Alexander Larsson aac4a027eb broadway: Stop default mouse button handling
This makes it not possible to select the canvas objects, etc.
2012-12-27 22:56:04 +01:00

2677 lines
63 KiB

/* Helper functions for debugging */
var logDiv = null;
function log(str) {
if (!logDiv) {
logDiv = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild(logDiv);["position"] = "absolute";["right"] = "0px";
function getStackTrace()
var callstack = [];
var isCallstackPopulated = false;
try {
} catch(e) {
if (e.stack) { // Firefox
var lines = e.stack.split("\n");
for (var i=0, len=lines.length; i<len; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) {
// Remove call to getStackTrace()
isCallstackPopulated = true;
} else if (window.opera && e.message) { // Opera
var lines = e.message.split("\n");
for (var i=0, len=lines.length; i<len; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) {
var entry = lines[i];
// Append next line also since it has the file info
if (lines[i+1]) {
entry += " at " + lines[i+1];
// Remove call to getStackTrace()
isCallstackPopulated = true;
if (!isCallstackPopulated) { //IE and Safari
var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller;
while (currentFunction) {
var fn = currentFunction.toString();
var fname = fn.substring(fn.indexOf("function") + 8, fn.indexOf("(")) || "anonymous";
currentFunction = currentFunction.caller;
return callstack;
function logStackTrace(len) {
var callstack = getStackTrace();
var end = callstack.length;
if (len > 0)
end = Math.min(len + 1, end);
for (var i = 1; i < end; i++)
var base64Values = [
255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 62,255,255,255, 63,
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,255,255,255, 0,255,255,
255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,255,255,255,255,255,
255, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,255,255,255,255,255
function base64_8(str, index) {
var v =
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6);
return v;
function base64_16(str, index) {
var v =
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12);
return v;
function base64_16s(str, index) {
var v = base64_16(str, index);
if (v > 32767)
return v - 65536;
return v;
function base64_24(str, index) {
var v =
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+3)] << 18);
return v;
function base64_32(str, index) {
var v =
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index)]) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+1)] << 6) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+2)] << 12) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+3)] << 18) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+4)] << 24) +
(base64Values[str.charCodeAt(index+5)] << 30);
return v;
function createXHR()
try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
return null;
function resizeCanvas(canvas, w, h)
/* Canvas resize clears the data, so we need to save it first */
var tmpCanvas = canvas.ownerDocument.createElement("canvas");
tmpCanvas.width = canvas.width;
tmpCanvas.height = canvas.height;
var tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d");
tmpContext.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
tmpContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height);
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
context.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height);
var grab = new Object();
grab.window = null;
grab.ownerEvents = false;
grab.implicit = false;
var localGrab = null;
var keyDownList = [];
var lastSerial = 0;
var lastX = 0;
var lastY = 0;
var lastState;
var lastTimeStamp = 0;
var realWindowWithMouse = 0;
var windowWithMouse = 0;
var surfaces = {};
var stackingOrder = [];
var outstandingCommands = new Array();
var inputSocket = null;
// GdkModifierType
var GDK_SHIFT_MASK = 1 << 0;
var GDK_LOCK_MASK = 1 << 1;
var GDK_CONTROL_MASK = 1 << 2;
var GDK_MOD1_MASK = 1 << 3;
var GDK_MOD2_MASK = 1 << 4;
var GDK_MOD3_MASK = 1 << 5;
var GDK_MOD4_MASK = 1 << 6;
var GDK_MOD5_MASK = 1 << 7;
var GDK_BUTTON1_MASK = 1 << 8;
var GDK_BUTTON2_MASK = 1 << 9;
var GDK_BUTTON3_MASK = 1 << 10;
var GDK_BUTTON4_MASK = 1 << 11;
var GDK_BUTTON5_MASK = 1 << 12;
var GDK_SUPER_MASK = 1 << 26;
var GDK_HYPER_MASK = 1 << 27;
var GDK_META_MASK = 1 << 28;
var GDK_RELEASE_MASK = 1 << 30;
function getButtonMask (button) {
if (button == 1)
if (button == 2)
if (button == 3)
if (button == 4)
if (button == 5)
return 0;
function flushSurface(surface)
var commands = surface.drawQueue;
surface.queue = [];
var context = surface.canvas.getContext("2d");
context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
var cmd = commands[i];
switch (cmd.op) {
case 'i': // put image data surface
context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
context.drawImage(cmd.img, cmd.x, cmd.y);
case 'b': // copy rects;
var minx;
var miny;
var maxx;
var maxy;
for (var j = 0; j < cmd.rects.length; j++) {
var rect = cmd.rects[j];
context.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
if (j == 0) {
minx = rect.x;
miny = rect.y;
maxx = rect.x + rect.w;
maxy = rect.y + rect.h;
} else {
if (rect.x < minx)
minx = rect.x;
if (rect.y < miny)
miny = rect.y;
