/* * Copyright © 2012 Red Hat Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Authors: Benjamin Otte */ #include "config.h" #include "gtkcssimagebuiltinprivate.h" #include "gtkcssenumvalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcssnumbervalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcssrgbavalueprivate.h" #include "gtkcssstyleprivate.h" #include "gtkhslaprivate.h" #include "gtkrenderprivate.h" #include #include "fallback-c89.c" G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkCssImageBuiltin, gtk_css_image_builtin, GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE) static GtkCssImage *the_one_true_image; static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_check (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, gboolean checked, gboolean inconsistent) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); gint x, y, exterior_size, interior_size, pad; exterior_size = MIN (width, height); if (exterior_size % 2 == 0) /* Ensure odd */ exterior_size -= 1; pad = 1 + MAX (1, (exterior_size - 2) / 9); interior_size = MAX (1, exterior_size - 2 * pad); if (interior_size < 7) pad = MAX (0, (exterior_size - interior_size) / 2); x = - (1 + exterior_size - (gint) width) / 2; y = - (1 + exterior_size - (gint) height) / 2; gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &builtin->fg_color); if (inconsistent) { int line_thickness = MAX (1, (3 + interior_size * 2) / 7); cairo_rectangle (cr, x + pad, y + pad + (1 + interior_size - line_thickness) / 2, interior_size, line_thickness); cairo_fill (cr); } else { if (checked) { cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, x + pad, y + pad); cairo_scale (cr, interior_size / 7., interior_size / 7.); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, 7, 7); cairo_clip (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, 7.0, 0.0); cairo_line_to (cr, 7.5, 1.0); cairo_curve_to (cr, 5.3, 2.0, 4.3, 4.0, 3.5, 7.0); cairo_curve_to (cr, 3.0, 5.7, 1.3, 4.7, 0.0, 4.7); cairo_line_to (cr, 0.2, 3.5); cairo_curve_to (cr, 1.1, 3.5, 2.3, 4.3, 3.0, 5.0); cairo_curve_to (cr, 1.0, 3.9, 2.4, 4.1, 3.2, 4.9); cairo_curve_to (cr, 3.5, 3.1, 5.2, 2.0, 7.0, 0.0); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } } } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_option (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, gboolean checked, gboolean inconsistent) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); gint x, y, exterior_size, interior_size, pad; exterior_size = MIN (width, height); if (exterior_size % 2 == 0) /* Ensure odd */ exterior_size -= 1; x = - (1 + exterior_size - width) / 2; y = - (1 + exterior_size - height) / 2; gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &builtin->fg_color); pad = 1 + MAX (1, 2 * (exterior_size - 2) / 9); interior_size = MAX (1, exterior_size - 2 * pad); if (interior_size < 7) pad = MAX (0, (exterior_size - interior_size) / 2); if (inconsistent) { gint line_thickness; line_thickness = MAX (1, (3 + interior_size * 2) / 7); cairo_rectangle (cr, x + pad, y + pad + (interior_size - line_thickness) / 2., interior_size, line_thickness); cairo_fill (cr); } else if (checked) { cairo_new_sub_path (cr); cairo_arc (cr, x + pad + interior_size / 2., y + pad + interior_size / 2., interior_size / 2., 0, 2 * G_PI); cairo_fill (cr); } } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_arrow (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, GtkCssImageBuiltinType image_type) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); double line_width; double size; size = MIN (width, height); cairo_translate (cr, width / 2.0, height / 2.0); switch (image_type) { case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_UP: break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_DOWN: cairo_rotate (cr, G_PI); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_LEFT: cairo_rotate (cr, 3 * G_PI / 2); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_RIGHT: cairo_rotate (cr, G_PI / 2); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } line_width = size / 3.0 / sqrt (2); cairo_set_line_width (cr, line_width); cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); cairo_scale (cr, (size / (size + line_width)), (size / (size + line_width))); cairo_move_to (cr, -size / 2.0, size / 4.0); cairo_rel_line_to (cr, size / 2.0, -size / 2.0); cairo_rel_line_to (cr, size / 2.0, size / 2.0); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &builtin->fg_color); cairo_stroke (cr); } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, gboolean horizontal, gboolean is_rtl, gboolean expanded) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); double vertical_overshoot; int diameter; double radius; double interp; /* interpolation factor for center position */ double x_double_horz, y_double_horz; double x_double_vert, y_double_vert; double x_double, y_double; gdouble angle; gint line_width; gdouble progress; line_width = 1; progress = expanded ? 