/* Lists/Weather * * This demo shows a few of the rarer features of GtkListView and * how they can be used to display weather information. * * The hourly weather info uses a horizontal listview. This is easy * to achieve because GtkListView implements the GtkOrientable interface. * To make the items in the list stand out more, the listview uses * separators. * * A GtkNoSelectionModel is used to make sure no item in the list can be * selected. All other interactions with the items is still possible. * * The dataset used here has 70000 items. */ #include #define GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO (gtk_weather_info_get_type ()) G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (GtkWeatherInfo, gtk_weather_info, GTK, WEATHER_INFO, GObject) typedef enum { GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR, GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS, GTK_WEATHER_FOG, GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST, GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS, GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS, GTK_WEATHER_SNOW, GTK_WEATHER_STORM } GtkWeatherType; struct _GtkWeatherInfo { GObject parent_instance; gint64 timestamp; int temperature; GtkWeatherType weather_type; }; struct _GtkWeatherInfoClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkWeatherInfo, gtk_weather_info, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void gtk_weather_info_class_init (GtkWeatherInfoClass *klass) { } static void gtk_weather_info_init (GtkWeatherInfo *self) { } static GtkWeatherInfo * gtk_weather_info_new (GDateTime *timestamp, GtkWeatherInfo *copy_from) { GtkWeatherInfo *result; result = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO, NULL); result->timestamp = g_date_time_to_unix (timestamp); if (copy_from) { result->temperature = copy_from->temperature; result->weather_type = copy_from->weather_type; g_object_unref (copy_from); } return result; } static GDateTime * parse_timestamp (const char *string, GTimeZone *timezone) { char *with_seconds; GDateTime *result; with_seconds = g_strconcat (string, ":00", NULL); result = g_date_time_new_from_iso8601 (with_seconds, timezone); g_free (with_seconds); return result; } static GtkWeatherType parse_weather_type (const char *clouds, const char *precip, GtkWeatherType fallback) { if (strstr (precip, "SN")) return GTK_WEATHER_SNOW; if (strstr (precip, "TS")) return GTK_WEATHER_STORM; if (strstr (precip, "DZ")) return GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS; if (strstr (precip, "SH") || strstr (precip, "RA")) return GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS; if (strstr (precip, "FG")) return GTK_WEATHER_FOG; if (g_str_equal (clouds, "M") || g_str_equal (clouds, "")) return fallback; if (strstr (clouds, "OVC") || strstr (clouds, "BKN")) return GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST; if (strstr (clouds, "BKN") || strstr (clouds, "SCT")) return GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS; if (strstr (clouds, "VV")) return GTK_WEATHER_FOG; return GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR; } static double parse_temperature (const char *s, double fallback) { char *endptr; double d; d = g_ascii_strtod (s, &endptr); if (*endptr != '\0') return fallback; return d; } static GListModel * create_weather_model (void) { GListStore *store; GTimeZone *utc; GDateTime *timestamp; GtkWeatherInfo *info; GBytes *data; char **lines; guint i; store = g_list_store_new (GTK_TYPE_WEATHER_INFO); data = g_resources_lookup_data ("/listview_weather/listview_weather.txt", 0, NULL); lines = g_strsplit (g_bytes_get_data (data, NULL), "\n", 0); utc = g_time_zone_new_utc (); timestamp = g_date_time_new (utc, 2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); info = gtk_weather_info_new (timestamp, NULL); g_list_store_append (store, info); for (i = 0; lines[i] != NULL && *lines[i]; i++) { char **fields; GDateTime *date; fields = g_strsplit (lines[i], ",", 0); date = parse_timestamp (fields[0], utc); while (g_date_time_difference (date, timestamp) > 30 * G_TIME_SPAN_MINUTE) { GDateTime *new_timestamp = g_date_time_add_hours (timestamp, 1); g_date_time_unref (timestamp); timestamp = new_timestamp; info = gtk_weather_info_new (timestamp, info); g_list_store_append (store, info); } info->temperature = parse_temperature (fields[1], info->temperature); info->weather_type = parse_weather_type (fields[2], fields[3], info->weather_type); g_date_time_unref (date); g_strfreev (fields); } g_strfreev (lines); g_bytes_unref (data); g_time_zone_unref (utc); return G_LIST_MODEL (store); } static void setup_widget (GtkListItem *list_item, gpointer unused) { GtkWidget *box, *child; box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); gtk_list_item_set_child (list_item, box); child = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (child), 5); gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); child = gtk_image_new (); gtk_image_set_icon_size (GTK_IMAGE (child), GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE); gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); child = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_widget_set_vexpand (child, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_valign (child, GTK_ALIGN_END); gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL (child), 4); gtk_box_append (GTK_BOX (box), child); } static void bind_widget (GtkListItem *list_item, gpointer unused) { GtkWidget *box, *child; GtkWeatherInfo *info; GDateTime *timestamp; char *s; box = gtk_list_item_get_child (list_item); info = gtk_list_item_get_item (list_item); child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (box); timestamp = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc (info->timestamp); s = g_date_time_format (timestamp, "%R"); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (child), s); g_free (s); g_date_time_unref (timestamp); child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child); switch (info->weather_type) { case GTK_WEATHER_CLEAR: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-clear-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_FEW_CLOUDS: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-few-clouds-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_FOG: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-fog-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_OVERCAST: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-overcast-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_SCATTERED_SHOWERS: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-showers-scattered-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_SHOWERS: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-showers-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_SNOW: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-snow-symbolic"); break; case GTK_WEATHER_STORM: gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (child), "weather-storm-symbolic"); break; default: gtk_image_clear (GTK_IMAGE (child)); break; } child = gtk_widget_get_next_sibling (child); s = g_strdup_printf ("%d°", info->temperature); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (child), s); g_free (s); } static GtkWidget *window = NULL; GtkWidget * do_listview_weather (GtkWidget *do_widget) { if (window == NULL) { GtkWidget *listview, *sw;; GListModel *model, *selection; window = gtk_window_new (); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 600, 400); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Weather"); gtk_window_set_display (GTK_WINDOW (window), gtk_widget_get_display (do_widget)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Weather"); g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window), (gpointer *) &window); sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL); gtk_window_set_child (GTK_WINDOW (window), sw); listview = gtk_list_view_new_with_factory ( gtk_functions_list_item_factory_new (setup_widget, bind_widget, NULL, NULL)); gtk_orientable_set_orientation (GTK_ORIENTABLE (listview), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); gtk_list_view_set_show_separators (GTK_LIST_VIEW (listview), TRUE); model = create_weather_model (); selection = G_LIST_MODEL (gtk_no_selection_new (model)); gtk_list_view_set_model (GTK_LIST_VIEW (listview), selection); g_object_unref (selection); g_object_unref (model); gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw), listview); } if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window)) gtk_widget_show (window); else gtk_window_destroy (GTK_WINDOW (window)); return window; }