if (rect.x + rect.w > maxx)
maxx = rect.x + rect.w;
if (rect.y + rect.h > maxy)
maxy = rect.y + rect.h;
context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
minx - cmd.dx, miny - cmd.dy, maxx - minx, maxy - miny,
minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
alert("Unknown drawing op " + cmd.op);
function sendConfigureNotify(surface)
sendInput("w", [, surface.x, surface.y, surface.width, surface.height]);
function getStyle(el, styleProp)
if (el.currentStyle) {
return el.currentStyle[styleProp];
} else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
var win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return win.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp);
return undefined;
function parseOffset(value)
var px = value.indexOf("px");
if (px > 0)
return parseInt(value.slice(0,px));
return 0;
function getFrameOffset(surface) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var el = surface.canvas;
while (el != null && el != surface.frame) {
x += el.offsetLeft;
y += el.offsetTop;
/* For some reason the border is not includes in the offsets.. */
x += parseOffset(getStyle(el, "border-left-width"));
y += parseOffset(getStyle(el, "border-top-width"));
el = el.offsetParent;
/* Also include frame border as per above */
x += parseOffset(getStyle(el, "border-left-width"));
y += parseOffset(getStyle(el, "border-top-width"));
return {x: x, y: y};
var positionIndex = 0;
function cmdCreateSurface(id, x, y, width, height, isTemp)
var surface = { id: id, x: x, y:y, width: width, height: height, isTemp: isTemp };
surface.positioned = isTemp;
surface.drawQueue = [];
surface.transientParent = 0;
surface.visible = false;
surface.frame = null;
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
canvas.surface = surface;
surface.canvas = canvas;
var toplevelElement;
if (isTemp) {
toplevelElement = canvas;
} else {
var frame = document.createElement("div");
frame.frameFor = surface;
frame.className = "frame-window";
surface.frame = frame;
var button = document.createElement("center");
button.closeFor = surface;
var X = document.createTextNode("\u00d7");
button.className = "frame-close";
var contents = document.createElement("div");
contents.className = "frame-contents";
frame.appendChild(contents);["display"] = "block";
toplevelElement = frame;
surface.x = 100 + positionIndex * 10;
surface.y = 100 + positionIndex * 10;
positionIndex = (positionIndex + 1) % 20;
surface.toplevelElement = toplevelElement;["position"] = "absolute";
/* This positioning isn't strictly right for apps in another topwindow,
* but that will be fixed up when showing. */["left"] = surface.x + "px";["top"] = surface.y + "px";["display"] = "inline";
/* We hide the frame with visibility rather than display none
* so getFrameOffset still works with hidden windows. */["visibility"] = "hidden";
surfaces[id] = surface;
function cmdShowSurface(id)
var surface = surfaces[id];
if (surface.visible)
surface.visible = true;
var xOffset = surface.x;
var yOffset = surface.y;
if (surface.frame) {
var offset = getFrameOffset(surface);
xOffset -= offset.x;
yOffset -= offset.y;
}["left"] = xOffset + "px";["top"] = yOffset + "px";["visibility"] = "visible";
function cmdHideSurface(id)
if (grab.window == id)
var surface = surfaces[id];
if (!surface.visible)
surface.visible = false;
var element = surface.toplevelElement;["visibility"] = "hidden";
function cmdSetTransientFor(id, parentId)
var surface = surfaces[id];
if (surface.transientParent == parentId)
surface.transientParent = parentId;
if (parentId != 0 && surfaces[parentId]) {
moveToHelper(surface, stackingOrder.indexOf(surfaces[parentId])+1);
if (surface.visible) {
function restackWindows() {
for (var i = 0; i < stackingOrder.length; i++) {
var surface = stackingOrder[i]; = i;
function moveToHelper(surface, position) {
var i = stackingOrder.indexOf(surface);
stackingOrder.splice(i, 1);
if (position != undefined)
stackingOrder.splice(position, 0, surface);
for (var cid in surfaces) {
var child = surfaces[cid];
if (child.transientParent ==
moveToHelper(child, stackingOrder.indexOf(surface) + 1);
function moveToTop(surface) {
function cmdDeleteSurface(id)
if (grab.window == id)
var surface = surfaces[id];
var i = stackingOrder.indexOf(surface);
if (i >= 0)
stackingOrder.splice(i, 1);
var canvas = surface.canvas;
var frame = surface.frame;
if (frame)
delete surfaces[id];
function cmdMoveResizeSurface(id, has_pos, x, y, has_size, w, h)
var surface = surfaces[id];
if (has_pos) {
surface.positioned = true;
surface.x = x;
surface.y = y;
if (has_size) {
surface.width = w;
surface.height = h;
/* Flush any outstanding draw ops before (possibly) changing size */
if (has_size)
resizeCanvas(surface.canvas, w, h);
if (surface.visible) {
if (has_pos) {
var xOffset = surface.x;
var yOffset = surface.y;
var transientToplevel = getTransientToplevel(surface);
if (transientToplevel) {
xOffset = surface.x - transientToplevel.x;
yOffset = surface.y - transientToplevel.y;
var element = surface.canvas;
if (surface.frame) {
element = surface.frame;
var offset = getFrameOffset(surface);
xOffset -= offset.x;
yOffset -= offset.y;
}["left"] = xOffset + "px";["top"] = yOffset + "px";
