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synced 2025-01-15 06:40:08 +00:00
Add the names of the main widgets as keywords to our demos, but also things like "game". This helps finding relevant demos in our growing list. You can now for example type "label", and find the "error states" and "links" demos showing GtkLabel features.
496 lines
14 KiB
496 lines
14 KiB
/* Sliding Puzzle
* #Keywords: GdkPaintable, GdkGesture, game
* This demo demonstrates how to use gestures and paintables to create a
* small sliding puzzle game.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
/* Include the header for the puzzle piece */
#include "puzzlepiece.h"
#include "paintable.h"
static GtkWidget *window = NULL;
static GtkWidget *frame = NULL;
static GtkWidget *choices = NULL;
static GtkWidget *size_spin = NULL;
static GdkPaintable *puzzle = NULL;
static gboolean solved = TRUE;
static guint width = 3;
static guint height = 3;
static guint pos_x;
static guint pos_y;
static gboolean
move_puzzle (GtkWidget *grid,
int dx,
int dy)
GtkWidget *pos, *next;
GdkPaintable *piece;
guint next_x, next_y;
/* We don't move anything if the puzzle is solved */
if (solved)
return FALSE;
/* Return FALSE if we can't move to where the call
* wants us to move.
if ((dx < 0 && pos_x < -dx) ||
dx + pos_x >= width ||
(dy < 0 && pos_y < -dy) ||
dy + pos_y >= height)
return FALSE;
/* Compute the new position */
next_x = pos_x + dx;
next_y = pos_y + dy;
/* Get the current and next image */
pos = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), pos_x, pos_y);
next = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), next_x, next_y);
/* Move the displayed piece. */
piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (next));
gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (pos), piece);
gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (next), NULL);
/* Update the current position */
pos_x = next_x;
pos_y = next_y;
/* Return TRUE because we successfully moved the piece */
return TRUE;
static void
shuffle_puzzle (GtkWidget *grid)
guint i, n_steps;
/* Do this many random moves */
n_steps = width * height * 50;
for (i = 0; i < n_steps; i++)
/* Get a random number for the direction to move in */
switch (g_random_int_range (0, 4))
case 0:
/* left */
move_puzzle (grid, -1, 0);
case 1:
/* up */
move_puzzle (grid, 0, -1);
case 2:
/* right */
move_puzzle (grid, 1, 0);
case 3:
/* down */
move_puzzle (grid, 0, 1);
g_assert_not_reached ();
static gboolean
check_solved (GtkWidget *grid)
GtkWidget *picture;
GdkPaintable *piece;
guint x, y;
/* Nothing to check if the puzzle is already solved */
if (solved)
return TRUE;
/* If the empty cell isn't in the bottom right,
* the puzzle is obviously not solved */
if (pos_x != width - 1 ||
pos_y != height - 1)
return FALSE;
/* Check that all pieces are in the right position */
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), x, y);
piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture));
/* empty cell */
if (piece == NULL)
if (gtk_puzzle_piece_get_x (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)) != x ||
gtk_puzzle_piece_get_y (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)) != y)
return FALSE;
/* We solved the puzzle!
solved = TRUE;
/* Fill the empty cell to show that we're done.
picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), 0, 0);
piece = gtk_picture_get_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture));
piece = gtk_puzzle_piece_new (gtk_puzzle_piece_get_puzzle (GTK_PUZZLE_PIECE (piece)),
pos_x, pos_y,
width, height);
picture = gtk_grid_get_child_at (GTK_GRID (grid), pos_x, pos_y);
gtk_picture_set_paintable (GTK_PICTURE (picture), piece);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
puzzle_key_pressed (GtkWidget *grid,
GVariant *args,
gpointer unused)
int dx, dy;
g_variant_get (args, "(ii)", &dx, &dy);
if (!move_puzzle (grid, dx, dy))
/* Make the error sound and then return TRUE.
* We handled this key, even though we didn't
* do anything to the puzzle.
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
return TRUE;
check_solved (grid);
return TRUE;
static void
puzzle_button_pressed (GtkGestureClick *gesture,
int n_press,
double x,
double y,
GtkWidget *grid)
GtkWidget *child;
int l, t, i;
int pos;
child = gtk_widget_pick (grid, x, y, GTK_PICK_DEFAULT);
if (!child)
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
gtk_grid_query_child (GTK_GRID (grid), child, &l, &t, NULL, NULL);
if (l == pos_x && t == pos_y)
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
else if (l == pos_x)
pos = pos_y;
for (i = t; i < pos; i++)
if (!move_puzzle (grid, 0, -1))
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
for (i = pos; i < t; i++)
if (!move_puzzle (grid, 0, 1))
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
else if (t == pos_y)
pos = pos_x;
for (i = l; i < pos; i++)
if (!move_puzzle (grid, -1, 0))
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
for (i = pos; i < l; i++)
if (!move_puzzle (grid, 1, 0))
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
gtk_widget_error_bell (grid);
check_solved (grid);
static void
add_move_binding (GtkShortcutController *controller,
guint keyval,
guint kp_keyval,
int dx,
int dy)
GtkShortcut *shortcut;
shortcut = gtk_shortcut_new_with_arguments (
gtk_alternative_trigger_new (gtk_keyval_trigger_new (keyval, 0),
gtk_keyval_trigger_new (kp_keyval, 0)),
gtk_callback_action_new (puzzle_key_pressed, NULL, NULL),
"(ii)", dx, dy);
gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut (controller, shortcut);
static void
start_puzzle (GdkPaintable *paintable)
GtkWidget *picture, *grid;
GtkEventController *controller;
guint x, y;
float aspect_ratio;
/* Create a new grid */
grid = gtk_grid_new ();
gtk_widget_set_focusable (grid, TRUE);
gtk_aspect_frame_set_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), grid);
aspect_ratio = gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (paintable);
if (aspect_ratio == 0.0)
aspect_ratio = 1.0;
gtk_aspect_frame_set_ratio (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), aspect_ratio);
gtk_aspect_frame_set_obey_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame), FALSE);
/* Add shortcuts so people can use the arrow
* keys to move the puzzle */
controller = gtk_shortcut_controller_new ();
gtk_shortcut_controller_set_scope (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller),
