GtkToolButton A #GtkToolItem subclass that displays buttons #GtkToolButtons are #GtkToolItems containing buttons. Use gtk_tool_button_new() to create a new #GtkToolButton. Use gtk_tool_button_new_with_stock() to create a #GtkToolButton containing a stock item. The label of a #GtkToolButton is determined by the properties "label_widget", "label", and "stock_id". If "label_widget" is non-%NULL, then that widget is used as the label. Otherwise, if "label" is non-%NULL, that string is used as the label. Otherwise, if "stock_id" is non-%NULL, the label is determined by the stock item. Otherwise, the button does not have a label. The icon of a #GtkToolButton is determined by the properties "icon_widget" and "stock_id". If "icon_widget" is non-%NULL, then that widget is used as the icon. Otherwise, if "stock_id" is non-%NULL, the icon is determined by the stock item. Otherwise, the button does not have a label. #GtkToolbar The toolbar widget #GtkToggleToolButton A subclass of #GtkToolButton that displays toggle buttons on the toolbar #GtkRadioToolButton A subclass of #GtkToolButton that displays radio buttons on the toolbar #GtkSeparatorToolItem A subclass of #GtkToolItem that separates groups of items on a toolbar The #GtkToolButton struct contains only private. It should only be accessed with the function described below. @toolbutton: the object which received the signal. @icon_widget: @label: @Returns: @stock_id: @Returns: @button: @label: @button: @Returns: @button: @use_underline: @button: @Returns: @button: @stock_id: @button: @Returns: @button: @icon_widget: @button: @Returns: @button: @label_widget: @button: @Returns: