Benjamin Otte 9e27acb0a6 gpu: Allocate Vulkan descriptor pools dynamically
Instead of allocating one large descriptor pool and hoping we never run
out of descriptors, allocate small ones dynamically, so we know we never
run out.

Test incldued, though the test doesn't fail in CI, because llvmpipe
doesn't care about pool size limits. It does fail on my AMD though.

A fun side note about that test is that the GL renderer handles it best
in normal operationbecause it caches offscreens per node and we draw the
same node repeatedly.
But, the replay test expands them to duplicated unique nodes, and then
the GL renderer runs out of command queue length, so I had to disable
the test on it.
2024-07-22 19:40:24 +02:00

585 lines
16 KiB

compare_render = executable('compare-render',
['compare-render.c', '../reftests/reftest-compare.c', 'replay-node.c'],
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
node_parser = executable('node-parser', 'node-parser.c',
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
compare_render_tests = [
# these are too sensitive to differences in the renderers
# to run in ci, but still useful to keep around
informative_render_tests = [
'rounded-clip-in-clip-nocairo', # both cairo and gl fail this one
'text-missing-glyph', #
renderers = [
{ 'name': 'gl' },
{ 'name': 'broadway' },
{ 'name': 'cairo' },
{ 'name': 'ngl' },
{ 'name': 'vulkan' },
compare_xfails_small_texture = [
'repeat-repeats', # only fails when rotated
variants = {
'plain': '--plain',
'flipped': '--flip',
'rotated': '--rotate',
'repeated': '--repeat',
'masked': '--mask',
'replayed': '--replay',
'clipped': '--clip',
'colorflipped': '--colorflip',
compare_xfails = {
'ngl': {
# the gradients are prone to rounding errors which become
# more pronounced in small clips, it seems
'radial-gradient-with-64-colorstops': ['plain','flipped','rotated','repeated','masked','replayed','clipped','colorflipped'],
'conic-gradient-with-64-colorstops': ['plain','flipped','rotated','repeated','masked','replayed','clipped','colorflipped'],
'blur-child-bounds-oversize-nogl': ['clipped'], # 6450
'rounded-clip-with-huge-bounds-nogl': ['plain','flipped','rotated','repeated','masked','replayed','clipped','colorflipped'], # 6532
'big-checkerboard': ['clipped'], # 6444
'vulkan': {
'radial-gradient-with-64-colorstops': ['clipped', 'colorflipped'],
'conic-gradient-with-64-colorstops': ['clipped', 'colorflipped'],
'blur-child-bounds-oversize-nogl': ['clipped'], # 6450
'repeat-repeats-nested-nogl': ['clipped'], # 6522
'repeating-radial-gradient-edge-colors': ['colorflipped'],
'rounded-clip-with-huge-bounds-nogl': ['plain','flipped','rotated','repeated','masked','replayed','clipped','colorflipped'], # 6532
'big-checkerboard': ['clipped'], # 6444
'gl': {
# 6525
'container-single-child-offscreen-for-opacity': ['rotated'],
'cross-fade-in-opacity': ['rotated'],
'mask-modes-in-opacity': ['rotated'],
'opacity-overlapping-children': ['rotated'],
'scaled-texture-scale': ['rotated'],
'shadow-opacity': ['rotated'],
'texture-scale-nearest-vs-linear': ['rotated'],
foreach renderer : renderers
renderer_name = renderer.get('name')
renderer_xfails = compare_xfails.get(renderer_name, { })
foreach testname : compare_render_tests
test_xfails = renderer_xfails.get(testname, [])
exclude_term = '-no' + renderer_name
suites = [
'gsk-' + renderer_name,
'gsk-compare-' + renderer_name,
if compare_xfails_small_texture.contains(testname)
suites += 'wayland_gles2_failing'
test_env = [
'GSK_RENDERER=' + renderer_name,
if ((not testname.contains(exclude_term)) and
(renderer_name != 'broadway' or broadway_enabled) and
(renderer_name != 'vulkan' or have_vulkan))
foreach variant : variants.keys()
extra_suites = [ 'gsk-compare-' + variant + '-' + renderer_name ]
if test_xfails.contains(variant) or (renderer_name == 'cairo' and variant == 'clipped')
extra_suites += ['failing']
test('compare ' + renderer_name + ' ' + testname + ' ' + variant, compare_render,
args: [
'--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer_name),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', testname + '.png'),
env: test_env,
suite: suites + extra_suites
node_parser_tests = [
# this fails in f40 since libpng changes the pngs while reencoding
foreach test : node_parser_tests
if test.endswith('.node') and not test.endswith('.ref.node')
test('parser ' + test, node_parser,
args: [
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'nodeparser', test)
env: [
protocol: 'exitcode',
suite: [ 'gsk', 'gsk-nodeparser' ]
# offload does not work outside of linux
if os_linux
offload = executable('offload', 'offload.c', 'gskrendernodeattach.c',
dependencies : libgtk_static_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
offload_tests = [
foreach test : offload_tests
if test.endswith('.node') and not test.endswith('.out')
test('offload ' + test, offload,
args: [
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'offload', test)
env: [
protocol: 'exitcode',
suite: ['gsk', 'offload'],
tests = [
[ 'normalize', [ 'normalize.c', '../reftests/reftest-compare.c' ] ],
[ 'transform' ],
[ 'shader' ],
[ 'opaque' ],
[ 'path', [ 'path-utils.c' ], [ 'flaky'] ],
[ 'path-special-cases' ],
[ 'scaling' ],
test_cargs = []
foreach t : tests
test_name = t.get(0)
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
test_extra_suites = t.get(2, [])
test_exe = executable(test_name, test_srcs,
dependencies : libgtk_dep,
c_args : test_cargs + common_cflags,
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: [ 'gsk' ] + test_extra_suites,
internal_tests = [
[ 'boundingbox'],
[ 'curve', [ ], [ 'flaky' ]],
[ 'curve-special-cases' ],
[ 'diff' ],
[ 'half-float' ],
[ 'misc'],
[ 'path-private' ],
[ 'rounded-rect'],
foreach t : internal_tests
test_name = t.get(0)
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
test_extra_suites = t.get(2, [])
test_exe = executable(test_name,
sources: test_srcs,
dependencies : libgtk_static_dep,
c_args : test_cargs + common_cflags + ['-DGTK_COMPILATION'],
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: [ 'gsk' ] + test_extra_suites,