function cmdFlushSurface(id)
function cmdGrabPointer(id, ownerEvents)
doGrab(id, ownerEvents, false);
sendInput ("g", []);
function cmdUngrabPointer()
sendInput ("u", []);
if (grab.window)
function handleCommands(cmd)
while (cmd.pos < cmd.length) {
var id, x, y, w, h, q;
var command = cmd.get_char();
lastSerial = cmd.get_32();
switch (command) {
case 's': // create new surface
id = cmd.get_16();
x = cmd.get_16s();
y = cmd.get_16s();
w = cmd.get_16();
h = cmd.get_16();
var isTemp = cmd.get_bool();
cmdCreateSurface(id, x, y, w, h, isTemp);
case 'S': // Show a surface
id = cmd.get_16();
case 'H': // Hide a surface
id = cmd.get_16();
case 'p': // Set transient parent
id = cmd.get_16();
var parentId = cmd.get_16();
cmdSetTransientFor(id, parentId);
case 'd': // Delete surface
id = cmd.get_16();
case 'm': // Move a surface
id = cmd.get_16();
var ops = cmd.get_flags();
var has_pos = ops & 1;
if (has_pos) {
x = cmd.get_16s();
y = cmd.get_16s();
var has_size = ops & 2;
if (has_size) {
w = cmd.get_16();
h = cmd.get_16();
cmdMoveResizeSurface(id, has_pos, x, y, has_size, w, h);
case 'i': // Put image data surface
q = new Object();
q.op = 'i'; = cmd.get_16();
q.x = cmd.get_16();
q.y = cmd.get_16();
var url = cmd.get_image_url ();
q.img = new Image();
q.img.src = url;
if (!q.img.complete) {
q.img.onload = function() { cmd.free_image_url (url); handleOutstanding(); };
return false;
cmd.free_image_url (url);
case 'b': // Copy rects
q = new Object();
q.op = 'b'; = cmd.get_16();
var nrects = cmd.get_16();
q.rects = [];
for (var r = 0; r < nrects; r++) {
var rect = new Object();
rect.x = cmd.get_16();
rect.y = cmd.get_16();
rect.w = cmd.get_16();
rect.h = cmd.get_16();
q.rects.push (rect);
q.dx = cmd.get_16s();
q.dy = cmd.get_16s();
case 'f': // Flush surface
id = cmd.get_16();
case 'g': // Grab
id = cmd.get_16();
var ownerEvents = cmd.get_bool ();
cmdGrabPointer(id, ownerEvents);
case 'u': // Ungrab
alert("Unknown op " + command);
return true;
function handleOutstanding()
while (outstandingCommands.length > 0) {
var cmd = outstandingCommands.shift();
if (!handleCommands(cmd)) {
function TextCommands(message) { = message;
this.length = message.length;
this.pos = 0;
TextCommands.prototype.get_char = function() {
TextCommands.prototype.get_bool = function() {
return this.get_char() == '1';
TextCommands.prototype.get_flags = function() {
return this.get_char() - 48;
TextCommands.prototype.get_16 = function() {
var n = base64_16(, this.pos);
this.pos = this.pos + 3;
return n;
TextCommands.prototype.get_16s = function() {
var n = base64_16s(, this.pos);
this.pos = this.pos + 3;
return n;
TextCommands.prototype.get_32 = function() {
var n = base64_32(, this.pos);
this.pos = this.pos + 6;
return n;
TextCommands.prototype.get_image_url = function() {
var size = this.get_32();
var url =, this.pos + size);
this.pos = this.pos + size;
return url;
TextCommands.prototype.free_image_url = function(url) {
function BinCommands(message) {
this.arraybuffer = message;
this.u8 = new Uint8Array(message);
this.length = this.u8.length;
this.pos = 0;
BinCommands.prototype.get_char = function() {
return String.fromCharCode(this.u8[this.pos++]);
BinCommands.prototype.get_bool = function() {
return this.u8[this.pos++] != 0;
BinCommands.prototype.get_flags = function() {
return this.u8[this.pos++];
BinCommands.prototype.get_16 = function() {
var v =
this.u8[this.pos] +
(this.u8[this.pos+1] << 8);
this.pos = this.pos + 2;
return v;
BinCommands.prototype.get_16s = function() {
var v = this.get_16 ();
if (v > 32767)
return v - 65536;
return v;
BinCommands.prototype.get_32 = function() {
var v =
this.u8[this.pos] +
(this.u8[this.pos+1] << 8) +
(this.u8[this.pos+2] << 16) +
(this.u8[this.pos+3] << 24);
this.pos = this.pos + 4;
return v;
BinCommands.prototype.get_image_url = function() {
var size = this.get_32();
var png_blob = new Blob ([this.arraybuffer.slice (this.pos, this.pos + size)], {type:"image/png"});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(png_blob, {oneTimeOnly: true});
this.pos = this.pos + size;
return url;
BinCommands.prototype.free_image_url = function(url) {
function handleMessage(message)
var cmd;
if (message instanceof ArrayBuffer)
cmd = new BinCommands(message);
cmd = new TextCommands(message);
if (outstandingCommands.length == 1) {
function getSurfaceId(ev) {
var surface =;
if (surface != undefined)
return 0;
function sendInput(cmd, args)
if (inputSocket != null) {
inputSocket.send(cmd + ([lastSerial, lastTimeStamp].concat(args)).join(","));
function getPositionsFromAbsCoord(absX, absY, relativeId) {
var res = Object();
res.rootX = absX;
res.rootY = absY;
res.winX = absX;
res.winY = absY;
if (relativeId != 0) {
var surface = surfaces[relativeId];
res.winX = res.winX - surface.x;
res.winY = res.winY - surface.y;
return res;
function getPositionsFromEvent(ev, relativeId) {
var absX, absY;
absX = ev.pageX;
absY = ev.pageY;
var res = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(absX, absY, relativeId);
lastX = res.rootX;
lastY = res.rootY;
return res;
function getEffectiveEventTarget (id) {
if (grab.window != null) {
if (!grab.ownerEvents)
return grab.window;
