GtkActionGroup a group of actions Actions are organised into groups. An action group is essentially a map from names to #GtkAction objects. All actions that would make sense to use in a particular context should be in a single group. Multiple action groups may be used for a particular user interface. In fact, it is expected that most nontrivial applications will make use of multiple groups. For example, in an application that can edit multiple documents, one group holding global actions (eg. quit, about, new), and one group per document holding actions that act on that document (eg. save, cut/copy/paste, etc). Each window's menus would be constructed from a combination of two action groups. The GtkActionGroup struct contains only private members and should not be accessed directly. GtkActionEntry structs are used with gtk_action_group_add_actions() to construct actions. @name: The name of the action. @stock_id: The stock id for the action. @label: The label for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). @accelerator: The accelerator for the action, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse(). @tooltip: The tooltip for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). @callback: The function to call when the action is activated. @is_toggle: If this is %TRUE, a #GtkToggleAction is constructed, else a #GtkAction. GtkRadioActionEntry structs are used with gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions() to construct radio actions. @name: The name of the action. @stock_id: The stock id for the action. @label: The label for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). @accelerator: The accelerator for the action, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse(). @tooltip: The tooltip for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). @value: The value to set on the radio action. See gtk_radio_action_get_current_value(). @name: @Returns: @action_group: @Returns: @action_group: @action_name: @Returns: @action_group: @Returns: @action_group: @action: @action_group: @action: @action_group: @entries: @n_entries: @user_data: @action_group: @entries: @n_entries: @user_data: @destroy: @action_group: @entries: @n_entries: @on_change: @user_data: @action_group: @entries: @n_entries: @on_change: @user_data: @destroy: @action_group: @func: @data: @notify: @action_group: @domain: