Matthias Clasen f8a303b0e5 popovermenu: Avoid a critical
While we guarantee that the widget that a controller
is attached to stays around while it is handling an event,
the same is not true for the root that the widget belongs
to. In corner cases (such as clicking "Close" in the
fallback window menu), it may already be gone.
Avoid a critical in that case.

Fixes: #2998
2020-08-02 13:09:00 -04:00

718 lines
23 KiB

/* GTK - The GIMP Toolkit
* Copyright © 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#include "gtkpopovermenu.h"
#include "gtkpopovermenuprivate.h"
#include "gtkstack.h"
#include "gtkstylecontext.h"
#include "gtkintl.h"
#include "gtkmenusectionboxprivate.h"
#include "gtkmenubutton.h"
#include "gtkactionmuxerprivate.h"
#include "gtkmenutrackerprivate.h"
#include "gtkpopoverprivate.h"
#include "gtkwidgetprivate.h"
#include "gtkeventcontrollerfocus.h"
#include "gtkeventcontrollermotion.h"
#include "gtkmain.h"
#include "gtktypebuiltins.h"
#include "gtkmodelbuttonprivate.h"
#include "gtkpopovermenubar.h"
#include "gtkshortcutmanager.h"
#include "gtkshortcutcontroller.h"
* SECTION:gtkpopovermenu
* @Short_description: Popovers to use as menus
* @Title: GtkPopoverMenu
* GtkPopoverMenu is a subclass of #GtkPopover that treats its
* children like menus and allows switching between them. It
* can open submenus as traditional, nested submenus, or in a
* more touch-friendly sliding fashion.
* GtkPopoverMenu is meant to be used primarily with menu models,
* using gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model(). If you need to put other
* widgets such as #GtkSpinButton or #GtkSwitch into a popover,
* use a plain #GtkPopover.
* ## Menu models
* The XML format understood by #GtkBuilder for #GMenuModel consists
* of a toplevel `<menu>` element, which contains one or more `<item>`
* elements. Each `<item>` element contains `<attribute>` and `<link>`
* elements with a mandatory name attribute. `<link>` elements have the
* same content model as `<menu>`. Instead of `<link name="submenu>` or
* `<link name="section">`, you can use `<submenu>` or `<section>`
* elements.
* |[<!--language: xml -->
* <menu id='app-menu'>
* <section>
* <item>
* <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_New Window</attribute>
* <attribute name='action'></attribute>
* </item>
* <item>
* <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_About Sunny</attribute>
* <attribute name='action'>app.about</attribute>
* </item>
* <item>
* <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Quit</attribute>
* <attribute name='action'>app.quit</attribute>
* </item>
* </section>
* </menu>
* ]|
* Attribute values can be translated using gettext, like other #GtkBuilder
* content. `<attribute>` elements can be marked for translation with a
* `translatable="yes"` attribute. It is also possible to specify message
* context and translator comments, using the context and comments attributes.
* To make use of this, the #GtkBuilder must have been given the gettext
* domain to use.
* The following attributes are used when constructing menu items:
* - "label": a user-visible string to display
* - "action": the prefixed name of the action to trigger
* - "target": the parameter to use when activating the action
* - "icon" and "verb-icon": names of icons that may be displayed
* - "submenu-action": name of an action that may be used to determine
* if a submenu can be opened
* - "hidden-when": a string used to determine when the item will be hidden.
* Possible values include "action-disabled", "action-missing", "macos-menubar".
* This is mainly useful for exported menus, see gtk_application_set_menubar().
* The following attributes are used when constructing sections:
* - "label": a user-visible string to use as section heading
* - "display-hint": a string used to determine special formatting for the section.
* Possible values include "horizontal-buttons", "circular-buttons" and "inline-buttons". They all indicate that section should be
* displayed as a horizontal row of buttons.
* - "text-direction": a string used to determine the #GtkTextDirection to use
* when "display-hint" is set to "horizontal-buttons". Possible values
* include "rtl", "ltr", and "none".
* The following attributes are used when constructing submenus:
* - "label": a user-visible string to display
* - "icon": icon name to display
* Menu items will also show accelerators, which are usually associated
* with actions via gtk_application_set_accels_for_action(),
* gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action() or gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcut().
* # CSS Nodes
* #GtkPopoverMenu is just a subclass of #GtkPopover that adds
* custom content to it, therefore it has the same CSS nodes.
