/* * Copyright © 2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: Benjamin Otte */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkcssimagelinearprivate.h" #include #include "gtkcsscolorvalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcssnumbervalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcsscolorvalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcssprovider.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkCssImageLinear, _gtk_css_image_linear, GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE) static void gtk_css_image_linear_get_repeating_start_end (GtkCssImageLinear *linear, double length, double *start, double *end) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop; double pos; guint i; g_assert (linear->repeating); stop = &linear->color_stops[0]; if (stop->offset == NULL) *start = 0; else *start = _gtk_css_number_value_get (stop->offset, length) / length; *end = *start; for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i++) { stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; if (stop->offset == NULL) continue; pos = _gtk_css_number_value_get (stop->offset, length) / length; *end = MAX (pos, *end); } if (stop->offset == NULL) *end = MAX (*end, 1.0); } static void gtk_css_image_linear_compute_start_point (double angle_in_degrees, double width, double height, double *out_x, double *out_y, double *out_length) { double angle, c, slope, perpendicular; double x, y, length; angle = fmod (angle_in_degrees, 360); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; if (angle == 0) { *out_x = 0; *out_y = -height; *out_length = height; return; } else if (angle == 90) { *out_x = width; *out_y = 0; *out_length = width; return; } else if (angle == 180) { *out_x = 0; *out_y = height; *out_length = height; return; } else if (angle == 270) { *out_x = -width; *out_y = 0; *out_length = width; return; } /* The tan() is confusing because the angle is clockwise * from 'to top' */ perpendicular = tan (angle * G_PI / 180); slope = -1 / perpendicular; if (angle > 180) width = - width; if (angle < 90 || angle > 270) height = - height; /* Compute c (of y = mx + c) of perpendicular */ c = height - perpendicular * width; x = c / (slope - perpendicular); y = perpendicular * x + c; length = sqrt (x * x + y * y); *out_x = x; *out_y = y; *out_length = length; } static void gtk_css_image_linear_snapshot (GtkCssImage *image, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, double width, double height) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (image); GskColorStop *stops; double angle; /* actual angle of the gradiant line in degrees */ double x, y; /* coordinates of start point */ double length; /* distance in pixels for 100% */ double start, end; /* position of first/last point on gradient line - with gradient line being [0, 1] */ double offset; int i, last; if (linear->side) { /* special casing the regular cases here so we don't get rounding errors */ switch (linear->side) { case 1 << GTK_CSS_RIGHT: angle = 90; break; case 1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT: angle = 270; break; case 1 << GTK_CSS_TOP: angle = 0; break; case 1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM: angle = 180; break; default: angle = atan2 (linear->side & 1 << GTK_CSS_TOP ? -width : width, linear->side & 1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT ? -height : height); angle = 180 * angle / G_PI + 90; break; } } else { angle = _gtk_css_number_value_get (linear->angle, 100); } gtk_css_image_linear_compute_start_point (angle, width, height, &x, &y, &length); if (linear->repeating) { gtk_css_image_linear_get_repeating_start_end (linear, length, &start, &end); if (start == end) { /* repeating gradients with all color stops sharing the same offset * get the color of the last color stop */ const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[linear->n_stops - 1]; gtk_snapshot_append_color (snapshot, gtk_css_color_value_get_rgba (stop->color), &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height)); return; } } else { start = 0; end = 1; } offset = start; last = -1; stops = g_newa (GskColorStop, linear->n_stops); for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; double pos, step; if (stop->offset == NULL) { if (i == 0) pos = 0.0; else if (i + 1 == linear->n_stops) pos = 1.0; else continue; } else { pos = _gtk_css_number_value_get (stop->offset, length) / length; pos = CLAMP (pos, 0.0, 1.0); } pos = MAX (pos, offset); step = (pos - offset) / (i - last); for (last = last + 1; last <= i; last++) { stop = &linear->color_stops[last]; offset += step; stops[last].offset = (offset - start) / (end - start); stops[last].color = *gtk_css_color_value_get_rgba (stop->color); } offset = pos; last = i; } if (linear->repeating) { gtk_snapshot_append_repeating_linear_gradient ( snapshot, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width / 2 + x * (start - 0.5), height / 2 + y * (start - 0.5)), &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width / 2 + x * (end - 0.5), height / 2 + y * (end - 0.5)), stops, linear->n_stops); } else { gtk_snapshot_append_linear_gradient ( snapshot, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width / 2 + x * (start - 0.5), height / 2 + y * (start - 0.5)), &GRAPHENE_POINT_INIT (width / 2 + x * (end - 0.5), height / 2 + y * (end - 0.5)), stops, linear->n_stops); } } static guint gtk_css_image_linear_parse_color_stop (GtkCssImageLinear *self, GtkCssParser *parser, GArray *stop_array) { GtkCssImageLinearColorStop stop; stop.color = _gtk_css_color_value_parse (parser); if (stop.color == NULL) return 0; if (gtk_css_number_value_can_parse (parser)) { stop.offset = _gtk_css_number_value_parse (parser, GTK_CSS_PARSE_PERCENT | GTK_CSS_PARSE_LENGTH); if (stop.offset == NULL) { _gtk_css_value_unref (stop.color); return 0; } } else { stop.offset = NULL; } g_array_append_val (stop_array, stop); return 1; } static guint gtk_css_image_linear_parse_first_arg (GtkCssImageLinear *linear, GtkCssParser *parser, GArray *stop_array) { guint i; if (gtk_css_parser_try_ident (parser, "to")) { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (gtk_css_parser_try_ident (parser, "left")) { if (linear->side & ((1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT) | (1 << GTK_CSS_RIGHT))) { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Expected 'top', 'bottom' or comma"); return 0; } linear->side |= (1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT); } else if (gtk_css_parser_try_ident (parser, "right")) { if (linear->side & ((1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT) | (1 << GTK_CSS_RIGHT))) { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Expected 'top', 'bottom' or comma"); return 0; } linear->side |= (1 << GTK_CSS_RIGHT); } else if (gtk_css_parser_try_ident (parser, "top")) { if (linear->side & ((1 << GTK_CSS_TOP) | (1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM))) { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Expected 'left', 'right' or comma"); return 0; } linear->side |= (1 << GTK_CSS_TOP); } else if (gtk_css_parser_try_ident (parser, "bottom")) { if (linear->side & ((1 << GTK_CSS_TOP) | (1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM))) { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Expected 'left', 'right' or comma"); return 0; } linear->side |= (1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM); } else break; } if (linear->side == 0) { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Expected side that gradient should go to"); return 0; } return 1; } else if (gtk_css_number_value_can_parse (parser)) { linear->angle = _gtk_css_number_value_parse (parser, GTK_CSS_PARSE_ANGLE); if (linear->angle == NULL) return 0; return 1; } else { linear->side = 1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM; if (!gtk_css_image_linear_parse_color_stop (linear, parser, stop_array)) return 0; return 2; } } typedef struct { GtkCssImageLinear *self; GArray *stop_array; } ParseData; static guint gtk_css_image_linear_parse_arg (GtkCssParser *parser, guint arg, gpointer user_data) { ParseData *parse_data = user_data; GtkCssImageLinear *self = parse_data->self; if (arg == 0) return gtk_css_image_linear_parse_first_arg (self, parser, parse_data->stop_array); else return gtk_css_image_linear_parse_color_stop (self, parser, parse_data->stop_array); } static gboolean gtk_css_image_linear_parse (GtkCssImage *image, GtkCssParser *parser) { GtkCssImageLinear *self = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (image); ParseData parse_data; gboolean success; if (gtk_css_parser_has_function (parser, "repeating-linear-gradient")) self->repeating = TRUE; else if (gtk_css_parser_has_function (parser, "linear-gradient")) self->repeating = FALSE; else { gtk_css_parser_error_syntax (parser, "Not a linear gradient"); return FALSE; } parse_data.self = self; parse_data.stop_array = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (GtkCssImageLinearColorStop)); success = gtk_css_parser_consume_function (parser, 3, G_MAXUINT, gtk_css_image_linear_parse_arg, &parse_data); if (!success) { g_array_free (parse_data.stop_array, TRUE); } else { self->n_stops = parse_data.stop_array->len; self->color_stops = (GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *)g_array_free (parse_data.stop_array, FALSE); } return success; } static void gtk_css_image_linear_print (GtkCssImage *image, GString *string) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (image); guint i; if (linear->repeating) g_string_append (string, "repeating-linear-gradient("); else g_string_append (string, "linear-gradient("); if (linear->side) { if (linear->side != (1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM)) { g_string_append (string, "to"); if (linear->side & (1 << GTK_CSS_TOP)) g_string_append (string, " top"); else if (linear->side & (1 << GTK_CSS_BOTTOM)) g_string_append (string, " bottom"); if (linear->side & (1 << GTK_CSS_LEFT)) g_string_append (string, " left"); else if (linear->side & (1 << GTK_CSS_RIGHT)) g_string_append (string, " right"); g_string_append (string, ", "); } } else { _gtk_css_value_print (linear->angle, string); g_string_append (string, ", "); } for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; if (i > 0) g_string_append (string, ", "); _gtk_css_value_print (stop->color, string); if (stop->offset) { g_string_append (string, " "); _gtk_css_value_print (stop->offset, string); } } g_string_append (string, ")"); } static GtkCssImage * gtk_css_image_linear_compute (GtkCssImage *image, guint property_id, GtkStyleProvider *provider, GtkCssStyle *style, GtkCssStyle *parent_style) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (image); GtkCssImageLinear *copy; guint i; copy = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR, NULL); copy->repeating = linear->repeating; copy->side = linear->side; if (linear->angle) copy->angle = _gtk_css_value_compute (linear->angle, property_id, provider, style, parent_style); copy->n_stops = linear->n_stops; copy->color_stops = g_malloc (sizeof (GtkCssImageLinearColorStop) * copy->n_stops); for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *scopy = ©->color_stops[i]; scopy->color = _gtk_css_value_compute (stop->color, property_id, provider, style, parent_style); if (stop->offset) { scopy->offset = _gtk_css_value_compute (stop->offset, property_id, provider, style, parent_style); } else { scopy->offset = NULL; } } return GTK_CSS_IMAGE (copy); } static GtkCssImage * gtk_css_image_linear_transition (GtkCssImage *start_image, GtkCssImage *end_image, guint property_id, double progress) { GtkCssImageLinear *start, *end, *result; guint i; start = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (start_image); if (end_image == NULL) return GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (_gtk_css_image_linear_parent_class)->transition (start_image, end_image, property_id, progress); if (!GTK_IS_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (end_image)) return GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (_gtk_css_image_linear_parent_class)->transition (start_image, end_image, property_id, progress); end = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (end_image); if ((start->repeating != end->repeating) || (start->n_stops != end->n_stops)) return GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (_gtk_css_image_linear_parent_class)->transition (start_image, end_image, property_id, progress); result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR, NULL); result->repeating = start->repeating; if (start->side != end->side) goto fail; result->side = start->side; if (result->side == 0) result->angle = _gtk_css_value_transition (start->angle, end->angle, property_id, progress); if (result->angle == NULL) goto fail; /* Maximum amountof stops */ result->color_stops = g_malloc (sizeof (GtkCssImageLinearColorStop) * start->n_stops); result->n_stops = 0; for (i = 0; i < start->n_stops; i++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *start_stop = &start->color_stops[i]; const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *end_stop = &end->color_stops[i]; GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &result->color_stops[i]; if ((start_stop->offset != NULL) != (end_stop->offset != NULL)) goto fail; if (start_stop->offset == NULL) { stop->offset = NULL; } else { stop->offset = _gtk_css_value_transition (start_stop->offset, end_stop->offset, property_id, progress); if (stop->offset == NULL) goto fail; } stop->color = _gtk_css_value_transition (start_stop->color, end_stop->color, property_id, progress); if (stop->color == NULL) { if (stop->offset) _gtk_css_value_unref (stop->offset); goto fail; } result->n_stops ++; } return GTK_CSS_IMAGE (result); fail: g_object_unref (result); return GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (_gtk_css_image_linear_parent_class)->transition (start_image, end_image, property_id, progress); } static gboolean gtk_css_image_linear_equal (GtkCssImage *image1, GtkCssImage *image2) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear1 = (GtkCssImageLinear *) image1; GtkCssImageLinear *linear2 = (GtkCssImageLinear *) image2; guint i; if (linear1->repeating != linear2->repeating || linear1->side != linear2->side || (linear1->side == 0 && !_gtk_css_value_equal (linear1->angle, linear2->angle)) || linear1->n_stops != linear2->n_stops) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < linear1->n_stops; i++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop1 = &linear1->color_stops[i]; const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop2 = &linear2->color_stops[i]; if (!_gtk_css_value_equal0 (stop1->offset, stop2->offset) || !_gtk_css_value_equal (stop1->color, stop2->color)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void gtk_css_image_linear_dispose (GObject *object) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (object); guint i; for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i ++) { GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; _gtk_css_value_unref (stop->color); if (stop->offset) _gtk_css_value_unref (stop->offset); } g_free (linear->color_stops); linear->side = 0; if (linear->angle) { _gtk_css_value_unref (linear->angle); linear->angle = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (_gtk_css_image_linear_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static gboolean gtk_css_image_linear_is_computed (GtkCssImage *image) { GtkCssImageLinear *linear = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_LINEAR (image); guint i; gboolean computed = TRUE; computed = !linear->angle || gtk_css_value_is_computed (linear->angle); for (i = 0; i < linear->n_stops; i ++) { const GtkCssImageLinearColorStop *stop = &linear->color_stops[i]; if (stop->offset && !gtk_css_value_is_computed (stop->offset)) { computed = FALSE; break; } if (!gtk_css_value_is_computed (stop->color)) { computed = FALSE; break; } } return computed; } static void _gtk_css_image_linear_class_init (GtkCssImageLinearClass *klass) { GtkCssImageClass *image_class = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (klass); GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); image_class->snapshot = gtk_css_image_linear_snapshot; image_class->parse = gtk_css_image_linear_parse; image_class->print = gtk_css_image_linear_print; image_class->compute = gtk_css_image_linear_compute; image_class->equal = gtk_css_image_linear_equal; image_class->transition = gtk_css_image_linear_transition; image_class->is_computed = gtk_css_image_linear_is_computed; object_class->dispose = gtk_css_image_linear_dispose; } static void _gtk_css_image_linear_init (GtkCssImageLinear *linear) { }