if (id == 0)
return grab.window;
return id;
function updateForEvent(ev) {
if (ev.shiftKey)
lastState |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
if (ev.ctrlKey)
lastState |= GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
if (ev.altKey)
lastState |= GDK_MOD1_MASK;
lastTimeStamp = ev.timeStamp;
function onMouseMove (ev) {
if (localGrab) {
if (localGrab.type == "move") {
var dx = ev.pageX - localGrab.lastX;
var dy = ev.pageY - localGrab.lastY;
var surface = localGrab.surface;
surface.x += dx;
surface.y += dy;
var offset = getFrameOffset(surface);["left"] = (surface.x - offset.x) + "px";["top"] = (surface.y - offset.y) + "px";
localGrab.lastX = ev.pageX;
localGrab.lastY = ev.pageY;
var id = getSurfaceId(ev);
id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id);
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
sendInput ("m", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState]);
function onMouseOver (ev) {
if (!grab.window && { = + " frame-hover";
if ( = + " frame-active";
if (localGrab)
var id = getSurfaceId(ev);
realWindowWithMouse = id;
id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id);
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
windowWithMouse = id;
if (windowWithMouse != 0) {
sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]);
function onMouseOut (ev) {
if ( { =" frame-hover", "");
if ( =" frame-active", "");
if (localGrab)
var id = getSurfaceId(ev);
var origId = id;
id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id);
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
if (id != 0) {
sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]);
realWindowWithMouse = 0;
windowWithMouse = 0;
function doGrab(id, ownerEvents, implicit) {
var pos;
if (windowWithMouse != id) {
if (windowWithMouse != 0) {
pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, windowWithMouse);
sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_GRAB]);
pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, id);
sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_GRAB]);
windowWithMouse = id;
grab.window = id;
grab.ownerEvents = ownerEvents;
grab.implicit = implicit;
function doUngrab() {
var pos;
if (realWindowWithMouse != windowWithMouse) {
if (windowWithMouse != 0) {
pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, windowWithMouse);
sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB]);
if (realWindowWithMouse != 0) {
pos = getPositionsFromAbsCoord(lastX, lastY, realWindowWithMouse);
sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, realWindowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB]);
windowWithMouse = realWindowWithMouse;
grab.window = null;
function onMouseDown (ev) {
var button = ev.button + 1;
lastState = lastState | getButtonMask (button);
var id = getSurfaceId(ev);
id = getEffectiveEventTarget (id);
if (id == 0 && { /* mouse click on frame */
localGrab = new Object();
localGrab.surface =;
localGrab.type = "move";
localGrab.frame =;
localGrab.lastX = ev.pageX;
localGrab.lastY = ev.pageY;
return false;
if (id == 0 && { /* mouse click on frame */ = true; = + " frame-active";
localGrab = new Object();
localGrab.surface =;
localGrab.type = "close";
localGrab.button =;
localGrab.lastX = ev.pageX;
localGrab.lastY = ev.pageY;
return false;
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
if (grab.window == null)
doGrab (id, false, true);
sendInput ("b", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, button]);
return false;
function onMouseUp (ev) {
var button = ev.button + 1;
lastState = lastState & ~getButtonMask (button);
var evId = getSurfaceId(ev);
id = getEffectiveEventTarget (evId);
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
if (localGrab) {
realWindowWithMouse = evId;
if (windowWithMouse != id) {
if (windowWithMouse != 0) {
sendInput ("l", [realWindowWithMouse, windowWithMouse, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]);
windowWithMouse = id;
if (windowWithMouse != 0) {
sendInput ("e", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL]);
if (localGrab.type == "close") {
localGrab.button.isDown = false;
localGrab.button.className = localGrab.button.className.replace( " frame-active", "");
if ( == localGrab.button)
sendInput ("W", []);
localGrab = null;
return false;
sendInput ("B", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, button]);
if (grab.window != null && grab.implicit)
return false;
/* Some of the keyboard handling code is from noVNC and
* (c) Joel Martin (, used with permission
* Original code at:
var unicodeTable = {
0x0104: 0x01a1,
0x02D8: 0x01a2,
0x0141: 0x01a3,
0x013D: 0x01a5,
0x015A: 0x01a6,
0x0160: 0x01a9,
0x015E: 0x01aa,
0x0164: 0x01ab,
0x0179: 0x01ac,
0x017D: 0x01ae,
0x017B: 0x01af,
0x0105: 0x01b1,
0x02DB: 0x01b2,
0x0142: 0x01b3,
0x013E: 0x01b5,
0x015B: 0x01b6,
0x02C7: 0x01b7,
0x0161: 0x01b9,
0x015F: 0x01ba,
0x0165: 0x01bb,
0x017A: 0x01bc,
0x02DD: 0x01bd,
0x017E: 0x01be,
0x017C: 0x01bf,
0x0154: 0x01c0,
0x0102: 0x01c3,
0x0139: 0x01c5,
0x0106: 0x01c6,
0x010C: 0x01c8,
0x0118: 0x01ca,
0x011A: 0x01cc,
0x010E: 0x01cf,
0x0110: 0x01d0,
0x0143: 0x01d1,
0x0147: 0x01d2,
0x0150: 0x01d5,
0x0158: 0x01d8,
0x016E: 0x01d9,
