GtkToolbar Create bars of buttons and other widgets A toolbar is created with a call to gtk_toolbar_new(). A toolbar can contain instances of a subclass of #GtkToolItem. To add a #GtkToolItem to the a toolbar, use gtk_toolbar_insert(). To remove an item from the toolbar use gtk_container_remove(). To add a button to the toolbar, add an instance of #GtkToolButton. Toolbar items can be visually grouped by adding instances of #GtkSeparatorToolItem to the toolbar. If a #GtkSeparatorToolItem has the "expand" property set to #TRUE and the "draw" property set to #FALSE the effect is to force all following items to the end of the toolbar. Creating a context menu for the toolbar can be done by connecting to the #GtkToolbar::popup-context-menu signal. #GtkToolItem Base class of widgets that can be added to a toolbar. The #GtkToolbar struct only contains private data and should only be accessed through the function described below. @num_children: @children: @orientation: @style: @icon_size: @tooltips: @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @Returns: @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @Returns: @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @orientation: the new #GtkOrientation of the toolbar. @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @Returns: @: @: @Returns: @: @Returns: @Returns: @toolbar: @style: #GtkToolbarChildType is used to set the type of new elements that are added to a #GtkToolbar. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_SPACE: a space in the style of the toolbar's #GtkToolbarSpaceStyle. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON: a #GtkButton. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON: a #GtkToggleButton. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON: a #GtkRadioButton. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET: a standard #GtkWidget. @GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_EMPTY: @GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE: @type: @widget: @icon: @label: @Returns: the newly-created toolbar. @toolbar: @item: @pos: @toolbar: @item: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @n: @Returns: @toolbar: @x: @y: @Returns: @toolbar: @tool_item: @index_: @index: @toolbar: @show_arrow: @toolbar: @orientation: @toolbar: @enable: @toolbar: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @Returns: @toolbar: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @Returns: @toolbar: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @position: @Returns: @toolbar: @toolbar: @toolbar: @position: @toolbar: @type: @widget: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @Returns: @toolbar: @type: @widget: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @Returns: @toolbar: @type: @widget: @text: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @icon: @callback: @user_data: @position: @Returns: @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @position: @toolbar: @style: @toolbar: @stock_id: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @callback: @user_data: @position: @Returns: @toolbar: @icon_size: @toolbar: @position: @toolbar: