeyState (VK_MENU) < 0) state |= GDK_ALT_MASK; if (GetKeyState (VK_CAPITAL) & 0x1) state |= GDK_LOCK_MASK; device->last_button_mask = 0; if (((info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON) && (info->ButtonChangeType != POINTER_CHANGE_FIRSTBUTTON_DOWN)) || info->ButtonChangeType == POINTER_CHANGE_FIRSTBUTTON_UP) device->last_button_mask |= GDK_BUTTON1_MASK; if (((info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_SECONDBUTTON) && (info->ButtonChangeType != POINTER_CHANGE_SECONDBUTTON_DOWN)) || info->ButtonChangeType == POINTER_CHANGE_SECONDBUTTON_UP) device->last_button_mask |= GDK_BUTTON3_MASK; state |= device->last_button_mask; memset (axes, 0, sizeof (axes)); switch (info->pointerType) { case PT_PEN: { POINTER_PEN_INFO *pen_info = (POINTER_PEN_INFO*) info; axes[GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE] = (pen_info->penMask & PEN_MASK_PRESSURE) ? pen_info->pressure / 1024.0 : (pen_info->pointerInfo.pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT) ? 1.0 : 0.0; axes[GDK_AXIS_XTILT] = (pen_info->penMask & PEN_MASK_TILT_X) ? pen_info->tiltX / 90.0 : 0.0; axes[GDK_AXIS_YTILT] = (pen_info->penMask & PEN_MASK_TILT_Y) ? pen_info->tiltY / 90.0 : 0.0; axes[GDK_AXIS_ROTATION] = (pen_info->penMask & PEN_MASK_ROTATION) ? pen_info->rotation / 360.0 : 0.0; } break; case PT_TOUCH: { POINTER_TOUCH_INFO *touch_info = (POINTER_TOUCH_INFO*) info; axes[GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE] = (touch_info->touchMask & TOUCH_MASK_PRESSURE) ? touch_info->pressure / 1024.0 : (touch_info->pointerInfo.pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } break; } sequence = (GdkEventSequence*) GUINT_TO_POINTER (info->pointerId); emulating_pointer = (info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_PRIMARY) != 0; button = (info->pointerFlags & POINTER_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON) || (info->ButtonChangeType == POINTER_CHANGE_FIRSTBUTTON_UP) ? 1 : 3; switch (evt_type) { case GDK_PROXIMITY_IN: case GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT: evt = gdk_proximity_event_new (evt_type, surface, core_device, tool, time); break; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: evt = gdk_button_event_new (evt_type, surface, core_device, tool, time, state, button, x, y, copy_axes (axes)); break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: evt = gdk_motion_event_new (surface, core_device, tool, time, state, x, y, copy_axes (axes)); break; case GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN: case GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE: case GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL: case GDK_TOUCH_END: evt = gdk_touch_event_new (evt_type, sequence, surface, core_device, time, state, x, y, copy_axes (axes), emulating_pointer); break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); break; } if (evt_type == GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT) gdk_device_update_tool ((GdkDevice*) device, NULL); if (G_LIKELY (evt)) { _gdk_device_virtual_set_active (core_device, (GdkDevice*) device); _gdk_win32_append_event (evt); } } void gdk_winpointer_input_events (GdkSurface *surface, crossing_cb_t crossing_cb, MSG *msg) { UINT32 pointer_id = GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam); POINTER_INPUT_TYPE type = PT_POINTER; UINT32 cursor_id = 0; if (!getPointerType (pointer_id, &type)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerType"); return; } if (!getPointerCursorId (pointer_id, &cursor_id)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerCursorId"); return; } if (winpointer_should_filter_message (msg, type)) return; if (winpointer_should_ignore_interaction (pointer_id)) return; switch (type) { case PT_PEN: { POINTER_PEN_INFO *infos = NULL; UINT32 history_count = 0; GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = NULL; GdkDeviceTool *tool = NULL; UINT32 h = 0; do { infos = g_new0 (POINTER_PEN_INFO, history_count); if (!getPointerPenInfoHistory (pointer_id, &history_count, infos)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerPenInfoHistory"); g_free (infos); return; } } while (!infos && history_count > 0); if (G_UNLIKELY (history_count == 0)) return; device = winpointer_find_device_with_source (infos->pointerInfo.sourceDevice, cursor_id, GDK_SOURCE_PEN); if (G_UNLIKELY (!device)) { g_free (infos); return; } if (!winpointer_is_eraser (infos)) tool = device->tool_pen; else tool = device->tool_eraser; gdk_device_update_tool ((GdkDevice*) device, tool); h = history_count - 1; if (crossing_cb) { POINT screen_pt = infos[h].pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation; guint32 event_time = winpointer_get_time (msg, &infos[h].pointerInfo); crossing_cb(GDK_DEVICE (device), surface, &screen_pt, event_time); } do winpointer_make_event (device, tool, surface, msg, (POINTER_INFO*) &infos[h]); while (h-- > 0); g_free (infos); } break; case PT_TOUCH: { POINTER_TOUCH_INFO *infos = NULL; UINT32 history_count = 0; GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = NULL; UINT32 h = 0; do { infos = g_new0 (POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, history_count); if (!getPointerTouchInfoHistory (pointer_id, &history_count, infos)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerTouchInfoHistory"); g_free (infos); return; } } while (!infos && history_count > 0); if (G_UNLIKELY (history_count == 0)) return; device = winpointer_find_device_with_source (infos->pointerInfo.sourceDevice, cursor_id, GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (G_UNLIKELY (!device)) { g_free (infos); return; } h = history_count - 1; if (crossing_cb) { POINT screen_pt = infos[h].pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation; guint32 event_time = winpointer_get_time (msg, &infos[h].pointerInfo); crossing_cb(GDK_DEVICE (device), surface, &screen_pt, event_time); } do winpointer_make_event (device, NULL, surface, msg, (POINTER_INFO*) &infos[h]); while (h-- > 0); g_free (infos); } break; } } gboolean gdk_winpointer_get_message_info (MSG *msg, GdkDevice **device, guint32 *time) { UINT32 pointer_id = GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam); POINTER_INPUT_TYPE type = PT_POINTER; UINT32 cursor_id = 0; if (!getPointerType (pointer_id, &type)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerType"); return FALSE; } if (!getPointerCursorId (pointer_id, &cursor_id)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerCursorId"); return FALSE; } switch (type) { case PT_PEN: { POINTER_PEN_INFO pen_info; if (!getPointerPenInfo (pointer_id, &pen_info)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerPenInfo"); return FALSE; } *device = (GdkDevice*) winpointer_find_device_with_source (pen_info.pointerInfo.sourceDevice, cursor_id, GDK_SOURCE_PEN); *time = winpointer_get_time (msg, &pen_info.pointerInfo); } break; case PT_TOUCH: { POINTER_TOUCH_INFO touch_info; if (!getPointerTouchInfo (pointer_id, &touch_info)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerTouchInfo"); return FALSE; } *device = GDK_DEVICE (winpointer_find_device_with_source (touch_info.pointerInfo.sourceDevice, cursor_id, GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN)); *time = winpointer_get_time (msg, &touch_info.pointerInfo); } break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); return FALSE; break; } return *device ? TRUE : FALSE; } gboolean gdk_winpointer_should_forward_message (MSG *msg) { UINT32 pointer_id = GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam); POINTER_INPUT_TYPE type = PT_POINTER; if (!getPointerType (pointer_id, &type)) { WIN32_API_FAILED_LOG_ONCE ("GetPointerType"); return TRUE; } return !(type == PT_PEN || type == PT_TOUCH); } void gdk_winpointer_interaction_ended (MSG *msg) { winpointer_remove_ignored_interaction (GET_POINTERID_WPARAM (msg->wParam)); } static inline double utils_rect_width (RECT *rect) { return rect->right - rect->left; } static inline double utils_rect_height (RECT *rect) { return rect->bottom - rect->top; } static inline gboolean utils_rect_is_degenerate (RECT *rect) { return utils_rect_width (rect) == 0 || utils_rect_height (rect) == 0; } static gboolean winpointer_device_update_scale_factors (GdkDeviceWinpointer *device) { RECT device_rect; RECT display_rect; if (!getPointerDeviceRects (device->device_handle, &device_rect, &display_rect)) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("GetPointerDeviceRects"); return FALSE; } if (utils_rect_is_degenerate (&device_rect)) { g_warning ("Invalid coordinates from GetPointerDeviceRects"); return FALSE; } device->origin_x = display_rect.left; device->origin_y = display_rect.top; device->scale_x = utils_rect_width (&display_rect) / utils_rect_width (&device_rect); device->scale_y = utils_rect_height (&display_rect) / utils_rect_height (&device_rect); return TRUE; } static void winpointer_get_device_details (HANDLE device, char *vid, char *pid, char **manufacturer, char **product) { RID_DEVICE_INFO info; UINT wchars_count = 0; UINT size = 0; memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info)); info.cbSize = sizeof (info); size = sizeof (info); if (GetRawInputDeviceInfoW (device, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &info, &size) > 