GtkSeparatorToolItem A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items. A #GtkSeparatorItem is a #GtkToolItem that separates groups of other #GtkToolItems. Depending on the theme, a #GtkSeparatorToolItem will often look like a vertical line on horizontally docked toolbars. If the property "expand" is #TRUE and the property "draw" is #FALSE, a #GtkSeparatorToolItem will act as a "spring" that forces other items to the ends of the toolbar. Use gtk_separator_tool_item_new() to create a new #GtkSeparatorToolItem. #GtkToolbar The toolbar widget #GtkRadioToolButton A toolbar item containing a radio button The #GtkSeparatorToolItem struct contains only private data and should only be accessed through the functions described below. @Returns: @item: @draw: @tool_item: @item: @Returns: