/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Red Hat Inc. * * Author: * Matthias Clasen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gskrendernodeattach.h" static char * test_get_sibling_file (const char *node_file, const char *old_ext, const char *new_ext) { GString *file = g_string_new (NULL); if (g_str_has_suffix (node_file, old_ext)) g_string_append_len (file, node_file, strlen (node_file) - 5); else g_string_append (file, node_file); g_string_append (file, new_ext); if (!g_file_test (file->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_string_free (file, TRUE); return NULL; } return g_string_free (file, FALSE); } static GBytes * diff_with_file (const char *file1, GBytes *input, GError **error) { char *buffer; gsize len; static const char msg[] = "The output is not as expected"; g_file_get_contents (file1, &buffer, &len, NULL); if (strcmp (buffer, (char *) g_bytes_get_data (input, NULL)) == 0) { g_free (buffer); return NULL; } g_free (buffer); return g_bytes_new_static (msg, strlen (msg) + 1); } static void append_error_value (GString *string, GType enum_type, guint value) { GEnumClass *enum_class; GEnumValue *enum_value; enum_class = g_type_class_ref (enum_type); enum_value = g_enum_get_value (enum_class, value); g_string_append (string, enum_value->value_name); g_type_class_unref (enum_class); } static void deserialize_error_func (const GskParseLocation *start, const GskParseLocation *end, const GError *error, gpointer user_data) { GString *errors = user_data; GString *string = g_string_new (""); g_string_append_printf (string, ":%zu:%zu", start->lines + 1, start->line_chars + 1); if (start->lines != end->lines || start->line_chars != end->line_chars) { g_string_append (string, "-"); if (start->lines != end->lines) g_string_append_printf (string, "%zu:", end->lines + 1); g_string_append_printf (string, "%zu", end->line_chars + 1); } g_string_append_printf (errors, "%s: error: ", string->str); g_string_free (string, TRUE); if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_ERROR) append_error_value (errors, GTK_TYPE_CSS_PARSER_ERROR, error->code); else if (error->domain == GTK_CSS_PARSER_WARNING) append_error_value (errors, GTK_TYPE_CSS_PARSER_WARNING, error->code); else g_string_append_printf (errors, "%s %u\n", g_quark_to_string (error->domain), error->code); g_string_append_c (errors, '\n'); } static GskRenderNode * node_from_file (GFile *file) { GBytes *bytes; GError *error = NULL; GString *errors = NULL; GskRenderNode *node = NULL; bytes = g_file_load_bytes (file, NULL, NULL, &error); if (error) { g_print ("Error loading file: %s\n", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); return NULL; } errors = g_string_new (""); node = gsk_render_node_deserialize (bytes, deserialize_error_func, errors); if (errors->len > 0) { g_print ("Error loading file: %s\n", errors->str); g_string_free (errors, TRUE); g_bytes_unref (bytes); return NULL; } g_string_free (errors, TRUE); g_bytes_unref (bytes); return node; } static GskRenderNode * node_from_path (const char *path) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path (path); GskRenderNode *node = node_from_file (file); g_object_unref (file); return node; } static GBytes * collect_offload_info (GdkSurface *surface, GskOffload *offload) { GString *s; GBytes *bytes; s = g_string_new (""); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gdk_surface_get_n_subsurfaces (surface); i++) { GdkSubsurface *subsurface = gdk_surface_get_subsurface (surface, i); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (subsurface), "pos", GUINT_TO_POINTER (i)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gdk_surface_get_n_subsurfaces (surface); i++) { GdkSubsurface *subsurface; GskOffloadInfo *info; char above[20]; subsurface = gdk_surface_get_subsurface (surface, i); info = gsk_offload_get_subsurface_info (offload, subsurface); if (info->place_above) g_snprintf (above, sizeof (above), "%d", GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (info->place_above), "pos"))); else g_snprintf (above, sizeof (above), "-"); if (info->can_offload) { g_string_append_printf (s, "%u: offloaded, %s%sabove: %s, ", i, info->was_offloaded ? "was offloaded, " : "", gdk_subsurface_is_above_parent (subsurface) ? "raised, " : "", above); g_string_append_printf (s, "texture: %dx%d, ", gdk_texture_get_width (info->texture), gdk_texture_get_height (info->texture)); g_string_append_printf (s, "rect: %g %g %g %g\n", info->rect.origin.x, info->rect.origin.y, info->rect.size.width, info->rect.size.height); } else g_string_append_printf (s, "%u: %snot offloaded\n", i, info->was_offloaded ? "was offloaded, " : ""); } bytes = g_bytes_new (s->str, s->len + 1); g_string_free (s, TRUE); return bytes; } static char * region_to_string (cairo_region_t *region) { GString *s = g_string_new (""); for (int i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (region); i++) { cairo_rectangle_int_t r; cairo_region_get_rectangle (region, i, &r); g_string_append_printf (s, "%d %d %d %d\n", r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } return g_string_free (s, FALSE); } static gboolean region_contains_region (cairo_region_t *region1, cairo_region_t *region2) { for (int i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (region2); i++) { cairo_rectangle_int_t r; cairo_region_get_rectangle (region2, i, &r); if (cairo_region_contains_rectangle (region1, &r) != CAIRO_REGION_OVERLAP_IN) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static cairo_region_t * region_from_string (const char *str) { cairo_region_t *region; char **s; int len; region = cairo_region_create (); s = g_strsplit (str, "\n", 0); len = g_strv_length (s); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cairo_rectangle_int_t r; if (s[i][0] == '\0') continue; if (sscanf (s[i], "%d %d %d %d", &r.x, &r.y, &r.width, &r.height) == 4) cairo_region_union_rectangle (region, &r); else g_error ("failed to parse region"); } g_strfreev (s); return region; } static cairo_region_t * region_from_file (const char *path) { char *buffer; gsize len; GError *error = NULL; cairo_region_t *region; if (!g_file_get_contents (path, &buffer, &len, &error)) { g_error ("Failed to read region file: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return NULL; } region = region_from_string (buffer); g_free (buffer); return region; } static void notify_width (GdkSurface *surface, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data) { gboolean *done = data; *done = TRUE; } static void compute_size (GdkToplevel *toplevel, GdkToplevelSize *size, gpointer data) { g_signal_connect (toplevel, "notify::width", G_CALLBACK (notify_width), data); gdk_toplevel_size_set_size (size, 800, 600); } static GdkSurface * make_toplevel (void) { GdkSurface *surface; GdkToplevelLayout *layout; gboolean done; surface = gdk_surface_new_toplevel (gdk_display_get_default ()); done = FALSE; g_signal_connect (surface, "compute-size", G_CALLBACK (compute_size), &done); layout = gdk_toplevel_layout_new (); gdk_toplevel_present (GDK_TOPLEVEL (surface), layout); gdk_toplevel_layout_unref (layout); while (!done) g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE); return surface; } static gboolean parse_node_file (GFile *file, const char *generate) { char *reference_file; GdkSurface *surface; GdkSubsurface *subsurface; GskOffload *offload; GskRenderNode *node, *tmp; GBytes *offload_state, *diff; GError *error = NULL; gboolean result = TRUE; cairo_region_t *clip, *region; char *path; GskRenderNode *node2; const char *generate_values[] = { "offload", "offload2", "diff", NULL }; if (generate && !g_strv_contains (generate_values, generate)) { g_print ("Allowed --generate values are: "); for (int i = 0; generate_values[i]; i++) g_print ("%s ", generate_values[i]); g_print ("\n"); return FALSE; } surface = make_toplevel (); subsurface = gdk_surface_create_subsurface (surface); if (subsurface == NULL) exit (77); /* subsurfaces aren't supported, skip these tests */ g_clear_object (&subsurface); node = node_from_file (file); if (node == NULL) { return FALSE; } tmp = gsk_render_node_attach (node, surface); gsk_render_node_unref (node); node = tmp; region = cairo_region_create (); offload = gsk_offload_new (surface, node, region); offload_state = collect_offload_info (surface, offload); gsk_offload_free (offload); cairo_region_destroy (region); if (g_strcmp0 (generate, "offload") == 0) { g_print ("%s", (char *)g_bytes_get_data (offload_state, NULL)); g_bytes_unref (offload_state); return TRUE; } reference_file = test_get_sibling_file (g_file_peek_path (file), ".node", ".offload"); if (reference_file == NULL) return FALSE; diff = diff_with_file (reference_file, offload_state, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); if (diff && g_bytes_get_size (diff) > 0) { g_print ("Resulting .offload file doesn't match reference:\n%s\n", (const char *) g_bytes_get_data (diff, NULL)); result = FALSE; } g_clear_pointer (&offload_state, g_bytes_unref); g_clear_pointer (&diff, g_bytes_unref); g_clear_pointer (&reference_file, g_free); path = test_get_sibling_file (g_file_peek_path (file), ".node", ".node2"); if (path) { node2 = node_from_path (path); tmp = gsk_render_node_attach (node2, surface); gsk_render_node_unref (node2); node2 = tmp; clip = cairo_region_create (); offload = gsk_offload_new (surface, node2, clip); offload_state = collect_offload_info (surface, offload); if (g_strcmp0 (generate, "offload2") == 0) { g_print ("%s", (char *)g_bytes_get_data (offload_state, NULL)); g_bytes_unref (offload_state); return TRUE; } reference_file = test_get_sibling_file (g_file_peek_path (file), ".node", ".offload2"); if (reference_file == NULL) return FALSE; diff = diff_with_file (reference_file, offload_state, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); if (diff && g_bytes_get_size (diff) > 0) { g_print ("Resulting .offload2 file doesn't match reference:\n%s\n", (const char *) g_bytes_get_data (diff, NULL)); result = FALSE; } g_clear_pointer (&offload_state, g_bytes_unref); g_clear_pointer (&diff, g_bytes_unref); g_clear_pointer (&reference_file, g_free); gsk_render_node_diff (node, node2, clip, offload); if (g_strcmp0 (generate, "diff") == 0) { char *out = region_to_string (clip); g_print ("%s", out); cairo_region_destroy (clip); g_free (out); return TRUE; } reference_file = test_get_sibling_file (g_file_peek_path (file), ".node", ".diff"); region = region_from_file (reference_file); if (!region_contains_region (clip, region)) { g_print ("Resulting region doesn't include reference:\n"); g_print ("%s\n", region_to_string (clip)); result = FALSE; } g_clear_pointer (®ion, cairo_region_destroy); g_clear_pointer (&reference_file, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&clip, cairo_region_destroy); g_clear_pointer (&offload, gsk_offload_free); g_clear_pointer (&node2, gsk_render_node_unref); } g_clear_pointer (&path, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&node, gsk_render_node_unref); gdk_surface_destroy (surface); return result; } static gboolean test_file (GFile *file) { if (g_test_verbose ()) g_test_message ("%s", g_file_peek_path (file)); return parse_node_file (file, FALSE); } static int compare_files (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { GFile *file1 = G_FILE (a); GFile *file2 = G_FILE (b); char *path1, *path2; int result; path1 = g_file_get_path (file1); path2 = g_file_get_path (file2); result = strcmp (path1, path2); g_free (path1); g_free (path2); return result; } static gboolean test_files_in_directory (GFile *dir) { GFileEnumerator *enumerator; GFileInfo *info; GList *l, *files; GError *error = NULL; gboolean result = TRUE; enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children (dir, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME, 0, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); files = NULL; while ((info = g_file_enumerator_next_file (enumerator, NULL, &error))) { const char *filename; filename = g_file_info_get_name (info); if (!g_str_has_suffix (filename, ".node")) { g_object_unref (info); continue; } files = g_list_prepend (files, g_file_get_child (dir, filename)); g_object_unref (info); } g_assert_no_error (error); g_object_unref (enumerator); files = g_list_sort (files, compare_files); for (l = files; l; l = l->next) { result &= test_file (l->data); } g_list_free_full (files, g_object_unref); return result; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { gboolean success; if (argc < 2) { const char *basedir; GFile *dir; gtk_test_init (&argc, &argv); basedir = g_test_get_dir (G_TEST_DIST); dir = g_file_new_for_path (basedir); success = test_files_in_directory (dir); g_object_unref (dir); } else if (g_str_has_prefix (argv[1], "--generate=")) { /* We have up to 3 different result files, the extra * argument determines which one is generated. Possible * values are offload/offload2/diff. */ if (argc >= 3) { const char *generate = argv[1] + strlen ("--generate="); GFile *file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (argv[2]); gtk_init (); success = parse_node_file (file, generate); g_object_unref (file); } else success = FALSE; } else { guint i; gtk_test_init (&argc, &argv); success = TRUE; if (argc > 1) { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (argv[i]); success &= test_file (file); g_object_unref (file); } } else { const char *basedir; GFile *dir; basedir = g_test_get_dir (G_TEST_DIST); dir = g_file_new_for_path (basedir); success = test_files_in_directory (dir); g_object_unref (dir); } } return success ? 0 : 1; }