
348 lines
8.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "config.h"
#include "gskvulkanglyphcacheprivate.h"
#include "gskvulkanimageprivate.h"
#include "gskdebugprivate.h"
#include "gskprivate.h"
#include <graphene.h>
typedef struct {
cairo_surface_t *surface;
GskVulkanImage *image;
int width, height;
int x, y, y0;
int num_glyphs;
GList *dirty_glyphs;
} Atlas;
struct _GskVulkanGlyphCache {
GObject parent_instance;
GdkVulkanContext *vulkan;
GHashTable *hash_table;
GPtrArray *atlases;
struct _GskVulkanGlyphCacheClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GskVulkanGlyphCache, gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
static guint glyph_cache_hash (gconstpointer v);
static gboolean glyph_cache_equal (gconstpointer v1,
gconstpointer v2);
static void glyph_cache_key_free (gpointer v);
static void glyph_cache_value_free (gpointer v);
static Atlas *
create_atlas (GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache)
Atlas *atlas;
atlas = g_new (Atlas, 1);
atlas->width = 512;
atlas->height = 512;
atlas->y0 = 1;
atlas->y = 1;
atlas->x = 1;
atlas->image = NULL;
atlas->num_glyphs = 0;
atlas->dirty_glyphs = NULL;
return atlas;
static void
free_atlas (gpointer v)
Atlas *atlas = v;
if (atlas->surface)
cairo_surface_destroy (atlas->surface);
g_clear_object (&atlas->image);
g_list_free_full (atlas->dirty_glyphs, g_free);
g_free (atlas);
static void
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_init (GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache)
cache->hash_table = g_hash_table_new_full (glyph_cache_hash, glyph_cache_equal,
glyph_cache_key_free, glyph_cache_value_free);
cache->atlases = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (free_atlas);
static void
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_finalize (GObject *object)
GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache = GSK_VULKAN_GLYPH_CACHE (object);
g_ptr_array_unref (cache->atlases);
g_hash_table_unref (cache->hash_table);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_class_init (GskVulkanGlyphCacheClass *klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->finalize = gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_finalize;
typedef struct {
PangoFont *font;
PangoGlyph glyph;
} GlyphCacheKey;
static gboolean
glyph_cache_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2)
const GlyphCacheKey *key1 = v1;
const GlyphCacheKey *key2 = v2;
return key1->font == key2->font &&
key1->glyph == key2->glyph;
static guint
glyph_cache_hash (gconstpointer v)
const GlyphCacheKey *key = v;
return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (key->font) ^ key->glyph;
static void
glyph_cache_key_free (gpointer v)
GlyphCacheKey *f = v;
g_object_unref (f->font);
g_free (f);
static void
glyph_cache_value_free (gpointer v)
g_free (v);
typedef struct {
GlyphCacheKey *key;
GskVulkanCachedGlyph *value;
} DirtyGlyph;
static void
add_to_cache (GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache,
GlyphCacheKey *key,
GskVulkanCachedGlyph *value)
Atlas *atlas;
int i;
DirtyGlyph *dirty;
for (i = 0; i < cache->atlases->len; i++)
int x, y, y0;
atlas = g_ptr_array_index (cache->atlases, i);
x = atlas->x;
y = atlas->y;
y0 = atlas->y0;
if (atlas->x + value->draw_width + 1 >= atlas->width)
/* start a new row */
y0 = y + 1;
x = 1;
if (y0 + value->draw_height + 1 >= atlas->height)
atlas->y0 = y0;
atlas->x = x;
atlas->y = y;
if (i == cache->atlases->len)
atlas = create_atlas (cache);
g_ptr_array_add (cache->atlases, atlas);
value->tx = (float)atlas->x / atlas->width;
value->ty = (float)atlas->y0 / atlas->height;
value->tw = (float)value->draw_width / atlas->width;
value->th = (float)value->draw_height / atlas->height;
value->texture_index = i;
dirty = g_new (DirtyGlyph, 1);
dirty->key = key;
dirty->value = value;
atlas->dirty_glyphs = g_list_prepend (atlas->dirty_glyphs, dirty);
atlas->x = atlas->x + value->draw_width + 1;
atlas->y = MAX (atlas->y, atlas->y0 + value->draw_height + 1);
g_print ("Glyph cache:\n");
for (i = 0; i < cache->atlases->len; i++)
atlas = g_ptr_array_index (cache->atlases, i);
g_print ("\tAtlas %d (%dx%d): %d glyphs (%d dirty), filled to %d, %d / %d\n",
i, atlas->width, atlas->height,
atlas->num_glyphs, g_list_length (atlas->dirty_glyphs),
atlas->x, atlas->y0, atlas->y);
static void
upload_glyph (Atlas *atlas,
GskVulkanUploader *uploader,
GlyphCacheKey *key,
GskVulkanCachedGlyph *value)
cairo_surface_t *surface;
cairo_t *cr;
cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
cairo_glyph_t cg;
surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
cr = cairo_create (surface);
scaled_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font ((PangoCairoFont *)key->font);
if (G_UNLIKELY (!scaled_font || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
cairo_set_scaled_font (cr, scaled_font);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 1, 1, 1);
cg.index = key->glyph;
cg.x = - value->draw_x;
cg.y = - value->draw_y;
cairo_show_glyphs (cr, &cg, 1);
cairo_destroy (cr);
gsk_vulkan_image_upload_region (atlas->image,
cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface),
(gsize)(value->tx * atlas->width),
(gsize)(value->ty * atlas->height));
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
GskVulkanGlyphCache *
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_new (GdkVulkanContext *vulkan)
GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache;
cache->vulkan = vulkan;
g_ptr_array_add (cache->atlases, create_atlas (cache));
return cache;
GskVulkanCachedGlyph *
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_lookup (GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache,
gboolean create,
PangoFont *font,
PangoGlyph glyph)
GlyphCacheKey lookup_key;
GskVulkanCachedGlyph *value;
lookup_key.font = font;
lookup_key.glyph = glyph;
value = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->hash_table, &lookup_key);
if (create && value == NULL)
GlyphCacheKey *key;
PangoRectangle ink_rect;
key = g_new (GlyphCacheKey, 1);
value = g_new0 (GskVulkanCachedGlyph, 1);
pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyph, &ink_rect, NULL);
pango_extents_to_pixels (&ink_rect, NULL);
value->draw_x = ink_rect.x;
value->draw_y = ink_rect.y;
value->draw_width = ink_rect.width;
value->draw_height = ink_rect.height;
key->font = g_object_ref (font);
key->glyph = glyph;
if (ink_rect.width > 0 && ink_rect.height > 0)
add_to_cache (cache, key, value);
g_hash_table_insert (cache->hash_table, key, value);
return value;
GskVulkanImage *
gsk_vulkan_glyph_cache_get_glyph_image (GskVulkanGlyphCache *cache,
GskVulkanUploader *uploader,
guint index)
Atlas *atlas;
GList *l;
g_return_val_if_fail (index < cache->atlases->len, NULL);
atlas = g_ptr_array_index (cache->atlases, index);
if (atlas->image == NULL)
cairo_surface_t *surface;
/* FIXME: create the image without uploading data pointlessly */
surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, atlas->width, atlas->height);
atlas->image = gsk_vulkan_image_new_from_data (uploader,
cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface),
cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface));
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
for (l = atlas->dirty_glyphs; l; l = l->next)
DirtyGlyph *glyph = l->data;
upload_glyph (atlas, uploader, glyph->key, glyph->value);
g_list_free_full (atlas->dirty_glyphs, g_free);
atlas->dirty_glyphs = NULL;
return atlas->image;