forked from AuroraMiddleware/gtk
Make sure that every object property in GTK has accessors for getting its value (if the property is readable) or setting it (if it is writable). Since we are still missing accessors, the test is allowed to fail for now. Sadly, mesons xfail support is busted, so we just disable the test entirely :( Based on initial work by Benjamin Otte. Related: #2440
296 lines
8.6 KiB
296 lines
8.6 KiB
testexecdir = join_paths(installed_test_bindir, 'gtk')
testdatadir = join_paths(installed_test_datadir, 'gtk')
gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag = []
if cc.get_id() != 'msvc'
if os_darwin
gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag = ['-Wl,-export_dynamic']
gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag = ['-Wl,--export-dynamic']
# Available keys for each test:
# - 'name': the test name; used for the test and to determine the base
# source file for the test (MANDATORY)
# - 'sources': (array): additional sources needed by the test
# - 'c_args': (array): additional compiler arguments
# - 'link_args': (array): additional linker arguments
# - 'suites': (array): additional test suites
tests = [
{ 'name': 'accel' },
# sadly, mesons xfail support seems busted
# { 'name': 'accessor-apis' },
{ 'name': 'action' },
{ 'name': 'adjustment' },
{ 'name': 'bitset' },
'name': 'bitmask',
'sources': ['../../gtk/gtkallocatedbitmask.c'],
'name': 'builder',
'link_args': gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag,
{ 'name': 'builderparser' },
{ 'name': 'cellarea' },
{ 'name': 'check-icon-names' },
'name': 'constraint-solver',
'sources': [
{ 'name': 'cssprovider' },
'name': 'rbtree-crash',
'sources': ['../../gtk/gtkrbtree.c'],
{ 'name': 'defaultvalue' },
{ 'name': 'entry' },
{ 'name': 'expression' },
{ 'name': 'filter' },
{ 'name': 'filterlistmodel' },
'name': 'filterlistmodel-exhaustive',
'suites': ['slow'],
{ 'name': 'flattenlistmodel' },
{ 'name': 'floating' },
{ 'name': 'flowbox' },
#{ 'name': 'gestures' },
{ 'name': 'grid' },
{ 'name': 'grid-layout' },
{ 'name': 'icontheme' },
{ 'name': 'listbox' },
{ 'name': 'main' },
{ 'name': 'maplistmodel' },
{ 'name': 'multiselection' },
{ 'name': 'notify' },
{ 'name': 'no-gtk-init' },
{ 'name': 'object' },
{ 'name': 'objects-finalize' },
{ 'name': 'papersize' },
#{ 'name': 'popover' },
'name': 'propertylookuplistmodel',
'sources': ['../../gtk/gtkpropertylookuplistmodel.c'],
'name': 'rbtree',
'sources': ['../../gtk/gtktreerbtree.c'],
{ 'name': 'recentmanager' },
{ 'name': 'regression-tests' },
{ 'name': 'scrolledwindow' },
{ 'name': 'searchbar' },
{ 'name': 'shortcuts' },
{ 'name': 'singleselection' },
{ 'name': 'slicelistmodel' },
{ 'name': 'sorter' },
{ 'name': 'sortlistmodel' },
{ 'name': 'sortlistmodel-exhaustive' },
{ 'name': 'spinbutton' },
{ 'name': 'stringlist' },
{ 'name': 'templates' },
{ 'name': 'textbuffer' },
{ 'name': 'textiter' },
{ 'name': 'theme-validate' },
'name': 'timsort',
'sources': ['timsort.c', '../../gtk/timsort/gtktimsort.c'],
{ 'name': 'tooltips' },
{ 'name': 'treelistmodel' },
'name': 'treemodel',
'sources': [
{ 'name': 'treepath' },
{ 'name': 'treesorter' },
{ 'name': 'treeview' },
{ 'name': 'typename' },
{ 'name': 'displayclose' },
{ 'name': 'revealer-size' },
{ 'name': 'widgetorder' },
{ 'name': 'widget-refcount' },
# Tests that are expected to fail
xfail = [
# we are still missing some accessors
# one of the window resizing tests fails after
# the GdkToplevel refactoring, and needs a big
# gtkwindow.c configure request cleanup
is_debug = get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug')
