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synced 2025-01-14 14:20:21 +00:00
This adds a small demo of using OpenGL shaders, it renders a quad over the entire widget with a custom fragment shader. The coordinates and the uniform names are compatible with the ones on shadertoy.com (although some features, like texture inputs are missing currently). The default shader in the demo is https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wsjBD3 which is CC0, so it is redistributable by Gtk+ (most other shaders are CC-BY-NC-SA which isn't obviously compatible). I also added a set of buttons loading a few other CC0 shaders I found.
225 lines
5.2 KiB
225 lines
5.2 KiB
// Originally from: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3ljyDD
// License CC0: Hexagonal tiling + cog wheels
// Nothing fancy, just hexagonal tiling + cog wheels
#define PI 3.141592654
#define TAU (2.0*PI)
#define MROT(a) mat2(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a))
float hash(in vec2 co) {
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,58.233))) * 13758.5453);
float pcos(float a) {
return 0.5 + 0.5*cos(a);
void rot(inout vec2 p, float a) {
float c = cos(a);
float s = sin(a);
p = vec2(c*p.x + s*p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.y);
float modPolar(inout vec2 p, float repetitions) {
float angle = 2.0*PI/repetitions;
float a = atan(p.y, p.x) + angle/2.;
float r = length(p);
float c = floor(a/angle);
a = mod(a,angle) - angle/2.;
p = vec2(cos(a), sin(a))*r;
// For an odd number of repetitions, fix cell index of the cell in -x direction
// (cell index would be e.g. -5 and 5 in the two halves of the cell):
if (abs(c) >= (repetitions/2.0)) c = abs(c);
return c;
float pmin(float a, float b, float k) {
float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h);
const vec2 sz = vec2(1.0, sqrt(3.0));
const vec2 hsz = 0.5*sz;
const float smallCount = 16.0;
vec2 hextile(inout vec2 p) {
// See Art of Code: Hexagonal Tiling Explained!
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrIDyYiJBA
vec2 p1 = mod(p, sz)-hsz;
vec2 p2 = mod(p - hsz*1.0, sz)-hsz;
vec2 p3 = mix(p2, p1, vec2(length(p1) < length(p2)));
vec2 n = p3 - p;
p = p3;
return n;
float circle(vec2 p, float r) {
return length(p) - r;
float box(vec2 p, vec2 b) {
vec2 d = abs(p)-b;
return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0);
float unevenCapsule(vec2 p, float r1, float r2, float h) {
p.x = abs(p.x);
float b = (r1-r2)/h;
float a = sqrt(1.0-b*b);
float k = dot(p,vec2(-b,a));
if( k < 0.0 ) return length(p) - r1;
if( k > a*h ) return length(p-vec2(0.0,h)) - r2;
return dot(p, vec2(a,b) ) - r1;
float cogwheel(vec2 p, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float cogs, float holes) {
float cogWidth = 0.25*innerRadius*TAU/cogs;
float d0 = circle(p, innerRadius);
vec2 icp = p;
modPolar(icp, holes);
icp -= vec2(innerRadius*0.55, 0.0);
float d1 = circle(icp, innerRadius*0.25);
vec2 cp = p;
modPolar(cp, cogs);
cp -= vec2(innerRadius, 0.0);
float d2 = unevenCapsule(cp.yx, cogWidth, cogWidth*0.75, (outerRadius-innerRadius));
float d3 = circle(p, innerRadius*0.20);
float d = 1E6;
d = min(d, d0);
d = pmin(d, d2, 0.5*cogWidth);
d = min(d, d2);
d = max(d, -d1);
d = max(d, -d3);
return d;
float ccell1(vec2 p, float r) {
float d = 1E6;
const float bigCount = 60.0;
vec2 cp0 = p;
rot(cp0, -iTime*TAU/bigCount);
float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.36, 0.38, bigCount, 5.0);
vec2 cp1 = p;
float nm = modPolar(cp1, 6.0);
cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0);
rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount);
float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0);
d = min(d, d0);
d = min(d, d1);
return d;
float ccell2(vec2 p, float r) {
float d = 1E6;
vec2 cp0 = p;
float nm = modPolar(cp0, 6.0);
vec2 cp1 = cp0;
const float off = 0.275;
const float count = smallCount + 2.0;
cp0 -= vec2(off, 0.0);
rot(cp0, 0.+TAU*nm/2.0 - iTime*TAU/count);
float d0 = cogwheel(cp0, 0.09, 0.105, count, 5.0);
cp1 -= vec2(0.5, 0.0);
rot(cp1, 0.2+TAU*nm/2.0 + iTime*TAU/smallCount);
float d1 = cogwheel(cp1, 0.11, 0.125, smallCount, 5.0);
float l = length(p);
float d2 = l - (off+0.055);
float d3 = d2 + 0.020;;
vec2 tp0 = p;
modPolar(tp0, 60.0);
tp0.x -= off;
float d4 = box(tp0, vec2(0.0125, 0.005));
float ctime = -(iTime*0.05 + r)*TAU;
vec2 tp1 = p;
rot(tp1, ctime*12.0);
tp1.x -= 0.13;
float d5 = box(tp1, vec2(0.125, 0.005));
vec2 tp2 = p;
rot(tp2, ctime);
tp2.x -= 0.13*0.5;
float d6 = box(tp2, vec2(0.125*0.5, 0.0075));
float d7 = l - 0.025;
float d8 = l - 0.0125;
d = min(d, d0);
d = min(d, d1);
d = min(d, d2);
d = max(d, -d3);
d = min(d, d4);
d = min(d, d5);
d = min(d, d6);
d = min(d, d7);
d = max(d, -d8);
return d;
float df(vec2 p, float scale, inout vec2 nn) {
p /= scale;
nn = hextile(p);
nn = round(nn);
float r = hash(nn);
float d;;
if (r < 0.5) {
d = ccell1(p, r);
} else {
d = ccell2(p, r);
return d*scale;
vec3 postProcess(vec3 col, vec2 q) {
//col = saturate(col);
col=col*0.6+0.4*col*col*(3.0-2.0*col); // contrast
col=mix(col, vec3(dot(col, vec3(0.33))), -0.4); // satuation
col*=0.5+0.5*pow(19.0*q.x*q.y*(1.0-q.x)*(1.0-q.y),0.7); // vigneting
return col;
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord) {
vec2 q = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0*q;
p.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y;
float tm = iTime*0.1;
p += vec2(cos(tm), sin(tm*sqrt(0.5)));
float z = mix(0.5, 1.0, pcos(tm*sqrt(0.3)));
float aa = 4.0 / iResolution.y;
vec2 nn = vec2(0.0);
float d = df(p, z, nn);
vec3 col = vec3(160.0)/vec3(255.0);
vec3 baseCol = vec3(0.3);
vec4 logoCol = vec4(baseCol, 1.0)*smoothstep(-aa, 0.0, -d);
col = mix(col, logoCol.xyz, pow(logoCol.w, 8.0));
col += 0.4*pow(abs(sin(20.0*d)), 0.6);
col = postProcess(col, q);
fragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);