0x0170: 0x01db,
0x0162: 0x01de,
0x0155: 0x01e0,
0x0103: 0x01e3,
0x013A: 0x01e5,
0x0107: 0x01e6,
0x010D: 0x01e8,
0x0119: 0x01ea,
0x011B: 0x01ec,
0x010F: 0x01ef,
0x0111: 0x01f0,
0x0144: 0x01f1,
0x0148: 0x01f2,
0x0151: 0x01f5,
0x0171: 0x01fb,
0x0159: 0x01f8,
0x016F: 0x01f9,
0x0163: 0x01fe,
0x02D9: 0x01ff,
0x0126: 0x02a1,
0x0124: 0x02a6,
0x0130: 0x02a9,
0x011E: 0x02ab,
0x0134: 0x02ac,
0x0127: 0x02b1,
0x0125: 0x02b6,
0x0131: 0x02b9,
0x011F: 0x02bb,
0x0135: 0x02bc,
0x010A: 0x02c5,
0x0108: 0x02c6,
0x0120: 0x02d5,
0x011C: 0x02d8,
0x016C: 0x02dd,
0x015C: 0x02de,
0x010B: 0x02e5,
0x0109: 0x02e6,
0x0121: 0x02f5,
0x011D: 0x02f8,
0x016D: 0x02fd,
0x015D: 0x02fe,
0x0138: 0x03a2,
0x0156: 0x03a3,
0x0128: 0x03a5,
0x013B: 0x03a6,
0x0112: 0x03aa,
0x0122: 0x03ab,
0x0166: 0x03ac,
0x0157: 0x03b3,
0x0129: 0x03b5,
0x013C: 0x03b6,
0x0113: 0x03ba,
0x0123: 0x03bb,
0x0167: 0x03bc,
0x014A: 0x03bd,
0x014B: 0x03bf,
0x0100: 0x03c0,
0x012E: 0x03c7,
0x0116: 0x03cc,
0x012A: 0x03cf,
0x0145: 0x03d1,
0x014C: 0x03d2,
0x0136: 0x03d3,
0x0172: 0x03d9,
0x0168: 0x03dd,
0x016A: 0x03de,
0x0101: 0x03e0,
0x012F: 0x03e7,
0x0117: 0x03ec,
0x012B: 0x03ef,
0x0146: 0x03f1,
0x014D: 0x03f2,
0x0137: 0x03f3,
0x0173: 0x03f9,
0x0169: 0x03fd,
0x016B: 0x03fe,
0x1E02: 0x1001e02,
0x1E03: 0x1001e03,
0x1E0A: 0x1001e0a,
0x1E80: 0x1001e80,
0x1E82: 0x1001e82,
0x1E0B: 0x1001e0b,
0x1EF2: 0x1001ef2,
0x1E1E: 0x1001e1e,
0x1E1F: 0x1001e1f,
0x1E40: 0x1001e40,
0x1E41: 0x1001e41,
0x1E56: 0x1001e56,
0x1E81: 0x1001e81,
0x1E57: 0x1001e57,
0x1E83: 0x1001e83,
0x1E60: 0x1001e60,
0x1EF3: 0x1001ef3,
0x1E84: 0x1001e84,
0x1E85: 0x1001e85,
0x1E61: 0x1001e61,
0x0174: 0x1000174,
0x1E6A: 0x1001e6a,
0x0176: 0x1000176,
0x0175: 0x1000175,
0x1E6B: 0x1001e6b,
0x0177: 0x1000177,
0x0152: 0x13bc,
0x0153: 0x13bd,
0x0178: 0x13be,
0x203E: 0x047e,
0x3002: 0x04a1,
0x300C: 0x04a2,
0x300D: 0x04a3,
0x3001: 0x04a4,
0x30FB: 0x04a5,
0x30F2: 0x04a6,
0x30A1: 0x04a7,
0x30A3: 0x04a8,
0x30A5: 0x04a9,
0x30A7: 0x04aa,
0x30A9: 0x04ab,
0x30E3: 0x04ac,
0x30E5: 0x04ad,
0x30E7: 0x04ae,
0x30C3: 0x04af,
0x30FC: 0x04b0,
0x30A2: 0x04b1,
0x30A4: 0x04b2,
0x30A6: 0x04b3,
0x30A8: 0x04b4,
0x30AA: 0x04b5,
0x30AB: 0x04b6,
0x30AD: 0x04b7,
0x30AF: 0x04b8,
0x30B1: 0x04b9,
0x30B3: 0x04ba,
0x30B5: 0x04bb,
0x30B7: 0x04bc,
0x30B9: 0x04bd,
0x30BB: 0x04be,
0x30BD: 0x04bf,
0x30BF: 0x04c0,
0x30C1: 0x04c1,
0x30C4: 0x04c2,
0x30C6: 0x04c3,
0x30C8: 0x04c4,
0x30CA: 0x04c5,
0x30CB: 0x04c6,
0x30CC: 0x04c7,
0x30CD: 0x04c8,
0x30CE: 0x04c9,
0x30CF: 0x04ca,
0x30D2: 0x04cb,
0x30D5: 0x04cc,
0x30D8: 0x04cd,
0x30DB: 0x04ce,
0x30DE: 0x04cf,
0x30DF: 0x04d0,
0x30E0: 0x04d1,
0x30E1: 0x04d2,
0x30E2: 0x04d3,
0x30E4: 0x04d4,
0x30E6: 0x04d5,
0x30E8: 0x04d6,
0x30E9: 0x04d7,
0x30EA: 0x04d8,
0x30EB: 0x04d9,
0x30EC: 0x04da,
0x30ED: 0x04db,
0x30EF: 0x04dc,
0x30F3: 0x04dd,
0x309B: 0x04de,
0x309C: 0x04df,
0x06F0: 0x10006f0,
0x06F1: 0x10006f1,
0x06F2: 0x10006f2,
0x06F3: 0x10006f3,
0x06F4: 0x10006f4,
0x06F5: 0x10006f5,
0x06F6: 0x10006f6,
0x06F7: 0x10006f7,
0x06F8: 0x10006f8,
0x06F9: 0x10006f9,
0x066A: 0x100066a,
0x0670: 0x1000670,
0x0679: 0x1000679,
0x067E: 0x100067e,
0x0686: 0x1000686,
0x0688: 0x1000688,
0x0691: 0x1000691,
0x060C: 0x05ac,
0x06D4: 0x10006d4,
0x0660: 0x1000660,
0x0661: 0x1000661,
0x0662: 0x1000662,
0x0663: 0x1000663,
0x0664: 0x1000664,
0x0665: 0x1000665,
0x0666: 0x1000666,
0x0667: 0x1000667,
0x0668: 0x1000668,
0x0669: 0x1000669,
0x061B: 0x05bb,
0x061F: 0x05bf,
0x0621: 0x05c1,
0x0622: 0x05c2,
0x0623: 0x05c3,
0x0624: 0x05c4,
0x0625: 0x05c5,
0x0626: 0x05c6,
0x0627: 0x05c7,
0x0628: 0x05c8,
0x0629: 0x05c9,
0x062A: 0x05ca,
0x062B: 0x05cb,
0x062C: 0x05cc,
0x062D: 0x05cd,
0x062E: 0x05ce,
0x062F: 0x05cf,
0x0630: 0x05d0,
0x0631: 0x05d1,
0x0632: 0x05d2,
0x0633: 0x05d3,
0x0634: 0x05d4,
0x0635: 0x05d5,
0x0636: 0x05d6,
0x0637: 0x05d7,
0x0638: 0x05d8,
0x0639: 0x05d9,
0x063A: 0x05da,
0x0640: 0x05e0,
0x0641: 0x05e1,
0x0642: 0x05e2,
0x0643: 0x05e3,
0x0644: 0x05e4,
0x0645: 0x05e5,
0x0646: 0x05e6,
0x0647: 0x05e7,
0x0648: 0x05e8,
0x0649: 0x05e9,
0x064A: 0x05ea,
0x064B: 0x05eb,
0x064C: 0x05ec,
0x064D: 0x05ed,
0x064E: 0x05ee,
0x064F: 0x05ef,
0x0650: 0x05f0,
0x0651: 0x05f1,
0x0652: 0x05f2,
0x0653: 0x1000653,
0x0654: 0x1000654,
0x0655: 0x1000655,
0x0698: 0x1000698,
0x06A4: 0x10006a4,
0x06A9: 0x10006a9,
0x06AF: 0x10006af,
0x06BA: 0x10006ba,
0x06BE: 0x10006be,
0x06CC: 0x10006cc,
0x06D2: 0x10006d2,
0x06C1: 0x10006c1,
0x0492: 0x1000492,
0x0493: 0x1000493,
0x0496: 0x1000496,
0x0497: 0x1000497,
0x049A: 0x100049a,
0x049B: 0x100049b,
0x049C: 0x100049c,
0x049D: 0x100049d,
0x04A2: 0x10004a2,
0x04A3: 0x10004a3,
0x04AE: 0x10004ae,
0x04AF: 0x10004af,
0x04B0: 0x10004b0,
0x04B1: 0x10004b1,
0x04B2: 0x10004b2,
0x04B3: 0x10004b3,
0x04B6: 0x10004b6,
0x04B7: 0x10004b7,
0x04B8: 0x10004b8,
0x04B9: 0x10004b9,
0x04BA: 0x10004ba,
0x04BB: 0x10004bb,
0x04D8: 0x10004d8,
0x04D9: 0x10004d9,
0x04E2: 0x10004e2,
0x04E3: 0x10004e3,
0x04E8: 0x10004e8,
0x04E9: 0x10004e9,
0x04EE: 0x10004ee,
0x04EF: 0x10004ef,
0x0452: 0x06a1,
0x0453: 0x06a2,
0x0451: 0x06a3,
0x0454: 0x06a4,
0x0455: 0x06a5,
0x0456: 0x06a6,
0x0457: 0x06a7,
0x0458: 0x06a8,
0x0459: 0x06a9,
0x045A: 0x06aa,
0x045B: 0x06ab,
0x045C: 0x06ac,
0x0491: 0x06ad,
0x045E: 0x06ae,
0x045F: 0x06af,
0x2116: 0x06b0,
0x0402: 0x06b1,
0x0403: 0x06b2,
