]> GTK+ Reference Manual GTK+ GTK+ is a multi-platform open source GUI Toolkit. Everything about GTK+ from the object-oriented design to the Free Software LGPL licensing allows you to code your project with the most freedom possible. You can develop open software, free software, or even commercial non-free software without having to spend a dime for licenses or royalties. GTK+ is a set of libraries to create graphical user interfaces. It works on many Unix-like platforms, and a Windows version is in development. GTK+ is released under the GNU Library General Public License (GNU LGPL), which allows for flexible licensing of client applications. GTK+ has a C-based object-oriented architecture that allows for maximum flexibility. Bindings for other languages have been written, including C++, Objective-C, Guile/Scheme, Perl, Python, TOM, Ada95, Free Pascal, and Eiffel. GTK+ consists of the following component libraries: GLib Provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities and a lexical scanner. Includes Win32 support. GDK A wrapper for low-level windowing functions. GTK+ An advanced widget set. >k-General; >k-Feature-Test-Macros; >k-Graphics-Contexts; >k-Styles; >k-Themes; >k-Resource-Files; >k-Keyboard-Accelerators; >k-Selections; >k-Drag-and-Drop; >k-Signals; >k-Signal-Marshallers; >k-Object-Properties; >k-Types; >k-Bindings; >k-Standard-Enumerations; GTK+ Widgets and Objects &index-Objects-Grouped; &GtkAccelLabel; &GtkAdjustment; &GtkAlignment; &GtkArrow; &GtkAspectFrame; &GtkButtonBox; &GtkBin; &GtkBox; &GtkButton; &GtkCalendar; &GtkCheckButton; &GtkCheckMenuItem; &GtkCList; &GtkColorSelection; &GtkColorSelectionDialog; &GtkCombo; &GtkContainer; &GtkCTree; &GtkCurve; &GtkData; &GtkDialog; &GtkDrawingArea; &GtkEditable; &GtkEntry; &GtkEventBox; &GtkFileSelection; &GtkFixed; &GtkFontSelection; &GtkFontSelectionDialog; &GtkFrame; &GtkGammaCurve; &GtkHandleBox; &GtkHButtonBox; &GtkHBox; &GtkHPaned; &GtkHRuler; &GtkHScale; &GtkHScrollbar; &GtkHSeparator; &GtkImage; &GtkIMContext; &GtkIMMulticontext; &GtkInputDialog; &GtkInvisible; &GtkItem; &GtkItemFactory; &GtkLabel; &GtkLayout; &GtkList; &GtkListItem; &GtkMenu; &GtkMenuBar; &GtkMenuItem; &GtkMenuShell; &GtkMisc; &GtkNotebook; &GtkObject; &GtkOptionMenu; &GtkPacker; &GtkPaned; &GtkPixmap; &GtkPlug; &GtkPreview; &GtkProgress; &GtkProgressBar; &GtkRadioButton; &GtkRadioMenuItem; &GtkRange; &GtkRuler; &GtkScale; &GtkScrollbar; &GtkScrolledWindow; &GtkSeparator; &GtkSocket; &GtkSpinButton; &GtkStatusbar; &GtkTable; &GtkTearoffMenuItem; &GtkText; &GtkTextBuffer; >k-GtkTextIter; >k-GtkTextMark; &GtkTextTag; &GtkTextTagTable; &GtkTextView; &GtkTipsQuery; &GtkToggleButton; &GtkToolbar; &GtkTooltips; &GtkTree; &GtkTreeItem; &GtkVButtonBox; &GtkVBox; &GtkViewport; &GtkVPaned; &GtkVRuler; &GtkVScale; &GtkVScrollbar; &GtkVSeparator; &GtkWidget; &GtkWindow; Index Object Hierarchy &index-Object-Tree;