Emmanuele Bassi 3ba514d31f build: Port the a11y test suite to Meson
Copy the location of the test data and binaries from the autotools
build, even though it's not really correct; currently we install the
test data under libexecdir, but it should live under datadir, and we
should use `G_TEST_DIST` to figure it out.

The `state` subdirectory is missing.
2017-05-03 15:15:17 +01:00

126 lines
2.4 KiB

a11y_tests = [
foreach t: a11y_tests
test_prefix = 'a11y'
test ('@0@/@1@'.format(test_prefix, t),
executable ('@0@_@1@'.format(test_prefix, t.underscorify()),
dependencies: libgtk_dep),
args: [ '--tap', '-k', ],
env: installed_test_env,
install: true,
install_dir: installed_test_bindir)
a11y_installed_tests = [
test_cdata = configuration_data()
test_cdata.set('libexecdir', get_option('libexecdir'))
foreach t: a11y_installed_tests
configure_file(input: ''.format(t),
output: t,
configuration: test_cdata,
install: true,
install_dir: installed_test_datadir)
installed_test_data = [
install_data(installed_test_data, install_dir: join_paths(installed_test_bindir, 'a11ytests'))