GtkToolbar create bars of buttons and other widgets. A toolbar is created with a call to gtk_toolbar_new(). Buttons with text and/or images are added with gtk_toolbar_append_item(), gtk_toolbar_prepend_item(), and gtk_toolbar_insert_item(). Any of #GtkToggleButton, #GtkRadioButton, or an arbitrary widget can be added to the toolbar with gtk_toolbar_append_element(), gtk_toolbar_prepend_element(), and gtk_toolbar_insert_element(). Widgets can be visibily grouped by adding gaps between widgets using gtk_toolbar_append_space(), gtk_toolbar_prepend_space, and gtk_toolbar_insert_space(). #GtkToolTips Change the properties of a #GtkToolbar's #GtkTooltips. #GtkTipsQuery Make use of the private tips of toolbar elements. num_children is an integer specifying how many toolbar items the #GtkToolbar contains. children is a #GList of the child widgets of the toolbar. orientation is used to set the type of new elements that are added to a #GtkToolbar. SPACE is just a space in the style of the toolbar's GtkToolbarSpaceStyle. BUTTON denotes a #GtkButton. TOGGLEBUTTON denotes a #GtkToggleButton, RADIOBUTTON denotes a #GtkRadioButton, and WIDGET denotes a standard #GtkWidget. @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_SPACE: @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON: @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON: @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON: @GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET: @GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_EMPTY: @GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_LINE: @type: @widget: @icon: @label: creates a new toolbar. @Returns: the newly created toolbar. @orientation: a #GtkOrientation. It determines whether the toolbar appears horizontally or vertically. @style: a #GtkToolbarStyle. It determines if the toolbar will contain buttons with just labels, just images, or both. adds a new button to the end (right or bottom edges) of the given toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @text: give your toolbar button a label. @tooltip_text: a string that appears when the user holds the mouse over this item. @tooltip_private_text: use with #GtkTipsQuery. @icon: a #GtkWidget that should be used as the button's icon. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: a pointer to any data you wish to be passed to the callback. @Returns: the new toolbar item as a #GtkWidget. adds a new button to the beginning (top or left edges) of the given toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @text: give your toolbar button a label. @tooltip_text: a string that appears when the user holds the mouse over this item. @tooltip_private_text: use with #GtkTipsQuery. @icon: a #GtkWidget that should be used as the button's icon. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: a pointer to any data you wish to be passed to the callback. @Returns: the new toolbar item as a #GtkWidget. inserts a new item into the toolbar. You must specify the position in the toolbar where it will be inserted. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @text: give your toolbar button a label. @tooltip_text: a string that appears when the user holds the mouse over this item. @tooltip_private_text: use with #GtkTipsQuery. @icon: a #GtkWidget that should be used as the button's icon. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: a pointer to any data you wish to be passed to the callback. @position: the number of widgets to insert this item after. @Returns: the new toolbar item as a #GtkWidget. adds a new space to the end of the toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. adds a new space to the beginning of the toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. inserts a new space in the toolbar at the specified position. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar @position: the number of widgets after which a space should be inserted. adds a new element to the end of a toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @type: a value of type #GtkToolbarChildType that determines what @widget will be. @widget: a #GtkWidget to add to the toolbar. (FIXME: double check this). @text: the element's label. @tooltip_text: the element's tooltip. @tooltip_private_text: used for context-sensitive help about this toolbar element. @icon: a #GtkWidget that provides pictorial representation of the element's function. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: any data you wish to pass to the callback. @Returns: the new toolbar element as a #GtkWidget. adds a new element to the beginning of a toolbar. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @type: a value of type #GtkToolbarChildType that determines what @widget will be. @widget: a #GtkWidget to add to the toolbar. (FIXME: double check this). @text: the element's label. @tooltip_text: the element's tooltip. @tooltip_private_text: used for context-sensitive help about this toolbar element. @icon: a #GtkWidget that provides pictorial representation of the element's function. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: any data you wish to pass to the callback. @Returns: the new toolbar element as a #GtkWidget. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @type: a value of type #GtkToolbarChildType that determines what @widget will be. @widget: a #GtkWidget to add to the toolbar. (FIXME: double check this). @text: the element's label. @tooltip_text: the element's tooltip. @tooltip_private_text: used for context-sensitive help about this toolbar element. @icon: a #GtkWidget that provides pictorial representation of the element's function. @callback: the function to be executed when the button is pressed. @user_data: any data you wish to pass to the callback. @position: the number of widgets to insert this element after. @Returns: the new toolbar element as a #GtkWidget. @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @toolbar: @widget: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @position: sets whether a toolbar should appear horizontally or vertically. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @orientation: a new #GtkOrientation. alters the view of @toolbar to display either icons only, text only, or both. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @style: the new style for @toolbar. sets if the tooltips of a toolbar should be active or not. @toolbar: a #GtkToolbar. @enable: set to 0 to disable the tooltips, or 1 to enable them. @toolbar: @stock_id: @tooltip_text: @tooltip_private_text: @callback: @user_data: @position: @Returns: @toolbar: @icon_size: @stock_size: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @Returns: @toolbar: @position: @toolbar: @toolbar: should be used if you wish to perform an action when the orientation of a toolbar is changed. @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @orientation: the new #GtkOrientation of the toolbar. should be used if you wish to perform an action when ever the style of a toolbar is adjusted. For example, this would be a useful signal to connect to if you want to display more items on the toolbar when it is in icon-only mode; each item takes less space on the bar. @toolbar: the object which received the signal. @style: the new #GtkToolbarStyle of @toolbar.