Rendering RGB buffers to X drawables.
The XlibRGB set of functions is a port of the #GdkRGB library to
use plain Xlib and X drawables. You can use these functions to
render RGB buffers into drawables very quickly with high-quality
FIXME: Describe this.
@colors: FIXME.
@lut: FIXME.
These values are used to specify which dithering method should be
used. XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NONE will use no dithering
and simply map the colors in an RGB buffer to the closest colors
that the display can provide.
XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL will provide dithering
only on pseudocolor displays.
XLIB_RGB_DITHER_MAX will provide dithering on
pseudocolor and 16-bit truecolor or “high color”
@XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NONE: Specifies no dithering.
@XLIB_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL: Specifies dithering only on pseudocolor
@XLIB_RGB_DITHER_MAX: Specifies dithering on high color displays.