uniform vec4 u_color = vec4(1, 0, 1, 1); uniform vec4 u_widths; // For border we abuse, ehm, re-use, the global clip // as rounded rect and shrink it by u_widths void main() { vec4 bounds = u_clip; vec4 f = gl_FragCoord; f.x += u_viewport.x; f.y = (u_viewport.y + u_viewport.w) - f.y; bounds.z = bounds.x + bounds.z; bounds.w = bounds.y + bounds.w; RoundedRect routside = RoundedRect (bounds, u_clip_corner_widths, u_clip_corner_heights); RoundedRect rinside = rounded_rect_shrink (routside, u_widths); float alpha = clamp (rounded_rect_coverage (routside, f.xy) - rounded_rect_coverage (rinside, f.xy), 0.0, 1.0); /* Pre-multiply */ vec4 color = u_color; color.rgb *= color.a; setOutputColor (color * alpha * u_alpha); }