1 : 0; if (!horizontal) { if (is_rtl) angle = (G_PI) - ((G_PI / 2) * progress); else angle = (G_PI / 2) * progress; } else { if (is_rtl) angle = (G_PI / 2) + ((G_PI / 2) * progress); else angle = (G_PI / 2) - ((G_PI / 2) * progress); } interp = progress; /* Compute distance that the stroke extends beyonds the end * of the triangle we draw. */ vertical_overshoot = line_width / 2.0 * (1. / tan (G_PI / 8)); /* For odd line widths, we end the vertical line of the triangle * at a half pixel, so we round differently. */ if (line_width % 2 == 1) vertical_overshoot = ceil (0.5 + vertical_overshoot) - 0.5; else vertical_overshoot = ceil (vertical_overshoot); /* Adjust the size of the triangle we draw so that the entire stroke fits */ diameter = (gint) MAX (3, width - 2 * vertical_overshoot); /* If the line width is odd, we want the diameter to be even, * and vice versa, so force the sum to be odd. This relationship * makes the point of the triangle look right. */ diameter -= (1 - (diameter + line_width) % 2); radius = diameter / 2.; /* Adjust the center so that the stroke is properly aligned with * the pixel grid. The center adjustment is different for the * horizontal and vertical orientations. For intermediate positions * we interpolate between the two. */ x_double_vert = floor ((width / 2) - (radius + line_width) / 2.) + (radius + line_width) / 2.; y_double_vert = (height / 2) - 0.5; x_double_horz = (width / 2) - 0.5; y_double_horz = floor ((height / 2) - (radius + line_width) / 2.) + (radius + line_width) / 2.; x_double = x_double_vert * (1 - interp) + x_double_horz * interp; y_double = y_double_vert * (1 - interp) + y_double_horz * interp; cairo_translate (cr, x_double, y_double); cairo_rotate (cr, angle); cairo_move_to (cr, - radius / 2., - radius); cairo_line_to (cr, radius / 2., 0); cairo_line_to (cr, - radius / 2., radius); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, line_width); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &builtin->fg_color); cairo_fill (cr); } static void color_shade (const GdkRGBA *color, gdouble factor, GdkRGBA *color_return) { GtkHSLA hsla; _gtk_hsla_init_from_rgba (&hsla, color); _gtk_hsla_shade (&hsla, &hsla, factor); _gdk_rgba_init_from_hsla (color_return, &hsla); } static void render_dot (cairo_t *cr, const GdkRGBA *lighter, const GdkRGBA *darker, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble size) { size = CLAMP ((gint) size, 2, 3); if (size == 2) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, lighter); cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, 1, 1); cairo_rectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1); cairo_fill (cr); } else if (size == 3) { gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, lighter); cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, 2, 1); cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, 1, 2); cairo_fill (cr); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, darker); cairo_rectangle (cr, x + 1, y + 1, 2, 1); cairo_rectangle (cr, x + 2, y, 1, 2); cairo_fill (cr); } } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_pane_separator (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); GdkRGBA lighter, darker; gint xx, yy; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); color_shade (&builtin->bg_color, 0.7, &darker); color_shade (&builtin->bg_color, 1.3, &lighter); if (width > height) for (xx = width / 2 - 15; xx <= width / 2 + 15; xx += 5) render_dot (cr, &lighter, &darker, xx, height / 2 - 1, 3); else for (yy = height / 2 - 15; yy <= height / 2 + 15; yy += 5) render_dot (cr, &lighter, &darker, width / 2 - 1, yy, 3); } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_handle (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); GdkRGBA lighter, darker; gint xx, yy; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); color_shade (&builtin->bg_color, 0.7, &darker); color_shade (&builtin->bg_color, 1.3, &lighter); for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy += 3) for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx += 6) { render_dot (cr, &lighter, &darker, xx, yy, 2); render_dot (cr, &lighter, &darker, xx + 3, yy + 1, 2); } } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_spinner (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image); guint num_steps; gdouble radius; gdouble half; gint i; radius = MIN (width / 2, height / 2); cairo_translate (cr, width / 2, height / 2); num_steps = 12; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.0); half = num_steps / 2; for (i = 0; i < num_steps; i++) { gint inset = 0.7 * radius; /* transparency is a function of time and intial value */ gdouble t = 1.0 - (gdouble) i / num_steps; gdouble xscale = - sin (i * G_PI / half); gdouble yscale = - cos (i * G_PI / half); cairo_move_to (cr, (radius - inset) * xscale, (radius - inset) * yscale); cairo_line_to (cr, radius * xscale, radius * yscale); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, builtin->fg_color.red, builtin->fg_color.green, builtin->fg_color.blue, builtin->fg_color.alpha * t); cairo_stroke (cr); } } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_real_draw (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height) { /* It's a builtin image, other code will draw things */ } static gboolean gtk_css_image_builtin_parse (GtkCssImage *image, GtkCssParser *parser) { if (!