testheightforwidth: Remove "vertical labels" test

This was testing lables with the angle property set, which doesn't exist
This commit is contained in:
Timm Bäder 2018-01-09 08:23:36 +01:00
parent 31974e02ca
commit 04ade9483b

View File

@ -297,130 +297,6 @@ static TestInterface interfaces[] = {
"Vertical Labels",
"Demonstrates how a horizontal box will consider width-for-height when allocating children "
"even if the toplevel window is requested as height-for-width.",
" <requires lib=\"gtk+\" version=\"3.22\"/>"
" <!-- interface-naming-policy project-wide -->"
" <object class=\"GtkWindow\" id=\"window\">"
" <property name=\"default_width\">400</property>"
" <property name=\"default_height\">300</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkPaned\" id=\"vpaned1\">"
" <property name=\"orientation\">vertical</property>"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"can_focus\">True</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkBox\" id=\"hbox1\">"
" <property name=\"orientation\">horizontal</property>"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkLabel\" id=\"label1\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">Some long width-for-height text that wraps</property>"
" <property name=\"justify\">center</property>"
" <property name=\"wrap\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"width_chars\">10</property>"
" <property name=\"angle\">90</property>"
" <attributes>"
" <attribute name=\"weight\" value=\"bold\"/>"
" <attribute name=\"foreground\" value=\"#03e307ddfb5f\"/>"
" </attributes>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"position\">0</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkFrame\" id=\"frame1\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label_xalign\">0</property>"
" <property name=\"shadow_type\">out</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkLabel\" id=\"label5\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">Neither of the panes are\n"
"set to shrink.</property>"
" <property name=\"justify\">center</property>"
" <attributes>"
" <attribute name=\"foreground\" value=\"#ffff00000000\"/>"
" </attributes>"
" </object>"
" </child>"
" <child type=\"label_item\">"
" <placeholder/>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"position\">1</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"resize\">False</property>"
" <property name=\"shrink\">False</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkBox\" id=\"hbox2\">"
" <property name=\"orientation\">horizontal</property>"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkFrame\" id=\"frame2\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label_xalign\">0</property>"
" <property name=\"shadow_type\">out</property>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkLabel\" id=\"label4\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">The interface is allocated as height\n"
"for width, but the horizontal boxes\n"
"allocate in width for height mode.</property>"
" <attributes>"
" <attribute name=\"foreground\" value=\"#000097970808\"/>"
" </attributes>"
" </object>"
" </child>"
" <child type=\"label_item\">"
" <placeholder/>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"position\">0</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" <child>"
" <object class=\"GtkLabel\" id=\"label3\">"
" <property name=\"visible\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"label\" translatable=\"yes\">Some long width-for-height text that wraps</property>"
" <property name=\"justify\">center</property>"
" <property name=\"wrap\">True</property>"
" <property name=\"width_chars\">10</property>"
" <property name=\"angle\">270</property>"
" <attributes>"
" <attribute name=\"weight\" value=\"bold\"/>"
" <attribute name=\"foreground\" value=\"#03e307ddfb5f\"/>"
" </attributes>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"position\">1</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
" <packing>"
" <property name=\"resize\">False</property>"
" <property name=\"shrink\">False</property>"
" </packing>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
" </child>"
" </object>"
"Label Parameters",
"This test demonstrates how \"width-chars\" and \"max-width-chars\" can be used "