/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pixops.h" static GTimeVal start_time; void start_timing (void) { g_get_current_time (&start_time); } double stop_timing (const char *test, int iterations, int bytes) { GTimeVal stop_time; double msecs; g_get_current_time (&stop_time); if (stop_time.tv_usec < start_time.tv_usec) { stop_time.tv_usec += 1000000; stop_time.tv_sec -= 1; } msecs = (stop_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) * 1000. + (stop_time.tv_usec - start_time.tv_usec) / 1000.; printf("%s%d\t%.1f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\n", test, iterations, msecs, msecs / iterations, ((double)bytes * iterations) / (1000*msecs)); return ((double)bytes * iterations) / (1000*msecs); } void init_array (double times[3][3][4]) { int i, j, k; for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<3; j++) for (k=0; k<4; k++) times[i][j][k] = -1; } void dump_array (double times[3][3][4]) { int i, j; printf(" 3\t4\t4a\n"); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { if (j == 0) switch (i) { case 0: printf("3 "); break; case 1: printf("4 "); break; case 2: printf("4a "); break; } else printf(" "); printf("%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", times[i][0][j], times[i][1][j], times[i][2][j]); switch (j) { case PIXOPS_INTERP_NEAREST: printf (" NEAREST\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_TILES: printf (" TILES\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_BILINEAR: printf (" BILINEAR\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_HYPER: printf (" HYPER\n"); break; } } } printf("\n"); } #define ITERS 10 int main (int argc, char **argv) { int src_width, src_height, dest_width, dest_height; char *src_buf, *dest_buf; int src_index, dest_index; int i; double scale_times[3][3][4]; double composite_times[3][3][4]; double composite_color_times[3][3][4]; if (argc == 5) { src_width = atoi(argv[1]); src_height = atoi(argv[2]); dest_width = atoi(argv[3]); dest_height = atoi(argv[4]); } else if (argc == 1) { src_width = 343; src_height = 343; dest_width = 711; dest_height = 711; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: scale [src_width src_height dest_width dest_height]\n"); exit(1); } printf ("Scaling from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n\n", src_width, src_height, dest_width, dest_height); init_array (scale_times); init_array (composite_times); init_array (composite_color_times); for (src_index = 0; src_index < 3; src_index++) for (dest_index = 0; dest_index < 3; dest_index++) { int src_channels = (src_index == 0) ? 3 : 4; int src_has_alpha = (src_index == 2); int dest_channels = (dest_index == 0) ? 3 : 4; int dest_has_alpha = (dest_index == 2); int src_rowstride = (src_channels*src_width + 3) & ~3; int dest_rowstride = (dest_channels *dest_width + 3) & ~3; int filter_level; src_buf = g_malloc(src_rowstride * src_height); memset (src_buf, 0x80, src_rowstride * src_height); dest_buf = g_malloc(dest_rowstride * dest_height); memset (dest_buf, 0x80, dest_rowstride * dest_height); for (filter_level = PIXOPS_INTERP_NEAREST ; filter_level <= PIXOPS_INTERP_HYPER; filter_level++) { printf ("src_channels = %d (%s); dest_channels = %d (%s); filter_level=", src_channels, src_has_alpha ? "alpha" : "no alpha", dest_channels, dest_has_alpha ? "alpha" : "no alpha"); switch (filter_level) { case PIXOPS_INTERP_NEAREST: printf ("PIXOPS_INTERP_NEAREST\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_TILES: printf ("PIXOPS_INTERP_TILES\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_BILINEAR: printf ("PIXOPS_INTERP_BILINEAR\n"); break; case PIXOPS_INTERP_HYPER: printf ("PIXOPS_INTERP_HYPER\n"); break; } printf("\t\t\titers\ttotal\t\tmsecs/iter\tMpixels/sec\t\n"); if (!(src_has_alpha && !dest_has_alpha)) { start_timing (); for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { _pixops_scale (dest_buf, 0, 0, dest_width, dest_height, dest_rowstride, dest_channels, dest_has_alpha, src_buf, src_width, src_height, src_rowstride, src_channels, src_has_alpha, (double)dest_width / src_width, (double)dest_height / src_height, filter_level); } scale_times[src_index][dest_index][filter_level] = stop_timing (" scale\t\t", ITERS, dest_height * dest_width); } start_timing (); for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { _pixops_composite (dest_buf, 0, 0, dest_width, dest_height, dest_rowstride, dest_channels, dest_has_alpha, src_buf, src_width, src_height, src_rowstride, src_channels, src_has_alpha, (double)dest_width / src_width, (double)dest_height / src_height, filter_level, 255); } composite_times[src_index][dest_index][filter_level] = stop_timing (" composite\t\t", ITERS, dest_height * dest_width); start_timing (); for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { _pixops_composite_color (dest_buf, 0, 0, dest_width, dest_height, dest_rowstride, dest_channels, dest_has_alpha, src_buf, src_width, src_height, src_rowstride, src_channels, src_has_alpha, (double)dest_width / src_width, (double)dest_height / src_height, filter_level, 255, 0, 0, 16, 0xaaaaaa, 0x555555); } composite_color_times[src_index][dest_index][filter_level] = stop_timing (" composite color\t", ITERS, dest_height * dest_width); printf ("\n"); } printf ("\n"); g_free (src_buf); g_free (dest_buf); } printf ("SCALE\n=====\n\n"); dump_array (scale_times); printf ("COMPOSITE\n=========\n\n"); dump_array (composite_times); printf ("COMPOSITE_COLOR\n===============\n\n"); dump_array (composite_color_times); return 0; }