_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, "builtin", TRUE)) { _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected 'builtin'"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_print (GtkCssImage *image, GString *string) { g_string_append (string, "builtin"); } static GtkCssImage * gtk_css_image_builtin_compute (GtkCssImage *image, guint property_id, GtkStyleProviderPrivate *provider, GtkCssStyle *style, GtkCssStyle *parent_style) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *result; result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN, NULL); result->fg_color = *_gtk_css_rgba_value_get_rgba (gtk_css_style_get_value (style, GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_COLOR)); result->bg_color = *_gtk_css_rgba_value_get_rgba (gtk_css_style_get_value (style, GTK_CSS_PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); return GTK_CSS_IMAGE (result); } static gboolean gtk_css_image_builtin_equal (GtkCssImage *image1, GtkCssImage *image2) { GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin1 = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image1); GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin2 = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image2); return gdk_rgba_equal (&builtin1->fg_color, &builtin2->fg_color) && gdk_rgba_equal (&builtin1->bg_color, &builtin2->bg_color); } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_dispose (GObject *object) { if (the_one_true_image == GTK_CSS_IMAGE (object)) the_one_true_image = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_css_image_builtin_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_class_init (GtkCssImageBuiltinClass *klass) { GtkCssImageClass *image_class = GTK_CSS_IMAGE_CLASS (klass); GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); image_class->draw = gtk_css_image_builtin_real_draw; image_class->parse = gtk_css_image_builtin_parse; image_class->print = gtk_css_image_builtin_print; image_class->compute = gtk_css_image_builtin_compute; image_class->equal = gtk_css_image_builtin_equal; object_class->dispose = gtk_css_image_builtin_dispose; } static void gtk_css_image_builtin_init (GtkCssImageBuiltin *builtin) { /* white background */ builtin->bg_color.red = builtin->bg_color.green = builtin->bg_color.blue = builtin->bg_color.alpha = 1.0; /* black foreground */ builtin->fg_color.alpha = 1.0; } GtkCssImage * gtk_css_image_builtin_new (void) { if (the_one_true_image == NULL) the_one_true_image = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN, NULL); else g_object_ref (the_one_true_image); return the_one_true_image; } void gtk_css_image_builtin_draw (GtkCssImage *image, cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, GtkCssImageBuiltinType image_type) { if (!GTK_IS_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image)) { _gtk_css_image_draw (image, cr, width, height); return; } switch (image_type) { default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_NONE: break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_CHECK: case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_CHECK_INCONSISTENT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_check (image, cr, width, height, image_type == GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_CHECK, image_type == GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_CHECK_INCONSISTENT); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_OPTION: case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_OPTION_INCONSISTENT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_option (image, cr, width, height, image_type == GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_OPTION, image_type == GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_OPTION_INCONSISTENT); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_UP: case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_DOWN: case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_LEFT: case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_ARROW_RIGHT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_arrow (image, cr, width, height, image_type); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_HORIZONTAL_LEFT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_VERTICAL_LEFT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_VERTICAL_RIGHT: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_HORIZONTAL_LEFT_EXPANDED: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_VERTICAL_LEFT_EXPANDED: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT_EXPANDED: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_EXPANDER_VERTICAL_RIGHT_EXPANDED: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_expander (image, cr, width, height, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_PANE_SEPARATOR: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_pane_separator (image, cr, width, height); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_HANDLE: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_handle (image, cr, width, height); break; case GTK_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN_SPINNER: gtk_css_image_builtin_draw_spinner (image, cr, width, height); break; } } void gtk_css_image_builtin_snapshot (GtkCssImage *image, GtkSnapshot *snapshot, double width, double height, GtkCssImageBuiltinType image_type) { cairo_t *cr; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_CSS_IMAGE (image)); g_return_if_fail (snapshot != NULL); g_return_if_fail (width > 0); g_return_if_fail (height > 0); if (!GTK_IS_CSS_IMAGE_BUILTIN (image)) { gtk_css_image_snapshot (image, snapshot, width, height); return; } cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo_node (snapshot, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, width, height), "BuiltinImage<%d>", (int) image_type); gtk_css_image_builtin_draw (image, cr, width, height, image_type); cairo_destroy (cr); }