uniform sampler2D u_source; uniform mat4 u_projection; uniform mat4 u_modelview; uniform float u_alpha;// = 1.0; uniform vec4 u_viewport; uniform vec4[3] u_clip_rect; #if GSK_GLES #elif GSK_LEGACY _OUT_ vec4 outputColor; #else _OUT_ vec4 outputColor; #endif _IN_ vec2 vUv; RoundedRect decode_rect(_ROUNDED_RECT_UNIFORM_ r) { #if defined(GSK_GLES) || defined(GSK_LEGACY) return RoundedRect(r[0], r[1], r[2]); #else return r; #endif } float ellipsis_dist (vec2 p, vec2 radius) { if (radius == vec2(0, 0)) return 0.0; vec2 p0 = p / radius; vec2 p1 = 2.0 * p0 / radius; return (dot(p0, p0) - 1.0) / length (p1); } float ellipsis_coverage (vec2 point, vec2 center, vec2 radius) { float d = ellipsis_dist (point - center, radius); return clamp (0.5 - d, 0.0, 1.0); } float rounded_rect_coverage (RoundedRect r, vec2 p) { if (p.x < r.bounds.x || p.y < r.bounds.y || p.x >= r.bounds.z || p.y >= r.bounds.w) return 0.0; vec2 rad_tl = r.corner_points1.xy - r.bounds.xy; vec2 rad_tr = r.corner_points1.zw - r.bounds.zy; vec2 rad_br = r.corner_points2.xy - r.bounds.zw; vec2 rad_bl = r.corner_points2.zw - r.bounds.xw; vec2 ref_tl = r.corner_points1.xy; vec2 ref_tr = r.corner_points1.zw; vec2 ref_br = r.corner_points2.xy; vec2 ref_bl = r.corner_points2.zw; float d_tl = ellipsis_coverage(p, ref_tl, rad_tl); float d_tr = ellipsis_coverage(p, ref_tr, rad_tr); float d_br = ellipsis_coverage(p, ref_br, rad_br); float d_bl = ellipsis_coverage(p, ref_bl, rad_bl); vec4 corner_coverages = 1.0 - vec4(d_tl, d_tr, d_br, d_bl); bvec4 is_out = bvec4(p.x < ref_tl.x && p.y < ref_tl.y, p.x > ref_tr.x && p.y < ref_tr.y, p.x > ref_br.x && p.y > ref_br.y, p.x < ref_bl.x && p.y > ref_bl.y); return 1.0 - dot(vec4(is_out), corner_coverages); } vec4 Texture(sampler2D sampler, vec2 texCoords) { #if defined(GSK_GLES) || defined(GSK_LEGACY) return texture2D(sampler, texCoords); #else return texture(sampler, texCoords); #endif } #ifdef GSK_GL3 layout(origin_upper_left) in vec4 gl_FragCoord; #endif vec2 get_frag_coord() { vec2 fc = gl_FragCoord.xy; #ifdef GSK_GL3 fc += u_viewport.xy; #else fc.x += u_viewport.x; fc.y = (u_viewport.y + u_viewport.w) - fc.y; #endif return fc; } void setOutputColor(vec4 color) { vec2 f = get_frag_coord(); // We do *NOT* transform the clip rect here since we already // need to do that on the CPU. #if defined(GSK_GLES) || defined(GSK_LEGACY) gl_FragColor = color * rounded_rect_coverage(create_rect(u_clip_rect), f); #else outputColor = color * rounded_rect_coverage(create_rect(u_clip_rect), f); #endif /*outputColor = color;*/ }