0x0401: 0x06b3,
0x0404: 0x06b4,
0x0405: 0x06b5,
0x0406: 0x06b6,
0x0407: 0x06b7,
0x0408: 0x06b8,
0x0409: 0x06b9,
0x040A: 0x06ba,
0x040B: 0x06bb,
0x040C: 0x06bc,
0x0490: 0x06bd,
0x040E: 0x06be,
0x040F: 0x06bf,
0x044E: 0x06c0,
0x0430: 0x06c1,
0x0431: 0x06c2,
0x0446: 0x06c3,
0x0434: 0x06c4,
0x0435: 0x06c5,
0x0444: 0x06c6,
0x0433: 0x06c7,
0x0445: 0x06c8,
0x0438: 0x06c9,
0x0439: 0x06ca,
0x043A: 0x06cb,
0x043B: 0x06cc,
0x043C: 0x06cd,
0x043D: 0x06ce,
0x043E: 0x06cf,
0x043F: 0x06d0,
0x044F: 0x06d1,
0x0440: 0x06d2,
0x0441: 0x06d3,
0x0442: 0x06d4,
0x0443: 0x06d5,
0x0436: 0x06d6,
0x0432: 0x06d7,
0x044C: 0x06d8,
0x044B: 0x06d9,
0x0437: 0x06da,
0x0448: 0x06db,
0x044D: 0x06dc,
0x0449: 0x06dd,
0x0447: 0x06de,
0x044A: 0x06df,
0x042E: 0x06e0,
0x0410: 0x06e1,
0x0411: 0x06e2,
0x0426: 0x06e3,
0x0414: 0x06e4,
0x0415: 0x06e5,
0x0424: 0x06e6,
0x0413: 0x06e7,
0x0425: 0x06e8,
0x0418: 0x06e9,
0x0419: 0x06ea,
0x041A: 0x06eb,
0x041B: 0x06ec,
0x041C: 0x06ed,
0x041D: 0x06ee,
0x041E: 0x06ef,
0x041F: 0x06f0,
0x042F: 0x06f1,
0x0420: 0x06f2,
0x0421: 0x06f3,
0x0422: 0x06f4,
0x0423: 0x06f5,
0x0416: 0x06f6,
0x0412: 0x06f7,
0x042C: 0x06f8,
0x042B: 0x06f9,
0x0417: 0x06fa,
0x0428: 0x06fb,
0x042D: 0x06fc,
0x0429: 0x06fd,
0x0427: 0x06fe,
0x042A: 0x06ff,
0x0386: 0x07a1,
0x0388: 0x07a2,
0x0389: 0x07a3,
0x038A: 0x07a4,
0x03AA: 0x07a5,
0x038C: 0x07a7,
0x038E: 0x07a8,
0x03AB: 0x07a9,
0x038F: 0x07ab,
0x0385: 0x07ae,
0x2015: 0x07af,
0x03AC: 0x07b1,
0x03AD: 0x07b2,
0x03AE: 0x07b3,
0x03AF: 0x07b4,
0x03CA: 0x07b5,
0x0390: 0x07b6,
0x03CC: 0x07b7,
0x03CD: 0x07b8,
0x03CB: 0x07b9,
0x03B0: 0x07ba,
0x03CE: 0x07bb,
0x0391: 0x07c1,
0x0392: 0x07c2,
0x0393: 0x07c3,
0x0394: 0x07c4,
0x0395: 0x07c5,
0x0396: 0x07c6,
0x0397: 0x07c7,
0x0398: 0x07c8,
0x0399: 0x07c9,
0x039A: 0x07ca,
0x039B: 0x07cb,
0x039C: 0x07cc,
0x039D: 0x07cd,
0x039E: 0x07ce,
0x039F: 0x07cf,
0x03A0: 0x07d0,
0x03A1: 0x07d1,
0x03A3: 0x07d2,
0x03A4: 0x07d4,
0x03A5: 0x07d5,
0x03A6: 0x07d6,
0x03A7: 0x07d7,
0x03A8: 0x07d8,
0x03A9: 0x07d9,
0x03B1: 0x07e1,
0x03B2: 0x07e2,
0x03B3: 0x07e3,
0x03B4: 0x07e4,
0x03B5: 0x07e5,
0x03B6: 0x07e6,
0x03B7: 0x07e7,
0x03B8: 0x07e8,
0x03B9: 0x07e9,
0x03BA: 0x07ea,
0x03BB: 0x07eb,
0x03BC: 0x07ec,
0x03BD: 0x07ed,
0x03BE: 0x07ee,
0x03BF: 0x07ef,
0x03C0: 0x07f0,
0x03C1: 0x07f1,
0x03C3: 0x07f2,
0x03C2: 0x07f3,
0x03C4: 0x07f4,
0x03C5: 0x07f5,
0x03C6: 0x07f6,
0x03C7: 0x07f7,
0x03C8: 0x07f8,
0x03C9: 0x07f9,
0x23B7: 0x08a1,
0x2320: 0x08a4,
0x2321: 0x08a5,
0x23A1: 0x08a7,
0x23A3: 0x08a8,
0x23A4: 0x08a9,
0x23A6: 0x08aa,
0x239B: 0x08ab,
0x239D: 0x08ac,
0x239E: 0x08ad,
0x23A0: 0x08ae,
0x23A8: 0x08af,
0x23AC: 0x08b0,
0x2264: 0x08bc,
0x2260: 0x08bd,
0x2265: 0x08be,
0x222B: 0x08bf,
0x2234: 0x08c0,
0x221D: 0x08c1,
0x221E: 0x08c2,
0x2207: 0x08c5,
0x223C: 0x08c8,
0x2243: 0x08c9,
0x21D4: 0x08cd,
0x21D2: 0x08ce,
0x2261: 0x08cf,
0x221A: 0x08d6,
0x2282: 0x08da,
0x2283: 0x08db,
0x2229: 0x08dc,
0x222A: 0x08dd,
0x2227: 0x08de,
0x2228: 0x08df,
0x2202: 0x08ef,
0x0192: 0x08f6,
0x2190: 0x08fb,
0x2191: 0x08fc,
0x2192: 0x08fd,
0x2193: 0x08fe,
0x25C6: 0x09e0,
0x2592: 0x09e1,
0x2409: 0x09e2,
0x240C: 0x09e3,
0x240D: 0x09e4,
0x240A: 0x09e5,
0x2424: 0x09e8,
0x240B: 0x09e9,
0x2518: 0x09ea,
0x2510: 0x09eb,
0x250C: 0x09ec,
0x2514: 0x09ed,
0x253C: 0x09ee,
0x23BA: 0x09ef,
0x23BB: 0x09f0,
0x2500: 0x09f1,
0x23BC: 0x09f2,
0x23BD: 0x09f3,
0x251C: 0x09f4,
0x2524: 0x09f5,
0x2534: 0x09f6,
0x252C: 0x09f7,
0x2502: 0x09f8,
0x2003: 0x0aa1,
0x2002: 0x0aa2,
0x2004: 0x0aa3,
0x2005: 0x0aa4,
0x2007: 0x0aa5,
0x2008: 0x0aa6,
0x2009: 0x0aa7,
0x200A: 0x0aa8,
0x2014: 0x0aa9,
0x2013: 0x0aaa,
0x2026: 0x0aae,
0x2025: 0x0aaf,
0x2153: 0x0ab0,
0x2154: 0x0ab1,
0x2155: 0x0ab2,
0x2156: 0x0ab3,
0x2157: 0x0ab4,
0x2158: 0x0ab5,
0x2159: 0x0ab6,
0x215A: 0x0ab7,
0x2105: 0x0ab8,
0x2012: 0x0abb,
0x215B: 0x0ac3,
0x215C: 0x0ac4,
0x215D: 0x0ac5,
0x215E: 0x0ac6,
0x2122: 0x0ac9,
0x2018: 0x0ad0,
0x2019: 0x0ad1,
0x201C: 0x0ad2,
0x201D: 0x0ad3,
0x211E: 0x0ad4,
0x2032: 0x0ad6,
0x2033: 0x0ad7,
0x271D: 0x0ad9,
0x2663: 0x0aec,
0x2666: 0x0aed,
0x2665: 0x0aee,
0x2720: 0x0af0,
0x2020: 0x0af1,
0x2021: 0x0af2,
0x2713: 0x0af3,
0x2717: 0x0af4,
0x266F: 0x0af5,
0x266D: 0x0af6,
0x2642: 0x0af7,
0x2640: 0x0af8,
0x260E: 0x0af9,
0x2315: 0x0afa,
0x2117: 0x0afb,
0x2038: 0x0afc,
0x201A: 0x0afd,
0x201E: 0x0afe,
0x22A4: 0x0bc2,
0x230A: 0x0bc4,
0x2218: 0x0bca,
0x2395: 0x0bcc,
0x22A5: 0x0bce,
0x25CB: 0x0bcf,
0x2308: 0x0bd3,
0x22A3: 0x0bdc,
0x22A2: 0x0bfc,
0x2017: 0x0cdf,
0x05D0: 0x0ce0,
0x05D1: 0x0ce1,
0x05D2: 0x0ce2,
0x05D3: 0x0ce3,
0x05D4: 0x0ce4,
0x05D5: 0x0ce5,
0x05D6: 0x0ce6,
0x05D7: 0x0ce7,
0x05D8: 0x0ce8,
0x05D9: 0x0ce9,
0x05DA: 0x0cea,
0x05DB: 0x0ceb,
0x05DC: 0x0cec,
0x05DD: 0x0ced,
0x05DE: 0x0cee,
0x05DF: 0x0cef,
0x05E0: 0x0cf0,
0x05E1: 0x0cf1,
0x05E2: 0x0cf2,
0x05E3: 0x0cf3,
0x05E4: 0x0cf4,
0x05E5: 0x0cf5,
0x05E6: 0x0cf6,
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0x05E9: 0x0cf9,
0x05EA: 0x0cfa,
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0x0E0A: 0x0daa,
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0x0E0D: 0x0dad,
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0x0E10: 0x0db0,
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0x0E1C: 0x0dbc,
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0x0E3A: 0x0dda,
0x0E3F: 0x0ddf,
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0x0E4B: 0x0deb,
0x0E4C: 0x0dec,
0x0E4D: 0x0ded,
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0x0556: 0x1000556,
0x0586: 0x1000586,
0x055A: 0x100055a,
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0x01D2: 0x10001d1,
0x019F: 0x100019f,
0x1E8B: 0x1001e8b,
0x012D: 0x100012d,
0x01B6: 0x10001b6,
0x01E7: 0x10001e7,
0x01D2: 0x10001d2,
0x0275: 0x1000275,
0x018F: 0x100018f,
0x0259: 0x1000259,
0x1E36: 0x1001e36,
0x1E37: 0x1001e37,
0x1EA0: 0x1001ea0,
0x1EA1: 0x1001ea1,
0x1EA2: 0x1001ea2,
0x1EA3: 0x1001ea3,
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0x1EAC: 0x1001eac,
0x1EAD: 0x1001ead,
0x1EAE: 0x1001eae,
0x1EAF: 0x1001eaf,
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0x1EB1: 0x1001eb1,
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0x1ECA: 0x1001eca,
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0x1ECC: 0x1001ecc,
0x1ECD: 0x1001ecd,
0x1ECE: 0x1001ece,
0x1ECF: 0x1001ecf,
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0x1EDA: 0x1001eda,
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0x1EDF: 0x1001edf,
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0x1EEA: 0x1001eea,
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0x1EED: 0x1001eed,
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0x1EEF: 0x1001eef,
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0x1EF1: 0x1001ef1,
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0x1EF9: 0x1001ef9,
0x01A0: 0x10001a0,
0x01A1: 0x10001a1,
0x01AF: 0x10001af,
0x01B0: 0x10001b0,
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0x28ed: 0x10028ed,
0x28ee: 0x10028ee,
0x28ef: 0x10028ef,
0x28f0: 0x10028f0,
0x28f1: 0x10028f1,
0x28f2: 0x10028f2,
0x28f3: 0x10028f3,
0x28f4: 0x10028f4,
0x28f5: 0x10028f5,
0x28f6: 0x10028f6,
0x28f7: 0x10028f7,
0x28f8: 0x10028f8,
0x28f9: 0x10028f9,
0x28fa: 0x10028fa,
0x28fb: 0x10028fb,
0x28fc: 0x10028fc,
0x28fd: 0x10028fd,
0x28fe: 0x10028fe,
0x28ff: 0x10028ff
var ON_KEYDOWN = 1 << 0; /* Report on keydown, otherwise wait until keypress */
var specialKeyTable = {
// These generate a keyDown and keyPress in Firefox and Opera
13: [0xFF0D, ON_KEYDOWN], // ENTER
// This generates a keyDown and keyPress in Opera
9: [0xFF09, ON_KEYDOWN], // TAB
27: 0xFF1B, // ESCAPE
46: 0xFFFF, // DELETE
36: 0xFF50, // HOME
35: 0xFF57, // END
33: 0xFF55, // PAGE_UP
34: 0xFF56, // PAGE_DOWN
45: 0xFF63, // INSERT
37: 0xFF51, // LEFT
38: 0xFF52, // UP
39: 0xFF53, // RIGHT
40: 0xFF54, // DOWN
16: 0xFFE1, // SHIFT
17: 0xFFE3, // CONTROL
18: 0xFFE9, // Left ALT (Mac Command)
112: 0xFFBE, // F1
113: 0xFFBF, // F2
114: 0xFFC0, // F3
115: 0xFFC1, // F4
116: 0xFFC2, // F5
117: 0xFFC3, // F6
118: 0xFFC4, // F7
119: 0xFFC5, // F8
120: 0xFFC6, // F9
121: 0xFFC7, // F10
122: 0xFFC8, // F11
123: 0xFFC9 // F12
function getEventKeySym(ev) {
if (typeof ev.which !== "undefined" && ev.which > 0)
return ev.which;
return ev.keyCode;
// This is based on the approach from noVNC. We handle
// everything in keydown that we have all info for, and that
// are not safe to pass on to the browser (as it may do something
// with the key. The rest we pass on to keypress so we can get the
// translated keysym.
function getKeysymSpecial(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode in specialKeyTable) {
var r = specialKeyTable[ev.keyCode];
var flags = 0;
if (typeof r != 'number') {
flags = r[1];
r = r[0];
if (ev.type === 'keydown' || flags & ON_KEYDOWN)
return r;
// If we don't hold alt or ctrl, then we should be safe to pass
// on to keypressed and look at the translated data
if (!ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey)
return null;
var keysym = getEventKeySym(ev);
/* Remap symbols */
switch (keysym) {
case 186 : keysym = 59; break; // ; (IE)
case 187 : keysym = 61; break; // = (IE)
case 188 : keysym = 44; break; // , (Mozilla, IE)
case 109 : // - (Mozilla, Opera)
if (true /* TODO: check if browser is firefox or opera */)
keysym = 45;
case 189 : keysym = 45; break; // - (IE)
case 190 : keysym = 46; break; // . (Mozilla, IE)
case 191 : keysym = 47; break; // / (Mozilla, IE)
case 192 : keysym = 96; break; // ` (Mozilla, IE)
case 219 : keysym = 91; break; // [ (Mozilla, IE)
case 220 : keysym = 92; break; // \ (Mozilla, IE)
case 221 : keysym = 93; break; // ] (Mozilla, IE)
case 222 : keysym = 39; break; // ' (Mozilla, IE)
/* Remap shifted and unshifted keys */
if (!!ev.shiftKey) {
switch (keysym) {
case 48 : keysym = 41 ; break; // ) (shifted 0)
case 49 : keysym = 33 ; break; // ! (shifted 1)
case 50 : keysym = 64 ; break; // @ (shifted 2)
case 51 : keysym = 35 ; break; // # (shifted 3)
case 52 : keysym = 36 ; break; // $ (shifted 4)
case 53 : keysym = 37 ; break; // % (shifted 5)
case 54 : keysym = 94 ; break; // ^ (shifted 6)
case 55 : keysym = 38 ; break; // & (shifted 7)
case 56 : keysym = 42 ; break; // * (shifted 8)
case 57 : keysym = 40 ; break; // ( (shifted 9)
case 59 : keysym = 58 ; break; // : (shifted `)
case 61 : keysym = 43 ; break; // + (shifted ;)
case 44 : keysym = 60 ; break; // < (shifted ,)
case 45 : keysym = 95 ; break; // _ (shifted -)
case 46 : keysym = 62 ; break; // > (shifted .)
