GtkTreeView A widget for displaying both trees and lists. Widget that displays any object that implements the GtkTreeModel interface. #GtkTreeViewColumn, #GtkTreeSelection, #GtkTreeDnd, #GtkTreeMode, #GtkTreeSortable, #GtkTreeModelSort, #GtkListStore, #GtkTreeStore, #GtkCellRenderer, #GtkCellEditable, #GtkCellRendererPixbuf, #GtkCellRendererText, #GtkCellRendererToggle An enum for determining where a dropped row goes. @GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE: @GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER: @GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_BEFORE: @GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_AFTER: A private struct for internal use only. The definition of this structure is not publically available. Function type for determining whether @column can be dropped in a particular spot (as determined by @prev_column and @next_column). In left to right locales, @prev_column is on the left of the potential drop spot, and @next_column is on the right. In right to left mode, this is reversed. This function should return %TRUE if the spot is a valid drop spot. Please note that returning %TRUE does not actually indicate that the column drop was made, but is meant only to indicate a possible drop spot to the user. @tree_view: A #GtkTreeView @column: The #GtkTreeViewColumn being dragged @prev_column: A #GtkTreeViewColumn on one side of @column @next_column: A #GtkTreeViewColumn on the other side of @column @data: user data @Returns: %TRUE, if #column can be dropped in this spot Function used for #gtk_tree_view_map_expanded_rows. @tree_view: A #GtkTreeView @path: The path that's expanded @user_data: user data @model: @column: @key: @iter: @search_data: @Returns: @Returns: @model: @Returns: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @model: @tree_model: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @Returns: @layout: @tree_view: @adjustment: @layout: @tree_view: @Returns: @layout: @tree_view: @adjustment: @layout: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @headers_visible: @tree_view: @tree_view: @setting: @active: @tree_view: @setting: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @column: @Returns: @tree_view: @column: @Returns: @tree_view: @column: @position: @Returns: @tree_view: @position: @title: @cell: @Varargs: @Returns: @tree_view: @position: @title: @cell: @func: @data: @dnotify: @Returns: @tree_view: @n: @Returns: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @column: @base_column: @tree_view: @column: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @func: @user_data: @destroy: @tree_view: @tree_x: @tree_y: @tree_view: @path: @column: @use_align: @row_align: @col_align: @tree_view: @path: @focus_column: @start_editing: @tree_view: @path: @focus_column: @focus_cell: @start_editing: @tree_view: @path: @focus_column: @tree_view: @path: @column: @tree_view: @tree_view: @tree_view: @path: @tree_view: @path: @open_all: @Returns: @tree_view: @path: @Returns: @tree_view: @func: @data: @tree_view: @path: @Returns: @tree_view: @reorderable: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @x: @y: @path: @column: @cell_x: @cell_y: @Returns: @window: @tree_view: @path: @column: @rect: @tree_view: @path: @column: @rect: @tree_view: @visible_rect: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @wx: @wy: @tx: @ty: @tree_view: @tx: @ty: @wx: @wy: @tree_view: @targets: @n_targets: @actions: @tree_view: @start_button_mask: @targets: @n_targets: @actions: @tree_view: @tree_view: @tree_view: @path: @pos: @tree_view: @path: @pos: @tree_view: @drag_x: @drag_y: @path: @pos: @Returns: @tree_view: @path: @Returns: @tree_view: @enable_search: @use_search: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @column: @tree_view: @Returns: @tree_view: @search_equal_func: @search_user_data: @search_destroy: @search_compare_func: @search_data: @tree_view: @path: @children: @user_data: @tree_view: @func: @data: @destroy: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @treeview: the object which received the signal. @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @arg3: @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @Returns: @treeview: the object which received the signal. @Returns: