/* Helper functions for debugging */ var logDiv = null; function log(str) { if (!logDiv) { logDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(logDiv); logDiv.style["position"] = "absolute"; logDiv.style["right"] = "0px"; } logDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); logDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } var base64Values = [ 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 62,255,255,255, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,255,255,255, 0,255,255, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,255,255,255,255,255, 255, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,255,255,255,255,255 ] function base64_8(str, index) { var v = (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6); return v; } function base64_16(str, index) { var v = (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12); return v; } function base64_16s(str, index) { var v = base64_16(str, index); if (v > 32767) return v - 65536; else return v; } function base64_24(str, index) { var v = (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+3)] << 18); return v; } function base64_32(str, index) { var v = (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+3)] << 18) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+4)] << 24) + (base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+5)] << 30); return v; } function createXHR() { try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} return null; } /* This resizes the window so the *inner* size is the specified size */ function resizeBrowserWindow(window, w, h) { var innerW = window.innerWidth; var innerH = window.innerHeight; var outerW = window.outerWidth; var outerH = window.outerHeight; window.resizeTo(w + outerW - innerW, h + outerH - innerH); } function resizeCanvas(canvas, w, h) { /* Canvas resize clears the data, so we need to save it first */ var tmpCanvas = canvas.ownerDocument.createElement("canvas"); tmpCanvas.width = canvas.width; tmpCanvas.height = canvas.height; var tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d"); tmpContext.globalCompositeOperation = "copy"; tmpContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height); canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy"; context.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height); } var useToplevelWindows = false; var toplevelWindows = []; var grab = new Object(); grab.window = null; grab.ownerEvents = false; grab.implicit = false; var localGrab = null; var lastSerial = 0; var lastX = 0; var lastY = 0; var lastState; var lastTimeStamp = 0; var realWindowWithMouse = 0; var windowWithMouse = 0; var surfaces = {}; var stackingOrder = []; var outstandingCommands = new Array(); var inputSocket = null; var frameSizeX = -1; var frameSizeY = -1; var GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL = 0; var GDK_CROSSING_GRAB = 1; var GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB = 2; // GdkModifierType var GDK_SHIFT_MASK = 1 << 0; var GDK_LOCK_MASK = 1 << 1; var GDK_CONTROL_MASK = 1 << 2; var GDK_MOD1_MASK = 1 << 3; var GDK_MOD2_MASK = 1 << 4; var GDK_MOD3_MASK = 1 << 5; var GDK_MOD4_MASK = 1 << 6; var GDK_MOD5_MASK = 1 << 7; var GDK_BUTTON1_MASK = 1 << 8; var GDK_BUTTON2_MASK = 1 << 9; var GDK_BUTTON3_MASK = 1 << 10; var GDK_BUTTON4_MASK = 1 << 11; var GDK_BUTTON5_MASK = 1 << 12; var GDK_SUPER_MASK = 1 << 26; var GDK_HYPER_MASK = 1 << 27; var GDK_META_MASK = 1 << 28; var GDK_RELEASE_MASK = 1 << 30; function getButtonMask (button) { if (button == 1) return GDK_BUTTON1_MASK; if (button == 2) return GDK_BUTTON2_MASK; if (button == 3) return GDK_BUTTON3_MASK; if (button == 4) return GDK_BUTTON4_MASK; if (button == 5) return GDK_BUTTON5_MASK; return 0; } function flushSurface(surface) { var commands = surface.drawQueue; surface.queue = []; var context = surface.context; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { var cmd = commands[i]; switch (cmd.op) { case 'i': // put image data surface context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; context.drawImage(cmd.img, cmd.x, cmd.y); break; case 'b': // copy rects context.save(); context.beginPath(); var minx; var miny; var maxx; var maxy; for (var j = 0; j < cmd.rects.length; j++) { var rect = cmd.rects[j]; context.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); if (j == 0) { minx = rect.x; miny = rect.y; maxx = rect.x + rect.w; maxy = rect.y + rect.h; } else { if (rect.x < minx) minx = rect.x; if (rect.y < miny) miny = rect.y; if (rect.x + rect.w > maxx) maxx = rect.x + rect.w; if (rect.y + rect.h > maxy) maxy = rect.y + rect.h; } } context.clip(); context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy"; context.drawImage(context.canvas, minx - cmd.dx, miny - cmd.dy, maxx - minx, maxy - miny, minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny); context.restore(); break; default: alert("Unknown drawing op " + cmd.op); } } } function ensureSurfaceInDocument(surface, doc) { if (surface.document != doc) { var oldCanvas = surface.canvas; var