GtkRecentManager Managing Recently Used Files #GtkRecentManager provides a facility for adding, removing and looking up recently used files. Each recently used file is identified by its URI, and has meta-data associated to it, like the names and command lines of the applications that have registered it, the number of time each application has registered the same file, the mime type of the file and whether the file should be displayed only by the applications that have registered it. The #GtkRecentManager acts like a database of all the recently used files. You can create new #GtkRecentManager objects, but it is more efficient to use the standard recent manager for the #GdkScreen so that informations about the recently used files is shared with other people using them. In case the default screen is being used, adding a new recently used file is as simple as: GtkRecentManager *manager; manager = gtk_recent_manager_get_default (); gtk_recent_manager_add_item (manager, file_uri); While looking up a recently used file is as simple as: GtkRecentManager *manager; GtkRecentInfo *info; GError *error = NULL; manager = gtk_recent_manager_get_default (); info = gtk_recent_manager_lookup_item (manager, file_uri, &error); if (error) { g_warning ("Could not find the file: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { /* Use the info object */ gtk_recent_info_unref (info); } Recently used files are supported since GTK+ 2.10. Acts as a database of information about the list of recently used files. Normally, you retrieve the recent manager for a particular screen using gtk_recent_manager_get_for_screen() and it will contain information about current recent manager for that screen. @recentmanager: the object which received the signal. Contains informations found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list. @display_name: @description: @mime_type: @app_name: @app_exec: @groups: @is_private: The #GQuark used for #GtkRecentManagerError errors. @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_INVALID_URI: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_READ: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_WRITE: @GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_UNKNOWN: @Returns: @Returns: @screen: @Returns: @manager: @screen: @manager: @uri: @Returns: @manager: @uri: @recent_data: @Returns: @manager: @uri: @error: @Returns: @manager: @uri: @error: @Returns: @manager: @uri: @Returns: @manager: @uri: @new_uri: @error: @Returns: @manager: @Returns: @manager: @limit: @manager: @Returns: @manager: @error: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @app_name: @app_exec: @count: @time_: @Returns: @info: @length: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @length: @Returns: @info: @group_name: @Returns: @info: @app_name: @Returns: @info: @size: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info: @Returns: @info_a: @info_b: @Returns: