Timm Bäder d5bf3c2cd1 gl renderer: Improve clipping code
don't render a clip to a texture if the new clip does not intersect with
any of the corners of the currently rounded clip.

Fixes #2770
2020-05-24 15:59:05 +02:00

215 lines
5.5 KiB

testexecdir = join_paths(installed_test_bindir, 'gsk')
testdatadir = join_paths(installed_test_datadir, 'gsk')
compare_render = executable(
['compare-render.c', 'reftest-compare.c'],
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir
node_parser = executable(
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
c_args: common_cflags,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir
compare_render_tests = [
# these are too sensitive to differences in the renderers
# to run in ci, but still useful to keep around
informative_render_tests = [
renderers = [
# name exclude term
[ 'opengl', '' ],
[ 'broadway', '-3d' ],
[ 'cairo', '-3d' ],
foreach renderer : renderers
foreach test : compare_render_tests
if (renderer[1] == '' or not test.contains(renderer[1]))
test(renderer[0] + ' ' + test, compare_render,
args: ['--output', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'compare', renderer[0]),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', test + '.node'),
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'compare', test + '.png')],
env: [
'GSK_RENDERER=' + renderer[0],
suite: [ 'gsk', 'gsk-compare', 'gsk-' + renderer[0], 'gsk-compare-' + renderer[0] ])
node_parser_tests = [
foreach test : node_parser_tests
if test.endswith('.node') and not test.endswith('.ref.node')
test('parser ' + test, node_parser,
args: [ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'nodeparser', test)
env: [
suite: 'gsk')
tests = [
test_cargs = []
foreach t : tests
test_name = t.get(0)
test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
test_extra_cargs = t.get(2, [])
test_extra_ldflags = t.get(3, [])
test_exe = executable(test_name, test_srcs,
c_args : test_cargs + test_extra_cargs + common_cflags,
link_args : test_extra_ldflags,
dependencies : libgtk_dep,
install: get_option('install-tests'),
install_dir: testexecdir)
test(test_name, test_exe,
args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
protocol: 'tap',
env: [
suite: 'gsk')