window1 "dialog" index: 0 state: enabled resizable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: window alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-0 "filler" parent: window1 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-1 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-0 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailNotebook-2 "page tab list" parent: unnamed-GailBox-1 index: 0 state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 selection count: 1 selected children: 0 General "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 0 name: General state: enabled multi-line selectable selected sensitive showing visible layer: widget alpha: 1 text: General character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-3 "filler" index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-4 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-3 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-5 "scroll pane" parent: unnamed-GailBox-4 index: 0 state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailTreeView-6 "table" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-5 index: 0 state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible manages-descendants toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 selection count: 0 rows: 0 columns: 4 column 0 description: "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 0 name: state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: character count: 0 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release column 1 description: Printer Printer "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 1 name: Printer state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Printer character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release column 2 description: Location Location "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 2 name: Location state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Location character count: 8 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release column 3 description: Status Status "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 3 name: Status state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Status character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 0 name: state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: character count: 0 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Printer "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 1 name: Printer state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Printer character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Location "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 2 name: Location state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Location character count: 8 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Status "table column header" parent: unnamed-GailTreeView-6 index: 3 name: Status state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Status character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 1 name: press action 2 name: release unnamed-GailScrollbar-7 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-5 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 0.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: 59.100000 unnamed-GailScrollbar-8 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-5 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 0.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: 24.900000 unnamed-GailBox-9 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-4 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-10 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-3 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-11 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-10 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Range "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-11 index: 0 name: Range state: enabled multi-line sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Range character count: 5 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-12 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-11 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 "text" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-12 index: 0 name: Pages description: Specify one or more page ranges, e.g. 1-3,7,11 state: editable focusable showing single-line visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: character count: 0 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: action 0 name: activate Pages: "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-12 index: 1 name: Pages: description: Specify one or more page ranges, e.g. 1-3,7,11 member-of: Pages: Selection Current Page All Pages state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Pages: character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: e action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Selection "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-12 index: 2 name: Selection member-of: Pages: Selection Current Page All Pages state: focusable toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Selection character count: 9 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: l action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Current Page "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-12 index: 3 name: Current Page member-of: Pages: Selection Current Page All Pages state: focusable showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Current Page character count: 12 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: u action 1 name: press action 2 name: release All Pages "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-12 index: 4 name: All Pages member-of: Pages: Selection Current Page All Pages state: armed checked enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: All Pages character count: 9 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: a action 1 name: press action 2 name: release unnamed-GailBox-13 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-10 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive showing vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Copies "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-13 index: 0 name: Copies state: enabled multi-line sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Copies character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-14 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-13 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailWidget-15 "unknown" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-14 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Reverse "check box" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-14 index: 1 name: Reverse state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Reverse character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: r action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Collate "check box" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-14 index: 2 name: Collate state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Collate character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: o action 1 name: press action 2 name: release 1 "spin button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-14 index: 3 labelled-by: Copies: state: editable enabled focusable sensitive showing single-line visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: 1 character count: 1 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: action 0 name: activate action 0 keybinding: s minimum value: 1.000000 maximum value: 100.000000 current value: 1.000000 minimum increment: 1.000000 Copies: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-14 index: 4 name: Copies: label-for: 1 state: enabled multi-line sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Copies: character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: Page Setup "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 1 name: Page Setup state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive showing visible layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Page Setup character count: 10 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-16 "filler" index: 1 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-17 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-16 index: 0 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-18 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-17 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Layout "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-18 index: 0 name: Layout state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Layout character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-19 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-18 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-20 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 0 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 100.0 "spin button" parent: unnamed-GailBox-20 index: 0 labelled-by: Scale: state: editable enabled focusable sensitive single-line visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: 100.0 character count: 5 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: action 0 name: activate action 0 keybinding: a minimum value: 1.000000 maximum value: 1000.000000 current value: 100.000000 minimum increment: 1.000000 % "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-20 index: 1 name: % state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: % character count: 1 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: Scale: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 1 name: Scale: label-for: 100.0 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Scale: character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailComboBox-21 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 2 name: All sheets labelled-by: Only print: state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-22 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-21 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 All sheets "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-22 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: All sheets character count: 10 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Even sheets "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-22 index: 1 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Even sheets character count: 11 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Odd sheets "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-22 index: 2 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Odd sheets character count: 10 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Only print: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 3 name: Only print: label-for: unnamed-GailComboBox-21 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Only print: character count: 11 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-23 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 4 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-24 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-23 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Page ordering: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-25 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-24 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-25 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-26 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-23 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Page ordering: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 5 name: Page ordering: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-23 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Page ordering: character count: 14 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-27 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 6 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-28 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-27 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Pages per side: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-29 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-28 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-29 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-30 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-27 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Pages per side: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 7 name: Pages per side: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-27 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Pages per side: character count: 15 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-31 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 8 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-32 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-31 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Two-sided: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-33 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-32 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-33 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-34 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-31 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Two-sided: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-19 index: 9 name: Two-sided: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-31 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Two-sided: character count: 10 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-35 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-17 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Paper "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-35 index: 0 name: Paper state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Paper character count: 5 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-36 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-35 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-37 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 0 name: Portrait labelled-by: Orientation: state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-38 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-37 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Portrait "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-38 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Portrait character count: 8 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Landscape "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-38 index: 1 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Landscape character count: 9 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Reverse portrait "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-38 index: 2 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Reverse portrait character count: 16 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Reverse landscape "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-38 index: 3 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Reverse landscape character count: 17 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Orientation: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 1 name: Orientation: label-for: unnamed-GailComboBox-37 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Orientation: character count: 12 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailComboBox-39 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 2 labelled-by: Paper size: state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: unnamed-GailMenu-40 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-39 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 US Letter "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: US Letter character count: 9 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click US Legal "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 1 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: US Legal character count: 8 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click A4 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 2 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: A4 character count: 2 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click A5 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 3 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: A5 character count: 2 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click ROC 16k "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 4 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: ROC 16k character count: 7 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click B5 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 5 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: B5 character count: 2 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click JB5 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 6 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: JB5 character count: 3 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click #10 Envelope "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 7 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: #10 Envelope character count: 12 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click DL Envelope "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 8 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: DL Envelope character count: 11 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Choukei 3 Envelope "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 9 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Choukei 3 Envelope character count: 18 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Tabloid "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 10 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Tabloid character count: 7 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click A3 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 11 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: A3 character count: 2 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GtkSeparatorMenuItemAccessible-41 "separator" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 12 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Custom Size 2 "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 13 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Custom Size 2 character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GtkSeparatorMenuItemAccessible-42 "separator" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 14 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Manage Custom Sizes... "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-40 index: 15 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Manage Custom Sizes... character count: 22 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click Paper size: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 3 name: Paper size: label-for: unnamed-GailComboBox-39 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Paper size: character count: 11 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-43 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 4 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-44 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-43 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Output tray: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-45 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-44 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-45 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-46 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-43 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Output tray: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 5 name: Output tray: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-43 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Output tray: character count: 12 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-47 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 6 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-48 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-47 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Paper source: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-49 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-48 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-49 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-50 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-47 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Paper source: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 7 name: Paper source: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-47 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Paper source: character count: 13 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-51 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 8 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-52 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-51 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Paper type: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-53 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-52 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-53 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-54 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-51 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Paper type: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-36 index: 9 name: Paper type: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-51 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Paper type: character count: 11 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-55 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-16 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailWidget-56 "unknown" parent: unnamed-GailBox-55 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Job "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 2 name: Job state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Job character count: 3 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-57 "panel" index: 2 state: enabled sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-58 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-57 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Add Cover Page "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-58 index: 0 name: Add Cover Page state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Add Cover Page character count: 14 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-59 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-58 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-60 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-59 index: 0 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-61 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-60 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: After: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-62 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-61 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-62 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-63 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-60 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) After: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-59 index: 1 name: After: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-60 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: After: character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-64 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-59 index: 2 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-65 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-64 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Before: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-66 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-65 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-66 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-67 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-64 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Before: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-59 index: 3 name: Before: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-64 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Before: character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-68 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-57 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Print Document "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-68 index: 0 name: Print Document state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Print Document character count: 14 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-69 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-68 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 On hold "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-69 index: 0 name: On hold description: Hold the job until it is explicitly released member-of: On hold At: Now state: enabled focusable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: On hold character count: 7 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: h action 1 name: press action 2 name: release "text" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-69 index: 1 name: Time of print description: Specify the time of print, e.g. 15:30, 2:35 pm, 14:15:20, 11:46:30 am, 4 pm state: editable focusable single-line visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: character count: 0 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: action 0 name: activate At: "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-69 index: 2 name: At: description: Specify the time of print, e.g. 15:30, 2:35 pm, 14:15:20, 11:46:30 am, 4 pm member-of: On hold At: Now state: enabled focusable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: At: character count: 3 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: t action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Now "radio button" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-69 index: 3 name: Now member-of: On hold At: Now state: armed checked enabled focusable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Now character count: 3 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: -1 x -1 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: n action 1 name: press action 2 name: release unnamed-GailBox-70 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-57 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Job Details "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-70 index: 0 name: Job Details state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Job Details character count: 11 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailContainer-71 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailBox-70 index: 1 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-72 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-71 index: 0 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-73 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-72 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Billing info: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-74 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-73 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-74 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-75 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-72 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Billing info: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-71 index: 1 name: Billing info: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-72 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Billing info: character count: 13 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-76 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-71 index: 2 state: horizontal visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailComboBox-77 "combo box" parent: unnamed-GailBox-76 index: 0 name: Not available labelled-by: Priority: state: visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: press selection count: 1 selected children: 0 unnamed-GailMenu-78 "menu" parent: unnamed-GailComboBox-77 index: 0 state: enabled selectable selected sensitive toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 selection count: 0 Not available "menu item" parent: unnamed-GailMenu-78 index: 0 state: enabled selectable sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: popup alpha: 1 text: Not available character count: 13 caret offset: 0 action 0 name: click unnamed-GailImage-79 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-76 index: 1 name: Warning toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Priority: "label" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-71 index: 3 name: Priority: label-for: unnamed-GailBox-76 state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Priority: character count: 9 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: Image Quality "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 3 name: Image Quality state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Image Quality character count: 13 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-80 "scroll pane" index: 3 state: enabled focusable sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-81 "viewport" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-80 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-82 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-81 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailScrollbar-83 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-80 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 39.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 unnamed-GailScrollbar-84 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-80 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 27.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 Color "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 4 name: Color state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Color character count: 5 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-85 "scroll pane" index: 4 state: enabled focusable sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-86 "viewport" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-85 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-87 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-86 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailScrollbar-88 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-85 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 39.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 unnamed-GailScrollbar-89 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-85 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 27.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 Finishing "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 5 name: Finishing state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Finishing character count: 9 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-90 "scroll pane" index: 5 state: enabled focusable sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-91 "viewport" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-90 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-92 "panel" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-91 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailScrollbar-93 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-90 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 39.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 unnamed-GailScrollbar-94 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-90 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 27.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 Advanced "page tab" parent: unnamed-GailNotebook-2 index: 6 name: Advanced state: enabled multi-line selectable sensitive layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Advanced character count: 8 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-95 "scroll pane" index: 6 state: enabled focusable sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailContainer-96 "viewport" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-95 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailBox-97 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailContainer-96 index: 0 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailScrollbar-98 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-95 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 27.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 unnamed-GailScrollbar-99 "scroll bar" parent: unnamed-GailScrolledWindow-95 index: 2 state: enabled sensitive vertical visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 action 0 name: activate minimum value: 0.000000 maximum value: 27.000000 current value: 0.000000 minimum increment: -0.300000 unnamed-GailBox-100 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-1 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 unnamed-GailImage-101 "icon" parent: unnamed-GailBox-100 index: 0 name: Warning state: enabled sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 image size: 16 x 16 image description: (null) Some of the settings in the dialog conflict "label" parent: unnamed-GailBox-100 index: 1 name: Some of the settings in the dialog conflict state: enabled multi-line sensitive visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Some of the settings in the dialog conflict character count: 43 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: unnamed-GailBox-102 "filler" parent: unnamed-GailBox-0 index: 1 state: enabled horizontal sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 Print "push button" parent: unnamed-GailBox-102 index: 0 name: Print state: focusable showing visible default toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Print character count: 5 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: 20 x 20 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: p action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Cancel "push button" parent: unnamed-GailBox-102 index: 1 name: Cancel state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Cancel character count: 6 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: 20 x 20 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: c action 1 name: press action 2 name: release Print Preview "push button" parent: unnamed-GailBox-102 index: 2 name: Print Preview state: enabled focusable sensitive showing visible toolkit: gail layer: widget alpha: 1 text: Print Preview character count: 13 caret offset: 0 default attributes: left-margin: 0 right-margin: 0 indent: 0 invisible: false editable: false pixels-above-lines: 0 pixels-below-lines: 0 pixels-inside-wrap: 0 bg-full-height: 0 scale: 1 rise: 0 underline: none strikethrough: false bg-stipple: false fg-stipple: false fg-color: bg-color: wrap-mode: word justification: left size: weight: family-name: stretch: variant: style: language: direction: image size: 20 x 20 image description: (null) action 0 name: click action 0 keybinding: v action 1 name: press action 2 name: release