0 && info.dwType == RIM_TYPEHID && info.hid.dwVendorId > 0 && info.hid.dwProductId > 0) { const char *format_string = "%0" G_STRINGIFY (VID_PID_CHARS) "x"; g_snprintf (vid, VID_PID_CHARS + 1, format_string, (unsigned) info.hid.dwVendorId); g_snprintf (pid, VID_PID_CHARS + 1, format_string, (unsigned) info.hid.dwProductId); } if (GetRawInputDeviceInfoW (device, RIDI_DEVICENAME, NULL, &wchars_count) == 0) { gunichar2 *device_path = g_new0 (gunichar2, wchars_count); if (GetRawInputDeviceInfoW (device, RIDI_DEVICENAME, device_path, &wchars_count) > 0) { HANDLE device_file = CreateFileW (device_path, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SESSION_AWARE, NULL); if (device_file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { gunichar2 *buffer = g_malloc0 (HID_STRING_BYTES_LIMIT); if (HidD_GetManufacturerString (device_file, buffer, HID_STRING_BYTES_LIMIT)) if (buffer[0]) *manufacturer = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buffer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (HidD_GetProductString (device_file, buffer, HID_STRING_BYTES_LIMIT)) if (buffer[0]) *product = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buffer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (buffer); CloseHandle (device_file); } } g_free (device_path); } } static void winpointer_create_device (POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *info, GdkInputSource source) { GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = NULL; GdkSeat *seat = NULL; unsigned num_touches = 0; char vid[VID_PID_CHARS + 1]; char pid[VID_PID_CHARS + 1]; char *manufacturer = NULL; char *product = NULL; char *base_name = NULL; char *name = NULL; UINT32 num_cursors = 0; GdkAxisFlags axes_flags = 0; seat = gdk_display_get_default_seat (_gdk_display); memset (pid, 0, VID_PID_CHARS + 1); memset (vid, 0, VID_PID_CHARS + 1); if (!getPointerDeviceCursors (info->device, &num_cursors, NULL)) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("GetPointerDeviceCursors"); return; } if (num_cursors == 0) return; winpointer_get_device_details (info->device, vid, pid, &manufacturer, &product); /* build up the name */ if (!manufacturer && vid[0]) manufacturer = g_strdup (vid); if (!product && pid[0]) product = g_strdup (pid); if (manufacturer && product) base_name = g_strconcat (manufacturer, " ", product, NULL); if (!base_name && info->productString[0]) base_name = g_utf16_to_utf8 (info->productString, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!base_name) base_name = g_strdup ("Unnamed"); switch (source) { case GDK_SOURCE_PEN: name = g_strconcat (base_name, " Pen", NULL); break; case GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN: num_touches = info->maxActiveContacts; name = g_strconcat (base_name, " Finger touch", NULL); break; default: name = g_strdup (base_name); break; } device = g_object_new (GDK_TYPE_DEVICE_WINPOINTER, "display", _gdk_display, "seat", seat, "has-cursor", TRUE, "source", source, "name", name, "num-touches", num_touches, "vendor-id", vid[0] ? vid : NULL, "product-id", pid[0] ? pid : NULL, NULL); switch (source) { case GDK_SOURCE_PEN: _gdk_device_add_axis (GDK_DEVICE (device), GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 1024.0); axes_flags |= GDK_AXIS_FLAG_PRESSURE; _gdk_device_add_axis (GDK_DEVICE (device), GDK_AXIS_XTILT, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 90.0); axes_flags |= GDK_AXIS_FLAG_XTILT; _gdk_device_add_axis (GDK_DEVICE (device), GDK_AXIS_YTILT, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 90.0); axes_flags |= GDK_AXIS_FLAG_YTILT; _gdk_device_add_axis (GDK_DEVICE (device), GDK_AXIS_ROTATION, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 360.0); axes_flags |= GDK_AXIS_FLAG_ROTATION; break; case GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN: _gdk_device_add_axis (GDK_DEVICE (device), GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 / 1024.0); axes_flags |= GDK_AXIS_FLAG_PRESSURE; break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); break; } device->device_handle = info->device; device->start_cursor_id = info->startingCursorId; device->end_cursor_id = info->startingCursorId + num_cursors - 1; if (!winpointer_device_update_scale_factors (device)) { g_set_object (&device, NULL); goto cleanup; } switch (source) { case GDK_SOURCE_PEN: { device->tool_pen = gdk_device_tool_new (0, 0, GDK_DEVICE_TOOL_TYPE_PEN, axes_flags); gdk_seat_default_add_tool (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), device->tool_pen); device->tool_eraser = gdk_device_tool_new (0, 0, GDK_DEVICE_TOOL_TYPE_ERASER, axes_flags); gdk_seat_default_add_tool (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), device->tool_eraser); } break; case GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN: break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); break; } _gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices = g_list_append (_gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices, device); _gdk_device_set_associated_device (GDK_DEVICE (device), _gdk_device_manager->core_pointer); _gdk_device_add_physical_device (_gdk_device_manager->core_pointer, GDK_DEVICE (device)); gdk_seat_default_add_physical_device (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), GDK_DEVICE (device)); cleanup: g_free (name); g_free (base_name); g_free (product); g_free (manufacturer); } static void winpointer_create_devices (POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *info) { switch (info->pointerDeviceType) { case POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_PEN: case POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_PEN: winpointer_create_device (info, GDK_SOURCE_PEN); break; case POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH: winpointer_create_device (info, GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); break; default: g_warn_if_reached (); break; } } static gboolean winpointer_find_device_in_system_list (GdkDeviceWinpointer *device, POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *infos, UINT32 infos_count) { for (UINT32 i = 0; i < infos_count; i++) { if (device->device_handle == infos[i].device && device->start_cursor_id == infos[i].startingCursorId) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gboolean winpointer_find_system_device_in_device_manager (POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *info) { for (GList *l = _gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = GDK_DEVICE_WINPOINTER (l->data); if (device->device_handle == info->device && device->start_cursor_id == info->startingCursorId) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void winpointer_enumerate_devices (void) { POINTER_DEVICE_INFO *infos = NULL; UINT32 infos_count = 0; UINT32 i = 0; GList *current = NULL; do { infos = g_new0 (POINTER_DEVICE_INFO, infos_count); if (!getPointerDevices (&infos_count, infos)) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("GetPointerDevices"); g_free (infos); return; } } while (infos_count > 0 && !infos); current = _gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices; while (current != NULL) { GdkDeviceWinpointer *device = GDK_DEVICE_WINPOINTER (current->data); GList *next = current->next; if (!winpointer_find_device_in_system_list (device, infos, infos_count)) { GdkSeat *seat = gdk_device_get_seat (GDK_DEVICE (device)); _gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices = g_list_delete_link (_gdk_device_manager->winpointer_devices, current); gdk_device_update_tool (GDK_DEVICE (device), NULL); if (device->tool_pen) gdk_seat_default_remove_tool (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), device->tool_pen); if (device->tool_eraser) gdk_seat_default_remove_tool (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), device->tool_eraser); _gdk_device_set_associated_device (GDK_DEVICE (device), NULL); _gdk_device_remove_physical_device (_gdk_device_manager->core_pointer, GDK_DEVICE (device)); gdk_seat_default_remove_physical_device (GDK_SEAT_DEFAULT (seat), GDK_DEVICE (device)); g_object_unref (device); } else { winpointer_device_update_scale_factors (device); } current = next; } /* create new gdk devices */ for (i = 0; i < infos_count; i++) { if (!winpointer_find_system_device_in_device_manager (&infos[i])) { winpointer_create_devices (&infos[i]); } } g_free (infos); } static LRESULT CALLBACK winpointer_notifications_window_procedure (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_POINTERDEVICECHANGE: winpointer_enumerate_devices (); return 0; } return DefWindowProcW (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static gboolean winpointer_notif_window_create (void) { WNDCLASSEXW wndclassex; memset (&wndclassex, 0, sizeof (wndclassex)); wndclassex.cbSize = sizeof (wndclassex); wndclassex.lpszClassName = L"GdkWin32WinpointerNotificationsWindowClass"; wndclassex.lpfnWndProc = winpointer_notifications_window_procedure; wndclassex.hInstance = this_module (); if ((notifications_window_class = RegisterClassExW (&wndclassex)) == 0) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("RegisterClassExW"); return FALSE; } if (!