GTK+ — The GTK toolkit ====================== General information ------------------- GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off projects to complete application suites. GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the licensing terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all developers, including those developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties. The official download location - The official web site - The official developers blog - Information about mailing lists can be found at - Building and installing ----------------------- In order to build GTK+ you will need: - a C99 compatible compiler - Python 3 - [Meson]( - [Ninja]( You will also need various dependencies, based on the platform you are building for: - [GLib]( - [GdkPixbuf]( - [GObject-Introspection]( - [Cairo]( - [Pango]( - [Epoxy]( - [Graphene]( - [ATK]( - [Xkb-common]( If you are building the X11 backend, you will also need: - Xlib, and the following X extensions: - xrandr - xrender - xi - xext - xfixes (optional) - xcursor (optional) - xdamage (optional) - xcomposite (optional) - [atk-bridge-2.0]( If you are building the Wayland backend, you will also need: - Wayland-client - Wayland-protocols - Wayland-cursor - Wayland-EGL Once you have all the necessary dependencies, you can build GTK+ by using Meson: ```sh $ meson _build . $ cd _build $ ninja ``` You can run the test suite using: ```sh $ meson test ``` And, finally, you can install GTK+ using: ``` $ sudo ninja install ``` Complete information about installing GTK+ and related libraries can be found in the file: ``` docs/reference/gtk/html/gtk-building.html ``` Or [online]( How to report bugs ------------------ Bugs should be reported to the GNOME [bug tracking system]( You will need an account for yourself. In the bug report please include: * Information about your system. For instance: - which version of GTK+ you are using - what operating system and version - for Linux, which distribution - if you built GTK+, the list of options used to configure the build And anything else you think is relevant. * How to reproduce the bug. If you can reproduce it with one of the test programs that are built in the tests/ subdirectory, that will be most convenient. Otherwise, please include a short test program that exhibits the behavior. As a last resort, you can also provide a pointer to a larger piece of software that can be downloaded. * If the bug was a crash, the exact text that was printed out when the crash occurred. * Further information such as stack traces may be useful, but is not necessary. Contributing ------------ Patches should also be submitted to the bug tracking system. If the patch fixes an existing bug, add the patch as an attachment to that bug report; otherwise, enter a new bug report that describes the patch, and attach the patch to that bug report. Patches should be in Git-formatted form. You should use `git format-patch` to generate them. We recommend using [git-bz]( For more information on the recommended workflow, please read [this wiki page]( Please, follow the `CODING_STYLE` document in order to conform to GTK+'s coding style when submitting a code contribution. Release notes ------------- The release notes for GTK+ are part of the migration guide in the API reference. See: - [3.x release notes]( - [4.x release notes]( Licensing terms --------------- GTK+ is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation. Please, see the `COPYING` file for further information.