add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller),
-1, 0);
add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller),
GDK_KEY_Right, GDK_KEY_KP_Right,
1, 0);
add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller),
0, -1);
add_move_binding (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller),
0, 1);
gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (grid), controller);
controller = GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER (gtk_gesture_click_new ());
g_signal_connect (controller, "pressed",
G_CALLBACK (puzzle_button_pressed),
gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (grid), controller);
/* Make sure the cells have equal size */
gtk_grid_set_row_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE);
gtk_grid_set_column_homogeneous (GTK_GRID (grid), TRUE);
/* Reset the variables */
solved = FALSE;
pos_x = width - 1;
pos_y = height - 1;
/* add a picture for every cell */
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
GdkPaintable *piece;
/* Don't paint anything for the lsiding part of the video */
if (x == pos_x && y == pos_y)
piece = NULL;
piece = gtk_puzzle_piece_new (paintable,
x, y,
width, height);
picture = gtk_picture_new_for_paintable (piece);
gtk_picture_set_keep_aspect_ratio (GTK_PICTURE (picture), FALSE);
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid),
x, y,
1, 1);
shuffle_puzzle (grid);
static void
reshuffle (void)
GtkWidget *grid;
if (solved)
start_puzzle (puzzle);
grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame));
grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame));
shuffle_puzzle (grid);
gtk_widget_grab_focus (grid);
static void
reconfigure (void)
GtkWidget *popover;
GtkWidget *grid;
GtkWidget *child;
GtkWidget *image;
GList *selected;
width = height = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (size_spin));
selected = gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children (GTK_FLOW_BOX (choices));
if (selected == NULL)
child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (choices);
child = selected->data;
g_list_free (selected);
image = gtk_flow_box_child_get_child (GTK_FLOW_BOX_CHILD (child));
puzzle = gtk_image_get_paintable (GTK_IMAGE (image));
start_puzzle (puzzle);
popover = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (size_spin, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER);
gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (popover));
grid = gtk_aspect_frame_get_child (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (frame));
gtk_widget_grab_focus (grid);
static void
add_choice (GtkWidget *container,
GdkPaintable *paintable)
GtkWidget *icon;
icon = gtk_image_new_from_paintable (paintable);
gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (icon), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE);
gtk_flow_box_insert (GTK_FLOW_BOX (container), icon, -1);
static void
widget_destroyed (gpointer data,
GObject *widget)
if (data)
*(gpointer *) data = NULL;
GtkWidget *
do_sliding_puzzle (GtkWidget *do_widget)
if (!window)
GtkWidget *header;
GtkWidget *restart;
GtkWidget *tweak;
GtkWidget *popover;
GtkWidget *tweaks;
GtkWidget *apply;
GtkWidget *label;
GtkWidget *sw;
GtkMediaStream *media;
puzzle = GDK_PAINTABLE (gdk_texture_new_from_resource ("/sliding_puzzle/portland-rose.jpg"));
tweaks = gtk_grid_new ();
gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (tweaks), 10);
gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (tweaks), 10);
gtk_widget_set_margin_start (tweaks, 10);
gtk_widget_set_margin_end (tweaks, 10);
gtk_widget_set_margin_top (tweaks, 10);
gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (tweaks, 10);
choices = gtk_flow_box_new ();
gtk_widget_add_css_class (choices, "view");
add_choice (choices, puzzle);
add_choice (choices, gtk_nuclear_animation_new (TRUE));
media = gtk_media_file_new_for_resource ("/images/gtk-logo.webm");
gtk_media_stream_set_loop (media, TRUE);
gtk_media_stream_set_muted (media, TRUE);
gtk_media_stream_play (media);
add_choice (choices, GDK_PAINTABLE (media));
sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new ();
gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), choices);
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), sw, 0, 0, 2, 1);
label = gtk_label_new ("Size");
gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0);
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), label, 0, 1, 1, 1);
size_spin = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (2, 10, 1);
gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (size_spin), width);
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), size_spin, 1, 1, 1, 1);
apply = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Apply");
gtk_widget_set_halign (apply, GTK_ALIGN_END);
gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (tweaks), apply, 1, 2, 1, 1);
g_signal_connect (apply, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (reconfigure), NULL);
popover = gtk_popover_new ();
gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover), tweaks);
tweak = gtk_menu_button_new ();
gtk_menu_button_set_popover (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (tweak), popover);
gtk_menu_button_set_icon_name (GTK_MENU_BUTTON (tweak), "emblem-system-symbolic");
restart = gtk_button_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh-symbolic");
g_signal_connect (restart, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (reshuffle), NULL);
header = gtk_header_bar_new ();
gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), restart);
gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), tweak);
window = gtk_window_new ();
gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window),
gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget));
gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Sliding Puzzle");
gtk_window_set_titlebar (GTK_WINDOW (window), header);
gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 300);
g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (window), widget_destroyed, &window);
frame = gtk_aspect_frame_new (0.5, 0.5, (float) gdk_paintable_get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio (puzzle), FALSE);
gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), frame);
start_puzzle (puzzle);
if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window))
gtk_widget_show (window);
gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window));
return window;