Matthias Clasen 691261c71a gtk-demo: Support keywords for search
Filter the sidebar on keywords that can be provided
by the demos. We extract keywords from the doc comment
at the top of each demo source by looking for words that
look like class names. We also allow to specify keywords
2020-09-13 15:00:14 -04:00

128 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import re
import os
from collections import *
def add_quotes(s):
return "\"" + s.lower() + "\""
def wordify(s):
return s.strip().rstrip(".,;:")
def is_keyword(s):
if s == "GTK":
return False
elif s.startswith(("Gtk", "Gdk", "Pango")):
return True
elif s.startswith("G") and s[1].isupper():
return True
return False
out_file = sys.argv[1]
in_files = sys.argv[2:]
file_output = """
typedef GtkWidget *(*GDoDemoFunc) (GtkWidget *do_widget);
typedef struct _DemoData DemoData;
struct _DemoData
const char *name;
const char *title;
const char **keywords;
const char *filename;
GDoDemoFunc func;
DemoData *children;
# Demo = namedtuple('Demo', ['name', 'title', 'keywords', 'file', 'func'])
demos = []
for demo_file in in_files:
filename = demo_file[demo_file.rfind('/')+1:]
demo_name = filename.replace(".c", "")
with open(demo_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
title = f.readline().replace("/*", "").strip()
keywords = set()
line = f.readline().strip();
while not line.endswith('*/'):
if line.startswith("* #Keywords:"):
keywords = keywords.union(set(map(wordify, line.replace ("* #Keywords:", "").strip().split(","))))
keywords = keywords.union(set(filter(is_keyword, map(wordify, line.replace ("* ", "").split()))))
line = f.readline().strip()
file_output += "GtkWidget *do_" + demo_name + " (GtkWidget *do_widget);\n"
demos.append((demo_name, title, keywords, filename, "do_" + demo_name, -1))
# Generate a List of "Parent names"
parents = []
parent_ids = []
parent_index = 0
for demo in demos:
if "/" in demo[1]:
slash_index = demo[1].index('/')
parent_name = demo[1][:slash_index]
do_break = False
# Check for duplicates
if not parent_name in parents:
demos.append(("NULL", parent_name, set(), "NULL", "NULL", parent_index))
parent_index = parent_index + 1
# For every child with a parent, generate a list of child demos
i = 0
for parent in parents:
id = parent_ids[i]
file_output += "\nDemoData child" + str(id) + "[] = {\n"
# iterate over all demos and check if the name starts with the given parent name
for child in demos:
if child[1].startswith(parent + "/"):
title = child[1][child[1].rfind('/') + 1:]
file_output += " { \"" + child[0] + "\", \"" + title + "\", " + "(const char*[]) {" + ", ".join(list(map(add_quotes, child[2])) + ["NULL"]) + " }, \"" + child[3] + "\", " + child[4] + ", NULL },\n"
file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n"
i = i + 1
# Sort demos by title
demos = sorted(demos, key=lambda x: x[1])
file_output += "\nDemoData gtk_demos[] = {\n"
for demo in demos:
# Do not generate one of these for demos with a parent demo
if "/" not in demo[1]:
child_array = "NULL"
name = demo[0]
title = demo[1]
keywords = demo[2]
file = demo[3]
if name != "NULL":
name = "\"" + name + "\""
if title != "NULL":
title = "\"" + title + "\""
if file != "NULL":
file = "\"" + file + "\""
if demo[5] != -1:
child_array = "child" + str(demo[5])
file_output += " { " + name + ", " + title + ", " + "(const char*[]) {" + ", ".join(list(map(add_quotes, keywords)) + ["NULL"]) + " }, " + file + ", " + demo[4] + ", " + child_array + " },\n"
file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n"
ofile = open(out_file, "w")