/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat Inc. * * Author: * Matthias Clasen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include "gtk/gtkcssvalueprivate.h" #include "gtk/gtkcsscolorvalueprivate.h" #include "gtk/gtkcssnumbervalueprivate.h" #include "gtk/gtkcssstylepropertyprivate.h" #include "gtk/gtkcssstaticstyleprivate.h" #include "gtk/gtkcsspalettevalueprivate.h" static gboolean color_is_near (const GdkRGBA *color1, const GdkRGBA *color2) { return (fabs (color1->red - color2->red) <= FLT_EPSILON && fabs (color1->green - color2->green) <= FLT_EPSILON && fabs (color1->blue - color2->blue) <= FLT_EPSILON && fabs (color1->alpha - color2->alpha) <= FLT_EPSILON); } static gboolean value_is_near (int prop, GtkCssValue *value1, GtkCssValue *value2) { if (gtk_css_value_equal (value1, value2)) return TRUE; switch (prop) { case GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR: return color_is_near (gtk_css_color_value_get_rgba (value1), gtk_css_color_value_get_rgba (value2)); break; case GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_ICON_PALETTE: return value_is_near (GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR, gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value1, "error"), gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value2, "error")) && value_is_near (GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR, gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value1, "warning"), gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value2, "warning")) && value_is_near (GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR, gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value1, "test"), gtk_css_palette_value_get_color (value2, "test")); break; case GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE: return fabs (gtk_css_number_value_get (value1, 100) - gtk_css_number_value_get (value2, 100)) < FLT_EPSILON; break; default: break; } return FALSE; } static void assert_css_value (int prop, GtkCssValue *result, GtkCssValue *expected) { if (result == expected) return; if (((result == NULL) != (expected == NULL)) || !value_is_near (prop, result, expected)) { char *r = result ? gtk_css_value_to_string (result) : g_strdup ("(nil)"); char *e = expected ? gtk_css_value_to_string (expected) : g_strdup ("(nil)"); g_print ("Expected %s\nGot %s\n", e, r); g_free (r); g_free (e); g_assert_not_reached (); } } /* Tests for css transitions */ typedef struct { int prop; const char *value1; const char *value2; double progress; const char *value3; } ValueTransitionTest; static ValueTransitionTest tests[] = { { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR, "transparent", "rgb(255,0,0)", 0.25, "rgba(255,0,0,0.25)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR, "rgb(from red r g b / 0.2)", "rgb(from rgb(255,0,0) r g b / 0.8)", 0.5, "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BOX_SHADOW, "none", "2px 2px 10px 4px rgb(200,200,200)", 0.5, "1px 1px 5px 2px rgba(200,200,200,0.5)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BOX_SHADOW, "2px 2px 10px 4px rgb(200,200,200)", "none", 0.5, "1px 1px 5px 2px rgba(200,200,200,0.5)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BOX_SHADOW, "2px 2px 10px 4px rgb(200,200,200), 0px 10px 8px 6px rgb(200,100,0)", "none", 0.5, "1px 1px 5px 2px rgba(200,200,200,0.5), 0px 5px 4px 3px rgba(200,100,0,0.5)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE, "12px", "16px", 0.25, "13px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE, "10px", "10pt", 0.5, "11.66666667px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_FAMILY, "cantarell", "sans", 0, "cantarell"}, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_FAMILY, "cantarell", "sans", 1, "sans" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_FAMILY, "cantarell", "sans", 0.5, NULL }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_POSITION, "20px 10px", "40px", 0.5, "30px calc(5px + 25%)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_POSITION, "left, right, 50% 80%", "right, right, 100%", 0.5, "50%, 100%, 75% 65%" }, //TODO We don't currently transition border-image-width //{ GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_IMAGE_WIDTH, "10px 20px", "0px", 0.5, "5px 10px 0.5px 0.5px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FILTER, "none", "blur(6px)", 0.5, "blur(3px)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FILTER, "none", "blur(6px),contrast(0.6)", 0.5, "blur(3px),contrast(0.3)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FILTER, "contrast(0.6)", "blur(6px)", 0.5, NULL}, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FILTER, "blur(3px) brightness(60) contrast(0.6) grayscale(60) hue-rotate(calc(5deg + 5deg)) invert(10) opacity(60) saturate(60) sepia(10) drop-shadow(3em 10px 10px red)", "blur(5px) brightness(80) contrast(0.8) grayscale(80) hue-rotate(30deg) invert(30) opacity(80) saturate(80) sepia(30) drop-shadow(5em 30px 30px red)", 0.5, "blur(4px) brightness(70) contrast(0.7) grayscale(70) hue-rotate(20deg) invert(20) opacity(70) saturate(70) sepia(20) drop-shadow(4em 20px 20px red)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FILTER, "brightness(100)", "brightness(100) contrast(0.5) grayscale(20) hue-rotate(100deg) invert(100) opacity(0.5) saturate(0.5) sepia(0.5) blur(10px) drop-shadow(2px 2px 2px red)", 0.5, "brightness(100) contrast(0.75) grayscale(10) hue-rotate(50deg) invert(50) opacity(0.75) saturate(0.75) sepia(0.25) blur(5px) drop-shadow(1px 1px 1px red)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_FEATURE_SETTINGS, "\"dlig\" 0, \"clig\" off, \"c2sc\" 1", "\"dlig\" 1, \"clig\" 0", 0.3, "\"dlig\" 0, \"clig\" 0, \"c2sc\" 1" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_FEATURE_SETTINGS, "\"dlig\" 0, \"clig\" off, \"c2sc\" 1", "\"dlig\" 1, \"clig\" 0", 0.6, "\"dlig\" 1, \"clig\" 0, \"c2sc\" 1" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_FONT_VARIATION_SETTINGS, "\"wght\" 100, \"wdth\" 75", "\"wght\" 400, \"slnt\" 10", 0.5, "\"wght\" 250, \"wdth\" 75, \"slnt\" 10" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS, "0", "10px", 0.5, "5px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS, "2px", "10px", 0.5, "6px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS, "2px 10px", "10px", 0.5, "6px 10px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_TRANSFORM, "translate(1px,2px) rotate(10deg) scale(1,1) skew(10deg,10deg) skewX(10deg) skewY(10deg)", "translate(3px,4px) rotate(50deg) scale(5,7) skew(20deg,30deg) skewX(20deg) skewY(30deg)", 0.5, "translate(2px,3px) rotate(30deg) scale(3,4) skew(15deg,20deg) skewX(15deg) skewY(20deg)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_TRANSFORM, "translate(1px,2px)", "translate(3px,4px) rotate(50deg) scale(5,7) skew(20deg,30deg) skewX(20deg) skewY(30deg)", 0.5, "translate(2px,3px) rotate(25deg) scale(3,4) skew(10deg,15deg) skewX(10deg) skewY(15deg)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_TRANSFORM, "translate(2px,3px)", "none", 0.5, "translate(1px,1.5px)" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_LINE_HEIGHT, "1.0", "2.0", 0.5, "1.5" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_LINE_HEIGHT, "10px", "20px", 0.5, "15px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_LINE_HEIGHT, "100%", "200%", 0.5, "150%" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_SIZE, "25% 100px", "75% 200px", 0.5, "50% 150px" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_SIZE, "cover", "cover", 0.3, "cover" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_SIZE, "contain", "contain", 0.6, "contain" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_SIZE, "cover", "contain", 0, "cover" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_SIZE, "cover", "contain", 1, "contain" }, { GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_ICON_PALETTE, "error rgb(200,0,0), warning rgb(100,100,0), test rgb(20,30,40)", "warning rgb(200,0,0), error rgb(100,100,0), test rgb(30,40,50)", 0.5, "error rgb(150,50,0), test rgb(25,35,45), warning rgb(150,50,0)" }, }; static void error_cb (GtkCssParser *parser, const GtkCssLocation *start, const GtkCssLocation *end, const GError *error, gpointer user_data) { *(GError **)user_data = g_error_copy (error); } static GtkCssValue * value_from_string (GtkStyleProperty *prop, const char *str) { GBytes *bytes; GtkCssParser *parser; GtkCssValue *value; GError *error = NULL; bytes = g_bytes_new_static (str, strlen (str)); parser = gtk_css_parser_new_for_bytes (bytes, NULL, error_cb, &error, NULL); value = _gtk_style_property_parse_value (prop, parser); g_assert_no_error (error); gtk_css_parser_unref (parser); g_bytes_unref (bytes); return value; } static void test_transition (gconstpointer data) { ValueTransitionTest *test = &tests[GPOINTER_TO_INT (data)]; GtkStyleProperty *prop; GtkCssValue *value1; GtkCssValue *value2; GtkCssValue *value3; GtkCssValue *computed1; GtkCssValue *computed2; GtkCssValue *computed3; GtkCssValue *result; GtkStyleProvider *provider; GtkCssStyle *style; GtkCssComputeContext context = { NULL, }; provider = GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (gtk_settings_get_default ()); style = gtk_css_static_style_get_default (); context.provider = provider; context.style = style; prop = (GtkStyleProperty *)_gtk_css_style_property_lookup_by_id (test->prop); value1 = value_from_string (prop, test->value1); g_assert_nonnull (value1); computed1 = gtk_css_value_compute (value1, test->prop, &context); value2 = value_from_string (prop, test->value2); g_assert_nonnull (value2); computed2 = gtk_css_value_compute (value2, test->prop, &context); if (test->value3) { value3 = value_from_string (prop, test->value3); computed3 = gtk_css_value_compute (value3, test->prop, &context); } else { value3 = computed3 = NULL; } result = gtk_css_value_transition (computed1, computed2, test->prop, test->progress); assert_css_value (test->prop, result, computed3); gtk_css_value_unref (value1); gtk_css_value_unref (value2); if (value3) gtk_css_value_unref (value3); gtk_css_value_unref (computed1); gtk_css_value_unref (computed2); if (computed3) gtk_css_value_unref (computed3); gtk_css_value_unref (result); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { GtkStyleProperty *previous; int j; gtk_test_init (&argc, &argv); previous = NULL; j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (tests); i++) { ValueTransitionTest *test = &tests[i]; GtkStyleProperty *prop; char *path; prop = (GtkStyleProperty *)_gtk_css_style_property_lookup_by_id (test->prop); if (prop != previous) { previous = prop; j = 0; } else j++; path = g_strdup_printf ("/css/value/transition/%s/%d", _gtk_style_property_get_name ((GtkStyleProperty *)prop), j); g_test_add_data_func (path, GINT_TO_POINTER (i), test_transition); g_free (path); } return g_test_run (); }