GtkMenu A menu widget A #GtkMenu is a #GtkMenuShell that implements a drop down menu consisting of a list of #GtkMenuItem objects which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions. A #GtkMenu is most commonly dropped down by activating a #GtkMenuItem in a #GtkMenuBar or popped up by activating a #GtkMenuItem in another #GtkMenu. A #GtkMenu can also be popped up by activating a #GtkOptionMenu. Other composite widgets such as the #GtkNotebook can pop up a #GtkMenu as well. Applications can display a #GtkMenu as a popup menu by calling the gtk_menu_popup() function. The example below shows how an application can pop up a menu when the 3rd mouse button is pressed. Connecting the popup signal handler. /* connect our handler which will popup the menu */ g_signal_connect_swapped (window, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK (my_popup_handler), menu); Signal handler which displays a popup menu. static gint my_popup_handler (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event) { GtkMenu *menu; GdkEventButton *event_button; g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MENU (widget), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE); /* The "widget" is the menu that was supplied when * g_signal_connect_swapped() was called. */ menu = GTK_MENU (widget); if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { event_button = (GdkEventButton *) event; if (event_button->button == 3) { gtk_menu_popup (menu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, event_button->button, event_button->time); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } The #GtkMenu struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below. @menu: the object which received the signal. @arg1: Creates a new #GtkMenu. @Returns: a new #GtkMenu. @menu: @screen: Adds a new #GtkMenuItem to the end of the menu's item list. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @child: The #GtkMenuItem to add. @Deprecated: Use gtk_menu_shell_append() instead. Adds a new #GtkMenuItem to the beginning of the menu's item list. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @child: The #GtkMenuItem to add. @Deprecated: Use gtk_menu_shell_prepend() instead. Adds a new #GtkMenuItem to the menu's item list at the position indicated by @position. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @child: The #GtkMenuItem to add. @pos: The position in the item list where @child is added. Positions are numbered from 0 to n-1. @Deprecated: Use gtk_menu_shell_insert() instead. Moves a #GtkMenuItem to a new position within the #GtkMenu. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @child: the #GtkMenuItem to move. @position: the new position to place @child. Positions are numbered from 0 to n-1. @menu: @child: @left_attach: @right_attach: @top_attach: @bottom_attach: @menu: @parent_menu_shell: @parent_menu_item: @func: @data: @button: @activate_time: Set the #GtkAccelGroup which holds global accelerators for the menu. This accelerator group needs to also be added to all windows that this menu is being used in with gtk_window_add_accel_group(), in order for those windows to support all the accelerators contained in this group. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @accel_group: the #GtkAccelGroup to be associated with the menu. Gets the #GtkAccelGroup which holds global accelerators for the menu. See gtk_menu_set_accel_group(). @menu: a #GtkMenu. @Returns: the #GtkAccelGroup associated with the menu. @menu: @accel_path: @menu: @Returns: @menu: @title: @menu: @Returns: @menu: @monitor_num: @menu: @Returns: @menu: @Returns: Removes the menu from the screen. @menu: a #GtkMenu. Repositions the menu according to its position function. @menu: a #GtkMenu. Returns the selected menu item from the menu. This is used by the #GtkOptionMenu. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @Returns: the #GtkMenuItem that was last selected in the menu. If a selection has not yet been made, the first menu item is selected. Selects the specified menu item within the menu. This is used by the #GtkOptionMenu and should not be used by anyone else. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @index_: the index of the menu item to select. Index values are from 0 to n-1. Changes the tearoff state of the menu. A menu is normally displayed as drop down menu which persists as long as the menu is active. It can also be displayed as a tearoff menu which persists until it is closed or reattached. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @torn_off: If %TRUE, menu is displayed as a tearoff menu. Attaches the menu to the widget and provides a callback function that will be invoked when the menu calls gtk_menu_detach() during its destruction. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @attach_widget: the #GtkWidget that the menu will be attached to. @detacher: the user supplied callback function that will be called when the menu calls gtk_menu_detach(). Detaches the menu from the widget to which it had been attached. This function will call the callback function, @detacher, provided when the gtk_menu_attach_to_widget() function was called. @menu: a #GtkMenu. Returns the #GtkWidget that the menu is attached to. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @Returns: the #GtkWidget that the menu is attached to. @widget: @Returns: A user function supplied when calling gtk_menu_popup() which controls the positioning of the menu when it is displayed. The function sets the @x and @y parameters to the coordinates where the menu is to be drawn. @menu: a #GtkMenu. @x: address of the #gint representing the horizontal position where the menu shall be drawn. This is an output parameter. @y: address of the #gint representing the vertical position where the menu shall be drawn. This is an output parameter. @push_in: This parameter controls how menus placed outside the monitor are handled. If this is set to TRUE and part of the menu is outside the monitor then GTK+ pushes the window into the visible area, effectively modifying the popup position. Note that moving and possibly resizing the menu around will alter the scroll position to keep the menu items "in place", i.e. at the same monitor position they would have been without resizing. In practice, this behavior is only useful for combobox popups or option menus and cannot be used to simply confine a menu to monitor boundaries. In that case, changing the scroll offset is not desirable. To simply constrain the menu within the monitor, get its size with gtk_widget_size_request() before showing it, and alter the coordinates passed to gtk_menu_popup() accordingly. @user_data: the data supplied by the user in the gtk_menu_popup() @data parameter. A user function supplied when calling gtk_menu_attach_to_widget() which will be called when the menu is later detached from the widget. @attach_widget: the #GtkWidget that the menu is being detached from. @menu: the #GtkMenu being detached.