/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit * Copyright (C) 2010 Carlos Garnacho * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. * * Authors: Carlos Garnacho * Cosimo Cecchi * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include "gtkwin32themeprivate.h" #include #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #include #define UXTHEME_DLL "uxtheme.dll" static HINSTANCE uxtheme_dll = NULL; static gboolean use_xp_theme = FALSE; static OSVERSIONINFO os_version; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup1 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup2 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup3 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup4 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup5 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup6 = NULL; static HTHEME needs_alpha_fixup7 = NULL; typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *GetThemeSysFontFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, int iFontID, OUT LOGFONTW *plf); typedef int (FAR PASCAL *GetThemeSysSizeFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, int iSizeId); typedef COLORREF (FAR PASCAL *GetThemeSysColorFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, int iColorID); typedef HTHEME (FAR PASCAL *OpenThemeDataFunc) (HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList); typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *CloseThemeDataFunc) (HTHEME theme); typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *DrawThemeBackgroundFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, const RECT *pClipRect); typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *EnableThemeDialogTextureFunc) (HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags); typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL *IsThemeActiveFunc) (VOID); typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL *IsAppThemedFunc) (VOID); typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL *IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparentFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, int iStateId); typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *DrawThemeParentBackgroundFunc) (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, RECT *prc); typedef HRESULT (FAR PASCAL *GetThemePartSizeFunc) (HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, RECT *prc, int eSize, SIZE *psz); static GetThemeSysFontFunc get_theme_sys_font = NULL; static GetThemeSysColorFunc get_theme_sys_color = NULL; static GetThemeSysSizeFunc get_theme_sys_metric = NULL; static OpenThemeDataFunc open_theme_data = NULL; static CloseThemeDataFunc close_theme_data = NULL; static DrawThemeBackgroundFunc draw_theme_background = NULL; static EnableThemeDialogTextureFunc enable_theme_dialog_texture = NULL; static IsThemeActiveFunc is_theme_active = NULL; static IsAppThemedFunc is_app_themed = NULL; static IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparentFunc is_theme_partially_transparent = NULL; static DrawThemeParentBackgroundFunc draw_theme_parent_background = NULL; static GetThemePartSizeFunc get_theme_part_size = NULL; static GHashTable *hthemes_by_class = NULL; static void _gtk_win32_theme_init (void) { char *buf; char dummy; int n, k; if (uxtheme_dll) return; n = GetSystemDirectory (&dummy, 0); if (n <= 0) return; buf = g_malloc (n + 1 + strlen (UXTHEME_DLL)); k = GetSystemDirectory (buf, n); if (k == 0 || k > n) { g_free (buf); return; } if (!G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (buf[strlen (buf) -1])) strcat (buf, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S); strcat (buf, UXTHEME_DLL); uxtheme_dll = LoadLibrary (buf); g_free (buf); if (!uxtheme_dll) return; is_app_themed = (IsAppThemedFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "IsAppThemed"); if (is_app_themed) { is_theme_active = (IsThemeActiveFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "IsThemeActive"); open_theme_data = (OpenThemeDataFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "OpenThemeData"); close_theme_data = (CloseThemeDataFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "CloseThemeData"); draw_theme_background = (DrawThemeBackgroundFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "DrawThemeBackground"); enable_theme_dialog_texture = (EnableThemeDialogTextureFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "EnableThemeDialogTexture"); get_theme_sys_font = (GetThemeSysFontFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "GetThemeSysFont"); get_theme_sys_color = (GetThemeSysColorFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "GetThemeSysColor"); get_theme_sys_metric = (GetThemeSysSizeFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "GetThemeSysSize"); is_theme_partially_transparent = (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparentFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent"); draw_theme_parent_background = (DrawThemeParentBackgroundFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "DrawThemeParentBackground"); get_theme_part_size = (GetThemePartSizeFunc) GetProcAddress (uxtheme_dll, "GetThemePartSize"); } if (is_app_themed && is_theme_active) { use_xp_theme = (is_app_themed () && is_theme_active ()); } else { use_xp_theme = FALSE; } hthemes_by_class = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); memset (&os_version, 0, sizeof (os_version)); os_version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (os_version); GetVersionEx (&os_version); if (os_version.dwMajorVersion == 5) { needs_alpha_fixup1 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("scrollbar"); needs_alpha_fixup2 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("toolbar"); needs_alpha_fixup3 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("button"); needs_alpha_fixup4 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("header"); needs_alpha_fixup5 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("trackbar"); needs_alpha_fixup6 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("status"); needs_alpha_fixup7 = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname ("rebar"); } } HTHEME _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname (const char *class) { HTHEME theme; guint16 *wclass; char *lower; _gtk_win32_theme_init (); lower = g_ascii_strdown (class, -1); theme = (HTHEME) g_hash_table_lookup (hthemes_by_class, lower); if (theme) { g_free (lower); return theme; } wclass = g_utf8_to_utf16 (lower, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); theme = open_theme_data (NULL, wclass); g_free (wclass); if (theme == NULL) { g_free (lower); return NULL; } /* Takes ownership of lower: */ g_hash_table_insert (hthemes_by_class, lower, theme); return theme; } #else HTHEME _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname (const char *class) { return NULL; } #endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */ cairo_surface_t * _gtk_win32_theme_part_create_surface (HTHEME theme, int xp_part, int state, int margins[4], int width, int height, int *x_offs_out, int *y_offs_out) { cairo_surface_t *surface; GdkRGBA color; cairo_t *cr; int x_offs; int y_offs; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 gboolean has_alpha; HDC hdc; RECT rect; SIZE size; HRESULT res; #endif x_offs = margins[3]; y_offs = margins[0]; width -= margins[3] + margins[1]; height -= margins[0] + margins[2]; #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; hdc = GetDC (NULL); res = get_theme_part_size (theme, hdc, xp_part, state, &rect, 2, &size); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); if (res == S_OK) { x_offs += (width - size.cx) / 2; y_offs += (height - size.cy) / 2; width = size.cx; height = size.cy; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; } has_alpha = is_theme_partially_transparent (theme, xp_part, state); if (has_alpha) surface = cairo_win32_surface_create_with_dib (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); else surface = cairo_win32_surface_create_with_dib (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, height); hdc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc (surface); res = draw_theme_background (theme, hdc, xp_part, state, &rect, &rect); /* XP Can't handle rendering some parts on an alpha target */ if (has_alpha && (theme == needs_alpha_fixup1 || theme == needs_alpha_fixup2 || (theme == needs_alpha_fixup3 && xp_part == 4) || theme == needs_alpha_fixup4 || theme == needs_alpha_fixup5 || theme == needs_alpha_fixup6 || theme == needs_alpha_fixup7)) { cairo_surface_t *img = cairo_win32_surface_get_image (surface); guint32 *data = (guint32 *)cairo_image_surface_get_data (img); int i, j; GdiFlush (); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (j = 0; j < height; j++) { if (data[i+j*width] != 0) data[i+j*width] |= 0xff000000; } } } *x_offs_out = x_offs; *y_offs_out = y_offs; if (res == S_OK) return surface; #else /* !G_OS_WIN32 */ surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); #endif /* G_OS_WIN32 */ cr = cairo_create (surface); /* XXX: Do something better here (like printing the theme parts) */ gdk_rgba_parse (&color, "pink"); gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &color); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); *x_offs_out = x_offs; *y_offs_out = y_offs; return surface; } int _gtk_win32_theme_int_parse (GtkCssParser *parser, GFile *base, int *value) { char *class; int arg; if (_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, "-gtk-win32-size", TRUE)) { if (!_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, "(", TRUE)) { _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected '(' after '-gtk-win32-size'"); return 0; } class = _gtk_css_parser_try_name (parser, TRUE); if (class == NULL) { _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected name as first argument to '-gtk-win32-size'"); return 0; } if (! _gtk_css_parser_try (parser, ",", TRUE)) { g_free (class); _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected ','"); return 0; } if (!_gtk_css_parser_try_int (parser, &arg)) { g_free (class); _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected a valid integer value"); return 0; } if (!_gtk_css_parser_try (parser, ")", TRUE)) { _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected ')'"); return 0; } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 if (use_xp_theme && get_theme_sys_metric != NULL) { HTHEME theme = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname (class); /* If theme is NULL it will just return the GetSystemMetrics value */ *value = get_theme_sys_metric (theme, arg); } else *value = GetSystemMetrics (arg); #else *value = 1; #endif g_free (class); return 1; } return -1; } GtkSymbolicColor * _gtk_win32_theme_color_parse (GtkCssParser *parser) { GtkSymbolicColor *color; char *class; int id; class = _gtk_css_parser_try_name (parser, TRUE); if (class == NULL) { _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected name as first argument to '-gtk-win32-color'"); return NULL; } if (! _gtk_css_parser_try (parser, ",", TRUE)) { g_free (class); _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected ','"); return NULL; } if (!_gtk_css_parser_try_int (parser, &id)) { g_free (class); _gtk_css_parser_error (parser, "Expected a valid integer value"); return NULL; } color = gtk_symbolic_color_new_win32 (class, id); g_free (class); return color; } gboolean _gtk_win32_theme_color_resolve (const char *theme_class, gint id, GdkRGBA *color) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 DWORD dcolor; if (use_xp_theme && get_theme_sys_color != NULL) { HTHEME theme = _gtk_win32_lookup_htheme_by_classname (theme_class); /* if theme is NULL, it will just return the GetSystemColor() value */ dcolor = get_theme_sys_color (theme, id); } else dcolor = GetSysColor (id); color->alpha = 1.0; color->red = GetRValue (dcolor) / 255.0; color->green = GetGValue (dcolor) / 255.0; color->blue = GetBValue (dcolor) / 255.0; #else gdk_rgba_parse (color, "pink"); #endif return TRUE; } const char * _gtk_win32_theme_get_default (void) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 _gtk_win32_theme_init (); if (use_xp_theme) return (os_version.dwMajorVersion >= 6) ? "gtk-win32" : "gtk-win32-xp"; #endif return "gtk-win32-classic"; }