/* GDK - The GIMP Drawing Kit * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Tor Lillqvist * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Modified by the GTK+ Team and others 1997-2000. See the AUTHORS * file for a list of people on the GTK+ Team. See the ChangeLog * files for a list of changes. These files are distributed with * GTK+ at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gdkprivate-win32.h" static void gdk_win32_draw_rectangle (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height); static void gdk_win32_draw_arc (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, gint angle1, gint angle2); static void gdk_win32_draw_polygon (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints); static void gdk_win32_draw_text (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkFont *font, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y, const gchar *text, gint text_length); static void gdk_win32_draw_text_wc (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkFont *font, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y, const GdkWChar *text, gint text_length); static void gdk_win32_draw_drawable (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPixmap *src, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height); static void gdk_win32_draw_points (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints); static void gdk_win32_draw_segments (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkSegment *segs, gint nsegs); static void gdk_win32_draw_lines (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints); static void gdk_win32_draw_glyphs (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, PangoFont *font, gint x, gint y, PangoGlyphString *glyphs); static void gdk_win32_draw_image (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkImage *image, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height); static void gdk_win32_set_colormap (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkColormap *colormap); static GdkColormap* gdk_win32_get_colormap (GdkDrawable *drawable); static gint gdk_win32_get_depth (GdkDrawable *drawable); static GdkVisual* gdk_win32_get_visual (GdkDrawable *drawable); static void gdk_drawable_impl_win32_class_init (GdkDrawableImplWin32Class *klass); static void gdk_drawable_impl_win32_finalize (GObject *object); static gpointer parent_class = NULL; #ifdef G_ENABLE_DEBUG gchar * gdk_win32_drawable_description (GdkDrawable *d) { GdkVisual *v; static gchar buf[1000]; static gchar *bufp = buf; gchar *msg; gint width, height; gchar *retval; gdk_drawable_get_size (d, &width, &height); msg = g_strdup_printf ("%s:%p:%dx%dx%d", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (d), GDK_DRAWABLE_HANDLE (d), width, height, (GDK_IS_PIXMAP (d) ? GDK_PIXMAP_IMPL_WIN32 (GDK_PIXMAP_OBJECT (d)->impl)->image->depth : ((v = gdk_drawable_get_visual (d)) ? v->depth : gdk_visual_get_system ()->depth))); if (bufp + strlen (msg) + 1 > buf + sizeof (buf)) bufp = buf; retval = bufp; strcpy (bufp, msg); bufp += strlen (msg) + 1; g_free (msg); return retval; } #endif GType gdk_drawable_impl_win32_get_type (void) { static GType object_type = 0; if (!object_type) { static const GTypeInfo object_info = { sizeof (GdkDrawableImplWin32Class), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gdk_drawable_impl_win32_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GdkDrawableImplWin32), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL, }; object_type = g_type_register_static (GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE, "GdkDrawableImplWin32", &object_info, 0); } return object_type; } static void gdk_drawable_impl_win32_class_init (GdkDrawableImplWin32Class *klass) { GdkDrawableClass *drawable_class = GDK_DRAWABLE_CLASS (klass); GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->finalize = gdk_drawable_impl_win32_finalize; drawable_class->create_gc = _gdk_win32_gc_new; drawable_class->draw_rectangle = gdk_win32_draw_rectangle; drawable_class->draw_arc = gdk_win32_draw_arc; drawable_class->draw_polygon = gdk_win32_draw_polygon; drawable_class->draw_text = gdk_win32_draw_text; drawable_class->draw_text_wc = gdk_win32_draw_text_wc; drawable_class->draw_drawable = gdk_win32_draw_drawable; drawable_class->draw_points = gdk_win32_draw_points; drawable_class->draw_segments = gdk_win32_draw_segments; drawable_class->draw_lines = gdk_win32_draw_lines; drawable_class->draw_glyphs = gdk_win32_draw_glyphs; drawable_class->draw_image = gdk_win32_draw_image; drawable_class->set_colormap = gdk_win32_set_colormap; drawable_class->get_colormap = gdk_win32_get_colormap; drawable_class->get_depth = gdk_win32_get_depth; drawable_class->get_visual = gdk_win32_get_visual; drawable_class->_copy_to_image = _gdk_win32_copy_to_image; } static void gdk_drawable_impl_win32_finalize (GObject *object) { gdk_drawable_set_colormap (GDK_DRAWABLE (object), NULL); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } /***************************************************** * Win32 specific implementations of generic functions * *****************************************************/ static GdkColormap* gdk_win32_get_colormap (GdkDrawable *drawable) { return GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable)->colormap; } static void gdk_win32_set_colormap (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkColormap *colormap) { GdkDrawableImplWin32 *impl = GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable); if (impl->colormap == colormap) return; if (impl->colormap) gdk_colormap_unref (impl->colormap); impl->colormap = colormap; if (impl->colormap) gdk_colormap_ref (impl->colormap); } /* Drawing */ /* * Render a dashed line 'by hand' cause the Win9x GDI is * too limited to do so */ static inline gboolean render_line_horizontal (HDC hdc, int x1, int x2, int y, int pen_width, int *dashes, int num_dashes) { int n; for (n = 0; x1 < x2; n++) { int len = dashes[n % num_dashes]; if (x1 + len > x2) len = x2 - x1; if (n % 2 == 0) if (!PatBlt (hdc, x1, y - pen_width / 2, len, pen_width, PATCOPY)) { WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("PatBlt"); return FALSE; } x1 += dashes[n % num_dashes]; } } static inline gboolean render_line_vertical (HDC hdc, int x, int y1, int y2, int pen_width, int *dashes, int num_dashes) { int n; for (n = 0; y1 < y2; n++) { int len = dashes[n % num_dashes]; if (y1 + len > y2) len = y2 - y1; if (n % 2 == 0) if (!PatBlt (hdc, x - pen_width / 2, y1, pen_width, len, PATCOPY)) { WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("PatBlt"); return FALSE; } y1 += dashes[n % num_dashes]; } } static void gdk_win32_draw_rectangle (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height) { GdkGCWin32 *gc_private = GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc); const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_BACKGROUND; HDC hdc; HGDIOBJ old_pen_or_brush; POINT pts[4]; gboolean ok = TRUE; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_win32_draw_rectangle: %s (%p) %s%dx%d@+%d+%d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), gc_private, (filled ? "fill " : ""), width, height, x, y)); if (filled && (gc_private->tile) && (gc_private->values_mask & GDK_GC_TILE) && (gc_private->values_mask & GDK_GC_FILL)) { _gdk_win32_draw_tiles (drawable, gc, gc_private->tile, x, y, width, height); return; } hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); #if 0 { HBRUSH hbr = GetCurrentObject (hdc, OBJ_BRUSH); HPEN hpen = GetCurrentObject (hdc, OBJ_PEN); LOGBRUSH lbr; LOGPEN lpen; GetObject (hbr, sizeof (lbr), &lbr); GetObject (hpen, sizeof (lpen), &lpen); g_print ("current brush: style = %s, color = 0x%.08x\n", (lbr.lbStyle == BS_SOLID ? "SOLID" : "???"), lbr.lbColor); g_print ("current pen: style = %s, width = %d, color = 0x%.08x\n", (lpen.lopnStyle == PS_SOLID ? "SOLID" : "???"), lpen.lopnWidth, lpen.lopnColor); } #endif if (gc_private->fill_style == GDK_OPAQUE_STIPPLED) { if (!BeginPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("BeginPath"), ok = FALSE; /* Win9x doesn't support Rectangle calls in a path, * thus use Polyline. */ pts[0].x = x; pts[0].y = y; pts[1].x = x + width + 1; pts[1].y = y; pts[2].x = x + width + 1; pts[2].y = y + height + 1; pts[3].x = x; pts[3].y = y + height + 1; if (ok) MoveToEx (hdc, x, y, NULL); if (ok && !Polyline (hdc, pts, 4)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Polyline"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !CloseFigure (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CloseFigure"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !EndPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("EndPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !filled) if (!WidenPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("WidenPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !FillPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("FillPath"), ok = FALSE; } else { if (!filled && gc_private->pen_dashes && !IS_WIN_NT ()) { ok = ok && render_line_vertical (hdc, x, y, y+height+1, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); ok = ok && render_line_horizontal (hdc, x, x+width+1, y, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); ok = ok && render_line_vertical (hdc, x+width+1, y, y+height+1, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); ok = ok && render_line_horizontal (hdc, x, x+width+1, y+height+1, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); } else { if (filled) old_pen_or_brush = SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (NULL_PEN)); else old_pen_or_brush = SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (HOLLOW_BRUSH)); if (old_pen_or_brush == NULL) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SelectObject"); if (!Rectangle (hdc, x, y, x+width+1, y+height+1)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Rectangle"); if (old_pen_or_brush) SelectObject (hdc, old_pen_or_brush); } } gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_arc (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, gint angle1, gint angle2) { const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_BACKGROUND; HDC hdc; int nXStartArc, nYStartArc, nXEndArc, nYEndArc; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_draw_arc: %s %d,%d,%d,%d %d %d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), x, y, width, height, angle1, angle2)); /* Seems that drawing arcs with width or height <= 2 fails, at least * with my TNT card. */ if (width <= 2 || height <= 2 || angle2 == 0) return; hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); if (angle2 >= 360*64) { nXStartArc = nYStartArc = nXEndArc = nYEndArc = 0; } else if (angle2 > 0) { /* The 100. is just an arbitrary value */ nXStartArc = x + width/2 + 100. * cos(angle1/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nYStartArc = y + height/2 + -100. * sin(angle1/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nXEndArc = x + width/2 + 100. * cos((angle1+angle2)/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nYEndArc = y + height/2 + -100. * sin((angle1+angle2)/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); } else { nXEndArc = x + width/2 + 100. * cos(angle1/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nYEndArc = y + height/2 + -100. * sin(angle1/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nXStartArc = x + width/2 + 100. * cos((angle1+angle2)/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); nYStartArc = y + height/2 + -100. * sin((angle1+angle2)/64.*2.*G_PI/360.); } /* GDK_OPAQUE_STIPPLED arcs not implemented. */ if (filled) { GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("...Pie(hdc,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", x, y, x+width, y+height, nXStartArc, nYStartArc, nXEndArc, nYEndArc)); if (!Pie (hdc, x, y, x+width, y+height, nXStartArc, nYStartArc, nXEndArc, nYEndArc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Pie"); } else { GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("...Arc(hdc,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", x, y, x+width, y+height, nXStartArc, nYStartArc, nXEndArc, nYEndArc)); if (!Arc (hdc, x, y, x+width, y+height, nXStartArc, nYStartArc, nXEndArc, nYEndArc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Arc"); } gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_polygon (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, gint filled, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints) { GdkGCWin32 *gc_private = GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc); const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_BACKGROUND; HDC hdc; POINT *pts; gboolean ok = TRUE; int i; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_win32_draw_polygon: %s (%p) %d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), gc_private, npoints)); if (npoints < 2) return; hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); pts = g_new (POINT, npoints+1); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { pts[i].x = points[i].x; pts[i].y = points[i].y; } if (gc_private->fill_style == GDK_OPAQUE_STIPPLED) { if (!BeginPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("BeginPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok) MoveToEx (hdc, points[0].x, points[0].y, NULL); if (pts[0].x == pts[npoints-1].x && pts[0].y == pts[npoints-1].y) npoints--; if (ok && !Polyline (hdc, pts, 4)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Polyline"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !CloseFigure (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CloseFigure"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !EndPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("EndPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !filled) if (!WidenPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("WidenPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !FillPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("FillPath"), ok = FALSE; } else { if (points[0].x != points[npoints-1].x || points[0].y != points[npoints-1].y) { pts[npoints].x = points[0].x; pts[npoints].y = points[0].y; npoints++; } if (filled) { if (!Polygon (hdc, pts, npoints)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Polygon"); } else { if (!Polyline (hdc, pts, npoints)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Polyline"); } } g_free (pts); gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } typedef struct { gint x, y; HDC hdc; } gdk_draw_text_arg; static void gdk_draw_text_handler (GdkWin32SingleFont *singlefont, const wchar_t *wcstr, int wclen, void *arg) { HGDIOBJ oldfont; SIZE size; gdk_draw_text_arg *argp = (gdk_draw_text_arg *) arg; if (!singlefont) return; if ((oldfont = SelectObject (argp->hdc, singlefont->hfont)) == NULL) { WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SelectObject"); return; } if (!TextOutW (argp->hdc, argp->x, argp->y, wcstr, wclen)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("TextOutW"); GetTextExtentPoint32W (argp->hdc, wcstr, wclen, &size); argp->x += size.cx; SelectObject (argp->hdc, oldfont); } static void gdk_win32_draw_text (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkFont *font, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y, const gchar *text, gint text_length) { const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_FONT; wchar_t *wcstr, wc; gint wlen; gdk_draw_text_arg arg; if (text_length == 0) return; g_assert (font->type == GDK_FONT_FONT || font->type == GDK_FONT_FONTSET); arg.x = x; arg.y = y; arg.hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_draw_text: %s (%d,%d) \"%.*s\" (len %d)\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), x, y, (text_length > 10 ? 10 : text_length), text, text_length)); if (text_length == 1) { /* For single characters, don't try to interpret as UTF-8. */ wc = (guchar) text[0]; _gdk_wchar_text_handle (font, &wc, 1, gdk_draw_text_handler, &arg); } else { wcstr = g_new (wchar_t, text_length); if ((wlen = _gdk_utf8_to_ucs2 (wcstr, text, text_length, text_length)) == -1) g_warning ("gdk_win32_draw_text: _gdk_utf8_to_ucs2 failed"); else _gdk_wchar_text_handle (font, wcstr, wlen, gdk_draw_text_handler, &arg); g_free (wcstr); } gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_text_wc (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkFont *font, GdkGC *gc, gint x, gint y, const GdkWChar *text, gint text_length) { const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_FONT; gint i; wchar_t *wcstr; gdk_draw_text_arg arg; if (text_length == 0) return; g_assert (font->type == GDK_FONT_FONT || font->type == GDK_FONT_FONTSET); arg.x = x; arg.y = y; arg.hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_draw_text_wc: %s (%d,%d) len: %d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), x, y, text_length)); if (sizeof (wchar_t) != sizeof (GdkWChar)) { wcstr = g_new (wchar_t, text_length); for (i = 0; i < text_length; i++) wcstr[i] = text[i]; } else wcstr = (wchar_t *) text; _gdk_wchar_text_handle (font, wcstr, text_length, gdk_draw_text_handler, &arg); if (sizeof (wchar_t) != sizeof (GdkWChar)) g_free (wcstr); gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_drawable (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPixmap *src, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { g_assert (GDK_IS_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable)); _gdk_win32_blit (FALSE, (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) drawable, gc, src, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height); } void _gdk_win32_draw_tiles (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPixmap *tile, gint x_from, gint y_from, gint max_width, gint max_height) { gint x = x_from, y = y_from; gint tile_width, tile_height; gint width, height; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("_gdk_win32_draw_tiles: %s tile=%s +%d+%d %d,%d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), gdk_win32_drawable_description (tile), x_from, y_from, max_width, max_height)); gdk_drawable_get_size (drawable, &width, &height); gdk_drawable_get_size (tile, &tile_width, &tile_height); width = MIN (width, max_width); height = MIN (height, max_height); tile_width = MIN (tile_width, max_width); tile_height = MIN (tile_height, max_height); while (y < height) { x = x_from; while (x < width) { gdk_draw_drawable (drawable, gc, tile, x % tile_width, /* xsrc */ y % tile_height, /* ysrc */ x, y, /* dest */ tile_width, tile_height); x += tile_width; } y += tile_height; } } static void gdk_win32_draw_points (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints) { HDC hdc; COLORREF fg; GdkGCWin32 *gc_private = GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc); GdkDrawableImplWin32 *impl = GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable); int i; hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, 0); fg = _gdk_win32_colormap_color (impl->colormap, gc_private->foreground); GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_draw_points: %s %dx%.06x\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), npoints, (guint) fg)); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) SetPixel (hdc, points[i].x, points[i].y, fg); gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, 0); } static void gdk_win32_draw_segments (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkSegment *segs, gint nsegs) { GdkGCWin32 *gc_private = GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc); const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_BACKGROUND; HDC hdc; gboolean ok = TRUE; int i; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("gdk_win32_draw_segments: %s nsegs: %d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (drawable), nsegs)); hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); if (gc_private->fill_style == GDK_OPAQUE_STIPPLED) { if (!BeginPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("BeginPath"), ok = FALSE; for (i = 0; ok && i < nsegs; i++) { if (ok && !MoveToEx (hdc, segs[i].x1, segs[i].y1, NULL)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("MoveToEx"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; /* Draw end pixel */ if (ok && gc_private->pen_width <= 1) if (!LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2 + 1, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; } if (ok && !EndPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("EndPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !WidenPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("WidenPath"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !FillPath (hdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("FillPath"), ok = FALSE; } else { if (gc_private->pen_dashes && !IS_WIN_NT ()) { /* code very similar to the IMHO questionable optimization * below. This one draws dashed vertical/horizontal lines * with the limited Win9x GDI. --hb */ for (i = 0; ok && i < nsegs; i++) { if (segs[i].x1 == segs[i].x2) { int y1, y2; if (segs[i].y1 <= segs[i].y2) y1 = segs[i].y1, y2 = segs[i].y2; else y1 = segs[i].y2, y2 = segs[i].y1; ok = render_line_vertical (hdc, segs[i].x1, y1, y2, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); } else if (segs[i].y1 == segs[i].y2) { int x1, x2; if (segs[i].x1 <= segs[i].x2) x1 = segs[i].x1, x2 = segs[i].x2; else x1 = segs[i].x2, x2 = segs[i].x1; ok = render_line_horizontal (hdc, x1, x2, segs[i].y1, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); } else { if (!MoveToEx (hdc, segs[i].x1, segs[i].y1, NULL)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("MoveToEx"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; /* Draw end pixel */ if (ok && gc_private->pen_width <= 1) if (!LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2 + 1, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; } } } else { const gboolean maybe_patblt = gc_private->rop2 == R2_COPYPEN && gc_private->pen_width <= 1 && (gc_private->pen_style & PS_STYLE_MASK) == PS_SOLID; for (i = 0; ok && i < nsegs; i++) { /* PatBlt() is much faster than LineTo(), says * jpe@archaeopteryx.com. Hmm. Use it if we have a solid * colour pen, then we know that the brush is also solid and * of the same colour. */ if (maybe_patblt && segs[i].x1 == segs[i].x2) { int y1, y2; if (segs[i].y1 <= segs[i].y2) y1 = segs[i].y1, y2 = segs[i].y2; else y1 = segs[i].y2, y2 = segs[i].y1; if (!PatBlt (hdc, segs[i].x1, y1, 1, y2 - y1 + 1, PATCOPY)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("PatBlt"), ok = FALSE; } else if (maybe_patblt && segs[i].y1 == segs[i].y2) { int x1, x2; if (segs[i].x1 <= segs[i].x2) x1 = segs[i].x1, x2 = segs[i].x2; else x1 = segs[i].x2, x2 = segs[i].x1; if (!PatBlt (hdc, x1, segs[i].y1, x2 - x1 + 1, 1, PATCOPY)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("PatBlt"), ok = FALSE; } else { if (!MoveToEx (hdc, segs[i].x1, segs[i].y1, NULL)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("MoveToEx"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; /* Draw end pixel */ if (ok && gc_private->pen_width <= 1) if (!LineTo (hdc, segs[i].x2 + 1, segs[i].y2)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; } } } } gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_lines (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkPoint *points, gint npoints) { GdkGCWin32 *gc_private = GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc); const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND|GDK_GC_BACKGROUND; HDC hdc; POINT *pts; int i; gboolean ok = TRUE; if (npoints < 2) return; hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); if (gc_private->pen_dashes && !IS_WIN_NT ()) { for (i = 0; i < npoints - 1; i++) { if (points[i].x == points[i+1].x) { int y1, y2; if (points[i].y > points[i+1].y) y1 = points[i+1].y, y2 = points[i].y; else y1 = points[i].y, y2 = points[i+1].y; render_line_vertical (hdc, points[i].x, y1, y2, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); } else if (points[i].y == points[i+1].y) { int x1, x2; if (points[i].x > points[i+1].x) x1 = points[i+1].x, x2 = points[i].x; else x1 = points[i].x, x2 = points[i+1].x; render_line_horizontal (hdc, x1, x2, points[i].y, gc_private->pen_width, gc_private->pen_dashes, gc_private->pen_num_dashes); } else { if (!MoveToEx (hdc, points[i].x, points[i].y, NULL)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("MoveToEx"), ok = FALSE; if (ok && !LineTo (hdc, points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"), ok = FALSE; } } } else { pts = g_new (POINT, npoints); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { pts[i].x = points[i].x; pts[i].y = points[i].y; } if (!Polyline (hdc, pts, npoints)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("Polyline"), ok = FALSE; g_free (pts); /* Draw end pixel */ if (ok && gc_private->pen_width <= 1) { MoveToEx (hdc, points[npoints-1].x, points[npoints-1].y, NULL); if (!LineTo (hdc, points[npoints-1].x + 1, points[npoints-1].y)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("LineTo"); } } gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void gdk_win32_draw_glyphs (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, PangoFont *font, gint x, gint y, PangoGlyphString *glyphs) { const GdkGCValuesMask mask = GDK_GC_FOREGROUND; HDC hdc; hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get (drawable, gc, mask); /* HB: Maybe there should be a GDK_GC_PANGO flag for hdc_get */ /* default write mode is transparent (leave background) */ if (SetBkMode (hdc, TRANSPARENT) == 0) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SetBkMode"); if (GDI_ERROR == SetTextAlign (hdc, TA_LEFT|TA_BASELINE|TA_NOUPDATECP)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SetTextAlign"); pango_win32_render (hdc, font, glyphs, x, y); gdk_win32_hdc_release (drawable, gc, mask); } static void blit_from_pixmap (gboolean use_fg_bg, GdkDrawableImplWin32 *dest, HDC hdc, GdkPixmapImplWin32 *src, GdkGCWin32 *gcwin32, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { HDC srcdc; HBITMAP holdbitmap; RGBQUAD oldtable[256], newtable[256]; COLORREF bg, fg; gint newtable_size = 0, oldtable_size = 0; gboolean ok = TRUE; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("blit_from_pixmap\n")); if (!(srcdc = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL))) { WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CreateCompatibleDC"); return; } if (!(holdbitmap = SelectObject (srcdc, ((GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) src)->handle))) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SelectObject"); else { if (src->image->depth <= 8) { /* Blitting from a 1, 4 or 8-bit pixmap */ if ((oldtable_size = GetDIBColorTable (srcdc, 0, 256, oldtable)) == 0) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("GetDIBColorTable"); else if (src->image->depth == 1) { /* Blitting from an 1-bit pixmap */ gint bgix, fgix; if (use_fg_bg) { bgix = gcwin32->background; fgix = gcwin32->foreground; } else { bgix = 0; fgix = 1; } if (GDK_IS_PIXMAP_IMPL_WIN32 (dest) && ((GdkPixmapImplWin32 *) dest)->image->depth <= 8) { /* Destination is also pixmap, get fg and bg from * its palette. Either use the foreground and * background pixel values in the GC (only in the * case of gdk_image_put(), cf. XPutImage()), or 0 * and 1 to index the palette. */ if (!GetDIBColorTable (hdc, bgix, 1, newtable) || !GetDIBColorTable (hdc, fgix, 1, newtable+1)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("GetDIBColorTable"), ok = FALSE; } else { /* Destination is a window, get fg and bg from its * colormap */ bg = _gdk_win32_colormap_color (dest->colormap, bgix); fg = _gdk_win32_colormap_color (dest->colormap, fgix); newtable[0].rgbBlue = GetBValue (bg); newtable[0].rgbGreen = GetGValue (bg); newtable[0].rgbRed = GetRValue (bg); newtable[0].rgbReserved = 0; newtable[1].rgbBlue = GetBValue (fg); newtable[1].rgbGreen = GetGValue (fg); newtable[1].rgbRed = GetRValue (fg); newtable[1].rgbReserved = 0; } if (ok) GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("bg: %02x %02x %02x " "fg: %02x %02x %02x\n", newtable[0].rgbRed, newtable[0].rgbGreen, newtable[0].rgbBlue, newtable[1].rgbRed, newtable[1].rgbGreen, newtable[1].rgbBlue)); newtable_size = 2; } else if (GDK_IS_PIXMAP_IMPL_WIN32 (dest)) { /* Destination is pixmap, get its color table */ if ((newtable_size = GetDIBColorTable (hdc, 0, 256, newtable)) == 0) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("GetDIBColorTable"), ok = FALSE; } /* If blitting between pixmaps, set source's color table */ if (ok && newtable_size > 0) { GDK_NOTE (MISC_OR_COLORMAP, g_print ("blit_from_pixmap: set color table" " hdc=%p count=%d\n", srcdc, newtable_size)); if (!SetDIBColorTable (srcdc, 0, newtable_size, newtable)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SetDIBColorTable"), ok = FALSE; } } if (ok && !BitBlt (hdc, xdest, ydest, width, height, srcdc, xsrc, ysrc, SRCCOPY)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("BitBlt"); /* Restore source's color table if necessary */ if (ok && newtable_size > 0 && oldtable_size > 0) { GDK_NOTE (MISC_OR_COLORMAP, g_print ("blit_from_pixmap: reset color table" " hdc=%p count=%d\n", srcdc, oldtable_size)); if (!SetDIBColorTable (srcdc, 0, oldtable_size, oldtable)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SetDIBColorTable"); } if (!SelectObject (srcdc, holdbitmap)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SelectObject"); } if (!DeleteDC (srcdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("DeleteDC"); } static void blit_inside_window (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *window, HDC hdc, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { RECT scrollRect, clipRect, emptyRect; HRGN updateRgn; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("blit_inside_window\n")); scrollRect.left = MIN (xsrc, xdest); scrollRect.top = MIN (ysrc, ydest); scrollRect.right = MAX (xsrc + width + 1, xdest + width + 1); scrollRect.bottom = MAX (ysrc + height + 1, ydest + height + 1); clipRect.left = xdest; clipRect.top = ydest; clipRect.right = xdest + width + 1; clipRect.bottom = ydest + height + 1; SetRectEmpty (&emptyRect); updateRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect (&emptyRect); if (!ScrollDC (hdc, xdest - xsrc, ydest - ysrc, &scrollRect, &clipRect, updateRgn, NULL)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("ScrollDC"); else if (!InvalidateRgn (window->handle, updateRgn, FALSE)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("InvalidateRgn"); else if (!UpdateWindow (window->handle)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("UpdateWindow"); if (!DeleteObject (updateRgn)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("DeleteObject"); } static void blit_from_window (HDC hdc, GdkDrawableImplWin32 *src, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { HDC srcdc; HPALETTE holdpal = NULL; GdkColormap *cmap = gdk_colormap_get_system (); GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("blit_from_window\n")); if ((srcdc = GetDC (src->handle)) == NULL) { WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("GetDC"); return; } if (cmap->visual->type == GDK_VISUAL_PSEUDO_COLOR || cmap->visual->type == GDK_VISUAL_STATIC_COLOR) { gint k; if (!