* It is one of the cases that add a .menu style class to
* the popover's main node.
typedef struct _GtkPopoverMenuClass GtkPopoverMenuClass;
struct _GtkPopoverMenu
GtkPopover parent_instance;
GtkWidget *active_item;
GtkWidget *open_submenu;
GtkWidget *parent_menu;
GMenuModel *model;
GtkPopoverMenuFlags flags;
struct _GtkPopoverMenuClass
GtkPopoverClass parent_class;
enum {
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GtkPopoverMenu, gtk_popover_menu, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER)
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_get_parent_menu (GtkPopoverMenu *menu)
return menu->parent_menu;
gtk_popover_menu_set_parent_menu (GtkPopoverMenu *menu,
GtkWidget *parent)
menu->parent_menu = parent;
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_get_open_submenu (GtkPopoverMenu *menu)
return menu->open_submenu;
gtk_popover_menu_set_open_submenu (GtkPopoverMenu *menu,
GtkWidget *submenu)
menu->open_submenu = submenu;
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_get_active_item (GtkPopoverMenu *menu)
return menu->active_item;
gtk_popover_menu_set_active_item (GtkPopoverMenu *menu,
GtkWidget *item)
if (menu->active_item != item)
if (menu->active_item)
gtk_widget_unset_state_flags (menu->active_item, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED);
g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (menu->active_item), (gpointer *)&menu->active_item);
menu->active_item = item;
if (menu->active_item)
GtkWidget *popover;
g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (menu->active_item), (gpointer *)&menu->active_item);
gtk_widget_set_state_flags (menu->active_item, GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED, FALSE);
g_object_get (item, "popover", &popover, NULL);
popover = NULL;
if (!popover || popover != menu->open_submenu)
gtk_widget_grab_focus (menu->active_item);
g_clear_object (&popover);
static void
visible_submenu_changed (GObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
GtkPopoverMenu *popover)
g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (popover), "visible-submenu");
static void
focus_out (GtkEventController *controller,
GtkPopoverMenu *menu)
GtkRoot *root;
GtkWidget *new_focus;
root = gtk_widget_get_root (GTK_WIDGET (menu));
if (!root)
new_focus = gtk_root_get_focus (root);
if (!gtk_event_controller_focus_contains_focus (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER_FOCUS (controller)) &&
new_focus != NULL)
if (menu->parent_menu &&
GTK_POPOVER_MENU (menu->parent_menu)->open_submenu == (GtkWidget*) menu)
GTK_POPOVER_MENU (menu->parent_menu)->open_submenu = NULL;
gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (menu));
static void
leave_cb (GtkEventController *controller,
gpointer data)
GtkWidget *target;
target = gtk_event_controller_get_widget (controller);
if (!gtk_event_controller_motion_contains_pointer (GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER_MOTION (controller)))
gtk_popover_menu_set_active_item (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (target), NULL);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_init (GtkPopoverMenu *popover)
GtkWidget *stack;
GtkEventController *controller;
GtkEventController **controllers;
guint n_controllers, i;
stack = gtk_stack_new ();
gtk_stack_set_vhomogeneous (GTK_STACK (stack), FALSE);
gtk_stack_set_transition_type (GTK_STACK (stack), GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT);
gtk_stack_set_interpolate_size (GTK_STACK (stack), TRUE);
gtk_popover_set_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover), stack);
g_signal_connect (stack, "notify::visible-child-name",
G_CALLBACK (visible_submenu_changed), popover);
gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (popover), "menu");
controller = gtk_event_controller_focus_new ();
g_signal_connect (controller, "leave", G_CALLBACK (focus_out), popover);
gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (popover), controller);
controller = gtk_event_controller_motion_new ();
g_signal_connect (controller, "leave", G_CALLBACK (leave_cb), popover);
gtk_widget_add_controller (GTK_WIDGET (popover), controller);
controllers = gtk_widget_list_controllers (GTK_WIDGET (popover), GTK_PHASE_CAPTURE, &n_controllers);
for (i = 0; i < n_controllers; i ++)
controller = controllers[i];
if (GTK_IS_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller) &&
strcmp (gtk_event_controller_get_name (controller), "gtk-shortcut-manager-capture") == 0)
gtk_shortcut_controller_set_mnemonics_modifiers (GTK_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller), 0);
g_free (controllers);
gtk_popover_disable_auto_mnemonics (GTK_POPOVER (popover));
static void
gtk_popover_menu_dispose (GObject *object)
GtkPopoverMenu *popover = GTK_POPOVER_MENU (object);
if (popover->active_item)
g_object_remove_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (popover->active_item), (gpointer *)&popover->active_item);
popover->active_item = NULL;
g_clear_object (&popover->model);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_popover_menu_parent_class)->dispose (object);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_map (GtkWidget *widget)
gtk_popover_menu_open_submenu (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (widget), "main");
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_popover_menu_parent_class)->map (widget);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_unmap (GtkWidget *widget)
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_popover_menu_parent_class)->unmap (widget);
gtk_popover_menu_open_submenu (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (widget), "main");
static void
gtk_popover_menu_get_property (GObject *object,
guint property_id,
GValue *value,
GParamSpec *pspec)
GtkWidget *stack = gtk_popover_get_child (GTK_POPOVER (object));
switch (property_id)
g_value_set_string (value, gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack)));
g_value_set_object (value, gtk_popover_menu_get_menu_model (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (object)));
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_set_property (GObject *object,
guint property_id,
const GValue *value,
GParamSpec *pspec)
GtkWidget *stack = gtk_popover_get_child (GTK_POPOVER (object));
switch (property_id)
gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack), g_value_get_string (value));
gtk_popover_menu_set_menu_model (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (object), g_value_get_object (value));
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
static gboolean
gtk_popover_menu_focus (GtkWidget *widget,
GtkDirectionType direction)
GtkPopoverMenu *menu = GTK_POPOVER_MENU (widget);
if (gtk_widget_get_first_child (widget) == NULL)
return FALSE;
if (menu->open_submenu)
if (gtk_widget_child_focus (menu->open_submenu, direction))
return TRUE;
if (direction == GTK_DIR_LEFT)
if (menu->open_submenu)
gtk_popover_popdown (GTK_POPOVER (menu->open_submenu));
menu->open_submenu = NULL;
gtk_widget_grab_focus (menu->active_item);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
if (gtk_widget_focus_move (widget, direction))
return TRUE;
if (direction == GTK_DIR_LEFT || direction == GTK_DIR_RIGHT)
/* If we are part of a menubar, we want to let the
* menubar use left/right arrows for cycling, else
* we eat them.
if (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_POPOVER_MENU_BAR) ||
(gtk_popover_menu_get_parent_menu (menu) &&
direction == GTK_DIR_LEFT))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
else if (direction == GTK_DIR_UP || direction == GTK_DIR_DOWN)
GtkWidget *p;
/* cycle around */
for (p = gtk_root_get_focus (gtk_widget_get_root (widget));
p != widget;
p = gtk_widget_get_parent (p))
gtk_widget_set_focus_child (p, NULL);
if (gtk_widget_focus_move (widget, direction))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void
add_tab_bindings (GtkWidgetClass *widget_class,
GdkModifierType modifiers,
GtkDirectionType direction)
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Tab, modifiers,
"(i)", direction);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_KP_Tab, modifiers,
"(i)", direction);
static void
add_arrow_bindings (GtkWidgetClass *widget_class,
guint keysym,
GtkDirectionType direction)
guint keypad_keysym = keysym - GDK_KEY_Left + GDK_KEY_KP_Left;
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, keysym, 0,
"(i)", direction);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, keysym, GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
"(i)", direction);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, keypad_keysym, 0,
"(i)", direction);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, keypad_keysym, GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
"(i)", direction);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_show (GtkWidget *widget)
gtk_popover_menu_set_open_submenu (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (widget), NULL);
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_popover_menu_parent_class)->show (widget);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_move_focus (GtkWidget *widget,
GtkDirectionType direction)
gtk_popover_set_mnemonics_visible (GTK_POPOVER (widget), TRUE);
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_popover_menu_parent_class)->move_focus (widget, direction);
static void
gtk_popover_menu_class_init (GtkPopoverMenuClass *klass)
GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->dispose = gtk_popover_menu_dispose;
object_class->set_property = gtk_popover_menu_set_property;
object_class->get_property = gtk_popover_menu_get_property;
widget_class->map = gtk_popover_menu_map;
widget_class->unmap = gtk_popover_menu_unmap;
widget_class->focus = gtk_popover_menu_focus;
widget_class->show = gtk_popover_menu_show;
widget_class->move_focus = gtk_popover_menu_move_focus;
g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
g_param_spec_string ("visible-submenu",
P_("Visible submenu"),
P_("The name of the visible submenu"),
g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
g_param_spec_object ("menu-model",
P_("Menu model"),
P_("The model from which the menu is made."),
add_arrow_bindings (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Up, GTK_DIR_UP);
add_arrow_bindings (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Down, GTK_DIR_DOWN);
add_arrow_bindings (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Left, GTK_DIR_LEFT);
add_arrow_bindings (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Right, GTK_DIR_RIGHT);
add_tab_bindings (widget_class, 0, GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD);
add_tab_bindings (widget_class, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD);
add_tab_bindings (widget_class, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD);
add_tab_bindings (widget_class, GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_Return, 0,
"activate-default", NULL);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_ISO_Enter, 0,
"activate-default", NULL);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_KP_Enter, 0,
"activate-default", NULL);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_space, 0,
"activate-default", NULL);
gtk_widget_class_add_binding_signal (widget_class, GDK_KEY_KP_Space, 0,
"activate-default", NULL);
* gtk_popover_menu_new:
* Creates a new popover menu.
* Returns: a new #GtkPopoverMenu
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_new (void)
GtkWidget *popover;
popover = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_POPOVER_MENU,
"autohide", TRUE,
return popover;
* gtk_popover_menu_open_submenu:
* @popover: a #GtkPopoverMenu
* @name: the name of the menu to switch to
* Opens a submenu of the @popover. The @name
* must be one of the names given to the submenus
* of @popover with #GtkPopoverMenu:submenu, or
* "main" to switch back to the main menu.
* #GtkModelButton will open submenus automatically
* when the #GtkModelButton:menu-name property is set,
* so this function is only needed when you are using
* other kinds of widgets to initiate menu changes.
gtk_popover_menu_open_submenu (GtkPopoverMenu *popover,
const char *name)
GtkWidget *stack;
g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_POPOVER_MENU (popover));
stack = gtk_popover_get_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover));
gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (stack), name);
gtk_popover_menu_add_submenu (GtkPopoverMenu *popover,
GtkWidget *submenu,
const char *name)
GtkWidget *stack = gtk_popover_get_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover));
gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (stack), submenu, name);
* gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model:
* @model: (allow-none): a #GMenuModel, or %NULL
* Creates a #GtkPopoverMenu and populates it according to
* @model.
* The created buttons are connected to actions found in the
* #GtkApplicationWindow to which the popover belongs - typically
* by means of being attached to a widget that is contained within
* the #GtkApplicationWindows widget hierarchy.
* Actions can also be added using gtk_widget_insert_action_group()
* on the menus attach widget or on any of its parent widgets.
* This function creates menus with sliding submenus.
* See gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model_full() for a way
* to control this.
* Returns: the new #GtkPopoverMenu
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model (GMenuModel *model)
return gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model_full (model, 0);
* gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model_full:
* @model: a #GMenuModel
* @flags: flags that affect how the menu is created
* Creates a #GtkPopoverMenu and populates it according to
* @model.
* The created buttons are connected to actions found in the
* action groups that are accessible from the parent widget.
* This includes the #GtkApplicationWindow to which the popover
* belongs. Actions can also be added using gtk_widget_insert_action_group()
* on the parent widget or on any of its parent widgets.
* The only flag that is supported currently is
* #GTK_POPOVER_MENU_NESTED, which makes GTK create traditional,
* nested submenus instead of the default sliding submenus.
* Returns: (transfer full): the new #GtkPopoverMenu
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_menu_new_from_model_full (GMenuModel *model,
GtkPopoverMenuFlags flags)
GtkWidget *popover;
g_return_val_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model), NULL);
popover = gtk_popover_menu_new ();
GTK_POPOVER_MENU (popover)->flags = flags;
gtk_popover_menu_set_menu_model (GTK_POPOVER_MENU (popover), model);
return popover;
* gtk_popover_menu_set_menu_model:
* @popover: a #GtkPopoverMenu
* @model: (nullable): a #GMenuModel, or %NULL
* Sets a new menu model on @popover.
* The existing contents of @popover are removed, and
* the @popover is populated with new contents according
* to @model.
gtk_popover_menu_set_menu_model (GtkPopoverMenu *popover,
GMenuModel *model)
g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_POPOVER_MENU (popover));
g_return_if_fail (model == NULL || G_IS_MENU_MODEL (model));
if (g_set_object (&popover->model, model))
GtkWidget *stack;
GtkWidget *child;
stack = gtk_popover_get_child (GTK_POPOVER (popover));
while ((child = gtk_widget_get_first_child (stack)))
gtk_stack_remove (GTK_STACK (stack), child);
if (model)
gtk_menu_section_box_new_toplevel (popover, model, popover->flags);
g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (popover), "menu-model");
* gtk_popover_menu_get_menu_model:
* @popover: a #GtkPopoverMenu
* Returns the menu model used to populate the popover.
* Returns: (transfer none): the menu model of @popover
GMenuModel *
gtk_popover_menu_get_menu_model (GtkPopoverMenu *popover)
g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_POPOVER_MENU (popover), NULL);
return popover->model;