case 47 : keysym = 63 ; break; // ? (shifted /)
case 96 : keysym = 126; break; // ~ (shifted `)
case 91 : keysym = 123; break; // { (shifted [)
case 92 : keysym = 124; break; // | (shifted \)
case 93 : keysym = 125; break; // } (shifted ])
case 39 : keysym = 34 ; break; // " (shifted ')
} else if ((keysym >= 65) && (keysym <=90)) {
/* Remap unshifted A-Z */
keysym += 32;
} else if (ev.keyLocation === 3) {
// numpad keys
switch (keysym) {
case 96 : keysym = 48; break; // 0
case 97 : keysym = 49; break; // 1
case 98 : keysym = 50; break; // 2
case 99 : keysym = 51; break; // 3
case 100: keysym = 52; break; // 4
case 101: keysym = 53; break; // 5
case 102: keysym = 54; break; // 6
case 103: keysym = 55; break; // 7
case 104: keysym = 56; break; // 8
case 105: keysym = 57; break; // 9
case 109: keysym = 45; break; // -
case 110: keysym = 46; break; // .
case 111: keysym = 47; break; // /
return keysym;
/* Translate DOM keyPress event to keysym value */
function getKeysym(ev) {
var keysym, msg;
keysym = getEventKeySym(ev);
if ((keysym > 255) && (keysym < 0xFF00)) {
// Map Unicode outside Latin 1 to gdk keysyms
keysym = unicodeTable[keysym];
if (typeof keysym === 'undefined')
keysym = 0;
return keysym;
function copyKeyEvent(ev) {
var members = ['type', 'keyCode', 'charCode', 'which',
'altKey', 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey',
'keyLocation', 'keyIdentifier'], i, obj = {};
for (i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
if (typeof ev[members[i]] !== "undefined")
obj[members[i]] = ev[members[i]];
return obj;
function pushKeyEvent(fev) {
function getKeyEvent(keyCode, pop) {
var i, fev = null;
for (i = keyDownList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (keyDownList[i].keyCode === keyCode) {
if ((typeof pop !== "undefined") && pop)
fev = keyDownList.splice(i, 1)[0];
fev = keyDownList[i];
return fev;
function ignoreKeyEvent(ev) {
// Blarg. Some keys have a different keyCode on keyDown vs keyUp
if (ev.keyCode === 229) {
// French AZERTY keyboard dead key.
// Lame thing is that the respective keyUp is 219 so we can't
// properly ignore the keyUp event
return true;
return false;
function handleKeyDown(e) {
var fev = null, ev = (e ? e : window.event), keysym = null, suppress = false;
fev = copyKeyEvent(ev);
keysym = getKeysymSpecial(ev);
// Save keysym decoding for use in keyUp
fev.keysym = keysym;
if (keysym) {
// If it is a key or key combination that might trigger
// browser behaviors or it has no corresponding keyPress
// event, then send it immediately
if (!ignoreKeyEvent(ev))
sendInput("k", [realWindowWithMouse, keysym, lastState]);
suppress = true;
if (! ignoreKeyEvent(ev)) {
// Add it to the list of depressed keys
if (suppress) {
// Suppress bubbling/default actions
return cancelEvent(ev);
// Allow the event to bubble and become a keyPress event which
// will have the character code translated
return true;
function handleKeyPress(e) {
var ev = (e ? e : window.event), kdlen = keyDownList.length, keysym = null;
if (((ev.which !== "undefined") && (ev.which === 0)) ||
getKeysymSpecial(ev)) {
// Firefox and Opera generate a keyPress event even if keyDown
// is suppressed. But the keys we want to suppress will have
// either:
// - the which attribute set to 0
// - getKeysymSpecial() will identify it
return cancelEvent(ev);
keysym = getKeysym(ev);
// Modify the the which attribute in the depressed keys list so
// that the keyUp event will be able to have the character code
// translation available.
if (kdlen > 0) {
keyDownList[kdlen-1].keysym = keysym;
} else {
//log("keyDownList empty when keyPress triggered");
// Send the translated keysym
if (keysym > 0)
sendInput ("k", [realWindowWithMouse, keysym, lastState]);
// Stop keypress events just in case
return cancelEvent(ev);
function handleKeyUp(e) {
var fev = null, ev = (e ? e : window.event), i, keysym;
fev = getKeyEvent(ev.keyCode, true);
if (fev)
keysym = fev.keysym;
else {
//log("Key event (keyCode = " + ev.keyCode + ") not found on keyDownList");
keysym = 0;
if (keysym > 0)
sendInput ("K", [realWindowWithMouse, keysym, lastState]);
return cancelEvent(ev);
function onKeyDown (ev) {
if (localGrab)
return cancelEvent(ev);
return handleKeyDown(ev);
function onKeyPress(ev) {
if (localGrab)
return cancelEvent(ev);
return handleKeyPress(ev);
function onKeyUp (ev) {
if (localGrab)
return cancelEvent(ev);
return handleKeyUp(ev);
function cancelEvent(ev)
ev = ev ? ev : window.event;
if (ev.stopPropagation)
if (ev.preventDefault)
ev.cancelBubble = true;
ev.cancel = true;
ev.returnValue = false;
return false;
function onMouseWheel(ev)
if (localGrab)
return false;
ev = ev ? ev : window.event;
var id = getSurfaceId(ev);
var pos = getPositionsFromEvent(ev, id);
var offset = ev.detail ? ev.detail : ev.wheelDelta;
var dir = 0;
if (offset > 0)
dir = 1;
sendInput ("s", [realWindowWithMouse, id, pos.rootX, pos.rootY, pos.winX, pos.winY, lastState, dir]);
return cancelEvent(ev);
function setupDocument(document)
document.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; };
document.onmousemove = onMouseMove;
document.onmouseover = onMouseOver;
document.onmouseout = onMouseOut;
document.onmousedown = onMouseDown;
document.onmouseup = onMouseUp;
document.onkeydown = onKeyDown;
document.onkeypress = onKeyPress;
document.onkeyup = onKeyUp;
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener('mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent("onmousewheel", onMouseWheel);
function newWS(loc) {
var ws = null;
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
ws = new WebSocket(loc, "broadway");
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) { // Firefox 6
ws = new MozWebSocket(loc);
} else {
alert("WebSocket not supported, broadway will not work!");
return ws;
function connect()
var url = window.location.toString();
var query_string = url.split("?");
if (query_string.length > 1) {
var params = query_string[1].split("&");
var loc = window.location.toString().replace("http:", "ws:");
loc = loc.substr(0, loc.lastIndexOf('/')) + "/socket";
var supports_binary = newWS (loc + "-test").binaryType == "blob";
if (supports_binary) {
ws = newWS (loc + "-bin");
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
} else {
ws = newWS (loc);
ws.onopen = function() {
inputSocket = ws;
var w, h;
w = window.innerWidth;
h = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = function(ev) {
var w, h;
w = window.innerWidth;
h = window.innerHeight;
sendInput ("d", [w, h]);
sendInput ("d", [w, h]);
ws.onclose = function() {
inputSocket = null;
ws.onmessage = function(event) {