canvas = doc.importNode(oldCanvas, false); doc.body.appendChild(canvas); canvas.surface = surface; oldCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(oldCanvas); surface.canvas = canvas; surface.document = doc; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; surface.context = context; } } var windowGeometryTimeout = null; function updateBrowserWindowGeometry(win) { if (win.closed) return; var surface = win.surface; var innerW = win.innerWidth; var innerH = win.innerHeight; var x = surface.x; var y = surface.y; if (frameSizeX > 0) { x = win.screenX + frameSizeX; y = win.screenY + frameSizeY; } if (x != surface.x || y != surface.y || innerW != surface.width || innerH != surface.height) { var oldX = surface.x; var oldY = surface.y; surface.x = x; surface.y = y; if (surface.width != innerW || surface.height != innerH) resizeCanvas(surface.canvas, innerW, innerH); surface.width = innerW; surface.height = innerH; sendInput ("w", [surface.id, surface.x, surface.y, surface.width, surface.height]); for (id in surfaces) { if (surfaces[id].transientToplevel != null && surfaces[id].transientToplevel == surface) { var childSurface = surfaces[id]; childSurface.x += surface.x - oldX; childSurface.y += surface.y - oldY; sendInput ("w", [childSurface.id, childSurface.x, childSurface.y, childSurface.width, childSurface.height]); } } } } function browserWindowClosed(win) { var surface = win.surface; sendInput ("W", [surface.id]); for (id in surfaces) { if (surfaces[id].transientToplevel != null && surfaces[id].transientToplevel == surface) { var childSurface = surfaces[id]; sendInput ("W", [childSurface.id]); } } } function registerWindow(win) { toplevelWindows.push(win); win.onresize = function(ev) { updateBrowserWindowGeometry(ev.target); }; if (!windowGeometryTimeout) windowGeometryTimeout = setInterval(function () { toplevelWindows.forEach(updateBrowserWindowGeometry); }, 2000); win.onunload = function(ev) { browserWindowClosed(ev.target.defaultView); }; } function unregisterWindow(win) { var i = toplevelWindows.indexOf(win); if (i >= 0) toplevelWindows.splice(i, 1); if (windowGeometryTimeout && toplevelWindows.length == 0) { clearInterval(windowGeometryTimeout); windowGeometryTimeout = null; } } function getTransientToplevel(surface) { while (surface.transientParent != 0) { surface = surfaces[surface.transientParent]; if (surface.window) return surface; } return null; } function getFrameOffset(surface) { var x = 1; var y = 1; var el = surface.canvas; while (el != null && el != surface.frame) { x += el.offsetLeft; y += el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; } return {x: x, y: y}; } function cmdCreateSurface(id, x, y, width, height, isTemp) { var surface = { id: id, x: x, y:y, width: width, height: height, isTemp: isTemp }; surface.drawQueue = []; surface.transientParent = 0; surface.visible = false; surface.window = null; surface.document = document; surface.transientToplevel = null; surface.frame = null; stackingOrder.push(id); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; canvas.surface = surface; surface.canvas = canvas; if (useToplevelWindows || isTemp) { canvas.style["position"] = "absolute"; canvas.style["left"] = "0px"; canvas.style["top"] = "0px"; canvas.style["display"] = "none"; document.body.appendChild(canvas); } else { var frame = document.createElement("div"); frame.frameFor = surface; frame.style["position"] = "absolute"; frame.style["left"] = "0px"; frame.style["top"] = "0px"; frame.style["display"] = "inline"; // We hide the frame with visibility rather than display none // so getFrameOffset still works with hidden windows frame.style["visibility"] = "hidden"; frame.className = "frame-window"; var button = document.createElement("center"); var X = document.createTextNode("X"); button.appendChild(X); button.className = "frame-close"; frame.appendChild(button); var contents = document.createElement("div"); contents.className = "frame-contents"; frame.appendChild(contents); document.body.appendChild(frame); contents.appendChild(canvas); canvas.style["display"] = "block"; surface.frame = frame; } var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; surface.context = context; surfaces[id] = surface; } function cmdShowSurface(id) { var surface = surfaces[id]; if (surface.visible) return; surface.visible = true; var element = surface.canvas; var xOffset = surface.x; var yOffset = surface.y; if (useToplevelWindows) { var doc = document; if (!surface.isTemp) { var win = window.open('','_blank', 'width='+surface.width+',height='+surface.height+ ',left='+surface.x+',top='+surface.y+',screenX='+surface.x+',screenY='+surface.y+ ',location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no'); win.surface = surface; registerWindow(win); doc = win.document; doc.open(); doc.write(""); setupDocument(doc); surface.window = win; xOffset = 0; yOffset = 0; } else { surface.transientToplevel = getTransientToplevel(surface); if (surface.transientToplevel) { doc = surface.transientToplevel.window.document; xOffset = surface.x - surface.transientToplevel.x; yOffset = surface.y - surface.transientToplevel.y; } } ensureSurfaceInDocument(surface, doc); element = surface.canvas; } else { if (surface.frame) { element = surface.frame; var offset = getFrameOffset(surface); xOffset -= offset.x; yOffset -= offset.y; } } element.style["position"] = "absolute"; element.style["left"] = xOffset + "px"; element.style["top"] = yOffset + "px"; element.style["display"] = "inline"; if (surface.frame) surface.frame.style["visibility"] = "visible"; } function cmdHideSurface(id) { var surface = surfaces[id]; if (!surface.visible) return; surface.visible = false; var element = surface.canvas; if (surface.frame) element = surface.frame; if (surface.frame) surface.frame.style["visibility"] = "hidden"; else element.style["display"] = "none"; // Import the canvas into the main document ensureSurfaceInDocument(surface, document); if (surface.window) { unregisterWindow(surface.window); surface.window.close(); surface.window = null; } } function cmdSetTransientFor(id, parentId) { var surface = surfaces[id]; if (surface.transientParent == parentId) return; surface.transientParent = parentId; if (surface.visible && surface.isTemp) { alert("TODO: move temps between transient parents when visible"); } } function restackWindows() { if (useToplevelWindows) return; for (var i = 0; i < stackingOrder.length; i++) { var id = stackingOrder[i]; var surface = surfaces[id]; if (surface.frame) surface.frame.style.zIndex = i; else surface.canvas.style.zIndex = i; } } function moveToTopHelper(surface) { var i = stackingOrder.indexOf(surface.id); stackingOrder.splice(i, 1); stackingOrder.push(surface.id); for (var cid in surfaces) { var child = surfaces[cid]; if (child.transientParent == surface.id) moveToTopHelper(child); } } function moveToTop(surface) { moveToTopHelper(surface); restackWindows(); } function cmdDeleteSurface(id) { var surface = surfaces[id]; var i = stackingOrder.indexOf(id); if (i >= 0) stackingOrder.splice(i, 1); var canvas = surface.canvas; canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); var frame = surface.frame; if (frame) frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame); delete surfaces[id]; } function cmdMoveSurface(id, x, y) { var surface = surfaces[id]; surface.x = x; surface.y = y; if (surface.visible) { if (surface.window) { /* TODO: This moves the outer frame position, we really want the inner position. * However this isn't *strictly* invalid, as any WM could have done whatever it * wanted with the positioning of the window. */ surface.window.moveTo(surface.x, surface.y); } else { var xOffset = surface.x; var yOffset = surface.y; var transientToplevel = getTransientToplevel(surface); if (transientToplevel) { xOffset = surface.x - transientToplevel.x; yOffset = surface.y - transientToplevel.y; } var element = surface.canvas; if (surface.frame) { element = surface.frame; var offset = getFrameOffset(surface); xOffset -= offset.x; yOffset -= offset.y; } element.style["left"] = xOffset + "px"; element.style["top"] = yOffset + "px"; } } } function cmdResizeSurface(id, w, h) { var surface = surfaces[id]; surface.width = w; surface.height = h; /* Flush any outstanding draw ops before changing size */ flushSurface(surface); resizeCanvas(surface.canvas, w, h); if (surface.window) { resizeBrowserWindow(surface.window, w, h); } } function cmdFlushSurface(id) { flushSurface(surfaces[id]); } function cmdGrabPointer(id, ownerEvents) { doGrab(id, ownerEvents, false); sendInput ("g", []); } function cmdUngrabPointer() { sendInput ("u", []); grab.window = null; } function handleCommands(cmdObj) { var cmd = cmdObj.data; var i = cmdObj.pos; while (i < cmd.length) { var command = cmd[i++]; lastSerial = base64_32(cmd, i); i = i + 6; switch (command) { case 's': // create new surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var x = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var y = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var w = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var h = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var isTemp = cmd[i] == '1'; i = i + 1; cmdCreateSurface(id, x, y, w, h, isTemp); break; case 'S': // Show a surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdShowSurface(id); break; case 'H': // Hide a surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdHideSurface(id); break; case 'p': // Set transient parent var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var parentId = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdSetTransientFor(id, parentId); break; case 'd': // Delete surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdDeleteSurface(id); break; case 'm': // Move a surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var x = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var y = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdMoveSurface(id, x, y); break; case 'r': // Resize a surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var w = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var h = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdResizeSurface(id, w, h); break; case 'i': // Put image data surface var q = new Object(); q.op = 'i'; q.id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; q.x = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; q.y = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var size = base64_32(cmd, i); i = i + 6; var url = cmd.slice(i, i + size); i = i + size; q.img = new Image(); q.img.src = url; surfaces[q.id].drawQueue.push(q); if (!q.img.complete) { cmdObj.pos = i; q.img.onload = function() { handleOutstanding(); }; return false; } break; case 'b': // Copy rects var q = new Object(); q.op = 'b'; q.id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var nrects = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; q.rects = []; for (var r = 0; r < nrects; r++) { var rect = new Object(); rect.x = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; rect.y = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; rect.w = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; rect.h = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; q.rects.push (rect); } q.dx = base64_16s(cmd, i); i = i + 3; q.dy = base64_16s(cmd, i); i = i + 3; surfaces[q.id].drawQueue.push(q); break; case 'f': // Flush surface var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; cmdFlushSurface(id); break; case 'g': // Grab var id = base64_16(cmd, i); i = i + 3; var ownerEvents = cmd[i++] == '1'; cmdGrabPointer(id, ownerEvents); break; case 'u': // Ungrab cmdUngrabPointer(); break; default: alert("Unknown op " + command); } } return true; } function handleOutstanding() { while (outstandingCommands.length > 0) { var cmd = outstandingCommands.shift(); if (!handleCommands(cmd)) { outstandingCommands.unshift(cmd); return; } } } function handleLoad(event) { var cmdObj = {}; cmdObj.data = event.target.responseText; cmdObj.pos = 0; outstandingCommands.push(cmdObj); if (outstandingCommands.length == 1) { handleOutstanding(); } } function getSurfaceId(ev) { var surface = ev.target.surface; if (surface != undefined) return surface.id; return 0; } function sendInput(cmd, args) { if (inputSocket != null) { inputSocket.send(cmd + ([lastSerial, lastTimeStamp].concat(args)).join(",")); } } function getPositionsFromAbsCoord(absX, absY, relativeId) { var res = Object(); res.rootX = absX; res.rootY = absY; res.winX = absX; res.winY = absY; if (relativeId != 0) { var surface = surfaces[relativeId]; res.winX = res.winX - surface.x; res.winY = res.winY - surface.y; } return res; } function getPositionsFromEvent(ev, relativeId) { var absX, absY; if (useToplevelWindows) { absX = ev.screenX; absY = ev.screenY; } else { absX = ev.pageX; absY = ev.pageY; } var res = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(absX, absY, relativeId); lastX = res.rootX; lastY = res.rootY; return res; } function getEffectiveEventTarget (id) { if (grab.window != null) { if (!grab.ownerEvents) return grab.window; if (id == 0) return grab.window; } return id; } function updateForEvent(ev) { lastTimeStamp = ev.timeStamp; if (ev.target.surface && ev.target.surface.window) { var win = ev.target.surface.window; if (ev.screenX != undefined && ev.clientX != undefined) { var newFrameSizeX = ev.screenX - ev.clientX - win.screenX; var newFrameSizeY = ev.screenY - ev.clientY - win.screenY; if (newFrameSizeX != frameSizeX || newFrameSizeY != frameSizeY) { frameSizeX = newFrameSizeX; frameSizeY = newFrameSizeY; toplevelWindows.forEach(updateBrowserWindowGeometry); } } updateBrowserWindowGeometry(win); } } function onMouseMove (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) { var dx = ev.pageX - localGrab.lastX; var dy = ev.pageY - localGrab.lastY; var surface = localGrab.frame.frameFor; surface.x += dx; surface.y += dy; var offset = getFrameOffset(surface); localGrab.frame.style["left"] = (surface.x - offset.x) + "px"; localGrab.frame.style["top"] = (surface.y - offset.y) + "px"; sendInput ("w", [surface.id, surface.x, surface.y, surface.width, surface.height]); localGrab.lastX = ev.pageX; localGrab.lastY = ev.pageY; return; } var id = getSurfaceId(ev); id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id); var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); sendInput ("m", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState]); } function onMouseOver (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) return; var id = getSurfaceId(ev); realWindowWithMouse = id; id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id); var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); windowWithMouse = id; if (windowWithMouse != 0) { sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]); } } function onMouseOut (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) return; var id = getSurfaceId(ev); var origId = id; id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id); var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); if (id != 0) { sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]); } realWindowWithMouse = 0; windowWithMouse = 0; } function doGrab(id, ownerEvents, implicit) { var pos; if (windowWithMouse != id) { if (windowWithMouse != 0) { pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, windowWithMouse); sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_GRAB]); } pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, id); sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_GRAB]); windowWithMouse = id; } grab.window = id; grab.ownerEvents = ownerEvents; grab.implicit = implicit; } function doUngrab() { var pos; if (realWindowWithMouse != windowWithMouse) { if (windowWithMouse != 0) { pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, windowWithMouse); sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB]); } if (realWindowWithMouse != 0) { pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, realWindowWithMouse); sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, realWindowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB]); } windowWithMouse = realWindowWithMouse; } grab.window = null; } function onMouseDown (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); var button = ev.button + 1; lastState = lastState | getButtonMask (button); var id = getSurfaceId(ev); id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id); if (id == 0 && ev.target.frameFor) { /* mouse click on frame */ localGrab = new Object(); localGrab.frame = ev.target; localGrab.lastX = ev.pageX; localGrab.lastY = ev.pageY; moveToTop(localGrab.frame.frameFor); return; } var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); if (grab.window == null) doGrab (id, false, true); sendInput ("b", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, button]); } function onMouseUp (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); var button = ev.button + 1; lastState = lastState & ~getButtonMask (button); var evId = getSurfaceId(ev); id = getEffectiveEventTarget (evId); var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); if (localGrab) { localGrab = null; realWindowWithMouse = evId; if (windowWithMouse != id) { if (windowWithMouse != 0) { sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]); } windowWithMouse = id; if (windowWithMouse != 0) { sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]); } } return; } sendInput ("B", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, button]); if (grab.window != null && grab.implicit) doUngrab(ev.timeStamp); } var lastKeyDown = 0; function onKeyDown (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) return; var keyCode = ev.keyCode; if (keyCode != lastKeyDown) { sendInput ("k", [keyCode]); lastKeyDown = keyCode; } } function onKeyUp (ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) return; var keyCode = ev.keyCode; sendInput ("K", [keyCode]); lastKeyDown = 0; } function cancelEvent(ev) { ev = ev ? ev : window.event; if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); ev.cancelBubble = true; ev.cancel = true; ev.returnValue = false; return false; } function onMouseWheel(ev) { updateForEvent(ev); if (localGrab) return; ev = ev ? ev : window.event; var id = getSurfaceId(ev); var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id); var offset = ev.detail ? ev.detail : ev.wheelDelta; var dir = 0; if (offset > 0) dir = 1; sendInput ("s", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, dir]); return cancelEvent(ev); } function setupDocument(document) { document.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }; document.onmousemove = onMouseMove; document.onmouseover = onMouseOver; document.onmouseout = onMouseOut; document.onmousedown = onMouseDown; document.onmouseup = onMouseUp; document.onkeydown = onKeyDown; document.onkeyup = onKeyUp; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false); document.addEventListener('mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent("onmousewheel", onMouseWheel); } } function connect() { var xhr = createXHR(); if (xhr) { if (typeof xhr.multipart == 'undefined') { alert("Sorry, this example only works in browsers that support multipart."); return; } xhr.multipart = true; xhr.open("GET", "/output", true); xhr.onload = handleLoad; xhr.send(null); } if ("WebSocket" in window) { var loc = window.location.toString().replace("http:", "ws:"); loc = loc.substr(0, loc.lastIndexOf('/')) + "/input"; var ws = new WebSocket(loc, "broadway"); ws.onopen = function() { inputSocket = ws; var w, h; if (useToplevelWindows) { w = window.screen.width; h = window.screen.height; } else { w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; window.onresize = function(ev) { var w, h; w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; sendInput ("d", [w, h]); }; } sendInput ("d", [w, h]); }; ws.onclose = function() { inputSocket = null; }; } else { alert("WebSocket not supported, input will not work!"); } setupDocument(document); window.onunload = function (ev) { for (var i = 0; i < toplevelWindows.length; i++) toplevelWindows[i].close(); }; }