Text sizes: tiny very small small normal large very large huge Text colors and backgrounds Colorful underlines and more Colorful strikethroughs Superscripts and subscripts: 𝜀0 = 𝜔𝜔𝜔... Letterspacing OpenType font features: feast versus feast Shortcuts: MonospaceBoldItalicBigSmallUnderlinedStrikethrough – Superscript – Subscript A hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm is a set of rules, espe­ci­ally one co­di­fied for im­ple­men­tation in a com­pu­ter pro­gram, that de­ci­des at which points a word can be bro­ken over two lines with a hy­phen. For ex­am­ple, a hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm might de­cide that im­peach­ment can be broken as impeach‧ment or im‧peachment but not impe‧achment. one/two three/four five/six seven/eight nine/ten