(notifications_window_handle = CreateWindowExW (0, (LPCWSTR)(guintptr)notifications_window_class, L"GdkWin32 Winpointer Notifications", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, this_module (), NULL))) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("CreateWindowExW"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean winpointer_ensure_procedures (void) { static HMODULE user32_dll = NULL; if (!user32_dll) { user32_dll = LoadLibraryW (L"user32.dll"); if (!user32_dll) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("LoadLibraryW"); return FALSE; } registerPointerDeviceNotifications = (registerPointerDeviceNotifications_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "RegisterPointerDeviceNotifications"); getPointerDevices = (getPointerDevices_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerDevices"); getPointerDeviceCursors = (getPointerDeviceCursors_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerDeviceCursors"); getPointerDeviceRects = (getPointerDeviceRects_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerDeviceRects"); getPointerType = (getPointerType_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerType"); getPointerCursorId = (getPointerCursorId_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerCursorId"); getPointerPenInfo = (getPointerPenInfo_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerPenInfo"); getPointerTouchInfo = (getPointerTouchInfo_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerTouchInfo"); getPointerPenInfoHistory = (getPointerPenInfoHistory_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerPenInfoHistory"); getPointerTouchInfoHistory = (getPointerTouchInfoHistory_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "GetPointerTouchInfoHistory"); setGestureConfig = (setGestureConfig_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "SetGestureConfig"); setWindowFeedbackSetting = (setWindowFeedbackSetting_t) GetProcAddress (user32_dll, "SetWindowFeedbackSetting"); } return registerPointerDeviceNotifications && getPointerDevices && getPointerDeviceCursors && getPointerDeviceRects && getPointerType && getPointerCursorId && getPointerPenInfo && getPointerTouchInfo && getPointerPenInfoHistory && getPointerTouchInfoHistory && setGestureConfig; } gboolean gdk_winpointer_initialize (void) { if (!winpointer_ensure_procedures ()) return FALSE; if (!winpointer_notif_window_create ()) return FALSE; if (!registerPointerDeviceNotifications (notifications_window_handle, FALSE)) { WIN32_API_FAILED ("RegisterPointerDeviceNotifications"); return FALSE; } ignored_interactions = g_ptr_array_new (); winpointer_enumerate_devices (); return TRUE; } #ifndef MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY #define MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY \ _T("MicrosoftTabletPenServiceProperty") #endif void gdk_winpointer_initialize_surface (GdkSurface *surface) { HWND hwnd = GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface); ATOM key = 0; HANDLE val = (HANDLE)(TABLET_DISABLE_PRESSANDHOLD | TABLET_DISABLE_PENTAPFEEDBACK | TABLET_DISABLE_PENBARRELFEEDBACK | TABLET_DISABLE_FLICKS | TABLET_DISABLE_FLICKFALLBACKKEYS); winpointer_ensure_procedures (); key = GlobalAddAtom (MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY); API_CALL (SetPropW, (hwnd, (LPCWSTR)(guintptr)key, val)); GlobalDeleteAtom (key); if (setGestureConfig != NULL) { GESTURECONFIG gesture_config; memset (&gesture_config, 0, sizeof (gesture_config)); gesture_config.dwID = 0; gesture_config.dwWant = 0; gesture_config.dwBlock = GC_ALLGESTURES; API_CALL (setGestureConfig, (hwnd, 0, 1, &gesture_config, sizeof (gesture_config))); } if (setWindowFeedbackSetting != NULL) { FEEDBACK_TYPE feedbacks[] = { FEEDBACK_TOUCH_CONTACTVISUALIZATION, FEEDBACK_PEN_BARRELVISUALIZATION, FEEDBACK_PEN_TAP, FEEDBACK_PEN_DOUBLETAP, FEEDBACK_PEN_PRESSANDHOLD, FEEDBACK_PEN_RIGHTTAP, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_TAP, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_DOUBLETAP, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_PRESSANDHOLD, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_RIGHTTAP, FEEDBACK_GESTURE_PRESSANDTAP }; gsize i = 0; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (feedbacks); i++) { BOOL setting = FALSE; API_CALL (setWindowFeedbackSetting, (hwnd, feedbacks[i], 0, sizeof (BOOL), &setting)); } } } void gdk_winpointer_finalize_surface (GdkSurface *surface) { HWND hwnd = GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface); ATOM key = 0; key = GlobalAddAtom (MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY); RemovePropW (hwnd, (LPCWSTR)(guintptr)key); GlobalDeleteAtom (key); }