test_cargs = []
if os_unix
# tests += [['defaultvalue']] # disabled in as well
test_cargs += ['-DHAVE_UNIX_PRINT_WIDGETS']
foreach flag: common_cflags
if flag not in ['-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=missing-declarations', '-fvisibility=hidden']
test_cargs += flag
foreach t : tests
test_name = t.get('name')
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get('sources', [])
test_extra_cargs = t.get('c_args', [])
test_extra_ldflags = t.get('link_args', [])
test_extra_suites = t.get('suites', [])
test_timeout = 60
test_exe = executable(test_name, test_srcs,
c_args : test_cargs + test_extra_cargs,
link_args : test_extra_ldflags,
dependencies : libgtk_dep,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir)
expect_fail = xfail.contains(test_name)
if test_extra_suites.contains('slow')
test_timeout = 90
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
timeout: test_timeout,
env: [
suite: ['gtk'] + test_extra_suites,
should_fail: expect_fail,
# FIXME: if objc autotestkeywords_CPPFLAGS += -DHAVE_OBJC=1 -x objective-c++
if add_languages('cpp', required: false)
test_exe = executable('autotestkeywords',
c_args : test_cargs + ['-Idummy-headers'],
dependencies : libgtk_dep,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir)
test('c++ keywords', test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
#protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: 'gtk')
if get_option('install-tests')
conf = configuration_data()
conf.set('testexecdir', testexecdir)
conf.set('test', 'autotestkeywords')
configure_file(input: '',
output: 'autotestkeywords.test',
configuration: conf,
install_dir: testdatadir)
focus_chain_tests = [
# test direction
[ 'basic', 'tab' ],
[ 'basic', 'tab-backward' ],
[ 'basic', 'left' ],
[ 'basic', 'right' ],
[ 'widget-factory', 'tab' ],
[ 'widget-factory', 'tab-backward' ],
[ 'widget-factory', 'up' ],
[ 'widget-factory', 'down' ],
[ 'widget-factory', 'left' ],
# this one is flaky in ci, for unclear reasons
#[ 'widget-factory', 'right' ],
[ 'widget-factory2', 'tab' ],
[ 'widget-factory2', 'tab-backward' ],
# in ci, we don't show a color picker, so the focus chain
# for page3 is missing an expected button in the color editor
#[ 'widget-factory3', 'tab' ],
#[ 'widget-factory3', 'tab-backward' ],
focus_chain = executable(
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir
foreach test : focus_chain_tests
test(test[0] + ' ' + test[1], focus_chain,
args: [ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'focus-chain', test[0] + '.ui'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'focus-chain', test[0] + '.' + test[1]) ],
env: [
suite: [ 'gtk', 'focus' ])
if get_option('install-tests')
foreach t : tests
test_name = t.get('name')
conf = configuration_data()
conf.set('testexecdir', testexecdir)
conf.set('test', test_name)
configure_file(input: '',
output: '@0@.test'.format(test_name),
configuration: conf,
install_dir: testdatadir)
install_subdir('icons', install_dir: testexecdir)
install_subdir('icons2', install_dir: testexecdir)
install_subdir('ui', install_dir: testexecdir)
if false and get_option ('profiler')
test('performance-layout', test_performance,
args: [ '--mark', 'size allocation', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), '../../demos/widget-factory/gtk4-widget-factory') ],
env: [ 'GTK_THEME=Empty' ],
suite: [ 'gtk' ])
test('performance-snapshot', test_performance,
args: [ '--mark', 'widget snapshot', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), '../../demos/widget-factory/gtk4-widget-factory') ],
env: [ 'GTK_THEME=Empty' ],
suite: [ 'gtk' ])