(holdpal = SelectPalette (srcdc, GDK_WIN32_COLORMAP_DATA (cmap)->hpal, FALSE))) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("SelectPalette"); else if ((k = RealizePalette (srcdc)) == GDI_ERROR) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("RealizePalette"); else if (k > 0) GDK_NOTE (MISC_OR_COLORMAP, g_print ("blit_from_window: realized %d\n", k)); } if (!BitBlt (hdc, xdest, ydest, width, height, srcdc, xsrc, ysrc, SRCCOPY)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("BitBlt"); if (holdpal != NULL) SelectPalette (srcdc, holdpal, FALSE); if (!ReleaseDC (src->handle, srcdc)) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("ReleaseDC"); } void _gdk_win32_blit (gboolean use_fg_bg, GdkDrawableImplWin32 *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkDrawable *src, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { HDC hdc; HRGN src_rgn, draw_rgn, outside_rgn; RECT r; GdkDrawableImplWin32 *draw_impl; GdkDrawableImplWin32 *src_impl; gint src_width, src_height; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("_gdk_win32_blit: src:%s %dx%d@+%d+%d\n" " dst:%s @+%d+%d use_fg_bg=%d\n", gdk_win32_drawable_description (src), width, height, xsrc, ysrc, gdk_win32_drawable_description ((GdkDrawable *) drawable), xdest, ydest, use_fg_bg)); draw_impl = (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) drawable; if (GDK_IS_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (src)) src_impl = (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) src; else if (GDK_IS_WINDOW (src)) src_impl = (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) GDK_WINDOW_OBJECT (src)->impl; else if (GDK_IS_PIXMAP (src)) src_impl = (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) GDK_PIXMAP_OBJECT (src)->impl; else g_assert_not_reached (); hdc = gdk_win32_hdc_get ((GdkDrawable *) drawable, gc, GDK_GC_FOREGROUND); gdk_drawable_get_size (src, &src_width, &src_height); if ((src_rgn = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, src_width + 1, src_height + 1)) == NULL) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CreateRectRgn"); else if ((draw_rgn = CreateRectRgn (xsrc, ysrc, xsrc + width + 1, ysrc + height + 1)) == NULL) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CreateRectRgn"); else { if (GDK_IS_WINDOW_IMPL_WIN32 (draw_impl)) { int comb; /* If we are drawing on a window, calculate the region that is * outside the source pixmap, and invalidate that, causing it to * be cleared. Not completely sure whether this is always needed. XXX */ SetRectEmpty (&r); outside_rgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect (&r); if ((comb = CombineRgn (outside_rgn, draw_rgn, src_rgn, RGN_DIFF)) == ERROR) WIN32_GDI_FAILED ("CombineRgn"); else if (comb != NULLREGION) { OffsetRgn (outside_rgn, xdest, ydest); GDK_NOTE (MISC, (GetRgnBox (outside_rgn, &r), g_print ("...calling InvalidateRgn, " "bbox: %ldx%ld@+%ld+%ld\n", r.right - r.left - 1, r.bottom - r.top - 1, r.left, r.top))); InvalidateRgn (draw_impl->handle, outside_rgn, TRUE); } DeleteObject (outside_rgn); } #if 1 /* Don't know if this is necessary XXX */ if (CombineRgn (draw_rgn, draw_rgn, src_rgn, RGN_AND) == COMPLEXREGION) g_warning ("gdk_win32_blit: CombineRgn returned a COMPLEXREGION"); GetRgnBox (draw_rgn, &r); if (r.left != xsrc || r.top != ysrc || r.right != xsrc + width + 1 || r.bottom != ysrc + height + 1) { xdest += r.left - xsrc; xsrc = r.left; ydest += r.top - ysrc; ysrc = r.top; width = r.right - xsrc - 1; height = r.bottom - ysrc - 1; GDK_NOTE (MISC, g_print ("... restricted to src: %dx%d@+%d+%d, " "dest: @+%d+%d\n", width, height, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest)); } #endif DeleteObject (src_rgn); DeleteObject (draw_rgn); } if (GDK_IS_PIXMAP_IMPL_WIN32 (src_impl)) blit_from_pixmap (use_fg_bg, draw_impl, hdc, (GdkPixmapImplWin32 *) src_impl, GDK_GC_WIN32 (gc), xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height); else if (draw_impl->handle == src_impl->handle) blit_inside_window (src_impl, hdc, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height); else blit_from_window (hdc, src_impl, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height); gdk_win32_hdc_release ((GdkDrawable *) drawable, gc, GDK_GC_FOREGROUND); } static void gdk_win32_draw_image (GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, GdkImage *image, gint xsrc, gint ysrc, gint xdest, gint ydest, gint width, gint height) { g_assert (GDK_IS_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable)); _gdk_win32_blit (TRUE, (GdkDrawableImplWin32 *) drawable, gc, (GdkPixmap *) image->windowing_data, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height); } static gint gdk_win32_get_depth (GdkDrawable *drawable) { /* This is a bit bogus but I'm not sure the other way is better */ return gdk_drawable_get_depth (GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable)->wrapper); } static GdkVisual* gdk_win32_get_visual (GdkDrawable *drawable) { return gdk_drawable_get_visual (GDK_DRAWABLE_IMPL_WIN32 (drawable)->wrapper); } HGDIOBJ gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle (GdkDrawable *drawable) { return GDK_DRAWABLE_HANDLE (drawable); }